atos said:But I asume none of you ever heard of practical jokes, and are probably going to make another try in your pathetic attempts to paint me out as a bad guy.![]()
atos said:I would have no issues with refounding their expenses if people contacted me and explained their situation.
adoNix said:haha nice one trollumi completly agree with you. If you don't check the items you buy you deserve it.
Golena said:I've heard of practical jokes, I know what they are. This doesn't fall under that category.
If you need to try and delude yourself that it does so you can sleep at night, then so be it however.
The people you are scamming will almost certainly have no way of telling which house they bought it off by the time they discover their mistake, and as such have no way of contacting you, and you of course know this. So this lame attempt at justifying why your different to all the other scammers out there really is fooling no-one, sorry.
The only thing this is likely to do is make people wonder why they bother with the game. Yes that's just what we need, more people leaving an already depleated playerbase, just so you can have a cheap laugh. No really, it is!!
charmangle said:Sigh, youll grow up someday too...hopefully.
Its very simple, do not do bad things to others just because you think you can! Because evetually someone will do it to you times hundred and thats a bad world to live in.
well it might be one of the reason for ppl the quit that someone scammed their last money etc. combine that whit all other stuff like zerging adding wanking whatever u want it to be,I dont know why you are being so thickheaded, There´s nothing fun whit scamming ppls money.U said you would have done the same thing irl if u could, most certenly you would get fucked up irl for scamming ppl.atos said:So I would have unknowingly made people quit? That is bullshit. People are not leaveing the game because of trivial matters like that. If they decide to stop playing because of that. There is clearly something else to it. Possible reasons could be, zerging, adding and general whine.
Hope I answered all your questions with that.
Agony said:well it might be one of the reason for ppl the quit that someone scammed their last money etc. combine that whit all other stuff like zerging adding wanking whatever u want it to be,I dont know why you are being so thickheaded, There´s nothing fun whit scamming ppls money.U said you would have done the same thing irl if u could, most certenly you would get fucked up irl for scamming ppl.
so so you gave some newb money and that makes it OK to scamm other people ? is that what youre saying ?atos said:Now, you clearly don't understand what I wrote, or you are just thickheaded.
Do you even realise how easy it is to obtain money ingame these days? I've handed out plats to several new people on many occations. So I've done my fair share to help new people. So its not really the money you are upset about is it? It's about the actual deed ofc. But as I explained before and I cba to repeat myself again. Take a look at my previous posts.
Sigwyen said:Well Trollum for ppl to contact u they would need to remember the house lot in order to look it up .. lets say for instance that they bought the barrels in good faith put them on the q-bar .. used it once worked fine and the next time they where using it ... empty ... and then they would do shift + i/n depending on keyboard settings etc ... and i surely as hell at that point wouldnt remember a house lot number
And making a practycal joke on somebody is okay in my opinion if u stood there frapping them or what ever ... but u didnt do that at all .. u didnt try to contact them and that my friend makes this a scam
U maybe tought of this as a joke .. but trust me it was a bad one and u clearly didnt think this trough
In a perfekt world we could all trust everybody and never have to do shift + i but sadly this isnt a perfect world as u so clearly state.
Belomar said:Go go go, keep on rationalizing your fucked up behavior!
no i wasent, just dont like kids that scamming othersatos said:Keep trying to justify your whine about my behavoiur. You were clearly not affected by it? :touch:
I'm saying I've contributed to helping newbie and I'd gladly give the person back his money if he would have contacted me regarding the issue.Agony said:so so you gave some newb money and that makes it OK to scamm other people ? is that what youre saying ?
atos said:Well all I can say they learned soemthing and will proceed with more caution next time. So in the end something good came out of it.
Well honestly I hoped people would contact me about it so I could laugh at them. But they did not obviously so.
Oh trust me I thought it through. ^^ However that was with the impression people were poor and could not afford the loss of a whole plat! But obviously, those who are active in RvR enough to use a pot since those are the largest customers can clearly afford to spend one plat with the amount of gold you get for a kill.
krall said:Don't u get it?...its not a question of 1p, 10p or 50p. U made a misstake, face it - learn - and move on. And for the love of god stop trying to defend urself will only make it look worse mate. Now lets have a![]()
atos said:Its not a misstake. Quite the opposite since I knew people would buy it without looking. I see it it as a wakeup call. Next time it might be something worse. People have a tedency to think "oh that will never happen to me".
Oh, so you mean I'm going to suck up all the insults people have thrown at me? Right, I dunno what you are like. But I don't enjoy being the bitch.
Coldbeard said:Yes, they should be grateful for you doing them a great favour. Maybe you can help people out by hacking their accounts too, so they might be more aware about that in the future.
Must say i got nothing against you ingame ure allways friendly and sush, just that i dont agree whit you about thisatos said:Frankly I cba to list all my chars. Nothing against you. You can always asume I'm worse irl, but I'm quite the oposite. Both ingame and irl so don't let this prank fool you.
Or by all means do that. It's said that you can read a person by their actions. But since this is just one thing I've done that hardly paints me out as a bad person in my eyes.
Its easier to forget and forgive. Not that I personally think I owe someone an appology.
Abit off-topic now. People judge Gimmly cause of the way he was. I can say that my personal experience of him was something completly different and treated him in a way to avoid confronation. Its much easier to put little difference aside than to make a huge fuss of things.
If more people knew how to do this in the world as it exists today, it would be less violent.
Good to hear. I feared some higher form of aggressive behaviour had built up there. But it was only steam as you explained now.Agony said:Must say i got nothing against you ingame ure allways friendly and sush, just that i dont agree whit you about this![]()
atos said:Its not a misstake. Quite the opposite since I knew people would buy it without looking. I see it it as a wakeup call. Next time it might be something worse. People have a tedency to think "oh that will never happen to me".
Oh, so you mean I'm going to suck up all the insults people have thrown at me? Right, I dunno what you are like. But I don't enjoy being the bitch.
atos said:Its not a misstake. Quite the opposite since I knew people would buy it without looking. I see it it as a wakeup call. Next time it might be something worse. People have a tedency to think "oh that will never happen to me".
Oh, so you mean I'm going to suck up all the insults people have thrown at me? Right, I dunno what you are like. But I don't enjoy being the bitch.
Nausilus^^ said:I'm kinda curious as to what you think the people who scammed think of you. Do you honestly think they feel you did them a favor? That you helped them pay more attention? Do you think they laughed when they found out that you had scammed them?
The people who do it for profit are in no way worse or better than you - they just have different motives, but the action itself is just as lame and stupid no matter what reason(s) you have for doing it.
Would you find it funny if you walked into a tv shop and bought a new tv, and once you got home and wanted to watch a film or telly, you found out that the electronics inside were missing? Would you feel grateful towards the hifi shop for giving you such a wakeup call?[/QUOTE
You are losing perspective. How is that story relevant? If you buy a TV in a shop irl there are rules that prevent a seller from doing that as well as insurance laws, etc. There are no safety nets inside the game. And btw, how do I know the TV is new, does it look new? Does it feel new? Etc...
Conclusion.. yes this IS a game, and people are allowed to have their own fun and joy, but you are, to put it lightly, extremely ignorant if you think it's unjustified if people here call you names and act hostile towards you. Most people who reply here, try to create a good and positive atmosphere ingame, in order to preserve what I consider to be one of the best mmo communities out there, while they see your so called pranks as a stopper for all that.
I don't see why people have to act hostile as they are not any of "my" victims most likely since I've only done it two times that I know off. If you like a positive and good atmosphere ingame I suggest you look back 1-2 years. The game was alot more positive then. Nowadays you can barely get peopel to help unless they get something for their effort. Its almost as if they want to get paid to play a game.
My "prank" as you call it is as much of a stopper as an ant to a football for the ingame community.
I've never acted abusive nor aggressive or anything like it ingame. So personally I think I've done nothing to ruin the atmosphere in the game.
fenrisan said:I can't condone the people who have thrown insults either, and no-one is expecting you to suck up to them, but a simple apology goes a long way.