Music What are you listening to right now?


Apr 20, 2011
Just go on a professional music review website; allmusic to name but one but there are many, many others. When you see that, then you will know how I know your posts are trolls :). You're probably one of those people who just think they did songs like 'She Loves You' - listen to the albums Revolver and Rubber Soul, masterpieces.


FH is my second home
Feb 17, 2006
Just go on a professional music review website; allmusic to name but one but there are many, many others. When you see that, then you will know how I know your posts are trolls :). You're probably one of those people who just think they did songs like 'She Loves You' - listen to the albums Revolver and Rubber Soul, masterpieces.

I think lots of what I appreciate, objectively, are musical masterpieces are utter toss - The Beatles in general, Pink Floyd etc. There is a huge difference between not liking something and not valuing its worth. The Beatles revolutionised pop music, but it absolutely does not mean people have to think they're good or enjoy their music.

All art comes down to subjectivity in terms of taste at the end of the day, get over it. You can't force your opinion on someone else based on the general consensus being on your side.


FH is my second home
Dec 23, 2003
You can't force your opinion on someone else based on the general consensus being on your side.

Why not? Isn't that all democracy is? ;)

You build a general consensus and then force everyone else to accept it. :)


FH is my second home
Feb 17, 2006
Why not? Isn't that all democracy is? ;)

You build a general consensus and then force everyone else to accept it. :)

Art isn't a democracy, dude... it's like... fresh running water, cool and constantly changing. Yeah?


I am a FH squatter
Apr 3, 2006
If that song is a dig at rap; then I'm all for it. That particular branch of music is amoungst the most vile and talentless tripe ever to have escaped from the mouths of the delinquents of the human race.
Lol what an ignorant generalisation, I guess you think all rock music is vile because some death metal has satanic connotations etc :m00:

A Tribe Called Quest - Excursions - YouTube


FH is my second home
Dec 23, 2003


FH is my second home
Feb 17, 2006
Listening to Hurts - Happiness at work. Such a great record. One of my favourites of 2010.


Apr 20, 2011
I stand by my statement, and megadave's video post just shows the limitations of rap music; whilst Aomi's post shows the genius of The Beatles - Revolver is an amazing album and Tomorrow Never knows isn't even the best song on it. Whilst I find myself trawling through meaningless and souless music that I find in this thread - it makes me wonder how someone can be so blind as to ignore the superiority of The Beatles.

As is said time and time again, you don't have to like The Beatles, but you cannot question their position as the best all-round band in pop history.

Edit: Abominations like rap and rap culture show the steady devolution of music since the late 1960s.


Apr 20, 2011
Why do you wish me to shut up? Because I am not telling you what you want to hear? This is a public forum, if you don't want to read my posts then ignore me - if the truth hurts that much.


FH is my second home
Feb 17, 2006
You're welcome to your opinion, but presenting it as 'fact' is laughable. Music means different things to different people. If you can't see that, I pity you.

Edit: Abominations like rap and rap culture show the steady devolution of music since the late 1960s.

And statements like this show you know absolutely nothing about music and, while there is nothing wrong with it per say, are seemingly little more than a Beatles fanboy.


Apr 20, 2011
And statements like this show you know absolutely nothing about music and, while there is nothing wrong with it per say, are seemingly little more than a Beatles fanboy.

This statement is pure ignorance. I prefer 1950s music to The Beatles - I just accept that The Beatles were the best there has ever been.

And I am not the only one who thinks this, ask all the professionals; the people who have listened to music from the whole of the 20th century and beyond.

Funny, how you chastise me for saying what I believe to be true - yet you have no problem in saying I know nothing about musis. Quite the statement.

Your naievty in saying that I know nothing about music is indeed amusing. I have been listening to music all my life - from Robert Johnson in the 1930s through to bands like Oasis from the 2000s.

So, on the contrary kid, I do know quite a lot about music. I may not appreciate the music that you like, but atleast I have had the pleasure of listening to all genres of music throughout all the ages - rather than having a warped view of it through the eye of someone who only listens to modern music.

Those of us who know music have come to the conclusion, as have I, that The Beatles were the best, and will probably be for some time. Accept it and leave it.

bainteor said:
As is said time and time again, you don't have to like The Beatles, but you cannot question their position as the best all-round band in pop history.


FH is my second home
Feb 17, 2006
And what makes you think I, or anyone else other than you apparently, 'only listens to modern music'?

The reason I said you clearly know nothing about music is that you state that music has 'steadily devolved' since the 1960s, which is just not true. Phillip Glass, Brian Eno, The BBC Radiophonic Workshop, Talking Heads, Minor Threat, The Sex Pistols, Sonic Youth, Richard Hell and the Voidoloids, 8 bit musicians, noise musicians, etc etc etc - there is so much overwhelming evidence to show how much music has evolved over the years. Whether you like the way it has evolved or not is irrelevant. Just the same way that whether someone likes or dislikes The Beatles does not change what they did to music.

And by the way, if the best argument you can go with is to call me 'kid' then you really aren't helping yourself.


Apr 20, 2011
Devolution as in the sense of getting worse over time. And your post just shows why either you misunderstood me or you know nothing. Modern music peaked with The Beatles in the mid-to-late 1960s. Then you had the devolution - music in the 1970s was good enough, the 80s had their moments but were mostly poor, the 90s were dire except a few bands and the 2000s .. well, there is nothing good to speak of.

The bands you mentioned above are all respectable bands except the Sex Pistols (punk is a poor genre, nothing meaningful has come of it [and before people start arguing with me, The Ramones were more surf rock/rock n roll than punk rock]). All I meant in my statement was that it didn't reach the heights that the 1960s achieved. Sonic Youth are a great band and one I listen to often. By devolution I meant steadily getting worse over time - but this does not mean the music nearer the time of the peak (1970s mostly) was bad. It is imperative that you understand this.

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