when will paladins get 2000 range end chant? or atleast 1500? (art inside!)


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
Digi said:
Ok back to end Range let say make it the same as shaman . Now let look at Role's of the 2 classers pally is end bg and if all is going well assist with ma. shaman is End & interupting now both get killed when pally get rez he/she can go right back to bg giveing End as the same time. Shaman get Rez she/he got to buff him/her self any other that need spec's and end so one job he not doing is interupting when he is buffing.Never going to be easy to fix some thing that so fucked. Im not saying as it is at the mo it's Right but come on guys if it is that easy to get right it would have been done by now. Then shaman start to whine about haveing to buff end in combat when the other two realms can give end to all the group under 2 sec (iF the bard not a gimp) So what do we do :(
i agree, they should give thanes an end chant and remove shamen end buff imo :)


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 8, 2004
rure said:
You are so biased I lose hope about mankind and lose the will to live at the same time. A wild guess, you are a mid? :p
Guess you are a whining alb that want ALL the best toys??
rure said:
I just cant be arsed. I am sorry, you are just too stupid and too naive. Sorry.
So he has a good point and you quit the discussion?? Thumbs up.

rure said:
I cba to discuss the balance issues in the game with you. Fact still stands that paladin end range is too inferior compared to the other realms.
True, BUT if you put it into perspective then false.
Its not as simple as you want it to be.


FH is my second home
Dec 28, 2003
mythics answer to this is that shamans and bards stand at the back so need increased radius whilst pallies are always "in the thick of the action" so need less of a radius.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 22, 2004
Kathal said:
Guess you are a whining alb that want ALL the best toys??
Yes increasing end range to 1.5k would give alb ALL the best toys.


Part of the furniture
Jan 23, 2004
rure said:
Yes increasing end range to 1.5k would give alb ALL the best toys.

good so when do we get our 2nd pbaoe class? I assume it will come with instas and NS and grp heal and bolts.......


FH is my second home
Jan 25, 2004
Raven said:
i agree, they should give thanes an end chant and remove shamen end buff imo :)

such good idea. lets keep it at 1000 range for a month so they can see how über it is :cheers:


Part of the furniture
Jan 21, 2004
Raven said:
i agree, they should give thanes an end chant and remove shamen end buff imo :)

indeed and they should take end away from bard and give to hmmm a strange specced mentalist or a valewalker.


Fledgling Freddie
May 19, 2004
Calaclya said:
good so when do we get our 2nd pbaoe class? I assume it will come with instas and NS and grp heal and bolts.......
necro :m00:


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 24, 2004
Calaclya said:
good so when do we get our 2nd pbaoe class? I assume it will come with instas and NS and grp heal and bolts.......

crouching alb hidden warlock-whine!


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 24, 2004
Digi said:
Ok back to end Range let say make it the same as shaman . Now let look at Role's of the 2 classers pally is end bg and if all is going well assist with ma. shaman is End & interupting now both get killed when pally get rez he/she can go right back to bg giveing End as the same time. Shaman get Rez she/he got to buff him/her self any other that need spec's and end so one job he not doing is interupting when he is buffing.Never going to be easy to fix some thing that so fucked. Im not saying as it is at the mo it's Right but come on guys if it is that easy to get right it would have been done by now. Then shaman start to whine about haveing to buff end in combat when the other two realms can give end to all the group under 2 sec (iF the bard not a gimp) So what do we do :(

On a side note, dont most buff with BBs? And only use ingroup buffers for backup?
Also if the Pally BGs as you assume he will be near caster/cleric and also be out of range of tank train = useless endchant. But lets say no BBs, if shaman dies they loose end(and every other buff and can loose fast at that point anyway) but a BGing pallys end is useless alive or death.

I think Mythic tried to give all pretty much the same tools in different ways and they did a pretty good job at it. Its not like we want 3 realms with the exact same classes and abilities anyway.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 9, 2004
ifs mids can have BL bonedancer as a new class and BL warlock as a new class, i really cant see why they cant revamp some of the older classes...............................:(


Fledgling Freddie
May 18, 2004
Theortically speaking, a bard does not get uber-uber-easy-mode as some of you seem to think.

If a bard has to open up with a castable mezz then his chances of gettin end up rly are small. Charge3 tanks will be on him like a bat out of water and generally with an assist train on you you will not get end song on unless you moc.

Secondly, a gd bard will not be supplying end to a grp 24/7 since often the bard will need to sprint away after winning the opening mezz so the assist train won't be on him so quickly.

But ye, 1000 range sucks. Make it 1500 or simply run with a 2h/slam paladin in an assist train.


Jun 9, 2005
Bugz said:
Theortically speaking, a bard does not get uber-uber-easy-mode as some of you seem to think.

If a bard has to open up with a castable mezz then his chances of gettin end up rly are small. Charge3 tanks will be on him like a bat out of water and generally with an assist train on you you will not get end song on unless you moc.

Secondly, a gd bard will not be supplying end to a grp 24/7 since often the bard will need to sprint away after winning the opening mezz so the assist train won't be on him so quickly.

But ye, 1000 range sucks. Make it 1500 or simply run with a 2h/slam paladin in an assist train.

2 bards <3


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 30, 2004
Baldrian said:
On a side note, dont most buff with BBs? And only use ingroup buffers for backup?
Also if the Pally BGs as you assume he will be near caster/cleric and also be out of range of tank train = useless endchant. But lets say no BBs, if shaman dies they loose end(and every other buff and can loose fast at that point anyway) but a BGing pallys end is useless alive or death.

I think Mythic tried to give all pretty much the same tools in different ways and they did a pretty good job at it. Its not like we want 3 realms with the exact same classes and abilities anyway.

I did say let make pally end range the same as shaman then the rest was what if.


Part of the furniture
Dec 24, 2003
Well some indirect Albion love with the new barrels and bottles. Mercs will have end3-barrels and endreplenish-barrels in their inventory.

Why bring the tin-can if you can bring your own end-can in your inventory !

(this is ironic btw - before peeps go berserk again on 'waaaaaah its only end3 enemies have end 5 waaaaaaaaaaah')


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 9, 2004
Puppet said:
Well some indirect Albion love with the new barrels and bottles. Mercs will have end3-barrels and endreplenish-barrels in their inventory.

Why bring the tin-can if you can bring your own end-can in your inventory !

(this is ironic btw - before peeps go berserk again on 'waaaaaah its only end3 enemies have end 5 waaaaaaaaaaah')

I seem to have missed this one, what barrels are you talking about?
Are they reworking the end pots?
If so are they making em last more then 2 minutes?

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