what class do you thinks overpowered?


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 22, 2004
I only know of 1 overpowered class from a Pallies view and thats BD is nearly impossible for a pally to solo a BD due to Instants and pets healing faster then pallies damage output and any BD saying they aint overpowered might wanna start typing down how often they win solo fights and then decide after that, because i guarantee you wont get killed by many albs who dont have a mezz or healer with them.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 23, 2004
rivan said:
2: bonedancers

my second most played toon is my bonedancer. i hate it when people on forums tar everyone who plays a class with the same brush. not everyone who rolled a bonedancer did so because they were deemed overpowered (of course some did, but i for one was not one of them). i rolled the class because i only play caster classes or hybrids, and since we have a very limited number in mid i made a BA bonedancer.

people complain a lot about bonedancers, they are overpowered in someway or another, but i've never really understood completely. i've played hib and alb, so i've fought vs them too.. and they're really not that hard.

those damned instas: 'fotm' spec for a bonedancer gives access to a 4s insta lifetap, and an insta debuff for that lifetap in the darkness line. many people complain that it is unfair that these spells should be instas, especially since all other debuffs are castable. i can understand this point of view, but a bonedancer is more of a hybrid than a pure caster.

the supp line is designed with melee in mind. the idea is that the caster melees the mob, aided by his commander and a guardian with the healer keeping the pet and caster alive. if the caster is in melee he cannot cast his lifetap, and certainly can't cast a debuff either.. that's why they are instas.

if the lt was made castable, it would change the whole mechanic of the class, and the same would apply to the debuff unless it was made castable and the duration increased to something like a minute (since it can take a bd a very long time to take down a mob). very rarely have i seen any constructive critisism, it's usually 'omg a bd owned 2fg, nerf!' (highly unlikely given bd power consumption ;))

all i'm saying is you can't really judge a class till you've played it extensively, and you've played against it extensively in varrying situations. bd excels in some situations, and plain sucks in others. same with most classes.

I must have missed this post :). Just have to reply...

I made my BD when SI was just released. I like casters and hybrids as well. I wanted a new char and BD seemed alot more fun and "challenging" (many pets to control, etc), than savage. Ive been 50 for quite some time now. And i can say its by far the most easy played and probably the most boring class of all my 50s. Mine is supp-spec (As 90% of all bds in the world i think). Trying to make the BD look like a "hard to play and challenging char that takes alot of practise to master" kinda makes me laugh. I dont see why both their lifetap and their debuff should be instas. No other char gets that. Add to that the fact that they both interrupt. Remove those spells interruption, and it would make it atleast a bit more fair towards other casters. As for the whole "hyrbid"-talk. BDs are no hyrbrids. They are as much caster as any staff-equipping, clothwearing class with spells in the game. They cant use styles, they have no defense and their spells are affected by focus. That kinda makes them pure casters, by default.

rivan said:
if the caster is in melee he cannot cast his lifetap, and certainly can't cast a debuff either.. that's why they are instas.
Im not sure if this was a defensive argument for the class, or if you were trying to be funny.

Many people say BDs dont fit into grps. And that they dont have any groupability or utility in a group. This is not entirely true. Its one of (if not the only) self-sufficient chars in the game, that can just spam away every spell in their arsenal and keep as many as they want/can interrupted. A "skilled" BD CAN be quite groupfriendly. And if a grouped BD dont use the tools given to him, but rather chases one solo char, spamming lifetap, it isnt the class thats bad, its the player itself. Luckily now though, there arent THAT many active BDs around. And they are quite unwanted in groups, so they are forced to solo. Ending up getting steamrolled by opted groups. This makes the char quite boring to play, and many chose not to use them activly. This might change when NF arrives, though. We will see what effect that will have on the class, i guess.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
Shike said:
You do know that Shamans already specced fairly high in Augmentation in order to get proper endregen? You do know that both druids and clerics mainrole in a group is to <gasp> heal? You do know that in order for a cleric or druid to get access to usable shears, they have to gimp their healing? You do know that if they gimp their healing, the hib/alb-group suddenly lost a pretty vital function in the group, namely healing, which the mids dont give up to get access to the very same function? Minstrels are fine except if they get involved in the stealthwars, where they tip the balance to albs favor with a large margin. Solo they are dreadful if they are good, which 95% isnt so it doesnt really matter. <looks at the skills of Mezzmerriiiziieee and laughs>

I don't undertand your point. To get decent buffshears a shammy needs 50 aug. That makes them a buffer, a buff-shearer and ... gasp ... fuck all else.

A cleric specced similarly has of course lost most of their healing ability but the Shaman never had mcuh in the first place. Both are now limited to the same role. What's the difference ?


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 21, 2004
Wij said:
I don't undertand your point. To get decent buffshears a shammy needs 50 aug. That makes them a buffer, a buff-shearer and ... gasp ... fuck all else.

A cleric specced similarly has of course lost most of their healing ability but the Shaman never had mcuh in the first place. Both are now limited to the same role. What's the difference ?

because clerics and druids are their realms primary healers, a shaman is a secondary healer, and most shams go aug/cave, for end regen interrupt ability etc.

the difference is all clerics and druids HAVE to spec at least 35 rejuv in order to be viable in a good grp. shamans hardly have to spec any at all


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 8, 2004

Personally i think everyone is way overpowered at 50. I never thought that the higher i got up in levels the faster i would die. Everyone hits for mega amounts and fights are over in a blink of an eye. 'To get used to this i suggest fighting purples without healing. That way you practise tactics etc.' Lets face it you just wouldn't do it would you. Purple=leggit in most cases. But at 50 we are suppose to hunt peeps that dish out high purple's damage? Nope we are all overpowered at 50 and the game is rapidly going down the pan big time cos of it in my opinion. Thid seems the only place where you can at least find time to get a few swings in. Even that place has become very much harder with TOA stuff finding it's way there.



Fledgling Freddie
Jan 9, 2004
enkor said:
from a very limited pov:

bonedancers, friars, high rr toa'd stealthers.

i know u play on camlann, but saying friars are overpowered is near bs, if u play in the world of bb (aka normal servers) friars lose alot. just see on how friar performed b4 and after SI. i ofc agree with u about bds, but i know slam+levi reaver beats the hell out of bds :)


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
Elitestoner said:
because clerics and druids are their realms primary healers, a shaman is a secondary healer, and most shams go aug/cave, for end regen interrupt ability etc.

the difference is all clerics and druids HAVE to spec at least 35 rejuv in order to be viable in a good grp. shamans hardly have to spec any at all

A 50 aug shammy is a naff healer. A 50 enh cleric is a naff healer. Both realms will need another char to do the healing. A mend Healer or a Rejuv Cleric. It doesn't matter that a cleric is the realm's primary healer. A REJUV cleric is your primary healer not an ENH one.

The only comparison left to make is what else a 50 aug shammy and a 50 enh cleric can do. The shammy has some naff baseline cave. The cleric has some naff baseline smite. They can both heal a bit. The Cleric should heal slighly better with 20 Rejuv than the Shammy would with 20 Mend.

Not exactly a lot to choose between em.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 26, 2004
Leleith said:
And whats that crap about AE-disease? I dont have it on my shaman, thats for sure. I Have a single target one, but no AE. Im even full cave spec. So lets drop it.

erm nub? perhaps look a bit closer coz if ur shaman is full cave specc and you dont have insta aoe desease then well tbh ur the only one :eek: Its one of the main reason that most paladins that know what thier doing in RvR dont get FH until extremely high RR :p


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
Shike said:
tbh.. i think its abit wrong to simply point at specific classes and say, overpowered, i rather look at basic features and call them overpowered, such as:

Selfdebuffs (cabas, chanters, BDs, runies)

hmm, i missed a ton probably but.. you get the picture, its pretty much that could need a big fat ol' nerf imho. DAoC would be alot better if alot of stuff just got the boot out from the game or was seriosly toned down.

Erm... lol!? Ye lets make Runies 3 shotable by any melee class, 1-2 shotable by any stealther class regardless of RR and uber suits.. yay, fun fun ><


Loyal Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Elitestoner said:
the difference is all clerics and druids HAVE to spec at least 35 rejuv in order to be viable in a good grp. shamans hardly have to spec any at all
wrong 44 enhance 30 rejuv is a perfectly viable spec all u need is 1st spread heal


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 23, 2004
Doink-666 said:
erm nub? perhaps look a bit closer coz if ur shaman is full cave specc and you dont have insta aoe desease then well tbh ur the only one

I still dont have it!


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 24, 2003
thats really odd concidering you get it at 27 Cave, i have it and im only lvl 46 :m00:

ohh yeah what did that guy mean when he said the TL complained that disease is not enough?


FH is my second home
Dec 23, 2003
Leleith said:

He will soon explode! Keep going, keep going!

And whats that crap about AE-disease? I dont have it on my shaman, thats for sure. I Have a single target one, but no AE. Im even full cave spec. So lets drop it.

i'm just gonna assume ur EBAY!
that was insta pbae disease u get when speccing in cave.

this is the BASELINE AE disease in cave.



Fledgling Freddie
Jan 21, 2004
Leleith said:
I must have missed this post :). Just have to reply...

I made my BD when SI was just released. I like casters and hybrids as well. I wanted a new char and BD seemed alot more fun and "challenging" (many pets to control, etc), than savage. Ive been 50 for quite some time now. And i can say its by far the most easy played and probably the most boring class of all my 50s.

depends on how you play it ;) s

Mine is supp-spec (As 90% of all bds in the world i think). Trying to make the BD look like a "hard to play and challenging char that takes alot of practise to master" kinda makes me laugh. I dont see why both their lifetap and their debuff should be instas. No other char gets that. Add to that the fact that they both interrupt. Remove those spells interruption, and it would make it atleast a bit more fair towards other casters.

As for the whole "hyrbid"-talk. BDs are no hyrbrids. They are as much caster as any staff-equipping, clothwearing class with spells in the game. They cant use styles, they have no defense and their spells are affected by focus. That kinda makes them pure casters, by default.

ye ye, i know that by defn they are a caster, but i can't think of any other caster that was designed to melee, like the supp bd was. the lifetap and debuff instas were designed so they could be used as the bd melees. i'm not defending it, i'd love to see the bd resdesigned, i'm just saying why they are instas, not that they should be.

Im not sure if this was a defensive argument for the class, or if you were trying to be funny.

nono, just saying why it is like it is. to make them castable would require a lot of other things to be tweaked with the class. might not be a bad thing, but it's not as clear cut and as simple as many people things: just make them castable, job done. we gotta remember that any changes like that impact pve as well as rvr, and that's a helluva change for a supp/dark bd. change it by all means, but you can't just take away something so difinitive of a class, like.. warriors you can't have shields anymore, sorry ;) without giving something back (they still have many issues too, broken spells, uncontrolable minions)

Many people say BDs dont fit into grps. And that they dont have any groupability or utility in a group. This is not entirely true. Its one of (if not the only) self-sufficient chars in the game, that can just spam away every spell in their arsenal and keep as many as they want/can interrupted.

Well I'd choose a rm and a sm for a group any day over a bd. bd have great short-range interrupt potential, sure, but the damage output and more importantly the mana:damage ratio of sms and rms is so much better. just another note: i kept a fg of hibs interrupted with my rm the othernight with nearsight, so it's not that major a deal.

bd self sufficient, sure, especially in pve. i ground my way agnoisingly slowly to 50. rvr.. 1-1 they are pretty damned good (though i still get one shotted, mezzed, moc'd, double-bolted etc). 1 on 1 is so rare these days.. that's the problem. how often when i solo do i meet a solo player? hardly ever. i'd love to see an effective toning down of the soloing powers and upping of the groupability.

any class can spam away any spell in there aresnal, but not for long. power isn't indefinate.

A "skilled" BD CAN be quite groupfriendly. And if a grouped BD dont use the tools given to him, but rather chases one solo char, spamming lifetap, it isnt the class thats bad, its the player itself. Luckily now though, there arent THAT many active BDs around. And they are quite unwanted in groups, so they are forced to solo. Ending up getting steamrolled by opted groups. This makes the char quite boring to play, and many chose not to use them activly. This might change when NF arrives, though. We will see what effect that will have on the class, i guess.

aye, true.dat


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 23, 2004
Ctuchik said:
i'm just gonna assume ur EBAY!
that was insta pbae disease u get when speccing in cave.

this is the BASELINE AE disease in cave.


Guess you are one of those 3 or 4 in here that didnt understand that i was kidding. Read the threads and its post before you jump to make a "I have to correct the noobs!"- post at random. You quoted me, yet you missed out the post under where its clearly stated what the post was all about.

Nice try though of course :)


Can't get enough of FH
Feb 10, 2004
Leleith said:
Mine is supp-spec (As 90% of all bds in the world i think).

was just wondering :D:D

in NF would BA's archer pets b affected same as the proper archers? <ponder> :)


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 4, 2004
Urme the Legend said:
Need Love:
Hunters need some kind of defence tbh.. it sucks big time.

and im sure you would giv e up 300+ of your melee dmge (hunters reguler hit me for 450+ dmge) for the sake of a sheild?
i bet ya wouldnt cos i as a scout would love to swap my shield for the ability to do same melee dmge as hunters


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 1, 2004
Jpeg[LOD] said:
and im sure you would giv e up 300+ of your melee dmge (hunters reguler hit me for 450+ dmge) for the sake of a sheild?
i bet ya wouldnt cos i as a scout would love to swap my shield for the ability to do same melee dmge as hunters

Show me the hunter that does 450/swing on a capped resist target... get yourself some decent resists...

And most overpowerd class IN GAME IS MINSTREL.. it has no counterpart in any of the other realms... stealth with CHAIN.. lmao... safe fall with CHAIN... SoS etc etc


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 30, 2003
Jpeg[LOD] said:
and im sure you would giv e up 300+ of your melee dmge (hunters reguler hit me for 450+ dmge) for the sake of a sheild?
i bet ya wouldnt cos i as a scout would love to swap my shield for the ability to do same melee dmge as hunters

If a hunter has to use his spear he is already dead imo.

And i have to say this : damn you albs whine a lot.


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 25, 2004
Lubbock said:
I only know of 1 overpowered class from a Pallies view and thats BD is nearly impossible for a pally to solo a BD due to Instants and pets healing faster then pallies damage output and any BD saying they aint overpowered might wanna start typing down how often they win solo fights and then decide after that, because i guarantee you wont get killed by many albs who dont have a mezz or healer with them.

I can´t solo a necro. does that mean it´s overpowered then?
heck I can´t even duo a necro with another SB. Is it grossly overpowered then?


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 24, 2003
Oldfaravid said:
Show me the hunter that does 450/swing on a capped resist target... get yourself some decent resists...

And most overpowerd class IN GAME IS MINSTREL.. it has no counterpart in any of the other realms... stealth with CHAIN.. lmao... safe fall with CHAIN... SoS etc etc

will paste the SS of a hunter hitting me for 650+ when I come home, thats with maxed heatresist, AF704 in totals. Im at work now so I cant access it.

And minc is only opd in company with other stealthers really. Alone they are hard if played well, but not more opd than any assassin really.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 24, 2003
Wij said:
I don't undertand your point. To get decent buffshears a shammy needs 50 aug. That makes them a buffer, a buff-shearer and ... gasp ... fuck all else.

A cleric specced similarly has of course lost most of their healing ability but the Shaman never had mcuh in the first place. Both are now limited to the same role. What's the difference ?

you miss the point, thats why u dont understand it. Shamans arent essential for healing, druids and clerics actually are. We cant gimp a healer completely to get access to shears within a group, if grps was made of 10ppl, no problemo, but 8 is kinda limited and mids benefit the most from this since their classes in general are abit more powerful, Albs do have alittle problems fitting everything into a group, mids dont and hibs are pretty lucky here too, but when it comes to shearing then only mids can afford to use it effectively.


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 9, 2004
xxManiacxx said:
I can´t solo a necro. does that mean it´s overpowered then?
heck I can´t even duo a necro with another SB. Is it grossly overpowered then?

you trying to tell me 2 SB cannot duo an unbuffed Necro, DOT, Disease (crippling his Lifedrain) and debuff Str/Con (lowering his absorb, no other class in game has there absord lowered by a Str/Con debuff).


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Svartmetall said:
Generally, the "grass is greener" thing kicks in.

People only think classes they have never played are overpowered.
i've played both sorc and bonedancer and consider them to be the most overpowered classes in the game.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 25, 2003
Best 1v1 : Bonedancer

Best Group : Pac/Mend healer

Best Fun : Friar, simply 'cos the styles look so good :)

Most underated : Dark SM

Most Overated : Enchanter - alot of fuss about about a class that rarely has more than 1200+ hp and should be /assist fodder for most groups.

Most whined about : Mincer - alot tougher to play than alot of folks think. Mincer is a Skald in hard mode with more utility ;)


Dec 23, 2003
Balbor said:
you trying to tell me 2 SB cannot duo an unbuffed Necro, DOT, Disease (crippling his Lifedrain) and debuff Str/Con (lowering his absorb, no other class in game has there absord lowered by a Str/Con debuff).

when are noobs gonna realise disease does shit all to lifetaps and so what if there abs is lowered LOL they have the best defenses in the game .... BAR NONE... they have better magic resists than all cos of absorb and have basic melee immunity...

most overpowered... thurg

and about the debuff whines... in tests the debuff lands less than 20% of the time.. and will make tap do about an extra 30 damage .... omg overpowered


Dec 23, 2003
Aoln said:
Read: unbuffed.

yeh and you see lots of unbuffed people nowadays yeh... let me know if you see a necro unbuffed in rvr ever and ill delete and come albion to watch


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 4, 2004
Oldfaravid said:
Show me the hunter that does 450/swing on a capped resist target... get yourself some decent resists...

And most overpowerd class IN GAME IS MINSTREL.. it has no counterpart in any of the other realms... stealth with CHAIN.. lmao... safe fall with CHAIN... SoS etc etc
check nerf pics thread in excal rvr forum.. not all the hunters spear targets were max resists. but as you will see cple are and he hits em damn damn hard.

if mythic gave u the chance to use a shield and scout melee dmge... and give scouts no shield and your melee dmge. you'd be happy? i bet ya wouldnt

my main enemys in rvr are assasins (as i presume yours are also) do you really think shield helps much vs them ?

i have 402 dex with shield equiped, i have 50shield spec . and MoBlock3 .... and when an assasin (or any duel wielder) attacks me . i may as well sit down.. because dw gets past my shield as if it wasnt there. the only times u will meet a scout is if u bump into each other whilst your roaming around stealthed . in which case u will wtf pwn him with your spear... or when you are destealthed shooting sum1 and scout shoots u . in which case u got to run oposite direction or send your pet to disrupt him.then run in and wtf pwn him with spear.

hunters do a SMALL amount of dmge less than scouts with bow... and do MAJOR more difference in melee dmge. and as i said earlier i would GLADLY trade in my shield spec for a hunters melee dmge OR a rangers DW

as for mincers being most over powered in the game.... if your refering to 1v1 . again imo i think your wrong. by far the most powerfull class in the game 1v1 (considering buffed) (or unbuffed) is a BD.

and quit using sos as a mincers OVERPOWERED ra.. good group minstrels use it as an offensive tool to avoid being insta mezz'd/stunned (which is over powered) ... and solo mincers use it to ESCAPE!! sure they may cheat you out of rp's cos you were about to wtf pwn em... but it aint actually gotten you killed has it? .. if u think sos is over powered on a mincer . does that mean skalds are overpowered ? cos the amount of times ive fought a skald 1v1 with my friar and i was about to kill him and he "snared or mezz'd" me and then chickend out and ran away is unbelieviable :).. ooo and dont forget ALL realms get a form of sos in NF

dont get me wrong i aint saying mincers aint a strong class. cos they are . but imo they aint overpowered. you just probably run into lightnin or alpha to often .

but as far as archer classes are concerned . id say it was ranger >> hunter >> scout...

and by that im going of the whole picture. not just bow dmge/range but also melee dmge.. escape stuff like your speed buffs. pets, people whine about scout range . but how often as a hunter/ranger do you take the time to get max range? my guess is EXTREMELY rare. cos by time u fucked about finding max range your targets moved.. and as for bow dmge. again imo bow dmge between all 3 bow classes are VERY similer. hardly any dmge difference at all. scouts ss's seem to do most dmge but thats because a lot spec 50bow , whereas unless im mistaken rangers.hunter aim for a more melee orientated 45bow spec? but if a scout trys mellee (ive tried the 50melee / 45bow spec) and my melee dmge very RARELY went above 200 dmge:(

thats with max stats "st/con/dex/quick" and also max+skills in thrust/bow/shield etc .. also all maxed melee resists (dont got all magic capped cos not 100% finished sc yet .

ive type to much :)

there is NO CLASSES i think are over powered... just certain spells/styles

i think ANY form of AE INSTA Crowd control is overpowered

i think Hib caster Stun in baseline spell list is overpowered

i think savages melee dmge is overpowered (still see pics of em doing 1k+dmge)

i think the shammy pbae insta fart desiease is overpowered (you might not think so if your a mid) but try kill a shammy when he keeps farting whilst your chasing him.

i think necro pets (when fully buffed) are overpowered when it comes to fighting vs melee classes

i think Determination is overpowered (by that cos its fucked over so many classes regarding finding rvr grps .. friars/reavers/champs/thanes etc etc

probably are other thing but im 1/2 asleep n need go do some stuff but the above is just imo .

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