[INFO] US Edition


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
only took me 5 mins to create a US beta account and activate my key.

Shame fileplanet has a huge queue for the client :(


One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 1, 2004
Or WoW. You just change the realmlist file with that. Easy as pie.

there should be a way I think... there can't be such a huge difference in these files really? we need a smartass to figure this out here plz :D :m00:


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
all it took was 15 minutes....

all it took was 15 minutes to...

goto WarCry Network : Contests : Warhammer Online: Open Beta Key Giveaway get a valid key for the us beta...

wait for an email

then to go to FilePlanet: Free Games, Downloads, Mods, Patches, Maps, Trailers, Demos&Betas and validate it

wait for an email

then to goto https://accounts.eamythic.com/ set up an account enter key and get an email to confirm all of this

and whats worse in the 15 minutes it took me to do this, i did it all twice once for myself and once for my wife....

I have a 4 meg connection only am getting 260k dl speed on the us clinet (unfortunatly cant use the uk one) 9 hours left to download = quicker than our own bloody supplier.....


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
only took me 5 mins to create a US beta account and activate my key.

Shame fileplanet has a huge queue for the client :(

I'm a member so I skipped the line \o/

The speed is crap though, 450kb/s for 10gb client :(


Fledgling Freddie
Aug 28, 2008
If this works, apparently warcry are giving out US beta keys atm.

Yeah I got one in about 5 minutes in total, including registering for the site.

instant key entry into a very easy accounts page at Mythics Warhammer site
very strange the game installed in a few seconds compared to GOA's
fired up the installer, updated that, restarted, and downloading the updates (very good speed too)

absolutely chalk and cheese compared to what we've had to put up with


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 7, 2008
So since sunday it was a long wait.
44444444411111111114444444 attacks!
What's happening? we're surrounded?! something's got hold of me, heeeelp!
Who's in command?
Sir GOA have left the building, it's just us left!
*3 days later*
Species 414 has claimed more lives.
All that was found of the Euro contingent was a stranged message scrawled in blood on the wall
*3 days and still no email* :flame:

This short story shows how frustrated I was with GOA. (Insert episode of Simpsons where the staff are all monkeys at type writers) But wanted to stay thanks for folks for helping me in this post, I set off with steely determination, got a beta key, and have now started down loading the client:clap:. I hope to see some of you soon, just so you know if there is one, I will likely try for a RP Core server (So I can explore lower level areas for the tome without being a chicken)

Let us know how you're doing! if we can see where the biggest EU presence is it'll make life easier in the long run :)
So thanks again, please post and let us know how you're all doing and good luck.


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 23, 2003
So since sunday it was a long wait.
44444444411111111114444444 attacks!
What's happening? we're surrounded?! something's got hold of me, heeeelp!
Who's in command?
Sir GOA have left the building, it's just us left!
*3 days later*
Species 414 has claimed more lives.
All that was found of the Euro contingent was a stranged message scrawled in blood on the wall
*3 days and still no email* :flame:
Lol I thought you went mad for a sec.

PS -the EAMythic account management page is so fast, it asks for your beta code when you first register and determines from the code what account you want to set up. Really streamlining the process for the user and I guess it reduces the load on the system and database at the same time.


Loyal Freddie
Oct 6, 2004
OK, that was quick. 7 Minutes in total for creating the warcry account, getting the beta key, creating a mythic masteraccount and registering my beta key for it.

Thanks for the headsup! :)


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 7, 2008
weird, now they're putting the key in the acceptance page on Warcry rather than sending emails, perhaps they're busy...

Of course, now I'm at work I can't see the image on fileplanet to validate my account and will have to wait til I get home. More progress in five minutes than the last 48 hours of GOA's attempts.

To those who's already got in, how are the US servers' performance? Any lag etc?


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 8, 2008
I'll be playing this evening i'll post my impressions later for you including any lag issues. But its been painless so far....


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 23, 2003
I just finished downloading from the US open beta client.
Patching now.

Then I will run a few hash programs to find out which folder / files are different between teh US and EU, and try and find out which files you need to change, will keep you guys posted.


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 13, 2004
Got my US key last night and started DLing the client(finished 10 min ago).
I already have an account on US with daoc. Activated WAR beta on the account and have now patched 40%. \o/

Still no key validation email from GOA...


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 23, 2003
Looks like the torrent is going really fast now for many people, maybe that's better way


Loyal Freddie
Oct 6, 2004
I just finished downloading from the US open beta client.
Patching now.

Then I will run a few hash programs to find out which folder / files are different between teh US and EU, and try and find out which files you need to change, will keep you guys posted.

Please do! I got a meager 2MBit line ATM so it will take a while to download the whole client again. :)

Thanks for putting in the work mate!


Regular Freddie
Jan 3, 2006
Okay, I have ordered mine from Gamestop. Fingers crossed I will get an email, will let you all know what happens.

Downloading the client as we speak from both of the Torrents hehe.


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 23, 2003
Please do! I got a meager 2MBit line ATM so it will take a while to download the whole client again. :)

Thanks for putting in the work mate!

I've tried copying all the files over except the big ones .myp ones, fails to patch properly, says too many files are missing :S

I guess the two clients come from different builds and patch up differently, presumably one is from an earlier build and one from a later build. So when the EU one is redirected to Mythic's patch server it is rejected.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
US vs EU beta experience.

After trying since sunday to get into the european beta due to a combination of the eu websites technical problems and beta key activation which has still not come through I decided to try the US beta and see whether that was indeed running more smoothly.

Step 1. Find a US key, this isn't really related to anyone at all but there were plenty of websites giving out keys and I found one post-haste.

Step 2. Create a beta account - this went very smoothly - I entered my details no problems with the website at all and was asked for my beta key - I recieved an email instantaneously telling me that my account had been setup and I could now login to play.

This whole process took less than 2 minutes, vs the 48hours+ I have been waiting to try and get even to the point where I have an account to login to the EU beta. ( I've coded registration and login systems myself that have handled 10k+ users - I don't see what would have been difficult about implemented a stripped down version of the website to reduce load during the early beta registration period and also for release day ).

I'm seriously considering ordering a US copy of the game just because the level of technical competance between them seems worlds apart.

Why should we as EU customers put up with sub standard service levels?

Is there any particular reason other than raiding hours to play the EU version rather than the US version?


One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 23, 2004
Personally, it's all about the community for me. All the people I want to play with are going EU, plus old faces that I haven't seen in a long time are all far more likely to come to EU than US. For me, WAR is much more about the people I'm playing with than it is about the game itself, my outlook in life and gaming in general has changed so much since ye olde days of DAoC, and for me this is the priority. So unfortunately, GOA is kinda like it or lump it for me tbh.


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 23, 2003
I'm seriously considering ordering a US copy of the game just because the level of technical competance between them seems worlds apart.

Why should we as EU customers put up with sub standard service levels?

Is there any particular reason other than raiding hours to play the EU version rather than the US version?

That's the main reason for me too, and also because I don't want to wait weeks for a translation of the patch from English US to English GB.

Many old daoc guilds are staying EU, so that might a reason for some to stay


Loyal Freddie
Oct 6, 2004
I've tried copying all the files over except the big ones .myp ones, fails to patch properly, says too many files are missing :S

I guess the two clients come from different builds and patch up differently, presumably one is from an earlier build and one from a later build. So when the EU one is redirected to Mythic's patch server it is rejected.

Thanks for trying! :cheers:

I ll have the client available tomorrow, so its not a big deal.


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 7, 2008
I'm a member so I skipped the line \o/

The speed is crap though, 450kb/s for 10gb client :(

lol also a member but getting huge variations from 20KB/s to 120KB/s
I've got my account set up ready and waiting, but two days to download client and then however long the patch takes... Looks like no beta for me


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 2, 2008
I've also gone down the US beta route and everything has gone so smooth and actually just made a char on the bloodkeep svr ! . Anyone with an idea on svrs would be the best to play on for us EU dudes ? Or a way to check pings in game ect. Thx


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 6, 2004
For those looking to move to the US servers I suggest bookmarking the thread "EU Migration!" - EU Migration! - Warhammer Forums over at the WarhammerAlliance forum to ensure that as many eu players as possible end up playing on the same server(s).


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 23, 2003
Thanks for the headsup will sure do, Viddi.


Regular Freddie
Jan 3, 2006
Anyone found a US Collectors Edition game for sale? Trying to make sure I get the Headstart.

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