Lethul said:ofc you dont, your always in the center of it![]()
As if the group wouldn't cry like babies for endurance...
Lethul said:ofc you dont, your always in the center of it![]()
Yeah, but all WLs are still retards IRL, right??Silverblast said:Comon less stereotyping, not all albs zerg; only 90% of them do!
Ofcourse, its 'The Rule' !Kathal said:Yeah, but all WLs are still retards IRL, right??
Puppet said:I'd give up enchanter baseline-light DD for baseline-light lifetap. I'd give up instant-DD for 2,5x specpoints on my nightshade etc etc.
Thing is, not all realms are the same. Some points in Albion are stronger, some are weaker. Same for all realms. I bet friars would give up their group-HoT for group-Celerity etc etc.
Puppet said:I'd give up enchanter baseline-light DD for baseline-light lifetap. I'd give up instant-DD for 2,5x specpoints on my nightshade etc etc.
Thing is, not all realms are the same. Some points in Albion are stronger, some are weaker. Same for all realms. I bet friars would give up their group-HoT for group-Celerity etc etc.
Vermillon said:I would give up anything for Banshee 233 dd base line.
Also would be nice if wizzard could debuff his own dmg.
And it would be great if Theu, Wizz and Cabby had a base line stun.
But all the above dont effect the groups performance, on the other hand endurance can effect the performance of the group. From my experiance the only one that make full use of the endurance it the one that i'm Bodyguarding and the is not alowed to run....
100% of the time alb tanks are fighting too far from the paladin to make use of endurance chant.
Kathal said:Well the chances that it effect 30+ albs if you have a croc ring are really high.
Vermillon said:I would give up anything for Banshee 233 dd base line.
Vodkafairy said:wizards are a lot of fun but quite obsolete in fg rvr, cabalists can do all they can and better - except for bolts. but the way a caster is played matters more than anything - thats why classes considered 'gimp' like wizard and to certain extent chanter (not anymore, but a while ago chanter was out of question for any fotm setup) can be played amazingly well by the right player
Adianna said:Really? That's nice that you're giving up anything just for getting our DD boosted by 10 delve.![]()
Vermillon said:Wizzard, Theurgist, Sorc and Cabbalist best base line damage is 179 DD.
223-179 = 44.
* Wizz and Theu ones dont have a lifetap component.
Also Sorc body spec lvl 45 = 209 dd
Theu Air spec lvl 45 = 209 dd
Wizz fire spec lvl 47 = 219 dd
SO you get for free something that alb casters cant get even if they spent all their spec point for it. I quess thats balance for you?
noaim said:You get lifetap for free though, something hib casters (except animists and *cough* valewalkers *cough*, but shit delve, shit return, low level) can't get even if they spend all their spec points for it. I guess thats balance for you?
I am pretty sure most bainshees would rather have cabby/sorc base lifetap than a higher delve normal nuke.
Vermillon said:Wizzard, Theurgist, Sorc and Cabbalist best base line damage is 179 DD.
223-179 = 44.
* Wizz and Theu ones dont have a lifetap component.
Also Sorc body spec lvl 45 = 209 dd
Theu Air spec lvl 45 = 209 dd
Wizz fire spec lvl 47 = 219 dd
SO you get for free something that alb casters cant get even if they spent all their spec point for it. I quess thats balance for you?
Septina said:Any monkey can press DPS debuff
Sorry, couldnt resist xD
Puppet said:Also saying lifetap vs normal DD isnt 'game breaking' but endurance-range is: Surely if a caster MOC's with lifetap he's tremendously harder to kill then someone who MOC's with a normal DD. Caba vs Chanter, both go MOC, surely the caba wins everytime ?
Puppet said:Explain DD179 baseline lifetap then. Hibs cant even spec for a lifetap at all :O Or the fact in oldschool Mid and Alb had DD219 specnukes, but Hibs DD209.
If DD209 vs DD219 wasnt a big deal (never heard Hibs whine about it much) then surely DD23 vs DD219 aint a big deal either :O
And as said, each realm has its unique thing. Dismissing paladin-endurance as 'entirely useless' is just plain bollocks. It is inferiour to other endurance, yes. Guess what, loads of stuff in all three realms is inferiour to others abilities.
Also saying lifetap vs normal DD isnt 'game breaking' but endurance-range is: Surely if a caster MOC's with lifetap he's tremendously harder to kill then someone who MOC's with a normal DD. Caba vs Chanter, both go MOC, surely the caba wins everytime ? Also dont forget that lifetaps have a hidden 5% extra DPS next to their faster casting-times generally.
Vodkafairy said:i remember fighting AD. i was on champ, lethul on theurg. i could afford to be a wanker and just stick him, enjoy the sight of him struggling to get away. using qc root when i already had my finger ready on purge, instant spells to interrupt him as soon as he wanted to cast anything
while ive been stuck to him ive seen him use more endpots than i use on my champ in half a year, just to kite. paladin end sucks, 1k range is totally worthless. i think 1.5k is acceptable considering its instant, but i wouldnt whine if it was 2k either. bard doesnt need power to use end, so they can instantly play it after pr or egg and so on
Vodkafairy said:true, must be embarassing to die to a group with a monkey in it![]()
Celestino said:Every realm has to use the tools they were given, and i don't think alb has inferior tools, do you ?
Celestino said:Paladin end chant sure has its drawbacks (like having to grp a paladin) but when i just think about all the small things albs have, like the reaverbomb (and abs debuff), like a 6 sec stun after an anytimer on crushmercs, platearmor, sorcs beeing the ultimate castmezzer that is able to baselifedrain at nearly the same amount as a darkspecced spiritmaster while having charmed pets and beeing able to turn on immunity, cabalists debuffing their own baseline lifedrain, wizzes having the ultimate damage line, with bolt and 219 spec dd in it, heretics raidkiller rezz etc etc i just can't understand the discussion...
Do you wanna tell us alb is underpowered coz the paladin end chant is limited to 1000 range ?
Every realm has to use the tools they were given, and i don't think alb has inferior tools, do you ?
Btw, nice drawing zzang![]()
heh friars last about the same time as wardens and I havent died to a tank train in ages, infact not many grps even try killing me anymoreCalaclya said:Only if u run a bg friar (lasts about 5 sec more than a caster with assist train) and pally goes on offence with the mercs - which is the AD setup will the mercs have end regen. But there are not many active bg friars. Most fo the time i'd take a friar over a pally if we have a single spot mainly because i rarly get endo and thus the benefit of having the pally over the friar.