United States Corrupt Twattery


Down With That Sorta Thing
Dec 22, 2003
Oh for fuck's sake. White people don't breed. That's it. Most white populations in Europe are at well below replacement rate, so if you want someone to wipe your arse when you're all crinkly and refuse to check out at a time that's convenient, then you're gonna need all those immigrants. Of course you could have had nice white immigrants from nice white countries like Poland, but nooo, you didn't want that, so you're going to get brown people instead, and you'll fucking deal with it because that's democracy.


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
unless this genetic fiddling gaff is talking about comes in prank form


Part of the furniture
Dec 29, 2003
It's especially fun for me, as I have the racist fuckwit bigot sheep on ignore.

So I end up reading spouse's frustrated posts and then try to piece together what the latest bit of retardation from our resident Nazi might have been.



Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
@Job. Not being awkward or nasty but can I ask you to try again please?

I want to engage with you properly and sensibly on this but there's just far too much off-topic stuff and confusion of threads to be able to unpick your argument in a fashion where we can actually discuss the defined points.

If you want to expand it post answering the questions then that's fine, but before that please just stick to the questions exactly. One at a time, as numbered.

Genuinely want to engage with you here, but you're not making it easy.


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
Oh..I'm sorry Sir, don't put me on detention.

Seriously Scouse, I've answered your questions, or do you want me to number the replies.

I don't support eugenics

I believe the white mutation should be protected


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
Seriously Scouse, I've answered your questions, or do you want me to number the replies.

I don't support eugenics

I believe the white mutation should be protected

Seriously Job - you haven't answered my questions. I didn't even mention eugenics. So yes, I want you to number the replies because without it you just end up posting off-topic waffle with other stuff thrown in. It's too damn hard to discuss anything rationally and sensibly with that.

These are the questions, again:

1) what exactly do you mean by "protected"?

2) how do you achieve "protection" effectively without causing more upset and upheaval than makes it worthwhile?

3) Why is it worthwhile? Why should the white mutation be protected? Other than "it's a bit sad" there aren't really any downsides to losing it and an awful lot of upsides. And surely on-balance the upsides win?


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
The same protection that is offered to European minorities by the human rights legislation.
They are protected against cultural genocide.
White people just fight for themselves

Any effort made to limit immigration is met with charges of racism, almost entirely by our own guilt laden, simplistic outlook liberals.
To push forward we need them to back off, even immigrants don't want anymore immigrants.

It's sad, because your dream of a multicultural world will never happen, we are the most likely people to do it.
The main races of the world protect their identities to a level that would get you locked up over here.
In other words, only we want it, no one else would be that stupid.
There are no upsides or downsides, we will be gone and the world will carry on as racist as ever.


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
It's not important, it's just the right thing to do in my view..like Tigers and Polar bears.


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
OK - at least we've got something to work with, I'll pose three more question during it:
The same protection that is offered to European minorities by the human rights legislation.
They are protected against cultural genocide.
White people just fight for themselves
EU human rights legislation works for all people equally. We're all protected against cultural genocide. Not that I accept that in any way that's happening in the UK.

Culture and colour are two very different things @Job and I don't accept that UK culture is under threat from immigration.

The UK has always had ghettos - they're defined by first and foremost by economics - the fact that our ghettos are predominantly asian show that asians are predominantly poor. But Liverpool's a huge example of white ghetto - I'd happily chance my arm in any majority asian area in Liverpool than a poor white area. Do those poor white ghettos represent UK culture?

Of course not. They represent economic depravity and poor educational attainment. But they've always existed.

Given that - if you insist that "white culture" is under threat can you 1) define exactly what white culture is please.

If you can't define what it is, then how can you worry about losing it?

Any effort made to limit immigration is met with charges of racism, almost entirely by our own guilt laden, simplistic outlook liberals.
To push forward we need them to back off, even immigrants don't want anymore immigrants.
Even the Torygraph states that one third of leave voters had immigration as their most important issue. That's 1/3rd of 52%. So whilst it's an important thing for many people it's not an important thing for the majority of the UK.

So, immigration is a minority worry. You're part of that minority, fair enough, but it's not that big of an issue for most people.

Michael Gove wanted to stop European Immigration because of a "racist privileging of Europeans" at the expense of migration from outside the EU. So, more of the people that you don't want (brown people) are going to come over post brexit - instead of white Europeans. Brexit likely won't deliver immigration cuts. Just a reshaping at best.

But either way you still didn't answer my question so I'll ask it again:

2) how do you achieve "protection" effectively without causing more upset and upheaval than makes it worthwhile?

You've not made an effort to address it. How do you, part of a minority, achieve this white-gene protection without causing more upset and upheaval than makes it worthwhile?

It's sad, because your dream of a multicultural world will never happen, we are the most likely people to do it.
The main races of the world protect their identities to a level that would get you locked up over here.
In other words, only we want it, no one else would be that stupid.
There are no upsides or downsides, we will be gone and the world will carry on as racist as ever.
Again, that doesn't answer the question:

3) Why is it worthwhile? Why should the white mutation be protected?

If there are, as you say, "no upsides or downsides", why should we go to all of this trouble and cause such pain and strife for something we haven't got a hope in hell of stopping anyway? You need a better reason than "it's just how I feel" - because that's not actually reason by it's very definition.

Anyway. 3 questions clearly defined for you there. Two I've had to restate because you didn't answer them again. You just talked about stuff slightly related, but not the actual question.


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
I did, I said the the problems related to achieving this protection almost exclusively come from within and from activists, focus groups and people making the right noises.

Liverpool is pretty well an Irish immigrant enclave and has very little non white immigration simply because you don't fuck with the Irish.
In fact it doesn't even seem racist, because it never gets brought up, non whites here are an oddity, but that doesn't mean I don't know there are a fuckload of inbred racist bigots here, they just don't have the material to go on.


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
You have problems don't you @Job. Did you do poorly at school because you couldn't A) read the questions and B) answer what was actually asked?

3 more questions. Asked in bold, white and directly, multiple times. The inescapable conclusion is that you're simply a babbling moron. You should stick to posting nice photos tbh...


FH is my second home
Dec 23, 2003
So are we back to the maths not looking good for us...30 million Africans in one year...Swedens total population..10 million.
Yet Africans are a protected minority in Sweden, it kinda looks silly when you zoom out.

Silly? Africans living here in Sweden IS a minority for crying out really fucking loud! However many they are IN AFRICA has nothing what so ever to do with it!


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
@Job how would you protect 'white culture' legally?
Jumping the gun Gwadien. If he can't define white culture how the hell is he to know what he's supposed to protect?

He's been asked to define white culture a number of times before (not just today) and every single time he's failed to come up with a definition.

It's because he doesn't have one. Other than "things @Job likes and thinks are right".


Uneducated Northern Cretin
Jul 15, 2006
Jumping the gun Gwadien. If he can't define white culture how the hell is he to know what he's supposed to protect?

He's been asked to define white culture a number of times before (not just today) and every single time he's failed to come up with a definition.

It's because he doesn't have one. Other than "things @Job likes and thinks are right".

I'm more intrigued what kinda law he'd pass tbh.

Not interested in the discourse of language; more interested in the the extent of radicalism and extremism of his views.


I am a FH squatter
Jul 18, 2004
Job is entitled to an opinion as well, just because anyone claims something doesn't make it true as much as you want it. Oh, also, i think he refers to the Braveheart movie type "freeeeeeedoooooom".


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
Good god..what boloks, outrageous editing, and personal opinions based on he hasn't read a book they think he should....
'I didn't see a book..he watches tv a lot'.

They give an example of him asking for glasses and to prove he doesn't need them, they show him reading out loud!

Just a cherry picked, carefully edited hatchet job to construct an out of context conclusion.
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