News US School massacre


Part of the furniture
Sep 14, 2011
Dude, if the option isn't readily available, a lot of people, particularly those with psychological problems, will not take it. You don't see so many pipe bombs or rocket attacks.

And I think Guns are definitely one of the "real" issues - seeing as that's the reason people are dead and not wounded.

Sure, you couldn't get rid of them overnight, but with time? Definitely. I'd like to see you fix bullying..


I am a FH squatter
Jan 22, 2004
If you are psycho enough to kill 27 people you will not say "oh well I can't buy a gun I will just forget it" yes guns are a very easy way to do it but the nutters do not kill people because they have guns. And continually blaming guns does not fix the real problem.


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
Said it before will say it again banning guns will not stop this. If buying guns was made illegal the amount of guns already in the country and the size of the borders means nutters would still get guns. Taking guns from the overwhelming majority who do not murder kids will cause more trouble than it will solve. The bigger problem they have is why these people end up so sick in the head that killing kids seems to be the thing to do.

Bullying is a massive problem over there and one that is not tackled. But rather than shooting the one person who wronged them they go nuts. Fix that don't ban guns. All the talk of banning guns is just a way to avoid the real issues. These nutters could just look up how to make a pipe bomb if they had no guns. Guns don't kill people ect they just make it easier.

Thank god for common sense.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
How many school shootings have we had since the stricter gun controls after Dunblane?
We had the Derrick Bird shootings but that's it as far as I can recall.


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
How many school shootings have we had since the stricter gun controls after Dunblane?
We had the Derrick Bird shootings but that's it as far as I can recall.
More importantly ECA, how many did we have before? Bugger all except one, as far as I can recall ...

Actually, as an edit, if you're talking about school shootings, I think you'll find that none is the answer. So it didnt really fix anything did it.


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
And we still get shootings, like that Moat feller too. So the only people who suffer with our stupid rules are the vast majority of legitmate shooters.


Part of the furniture
Mar 12, 2004
Some of the kids shot up to 11 times, you sick, sick bastard.

Limbs would have been torn off little kids.


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
Limbs would have been torn off little kids.

Like the half a million that the US have killed in (a lot less than) your lifetime due to agressive military action?

Can I just say that again: Half a million...

There. Thanks.


J Peasemould Gruntfuttock
Dec 22, 2003
just cos its going on elsewhere doesnt somehow validate it happening everywhere
its tragic wherever it happens, but going "oh its going on in blahblah means its fine for it to happen everywhere" isnt really sensible. but in some places it SHOULD be easier to prevent or at least reduce, sadly this is apparently not

theres 2 main problems tbh as i can see in this :
1- the americans have really bad culture , society, and other things, that need fixing... this will take time, effort, money, etc, etc...
2- they have FAR TOO MANY GUNS

either is bad, both together is catastrophic. and if they banned all guns, and saved one life per year, would it be worth it ?


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
Ideally it would be a two pronged attack, reduce number of available guns and other factors such as improve the requirements for owning one, etc. but even then you'll still get these sorts of events but perhaps less frequently. Although they've so many it would be hard to go reduce gun ownership even if congress would agree to such changes, which they generally won't.


Part of the furniture
Mar 12, 2004
Like the half a million that the US have killed in (a lot less than) your lifetime due to agressive military action?

Can I just say that again: Half a million...

There. Thanks.

So that makes this ok?



FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
The only legislation that could ever hope to get even remotely through federally in the states would be similar to the legislation in place at the time of Dunblane in the UK. Hamiltons weapons were all legally held. You simply can't legislate the maniac out of the system.


J Peasemould Gruntfuttock
Dec 22, 2003
you can facepalm all you want throd, if youre going to be cavalier with the death of people you have to accept it could happen to you

sitting there waving your penis-substitute going RAR RARR 2nd AMMENDMENT doesnt make you magically immune to lifes catastrophes

i mean "you" collectively, not neccesarily you personally :p


I am a FH squatter
Apr 3, 2006
Are rifles really that commonplace and easy to acquire in the US? Don't you need a special license or anything for them?


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
you can facepalm all you want throd, if youre going to be cavalier with the death of people you have to accept it could happen to you

sitting there waving your penis-substitute going RAR RARR 2nd AMMENDMENT doesnt make you magically immune to lifes catastrophes

i mean "you" collectively, not neccesarily you personally :p

How many times :( Lets ban cars, loads of people are killed by them. Knives too. Where do you want to stop?

The Americans enshrine thier right to self-defence. I respect that.


J Peasemould Gruntfuttock
Dec 22, 2003
The Americans enshrine thier right to self-defence. I respect that.
no they dont, thats the whole point
firstly, its not "self defence", its "A well-regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed", its to do with tyrannical government, not shooting your local car thief

you want self defence, learn a martial art, get a baseball bat, you dont need an assault rifle, and therein lies the problem with all this, nutters will always exist, but limiting their FIREPOWER for want of a better word help to minimise casualties, a man with a knife is going to kill a lot less people than someone with a gun with a magazine on it. its not difficult to comprehend that.
and i have NEVER seen a good argument for most of the weapons these people have.

If you need something with special ammo, a large magazine, etc, etc to hunt with, then youre shite and should give it up.
If you think you need something like that to defend yourself against the local whatevers, then there is a national problem with firearms control


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
no they dont, thats the whole point
firstly, its not "self defence", its "A well-regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed", its to do with tyrannical government, not shooting your local car thief

you want self defence, learn a martial art, get a baseball bat, you dont need an assault rifle, and therein lies the problem with all this, nutters will always exist, but limiting their FIREPOWER for want of a better word help to minimise casualties, a man with a knife is going to kill a lot less people than someone with a gun with a magazine on it. its not difficult to comprehend that.
and i have NEVER seen a good argument for most of the weapons these people have.

If you need something with special ammo, a large magazine, etc, etc to hunt with, then youre shite and should give it up.
If you think you need something like that to defend yourself against the local whatevers, then there is a national problem with firearms control

Look, Ive been drinking, so I wont give you a rational argument, Ill just tell you what Im thinking.

It's this.

Shup up. You dont know what the fuck you're on about.


J Peasemould Gruntfuttock
Dec 22, 2003
Look, Ive been drinking, so I wont give you a rational argument, Ill just tell you what Im thinking.

It's this.

Shup up. You dont know what the fuck you're on about.

lol how mature of you :D
if in doubt, swear at people , righto ! ;)


I am a FH squatter
Apr 3, 2006
So you don't need any sort of rifle license? Why do civilians need access to such weaponry? Handguns, fine. Don't tell me it's for hunting because that's bollocks.
How many times :( Lets ban cars, loads of people are killed by them. Knives too. Where do you want to stop?

The Americans enshrine thier right to self-defence. I respect that.
LOL, serious argument or troll?


J Peasemould Gruntfuttock
Dec 22, 2003
So you don't need any sort of rifle license? Why do civilians need access to such weaponry? Handguns, fine. Don't tell me it's for hunting because that's bollocks.
its for shooting policemen and people they dont like, they just wont admit it ;)


I am a FH squatter
Apr 3, 2006
Assault rifles are illegal aren't they? Still don't see the need for the legal rifles beyond the bolt-action hunting type.


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
Sorry, that didnt answer the question. What is an assault rifle again?

*quick dash to google lads*


I am a FH squatter
Jan 27, 2004
Throdgrain I have to disgree with almost everything you've just said.. its simple logic

1. Were guns not available to buy so easily they would not be in reach of children or mental cunts that want to walk into a school and gun people down, you could argue "they could use a knife" yes, they could but whens that last time you heard of someone running into a school and knifing 30+ people to death? the reality is they'd knife probably 1-5 people before being tackled to the floor.
2. Claiming they have a right to bare arms to protect themselves from themselves because its only them shooting each other is just a headache when thinking about it

In short: they have in effect fucked themselves for being so arrogant/allowing every citizen a right to bare arms to "Protect" themselves. Were they to ever ban guns in the USA they'd have easily 10+ years of work ahead trying to get every last firearm out of circulation.

Its just a shame these shootings keep happening, so many young lives are being wasted from such needless actions.

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