What did you make when u first got daoc!!



7th jan, 2001.

I made a Paladin name.... Addlcove (didn´t see that comming did ya? :)

spend ALL my cash on dyes, and got him to level 7 :=)

then I rolled my shieldmerc Octanion and got him to 17 :)

after beta I made Bedwin the friar on excal and played that (and various alts) for a few months before finally moving to play alb/pryd (wanted more alb chars was not enough slots on 1 server)

rolled another merc named Octanion (this time DW)

decided to spend a summer RP'ing so rolled my minstrel Troryn and started hanging in The Stone in camelot.. and the rest as they say, is history ;)


Originally posted by Jerelyn
my first char was a norseman skald, i played her all the way to 42 without getting bored, but H and lair knocked me out, so i made a healer. Both chars are now my only lvl 50 chars and i play them both on a regular basis. Though in between i added a Shadowblade who is now a legendary fletcher, and still not lvl 50 ;)

My first was a Norse warrior, and me and Grane lvl'd with jerelyn the skald in Vendo. I can still remember when 2 lvl 50's hit vendo with burning weapons, we where totaly facinated. eksept Grane who wonderd why they where here and not fighting for midgaard in rvr :) Those where the days of happy summer/autum of 2002.


First week of retail i rolled Merrick a SB,soon realised i had no idea what i was doing,couldnt even kill blue cons.Decided to try a healer so rolled Peaches,played her to 50 and thrn got Merrick to 50 over a year after i started her :)

Still the only lvl 50`s i have.


My first char into beta was a rm who got lvl 12!!
I putted points into every line wich made me a bit of a gimp :p

On retail made a healer and he dinged 50 just a phew months ago.

I remember the day's of mezzing at the fire giant's in muspelheim :p


my first char was my main oblimov

I remember asking what specs where good to advisors and my friend pimpdaddy and him sayin oh go mana grps will luv you

5 mins later I was void and being told it was a silly thing as i wouldnt hit 50 :p

saying that it took me loads of 2nd chars tried and binned b4 i got paga and nik as my next permanent chars


I made a Thane in the beta, dashed out of Mularn town and jumped a Bear cub and ... nothing, coulden get my training hammer out, asked another player and he said push the attack button so I did, and ... nothing "...you curently have no target"took me 30 min or so to kill that bear :) came to lvl 20+ and rolled a healer got him to lvl 15 before game went live. Had the game 2 days after relise and rolled a norse thane 2-h, got bored at lvl 30 and rolled a healer, couldent stop play him :) Still remember the RR we made at lvl 30 or something, was great fun looking at the ground for 30-40 min 'cous of the lagg :rolleyes: and the server had 2-3 zonecrashes before we could bring the relic to our relic keep :)

btw, the thane is lvl 35 shield spec today, still have him but so boring to play, cant delete him cous after all it is my first char. :p


I participated in the US beta, made an armsman...Again made an armsman at EU release version, lvled him up to 50 now he's in the freezer waiting for sum love :(

He's btw 50/50/27 spec instead of 50/50/28...Nerf putting 1 point too much in crossbow :(


Made a ranger on the US servers when the game was 2 weeks old ...

wantet him becuase of the bow and hib becuase elf'ish realm sounded cool to me..

it was in the day's where archer was king's .. i could shot trough hill's, mg's anything ... mages didnt have BT etc ... there was no SH ...


A theurgist in the last few phases in the beta, didnt know what classes existed, picked what seemed most intresting and ended up with theurg. Discovering i could use more than one pet really made leveling easier :p


Made an infi, Hangianix, who was uber with 4 in slash, 4 in thrust, 4 in cs, 5 in stealth and 5 in envenom at lvl 8. Nuff to said I never bought poison to him, so rather reroll to an air/ice/earth theu Wernin.


Wow, was along time ago.
I made a Briton Mage with like 10 in Strength (strong!)and 10in Empathy (empathic!) and 10 in Con (HP!) i so pwned...my first mob i tried killing was a yellow con skellie...stood next to a tree...i died..then i made somthing else and saracen pally ;)


Made and deleted a lot of characters in early beta because of the testing we did on it. Remember the first really n00b stuff like speccing all 3 lines on the first wizzie and such.

Spent rest of beta as a champ on prydwen (blade/shield of course ;))

Started paladin on release, still have her, never regretted her neither.


1st week of retail....

Midgard - Healer - called Plaster i think.
Played him till 13 got bored, rolled a hunter, played till 10 got bored.

Went to alb excal - Fire Wizz till 16, got bored, went to hib, Druid till 45.

Now the crunch - Deleted the 45 Druid and went back to alb - currently have a 48 necro.


my friend told me to make a thane so i made a norse thane on mid/excal ..... thank god i deleted him 12 levels and 3 weeks later.
then i began my journy with my healer Berge "The legendary spammer/noob" Borka moved to alb/pryd after a while and started a new life..

Vodara i <3 you


Originally posted by Cyradix
Started in beta and made myself a celt Hero. Didn't know anything about the game so I put points in everything... blades, piercing, blunt, parry, shield.... :D

what cyradix said :) i didnt wanted a char that was difficult to get into so i thought a hero just needed to hit mobs on the head and thats it. Got to 25 but was so gimped i almost hurt myself more then mobs :) saw someone casting a spell wich had luverly leaves twirling down (strength buff) and i deleted my hero so i could do that to :rolleyes: that was khaldhor my druid :)

Urme the Legend

Made a Warrior on Prydwen.. got him to level 7 I think.. then my brother bought the game and we started on Excalibur since the population was bigger there.. did the same Norseman Warrior on Excalibur and played him to 50. My alts wasn't higher then level 7-8 or something when my warrior dinged 50.

I loved him.. and I still do! :)


Ranger on Excali, 44 days played later he was lvl 50, then solo sniper went out the window, fumble/block/evade killed off my rvr prowess.

Still planning to resurrect him someday, get sc kit etc, but not today ;)


Rolled a void eldritch on hib/excal. Leveled as void all the way to 50, then when I finally dinged (after 40 days /played im sure) I respecced to mana. I really hate that character.



Chretien from the Knights Templar on Alb/Pryd, RL mate of mine, got me into the game, and let me start a character on his account to see if I'd get into it...started Svartmetall Mark One and got him to 21 in a short period of time before realising I was getting hooked on the game, bought my own copy, deleted Svart Mark One and re-rolled him on my own account.

Midgard4life. Er, z0r.



I made an eldritch. I couldnt work out what the pbae was for. I only tried it once and didnt even put it on my qbar. I thought what use is this crap to hit that mob way over there!

Deleted him to make a druid instead (nature), got bored of him.

First proper high level character was my mentalist. Chose him for the utility :).


DW Crush Merc (Highlander) in US beta 2-4 and Euro beta 1 (In the days crush wasn't nerfed yet and infact the most powerfull wep spec in the game and before most ppl realized that it got nerfed already)
Rejuv Cleric (Highlander) in Euro Beta 2
Crush Polearmer (Highlander) from retail till 1.40-ish on Prydwen (Crush still wasn't nerfed yet in the start)
S&S Pally (Slash, Highlander) from 1.40-1.45 on Excal
Rejuv Cleric (Highlander) from 1.45-now on Prydwen
S&S Pally (Thrust, Saracen) from 1.60-now on Prydwen

I actually didn't make any misstake in specs or base points, as the guild i was in in US beta had close connections to the GM's since they where transferred from another game project that got on hold and thus they knew what to do and how to spec ^^


I got a few mates who were playing daoc since beta/relase (Ruck, Halsbrann, Skrante) so they already had some chars when they pursuaded me to make a kobbie hunter as my first char. His name was Banke, and he was mighty tough to level. Killed my final mob at lvl 13 I think, then deleted him.

Decided to reroll as a troll warrior, Klonk, and was fascinated how easy he was to level compared to the hunter. Leveled in Skona/Varulv to lvl 42, sometimes in grp (remember names like Pooneh, Eldergod, Khazze, RL m8s) or more often solo (no buffs/end etc :p )... really wanted him to hit 50. Leveled in lair from 43 as was usual then (*sigh*) and dinged 50 with /played 22days or so :)

Then I made a norse SB, hard to level, yes, but got very good help from my old guild Odins Æresgarde (fun guildgroups all the way to ca 40 - then amazingly enough got to level him to 50 in normal SM-based lair grps), before I made my 3rd char Frekke (fotm mend/aug healer).


The very first thing? .... hmm - was a thane on some french beta server I belive.... was always wondering why there were so many french players, untill much later when I actually found out it was a french server (lol).

Quickly after I made a spiritmaster withouth understanding the concept of aggro :D Now that was expensive ... or it would have been if I knew about buying con. back :eek:

Man - that was the fun days - wandering out in Emain with a L14 hunter, stealthing along with 1 stealth thinking I was invisible. (not long after my Spiritmaster).

First char in live was also a thane. :rolleyes:


started daoc just before crimbo 2002 , and ended up on some german server wondering why some person came over and killed me :s so i went to hibexc where my fellow tfc`ers recommended, made a hero , specced everything - got bored at lvl 11 ( and spelt my name wrong) friends told me enchanters were easy , so i rolled one , got stuck at lvl 15 with 10ench rest mana , deleted and rerolled , got to 20 before figuring out PBAoE, took the char practically all the way then did a really bad tiing ..............


Originally posted by chimaira

Really great to see so many positive and fun replys on a thread of mine :)

It _is_ fun reminiscing on past times - a very nice change from the negative threads (be it legitimate or not) that often run on BW.



The same gimp that I'm playing now, complete with +10 INT, +10 CHA and +10 DEX (one out of 3 stats correct isn't bad for a total n00b). ;)

Second character I made was an Avalonion sorc. Got him to L11 and gave up because it was so hard to level - might have had something to do with the 7 Mind, 6 Matter, 5 Body spec but who knows. :)


Made a dorf thane in beta , called Battlehammer , with eye-patch and the works..thought it was uber cool with a warrior type who could blast stuff with lightning, running in emain and blasting mjolnirs left and right hehe , got him to lvl 20 , then I rolled a shaman instead ..and when the day of retail came I stuck with the shaman


D0rf Zerk0r

And even back then I tried to do the famous: Hit harder then your enemy or your dead" kinda gameplay. At one point I didn't have much armor and got killed by even yellows.

Then after some time not being able to login (because of server full and yes with only 1 beta server back then you can imagine how the login spamming must have been) I discovered my "ingame" made friends had already lvled more lvls and didn't wanna team with me anymore. So I went to check out some other realm. Rolled a Cleric on Albion and met some newcomers. Can't even remember what gimpy specc I had back then but I know I had enh, rejuv and smite for sure. After some lvling (mostly solo but also teams in Keltoi) I tried to get some friends hooked on a lan party and what yah know they loved it. So we informed some more friends and it all started rolling. We played MoHAA before this online and it was a coincidence that some of our enemies there were trying this game out as well. So after some very long farming in Tepok we got the embleme we wanted. Got my cleric to about lvl 36.

At the end of the beta I asked people what char they enjoyed most and most of them said roll an armsman. And so I did... (I don't regret it but it hasn't been a very good char to start with as I soon figured out that RvR was a lot about distance and grouping). So I made a cleric again and I still enjoy playing it.


My first char was Srwilliamwallace Shrimpwarrior on excalibur/midgard, was GM of <Shrimp Followers>, got him to lvl 23 and was know for my monsterous large .................................... name.

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