United States Corrupt Twattery


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
You dont have to read books tho. There are loads of other sources of info than books.

With reading

Stuff happening in Sweden > report written detailing what, reasons, outcome etc > President reviews information and forms a response > President talks about issues

Without reading

Stuff happening in Sweden > report written detailing what, reasons, outcome etc > President watches cartoon network or whatever > President rambles on about terrorism in Sweden, its TERRIBLE folks TERRIBLE.

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Down With That Sorta Thing
Dec 22, 2003
Ah my mistake. Everything in Sweden is just peachy.

Are you seriously trying to defend Trump's claim about "what happened in Sweden last night"? Even if there is rising crime in Sweden (which apparently there isn't, crime is down since 2005), and even if it was entirely caused by immigration (which, it isn't), Sweden would still have a tiny fraction of the per capita crime rates of the US, which have fuck all to do with immigrants, muslims or mutant space bats (Could it be the wide availability of guns and endemic racism perhaps? Gosh darn it no, not in 'Murica). The misdirection that Trump is trying to pull is pathetically unsophisticated but still, there are plenty of useful idiots prepared to back his nonsense up.

America could bring in muslims and Mexicans by the super tanker load and their contribution to crime and death rates in the US would barely make the needle flicker.


Once agreed with Scouse and a LibDem at same time
Dec 22, 2003
Are you seriously trying to defend Trump's claim about "what happened in Sweden last night"? Even if there is rising crime in Sweden (which apparently there isn't, crime is down since 2005), and even if it was entirely caused by immigration (which, it isn't), Sweden would still have a tiny fraction of the per capita crime rates of the US, which have fuck all to do with immigrants, muslims or mutant space bats (Could it be the wide availability of guns and endemic racism perhaps? Gosh darn it no, not in 'Murica). The misdirection that Trump is trying to pull is pathetically unsophisticated but still, there are plenty of useful idiots prepared to back his nonsense up.

America could bring in muslims and Mexicans by the super tanker load and their contribution to crime and death rates in the US would barely make the needle flicker.

No. What I am saying is that, whilst nothing did happen in Sweden that night, to claim that all is well and Sweden is a hotbed of successful integration is burying one's head in the sand, bordering on Saddam's communication minister suggesting there is nothing to see here.

You don't have to be a rabid UKIP'er to realise that immigration has brought it's own set of problems many countries (including the Humanitarian Superpower that is Sweden) aren't equipped to cope with, and you don't have to be a dribbling Trumper to suggest it should be better controlled and managed - not stopped in the slightest, just managed properly. Where I massively disagree with Trump, is that the issues Europe are seeing currently mean that all imigration should be halted - that is nonsense - they should be sending people to Sweden, Germany etc, seeing what those countries are doing right, but also seeing what can be improved.

However the first part of fixing a problem is identifying that you have a problem, and all this "nothing to see here" garbage is just as unhelpful as Trump's rhetoric.


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
Crime figures are always the most pointless statistic, people are not bus stops or shops at night.
They react very quickly to the feeling they are unsafe,there are many no-go areas for native Swedes, there is white flight, girls are picked up by parents, endless subtle measures are taken against a threat they feel has risen.
Basically they fuck off and leave the immigrants to it, they are not welcome in white Swedish areas and visa versa, that is happening all over Europe, London being a classic example.
This is not exactly the harmony people are looking for.


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
Last time I went to London I didn't feel particularly in danger, not from people anyway, just the grime that covers everything in London.


I am a FH squatter
Jul 18, 2004
@Job you have no clue with regards to Stockholm.

The economy is going forward, steadily. The OMX is up 4,4% this year, in total. Stockholm is growing as new apartments are being built on a regular basis.
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I am a FH squatter
Jul 18, 2004
Though, Malmö is going under budget by 5 billion kronor. 12+ shootings in two months now (reading an article made the 12th of February by Expressen, a regular Swedish newspaper), lots of other shit going down as well. I haven't been in Malmö for an extensive amount of time, but from the sound of it, you don't want to be living there.

Mostly only criminals are shooting at each other, but due to criminal violence has gotten more brutal, and more automatic weapons are being used, it's only a matter of time before someone gets caught in the crossfire.

On the subject of Schools, I've heard from people working in that sector, that the issue is parents who emigrated here, living in a segregated area from day 1, stay-at-home mom, working dad, 3-4++ kids that they can't take care of/raise, these kids go to school and cause all kind of shit, gets into gangs etc. The families that has ambition and wants to be integrated movies away into areas which are more successfully integrated, better schools etc.

On the subject of medical care in Sweden at the moment: We've recently finished building a 'state of the art' hospital in Stockholm (Nya karolinska) which are deemed completely unnecessary and waste of money by experts - politicians went on with it and ignored advice.
It's extremely ineffective due to the nature of it's use/care: Modeled after top-notch US hospitals, NK specializes in trauma-intensive care (gunshots, for example) and rare medical conditions.

In conclusion: Many politician's are clueless and wants to leave a legacy behind, in which expert opinions aren't included. There's bickering over who's to blame for today's 'crisis' and who's to be blamed. Much due to current global atmosphere, nothing is being done, and we thread carefully around the idea of 'racism', and bicker over it.

With regards to Swedish newspapers, i think they are doing a good job reporting news. Just that some individuals within these newspapers are bat shit crazy, as seen in many editorials.


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
On the subject of immigrants at schools, my wife had a parent refuse to discuss their disruptive child because my wife happens to be female. They got told to do one.

You also find a lot of mothers do not speak a word of English because they aren't allowed, or refuse to integrate.

Both issues are first generation issues though, over time the backwardsness will evaporate.


I am a FH squatter
Jul 18, 2004
Well, they will have to adapt and overcome, go beyond their religious programming to survive.


Down With That Sorta Thing
Dec 22, 2003
No. What I am saying is that, whilst nothing did happen in Sweden that night, to claim that all is well and Sweden is a hotbed of successful integration is burying one's head in the sand, bordering on Saddam's communication minister suggesting there is nothing to see here.

You don't have to be a rabid UKIP'er to realise that immigration has brought it's own set of problems many countries (including the Humanitarian Superpower that is Sweden) aren't equipped to cope with, and you don't have to be a dribbling Trumper to suggest it should be better controlled and managed - not stopped in the slightest, just managed properly. Where I massively disagree with Trump, is that the issues Europe are seeing currently mean that all imigration should be halted - that is nonsense - they should be sending people to Sweden, Germany etc, seeing what those countries are doing right, but also seeing what can be improved.

However the first part of fixing a problem is identifying that you have a problem, and all this "nothing to see here" garbage is just as unhelpful as Trump's rhetoric.

Not the point of Trump's speech though. Trump gives no shits about Sweden or anywhere else in Europe, except inasmuch as he can use it to further fear in the US. That's why commentary along the lines of "ooh he has a point because x" are so dangerous. Whatever problems Sweden has are trivial (super trivial) compared to the problems America has that Trump, the Alt-right and even common or garden Republicans are desperate to deflect.


Once agreed with Scouse and a LibDem at same time
Dec 22, 2003
Not the point of Trump's speech though. Trump gives no shits about Sweden or anywhere else in Europe, except inasmuch as he can use it to further fear in the US. That's why commentary along the lines of "ooh he has a point because x" are so dangerous. Whatever problems Sweden has are trivial (super trivial) compared to the problems America has that Trump, the Alt-right and even common or garden Republicans are desperate to deflect.

Ah I forgot, the only commentary allowed on Trump is what an evil man he is. Only polarised views are allowed here, no attempt to suggest the story, as ever, is probably somewhere in between the two viewpoints.


Down With That Sorta Thing
Dec 22, 2003
Ah I forgot, the only commentary allowed on Trump is what an evil man he is. Only polarised views are allowed here, no attempt to suggest the story, as ever, is probably somewhere in between the two viewpoints.

It isn't. What fucking alternative universe do you live in?


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
You should know by now that you shouldn't question anything or you get page after page of deranged ranting.


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
I believe gaffs point was that Trumps sweden comments were simply misdirection rather than actually caring about sweden

Edit: you can have whatever view you like but this being a discussion forum be prepared for people to call bullshit or at very least strongly disagree with you


Down With That Sorta Thing
Dec 22, 2003
You should know by now that you shouldn't question anything or you get page after page of deranged ranting.

Look, there's two positions on Trump, he doesn't believe what he's saying and is using bullshit for political capital, and we should all be very afraid, or, he does believe what he's saying because he believes what the TV tells him and we should all be really afraid because the president of the US is a moron. I think I'd actually prefer the former.

As for his policies and the people who advise him; they're just the worst*. I think there's one comment I've heard Trump make that has any substance (NATO countries aren't paying their way) because you can fact check it and its objectively true. The rest? All horrific and stupid.

(*Bannon? The god bothering education loony? His son-in-law? What a bunch of scumbags).


Has a sexy sister. I am also a Bodhi wannabee.
Dec 22, 2003
You dont have to read books tho. There are loads of other sources of info than books.

I think you're being harsh on Moriath with the facepalms, I agree that there are many sources of good, and much more up to date, information outside of books.


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
...but nobody is defending him, just commenting on the fact that there does appear to be an issue.


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
I think you're being harsh on Moriath with the facepalms, I agree that there are many sources of good, and much more up to date, information outside of books.

Why? With the amount he dishes out "BECAUSE HE DOESN'T UNDERSTAND HUMOUR OMG" it's only fair.

As for up to date information, sure, you aren't going to wait for a book about it but as president you would have thought he might have read up on some of the great presidents and historical events to help him.

Edit, not only that but it appears he is signing bits of paper without the first idea of what they say...not really the best from the man in charge of the worlds most powerful army.
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