Question What do you do?


I am a FH squatter
Dec 22, 2003
More of a carpenters job, as the lights would be built into the roof in construction, but you could leave it flat and put a lantern roof light in the middle of it?

The back of the house is very dark, I'm trying to get as much light in as possible. To that end, it needs to be a pitch roof.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 22, 2003
Apprentice Carpenter on my 3rd year of apprenticeship. Work on-site rather than in a workshop. Go to college to get my qualifications and work 5 days a week.

Tom - You gonna be pitching the roof yourself or getting a chippy?

I'm going to pay someone to do it. Skirting boards and things I don't mind doing, but a roof is a big job to go wrong.


Part of the furniture
Jan 27, 2004
Almost finished Health and Social care degree and work as a Health Trainer


Resident Freddy
Dec 23, 2003
Chartered Accountant by training.

Currently Head of Finance & IT for UK & Ireland for an international jewellery brand.


Balls of steel
Dec 22, 2003
lol no , I am this bloke.


Badass aint I ?


Yeah, yeah you are.


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
Been working in the game industy for 12 years? Currently working as a QA lead at a Finnish(durr) game company, other half of my career is in design so i switch between the two almost yearly. Also do some freelance design when i can. Perfect job really, can argue with people:)p) about design, or in QA order testmonkeys around and tell developers what they've done wrong in games. Hours are sliding, so as long as i get my arse out of bed by 9 i'm golden.

I also train supervillains in my lair and plan world domination whenever i have the free time.


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
always wanted to go into 3D animation but i got kicked out of high school with fuck all up until quakeworld took over my life i was busy trying to master lightwave, wish to fuck i took the chance to study back then rather than trying to do things my way and learning things as i whent along, its great leanring things by your self but wont get you job. right now i run a post office and trying to learn to code c++ in my spare time of which there is very little.


I am a massive cock who isn't firing atm!
Dec 22, 2003
Manage a CAD department for a building services consulting engineers, Im also responsible for building 3d models used by the engineers to complete various engineering calculations. I also look after the IT in the office.

No qualifications to speak of, other than an national diploma in motor vehicle studies.
I've sat through various Microsoft training courses, but never bothered with the exams. I'm considering starting a fou.dation degree in building services to allow me to complete the calculations aspect of the above models. IT wise it kind of bores me. Career wise I have no fucking clue!

If I'm being honest, since Eden was born, I hate being at work everyday is just a means to seeing her again after school!


Resident Freddy
Aug 28, 2004
work on a claims dept. for motor insurance sector of company.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
I believe it or not, am a student and have a job. I work for a small private (~50 people) IT Security/Infrastructure firm. My job is taking care of in house - and in some cases customer facing - Dynamics CRM and SharePoint systems, I make things work OOTB. Currently just about to grad (1 month to go) then go back working full time, going to end up (According to them) as a CRM and SharePoint consultant, working on either application development (intiially) then being moved to/back to SQL/B.I., as I prefer doing that.

Goal? To own Oracle.
Dynamics and Sharepoint skills are gold-dust at the minute in the contract market. I get phone calls nearly every day asking if I want to be a Sharepoint admin or some such just because I mention Sharepoint in my CV :)


Resident Freddy
Feb 18, 2004
Particle physicist working on the ATLAS detector at CERN. It's awesome, I wouldn't want to do anything else.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
I'm the performance and application support team manager for a local authority. First management job for me after 10+ years of various support roles and loving it so far (now nearly 2 years in).

Saving cash by renegotiaing software contracts. Reviewing it systems, streamlining performance reporting so its used for something meaningful and trying to help the council stay productive after restructuring.


Trem's hunky sex love muffin
Dec 20, 2003
Currently I don't know what I am. My job role says "Cloud Infrastructure Specialist", whatever that means. What I am doing is implementing a GPU based compute grid service in a multinational financial thingy. In practice this means drawing stuff in visio, writing requirements/acceptance documentation and talking to scary foreign types who wear expensive suits. I wear a tshirt.


Trem's hunky sex love muffin
Dec 20, 2003
oh aye, and I like the design aspects of my job. it's the goal y'see, getting to the point that I am the main designer/architect for this shit I'm doing. what I don't like about it is getting the most unwilling bunch of fucktards ever to do their fucking admin jobs ffs. Pardon my french :)


FH is my second home
Nov 7, 2004
Accountant. Dislike and find it soul destroying, miss working for Tote and racing.

Just doing the basic mind numbing stuff that you do, I find working in an office to be the most disturbingly boring thing. I sit on my arse all day, gain weight and it feels a bit like doing nothing. I do like the problem solving aspect of the job and that has been very rewarding, however I'd find I'd be much more happy in a job where I had to do something, where I was hands on and consistently on the move. Colleagues are nice though, your typical accountancy types though, quite boring and not the types to talk about 'wild seshes' on, though my manager is a great laugh to talk to the footy about. Two main bosses are quite strict however, and if you ain't guessed over the year, not the most best for having people telling me what to do, still sound enough people.

Shame as I've got one more year left at Uni doing a degree on it. I blame my mental fuckery where I can't quit something, I should have changed my course at the start as I never picked accountancy, was purely an accident, the bonus is that I guess it gives me something to always fall back on.

However.. I have no idea what I truly wish to do, but does anyone?


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 15, 2004
Particle physicist working on the ATLAS detector at CERN. It's awesome, I wouldn't want to do anything else.
dude seriously? wow

me i work in a factory making cardboard its basically a wank job with ok money but shit hours, i grew up wanting to join the RAF didnt pan out then decided to do a BTEC in IT at college which i did ok in however fate struck again and i was unable to go any further in my studies ie uni im now stuck in a dead end job with pretty much no more aspirations for my career anymore ive got a family and they mean the world to me. im bitter i know :p but iapart from 2 instances i only have myself to blame for not pursuing a more satisfying career.

ive always had a love of physics and astronomy and would like to believe have a better than average understanding of these two subjects, would love to do something in that vein but at 31 and no chance of attending uni to get a degree its pretty much just a fantasy.

if anyone is still at school and reading this for fucks sake listen to me and get ya fucking heads down and study your little hearts out 50 years is a long time to be in a job u hate.


Balls of steel
Dec 22, 2003
The main factor in my career has been pure, unadulterated fluke. It's Deeb's / Lecter's fault I work here at all, due to a pissup with them like 6 years ago.


Resident Freddy
Dec 29, 2003
Worked in the army for some years, currently studying at the police academy.

And no, it's not like the movies!


Down With That Sorta Thing
Dec 22, 2003
Currently I don't know what I am. My job role says "Cloud Infrastructure Specialist", whatever that means. What I am doing is implementing a GPU based compute grid service in a multinational financial thingy. In practice this means drawing stuff in visio, writing requirements/acceptance documentation and talking to scary foreign types who wear expensive suits. I wear a tshirt.

And the winner of the Zeitgeist job title award goes to...


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
This thread is pulling out all the 'sitters', we need to start a thread that everyone posts in.
Any ideas?


Part of the furniture
Jul 24, 2004
Well I currently work in Centre Parcs in one of the restaurants just as general low ranking goon as I needed a job to keep the money flowing in whilst I send out tons of law applications (finished the lpc last year). Trying to find paralegal work at present with a long term goal of gaining a training contract and becoming a solicitor. Don't really mind the work at centre parcs its easy enough way to get the pennys in but it isn't exciting and I couldn't do it for more than a year or so.


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
Lol BloodOmen :)

I was a M$ techie (contractor) for ages ('bout 15 years). However, the techie stuff is pretty dull tbfh so I'm attempting to make the slow move into project management. By slow, I mean I finished my last contract in October and I only did my CV yesterday. Despite the downturn I feel no rush to get back into an office and I may have to join the dark side and get a permanent job for a few years - contracting's all well and good if you can hit the ground running but I can't show experience of bugetary control (got everything else) - and don't think it's fair to expect a company to take me on on a contract basis unless I can prove it.

Fell into it when I left Uni (studied Environmental Management & Technology, something else I fell into).

Mostly, I've been out on my moutain bike and with weather like this I'm not regretting the hiatus one little bit. :)


Balls of steel
Dec 22, 2003
Ahhhhhhhhhhh, thats why you've turned mega-troll recently :D


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
I mean all the readers in the background who don't often post in OT (It's real name)

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