vintervargen [ liddul rvr movie ]

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Fledgling Freddie
Jan 22, 2004
[NO]Subedai said:
if im crap, and weve beaten rr quite often before, god what that says for ur players :) Crappy cabalists can kill stuff easy, i mean u debuff and spam ur nuke (hi lorfo :) )

Are you saying lorfo is a crappy cabalist?


May 6, 2005
[NO]Subedai said:
if im crap, and weve beaten rr quite often before, god what that says for ur players :) Crappy cabalists can kill stuff easy, i mean u debuff and spam ur nuke (hi lorfo :) )

a crap cabalist would be interupted a lot of the time without moc :p and your movie kinda proves tanks can still kill easy with anytime and charge.


Dec 23, 2003
[NO]Subedai said:
if im crap, and weve beaten rr quite often before, god what that says for ur players :) Crappy cabalists can kill stuff easy, i mean u debuff and spam ur nuke (hi lorfo :) )

thats weird, since we havnt had a RR group with 5 or more guildies in it since.. pre-NF. but please, go on :)


Loyal Freddie
Feb 25, 2004
[NO]Subedai said:
if im crap, and weve beaten rr quite often before, god what that says for ur players :) Crappy cabalists can kill stuff easy, i mean u debuff and spam ur nuke (hi lorfo :) )
as a former cleric you should really know better , but oh well you just killed randoms in odins oO


Part of the furniture
Dec 30, 2003
vintervargen said:
thats weird, since we havnt had a RR group with 5 or more guildies in it since.. pre-NF. but please, go on :)
This is a kind of lame excuse, same thing is being done by Eclipse on Hib/Prydwen. If you're never a full guild group, or not a fixed group (like FC is not, according to Konah), you can always blame that if you lose, but you can still beat yourself over the chest when you win.


Resident Freddy
Mar 29, 2004
Konah said:
ye we will make a vid and ye we'll be killing randoms like RR/VP/DH/VR. only time youll see me use amy in rvr is when im on ml qbar checking whats still up fyi.
Be sure to hide the adds from your side well when you release the movie about killing us, because you never done that without adds.


May 9, 2004
FC don't add.
FC don't die to anyone.
FC have the best ma in the game.
FC don't run 4 banelord mercs.
FC are very skilled.
FC have no competition on excalibur.
FC are not sponsored by Konah's ego.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003

fc get more critisism than they deserve, but konah's ego is certainly making me not give a shit about any of it. its a fact that FC are the bottom of the foodchain in both respect from other gg's and playstyle, caused by

- low morales, bad communication i guess, if you get caught in a messy fight you will be the last to pull off (or thats what ive seen)
- bad MA play from konah (people say its just his bad days, /shrug)
- no real sorc

if you guys get a real setgrp out soon that would be great really, more to fight is always good, im sure once you get going it will result in some challenging fights

sorry for giving my point of view, go flame meh now ;)


Fledgling Freddie
Aug 5, 2004
It's so funny to listen to Konah, how a so sucky player can talk so much bs, i really hope you r just joking. U really r the new Karam GhuuL


Dec 23, 2003
Belomar said:
This is a kind of lame excuse, same thing is being done by Eclipse on Hib/Prydwen. If you're never a full guild group, or not a fixed group (like FC is not, according to Konah), you can always blame that if you lose, but you can still beat yourself over the chest when you win.

puh, excuse.. i really dont care if the group im in loose or win vs valravens or any other guild,, shit happens.

korgon might have very high thoughts about himself and the guild, and sure self-esteem is a good thing, but valravens have never been a guild i've feared meeting, no matter what kind of group im in...


Part of the furniture
Dec 26, 2003
Nice e-peenz duels here, keep it coming /popcorn

Dont let Wittor Dragonfang ye!!!!111two :flame:


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 7, 2004
vintervargen said:
puh, excuse.. i really dont care if the group im in loose or win vs valravens or any other guild,, shit happens.

korgon might have very high thoughts about himself and the guild, and sure self-esteem is a good thing, but valravens have never been a guild i've feared meeting, no matter what kind of group im in...

Belive me i dont have a high self esteen, i wuldnt really catagorise daoc playing with any type of esteem. as for fearing meeting a guild, that doesnt really exist either as all fg fights are fun, bar very few. Fact of matter is i enjoy fighting all the fg's on the server, whether they good or bad, add or not, they still provide a fg fight, and any1 who likes that kinda stuff shuld just let it be instead of whine whine whine :)


Part of the furniture
Apr 18, 2004
Vodkafairy said:

fc get more critisism than they deserve, but konah's ego is certainly making me not give a shit about any of it. its a fact that FC are the bottom of the foodchain in both respect from other gg's and playstyle, caused by

- low morales, bad communication i guess, if you get caught in a messy fight you will be the last to pull off (or thats what ive seen)
- bad MA play from konah (people say its just his bad days, /shrug)
- no real sorc

if you guys get a real setgrp out soon that would be great really, more to fight is always good, im sure once you get going it will result in some challenging fights

sorry for giving my point of view, go flame meh now ;)

/em uses gasoline so i can flame you all on my own!!!!

anyway, about that thank stuff etc, i dont know whats more ez mode.. tank or mage, i mean my chantress isnt that hard, .. just assist, debuff etc nuke stun ppl that are on druids pbaoe, 30 sec ez mode 4tehwin etc etc etc...

or my paladin; have to twist eery bloody 4 sec? don't forget u sometiems need to hit some1 !!!! ;O
then u need to bg sum dudes / graplle / power drain / end drain etc etc etc
then u need to use ra's at good time, (group heal) when clerics are udner siege due bad guarding or i dunno..

Paladin is NO ez mode in rvr..
chantress? ez mode ;)

(all classes need skills to be good played but caster is eaaazzeeeeyu. stand still nuke rp's nuke rps'nuke rp's nuke rp's........

Paladin is hard-mode..
(but hardest mode is; druid/cleric)


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 31, 2004
AngelHeal said:
(all classes need skills to be good played but caster is eaaazzeeeeyu. stand still nuke rp's nuke rps'nuke rp's nuke rp's........

umm yeah i mean u dont have 2 worry about BLs, charge tanks, shammys, theurgs, BDs ect i mean just sit back and let them rps flow in :eek7:


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
nice movie...almost makes you wanna come back & play...almost ;)

at least i saw how catacombs graphics look like now...

btw nice relaxing music...
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