What did you make when u first got daoc!!


Rudor Dwarf

Made a Dwarf Zerk bcoz i ran into some dude that ran around with 2 axes, asked him how the hell he could use 2 wep and he said he was a zerk.
That was back in beta/excal, when Daoc went live i moved to prydwen but made a zerker again str 10 dex 10 con 5 quick 5.


troll 2h axe/throwing weapon warrior :p

i moved to prydwen as soon as i had the chance and made a mentalist :p

then when retail came i follow danish huscarls to mid/pryd and made a shaman with 10 con 10 pie 10 empathy (yes i know it was stupid but i was a n00b :p )


My first char was a merc, and she was also the first char I got to 50. Since then I've made a pally which is now lvl 48.

Used to moan about my husband playing pc games too much, and then he got me to try DAoC...and now he can't pry me off of my pc half the time. ;P


I made my dwarf thane, Fafnir, remade him to dwarf thane Ghorax, then remade him dwarf thane Fafnir. Meet up with Ludo a wierd shaman :) who became my guild master in Warriors of the Mist that we created with Azorious, Lenore, Ragnhild and a few others i cant remember.


Originally posted by ormorof
troll 2h axe/throwing weapon warrior :p

i moved to prydwen as soon as i had the chance and made a mentalist :p

then when retail came i follow danish huscarls to mid/pryd and made a shaman with 10 con 10 pie 10 empathy (yes i know it was stupid but i was a n00b :p )

was? ;) heh joke :> sowwy couldn't resist it :D


In beta i made a paladin cos it just sounded like a cool guy. When retail when live, I went Mid/exc and made a troll warrior, big and evul. Then a friend convinced me to come hib/pryd (the horses are faster here!) and I rolled a mage (fgs why a mage <bangs head against wall> and still am that same eldie :) Wondered why all the beetles kept aggroing me when i was only targetting one with my aoe DD :(


lvl 8 eld in beta with my spec points split evenly between mana light and void lol.
then cs hero on release


my zerker which still is my main char, started a couple of weeks after euro release


in beta i made:
handsome norse hunter with tutti frutti spec >_<

he was fun, then i made a drood. hurrah

in retail i made:
a cabalist also with a odd spec, lets put some points in matter, lets put some points in body, lets put some points into that other specline ;P, he was on exc called Flamebane Coldwyrm, in Northern Lights or smt >_<

then i started mid pryd and made a skald, i miss him :-(


Elf shade , got stuck on level 17 for a few weeks :(

37 days /played to 50


Beta i made a Theurgist , took me ages to get the hang of pet spamming the mobs , and getting used to casting 2 pets ( earth on a blue con and sticking dmg add on them etc ) . Got to lvl 27 playing on Avalon ( cause english server was full all the time ) was really funny , as half the time i had no idea what people where saying ( Avalon was the german beta server ) .
With UK being 2 weeks bhind going live i then made a 2 handed crush armsman on Excal and had great fun in emain at lvl 23 :p using the Spine Breaker 2 handed crush drop from Keltoi :p

In retail i started with a smite cleric , went through a lot of dif alb chars , but am now a pot smoking hib , looking after my trees and talking to flowers etc :p


Remember when my <Posted> warrior went to muspel at lvl 8 orso and a friend warned me hehe and I went to dwarfs and thought hey they sure give a friendly dwarf some ale for his travels. but I was mistaken. I got fire bolted to death instant :)

was in beta :)

old.Gombur Glodson

First ever char was a highlander in beta.
Then I tried mid with a berzerker but rolled a thane when I saw they could use lightning :D

My first retail char was thus a thane on Prydwen, got him to lvl 34 and then went exc where I rolled a skald, I was almost devastated when i learned that skald didn't use instrument so I went back to Pryd and made a minstrel :)


First character was a highlander Cleric. Thought it was fun at first, but rerolled as a Scout..


The first char I created 2 yrs ago at the release of the US servers was a Firbold bard. I got to 12.. then got frustrated so much that I thought about quitting the game.. then I saw someone running with a dog chasing em.. and I was like Coollll I want that too

hence Legolias the druid was born, my oldest char with over /100 days played :)

SoulFly Amarok

Open Beta:

*** Chat Log Opened: Mon Jan 07 15:23:59 2002

[15:24:07] You release your corpse unto death.
[15:24:07] Your surroundings suddenly change!
[15:24:07] (Region) You have entered Fort Atla

-is the first real text on my classic daoc beta zip's chat.log

Think my char was a liddul kobie rogue, was meant to be a hunter, as it sound good to track your enemies down etc.

The kobie got to level 2? maybe, not even that I think. got lost in the forest and died to some boar and deleted. Went to hib and made ma luwikeeeen rogue with stats spread around char inst str con dex qui int. Deleted at level 4. Remade with the normal stats or so, got to lvl 13-16 keen ranger.

When retail was released, I traveled far away from home to start the game with eleasias, who were xping with his guild, Servants of the Lake. I made a highlander fighter with 5 str, con - 10 dex, qui as I saw those more balanced as highlanders had high con and str.. :mad:.

Got to level 8 during my first day,as a paladin. Mostly soloed all my exp. Then at some point during the few days at his place, we went to emain and he showed me emain\gorge and we actually killed sum greycon hibs at some lake :D

= What I did.


first i made in beta was a warrior viking, then after 3 levels when i figured out midgard looked like shit i switched to albion and made a highlander fighter, albion looked much better so i decided to stay

after a few levels when i figured out how the game worked i started a cleric cuz i wanted to be a healer

then when daoc was released i made a smite cleric cuz i liked the idea of being a caster/fighter/healer hybrid


A rogue.. till level 7, on Albion Gawaine US server :rolleyes:

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