United States Corrupt Twattery


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
All the votes that are in so far suggest that nothing is going to change (as unlikely as it was anyway).


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
I hope he points his finger at Obama on the days and says 'You're fired'


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
in b4 impeachment tbh
I saw a "theory" that the GOP would get him impeached on his first day of office so they could put someone more... controllable... in his place. Inauguration day is going to be a shitshow of epic proportions.
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I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
I saw a "theory" that the GOP would get him impeached on his first day of office so they could put someone more... controllable... in his place. Inauguration day is going to be a shitshow of epic proportions.
Have they released details of which acts are going to perform yet?


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
This is the Guards cutting cartoon.


Uneducated Northern Cretin
Jul 15, 2006
Trevor Noah on Trumps backpeddling.
I'm sorry, but Trump is a fucking genius, he has managed to sidestep every hole in his campaign with ..you..know..the truth.
The democrats and the left just don't know what to do.

Trevor Noah made a point about Donald Trump no one else has


You agree with Trevor?

Because like, Trump used 'the truth' to get into power and now he's not gonna apply 'the truth'?


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
Trevor Noah on Trumps backpeddling.
I'm sorry, but Trump is a fucking genius, he has managed to sidestep every hole in his campaign with ..you..know..the truth.
The democrats and the left just don't know what to do.

Trevor Noah made a point about Donald Trump no one else has
He didn't side-step anything with the truth in the campaign. He lied his arse off in the campaign and then once he's won says yeh so I lied. Ha Ha.

Let's not credit him here.


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
You just agreed with what I said.
The standard politician answer up till now for the dropping campaign promises, is to deflect the question.
We know they'll do it, the guy asking the questions knows they'll do it.
The lie becomes the norm
'I think people want me to focus on...we need to move forward..etc..etc'
Everyone knows why they lied and why they are changing their tune.
We all go through this pantomine farce of complaining.
Trump steps up and says..' yeah, but that was campaign talk..can't be arsed now.
Oh shit ..the truth..politics isn't built around it, so they dig up something else and he's like 'yeah..lied there as well'.
You can't nail him for it because everyone lies, all the politicians, the media, people lie to themselves.
He is quite simply the most incredible revolution in politics since it started.
I guess the network of lies has finally given birth to a creature that tells the truth of the lies, something we all knew, all along.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
You just agreed with what I said.
The standard politician answer up till now for the dropping campaign promises, is to deflect the question.
We know they'll do it, the guy asking the questions knows they'll do it.
The lie becomes the norm
'I think people want me to focus on...we need to move forward..etc..etc'
Everyone knows why they lied and why they are changing their tune.
We all go through this pantomine farce of complaining.
Trump steps up and says..' yeah, but that was campaign talk..can't be arsed now.
Oh shit ..the truth..politics isn't built around it, so they dig up something else and he's like 'yeah..lied there as well'.
You can't nail him for it because everyone lies, all the politicians, the media, people lie to themselves.
He is quite simply the most incredible revolution in politics since it started.
I guess the network of lies has finally given birth to a creature that tells the truth of the lies, something we all knew, all along.
That makes no sense. You're giving credit to the biggest liar in US political history for telling the truth. He's not even telling the truth he's just saying 'ha suckers' which isn't really an assertion.


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
I'm giving credit to him for pulling it off.
He's not the biggest liar, he is just the biggest admitter of lying.
You have to build up some character and following to be able to come out and go 'oh c'mon, it was bollocks'.
Farage and Trump...the two greatest politicians in the past 100 years, not by skill or intent, just simply by holding up a mirror to our own bullshit.


Fuck the Tories!
Dec 27, 2003
job kind of has a point. both have proved what utter bollocks our democracy has become.


Part of the furniture
Jan 27, 2004
Always wondered how Hitler would have been described and remembered if he had been on our side


FH is my second home
Dec 23, 2003
I'm sorry, but Trump is a fucking genius, he has managed to sidestep every hole in his campaign with ..you..know..the truth.


I'm giving credit to him for pulling it off.
He's not the biggest liar, he is just the biggest admitter of lying.

Say what?

He won because he's a compulsive liar, admitting to it after the results changes absolutely nothing what so ever..

So who is a bigger liar then Trump?

I want names and what they lied about.


Trem's hunky sex love muffin
Dec 20, 2003
It seems to me that actually being able to back up whatever is said during a campaign, or even when in office, is no longer a thing. If you're allowed to say any old shit and not give a fuck about the consequences, then why not do so if it will get you a win? You can't get called on it, and if you do then just admit you embellished or bare face lied.

The smart people will be trying their hardest to find some logic to whatever it is you'll say you're doing. That is actually a dumb thing to do because there is and will be nothing to see. The evolution of politics disturbs me to the extent that I think it's pointless to actually vote. Even the parties in a multi-party system like the NL has who are vaguely aligned with what I believe in throw it all out the window once they get in power. Only the ones that have no hope in hell show a modicum of standing up for what they say.


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
Every party makes a promise in the elections they have no hope or interest in fulfilling.
The idiots are those who believe the impossible.
Dropping campaign promises is a national sport..we line up to be disappointed.
Trump..if I can possibly explain this any clearer...doesn't bother with the nicities for the cretins..just say it as it is.
The truth is right there in front of us..he simply can't be arsed pouring bullshit sauce over it.


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
Except his entire campaign was bullshit sauce, which he now admits

Im with Tdc i will keep voting but i have tagged the guys who lied and will never vote for them again

theres a campaign here to keep the broken promises fresh until next election so they dont just dump the unpopular stuff at the beginning then try to sweeten things up a few years later and hope everyones forgotten


Uneducated Northern Cretin
Jul 15, 2006
Every party makes a promise in the elections they have no hope or interest in fulfilling.
The idiots are those who believe the impossible.
Dropping campaign promises is a national sport..we line up to be disappointed.
Trump..if I can possibly explain this any clearer...doesn't bother with the nicities for the cretins..just say it as it is.
The truth is right there in front of us..he simply can't be arsed pouring bullshit sauce over it.

So you're saying when he was telling everyone that he was gonna build a wall, return heavy industries en mass, etc etc he was saying it with a wink and everyone saw the joke?


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
Every party makes a promise in the elections they have no hope or interest in fulfilling.
The idiots are those who believe the impossible.
Dropping campaign promises is a national sport..we line up to be disappointed.
Trump..if I can possibly explain this any clearer...doesn't bother with the nicities for the cretins..just say it as it is.
The truth is right there in front of us..he simply can't be arsed pouring bullshit sauce over it.
If that was the case he would've said it was all bullshit before that big vote thing that they had. Except he didn't. Lots of other people did (fact checking news organisations for one made huge lists of all the lies he told) but he didn't.


Uneducated Northern Cretin
Jul 15, 2006
Is it because in order to defeat the political elite one has to become the political elite?


I am a FH squatter
Dec 22, 2003
Don't get me started, who invented the concentration camps? The British.

Nazi concentration camps were not remotely similar to British concentration camps. Those who died in British camps did so from disease, or starvation. They weren't pushed into chambers, gassed, and then burned in ovens as part of an operation to rid Europe of anyone not deemed racially pure.


Uneducated Northern Cretin
Jul 15, 2006
Nazi concentration camps were not remotely similar to British concentration camps. Those who died in British camps did so from disease, or starvation. They weren't pushed into chambers, gassed, and then burned in ovens as part of an operation to rid Europe of anyone not deemed racially pure.

No, true, but they still were a political opponent based upon the colour of their skin.

Hitler was a catalyst between 19th century empire building where there were no rules to late 20th century liberalism where political correctness reigns, it's ridiculous to suggest that Hitler was solely responsible for the crimes against humanity prior and during ww2.


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
Simply, when you make an extremely unlikely..in fact undoable campaign promise, then u turn on it with some other bullshit explanation...you have lied twice.
Trump lied once..in fact, he's getting away with no lies.
'Ahh..it was good at the time..but who cares now'.
It is not post truth...this is the real truth.

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