
Uneducated Northern Cretin
Jul 15, 2006
The only reason you have middle management is that top level managers are either completely fucking useless or lazy.
Well, councils money seems to be infinite (Which it's not.) So it's better to recruit someone to blame if something fucks up, so it covers your back - Whilst the important front-line staff are laid off en-mass, because they don't have the contacts to cover theirselves.


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
I think it is because I watched my Mum and Dad work two jobs my whole childhood just too afford a mortgagee they are still paying and coming from the shit is why I have zero time for people who don't try.
They are not alone , and all my respect is for people like that.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
I worked on the roads, In warehouses , bacon factories and packaging. When I was a student. During holidays. I think people are too posh to do jobs they don't like. The job has to be acceptable rather than just a job that pays money.

People should be on a position to have to take any job they are offered. Not that it's better off on benefits.

I agree there should be immigration limits. But we can't do that while in the eu.


Uneducated Northern Cretin
Jul 15, 2006
I worked on the roads, In warehouses , bacon factories and packaging. When I was a student. During holidays. I think people are too posh to do jobs they don't like. The job has to be acceptable rather than just a job that pays money.

People should be on a position to have to take any job they are offered. Not that it's better off on benefits.

I agree there should be immigration limits. But we can't do that while in the eu.
Bacon factory sounds awesome


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
We have to accept that the future of the world is a mixed race/culture one...which it is allready really..but it will be a different one...evetybody light tan colored with cultural barriers to behaviour in the middle ground...which is no bad thing..though of course being human we will find a whole new set of parameters to hate and judge each other with...if we closed off the UK against this averaging out at least we'd be a museum to white people and be a haven for nostalga.


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
I don't much care what happens in 50ish years as I will probably either be dead or getting bed baths from lovely nurses.


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
As a protest vote is comes with a high cost which is increasing every day.


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
Yeah, I was thinking of protest voting but UKIP getting in would be an even bigger disaster than another Labour government.

Set on spoiling my ballot now.


Once agreed with Scouse and a LibDem at same time
Dec 22, 2003
Absolutely true. Not in this economy. But stop complaining about "lazy scummy brits" - when it's not that they're lazy or scummy - it's the fact that it just isn't worth it financially for them.

I wouldn't do it. YOU wouldn't do it. If you say you would you're lying out of your arse. The poles only do it because they know that, financially, when they return to poland, it makes sense.

Scouse in talking rubbish shocker. There are two parts of your argument which are bollocks.

1) I still live near Stoke on Trent, so know a lot of unemployed people. Out of about 6, the last one applied for a job 18 months ago. The rest are happy sitting on their arses doing fuck all, getting all arsey when the Dole office suggests they might want to do something for all the free money they're getting. Any time I broach the subject with them, I play "Excuse Bingo" through all the standard excuses I have heard why they haven't bothered their arses. The usual ones are:

- What's the point they only want to employ Polish people
- I'll never get a job I've been out of work too long (conveniently ignoring the fact there are employment agencies that specialise in this.
- I'm far too good to work in a factory. Normally from people with 2 GCSE's and visible tattoos.
- I've got a bad back/depression/anxiety etc etc.
- All the jobs are in Stafford I'd have to get a bus (this one makes me laugh when I remind them that me and the OH commute from Stafford to Birmingham every day)
- etc etc

All can be summed up by "I'm a lazy feckwit who'd rather live off state handouts than actually do anything productive".

2) If I was out of work and needed some money, I would take a menial job. I know this because in the past, I have. Be it being between jobs and needing 3 weeks of factory work to tide me over, to when I was recovering from cancer and didn't want to take anything on til I'd had the all clear, I've done all sorts. Order picking,lorry driver's mate, distribution, shelf stacking, you name it I've done it, as demeaning as the work is, it's still better than the dole. Sadly the over-entitled population we seem to have after Labour's "Everyone is special" years don't seem to see this, and all want executive jobs even though they struggle to spell their own name.


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
Scouse in talking rubbish shocker. There are two parts of your argument which are bollocks.

1) I still live near Stoke on Trent, so know a lot of unemployed people. Out of about 6, the last one applied for a job 18 months ago. The rest are happy sitting on their arses doing fuck all, getting all arsey when the Dole office suggests they might want to do something for all the free money they're getting. Any time I broach the subject with them, I play "Excuse Bingo" through all the standard excuses I have heard why they haven't bothered their arses. The usual ones are:

- What's the point they only want to employ Polish people
- I'll never get a job I've been out of work too long (conveniently ignoring the fact there are employment agencies that specialise in this.
- I'm far too good to work in a factory. Normally from people with 2 GCSE's and visible tattoos.
- I've got a bad back/depression/anxiety etc etc.
- All the jobs are in Stafford I'd have to get a bus (this one makes me laugh when I remind them that me and the OH commute from Stafford to Birmingham every day)
- etc etc

All can be summed up by "I'm a lazy feckwit who'd rather live off state handouts than actually do anything productive".

2) If I was out of work and needed some money, I would take a menial job. I know this because in the past, I have. Be it being between jobs and needing 3 weeks of factory work to tide me over, to when I was recovering from cancer and didn't want to take anything on til I'd had the all clear, I've done all sorts. Order picking,lorry driver's mate, distribution, shelf stacking, you name it I've done it, as demeaning as the work is, it's still better than the dole. Sadly the over-entitled population we seem to have after Labour's "Everyone is special" years don't seem to see this, and all want executive jobs even though they struggle to spell their own name.

Spot on.


I am a massive cock who isn't firing atm!
Dec 22, 2003
It's a bit shit really, having to consider the lesser of two evils to be in charge. Hell will freeze over before I vote for UKIP though, racist, clueless and classless being the best traits they display on a daily basis isn't really something that makes me want to vote for them.

I'd usually vote Labour, but I don't believe they have what it takes to move us forward, and I'd rather they didn't steam roll in and disrupt what appears to be slight signs of an improvement on the economic front. So I shall be spoiling my card when the time comes.


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
Scouse in talking rubbish shocker. There are two parts of your argument which are bollocks.

1) I still live near Stoke on Trent, so know a lot of unemployed people. Out of about 6, the last one applied for a job 18 months ago. The rest are happy sitting on their arses doing fuck all, getting all arsey when the Dole office suggests they might want to do something for all the free money they're getting. Any time I broach the subject with them, I play "Excuse Bingo" through all the standard excuses I have heard why they haven't bothered their arses. The usual ones are:

- What's the point they only want to employ Polish people
- I'll never get a job I've been out of work too long (conveniently ignoring the fact there are employment agencies that specialise in this.
- I'm far too good to work in a factory. Normally from people with 2 GCSE's and visible tattoos.
- I've got a bad back/depression/anxiety etc etc.
- All the jobs are in Stafford I'd have to get a bus (this one makes me laugh when I remind them that me and the OH commute from Stafford to Birmingham every day)
- etc etc

All can be summed up by "I'm a lazy feckwit who'd rather live off state handouts than actually do anything productive".

2) If I was out of work and needed some money, I would take a menial job. I know this because in the past, I have. Be it being between jobs and needing 3 weeks of factory work to tide me over, to when I was recovering from cancer and didn't want to take anything on til I'd had the all clear, I've done all sorts. Order picking,lorry driver's mate, distribution, shelf stacking, you name it I've done it, as demeaning as the work is, it's still better than the dole. Sadly the over-entitled population we seem to have after Labour's "Everyone is special" years don't seem to see this, and all want executive jobs even though they struggle to spell their own name.

A mate of mine was in job club for about 18 months using all the excuses in the world. Until a kind of intervention by a few of us. The government paid for him to do a CAD course in the end and now he earns stupid money preparing drawings of toilets for crappy new build estates.

There is work out there, there is retraining out there. People need to stop being idle.


Uneducated Northern Cretin
Jul 15, 2006
A mate of mine was in job club for about 18 months using all the excuses in the world. Until a kind of intervention by a few of us. The government paid for him to do a CAD course in the end and now he earns stupid money preparing drawings of toilets for crappy new build estates.

There is work out there, there is retraining out there. People need to stop being idle.

Aye, my dad contracts/employs (when he can) CAD people, and they earn a fuck load, it's a really easy thing to get into, they're in mega short supply and you can be a contractor and work when ever you want, I'm going to get a copy next year and do it whilst I'm studying :D


Trem's hunky sex love muffin
Dec 20, 2003

so, if I understand this all correctly, UKIP is exploiting the fact that people in the UK are angry at people from Poland (amongst other places) for working in jobs that the UK people didn't want to do and / or wanted huge amounts of cash for?


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
Yes, pretty much. and what people like Scouse fail to understand is that if you pay your fruit pickers £50 an hour and give them a company car you will have to sell that fruit at a much higher price so you won't be able to buy your £2 a box of strawberries any more.

Same with bog cleaners, its a crap job and doesn't exactly take any skill so gets shit money, that's just the way it is.

What has changed in the last 20 years is that everyone thinks they deserve a massive wage for doing a menial unskilled job, you can blame Labour for that load of bollocks.


Once agreed with Scouse and a LibDem at same time
Dec 22, 2003
Raven is spot on, sadly UKIP have given many of the great unwashed something else to blame their bone idle existences on other than their own laziness - now they can blame Johnny Foreigner for daring to show some industry.

The other danger with regarding well paid low skilled work is you end up in a situation like Norway - my nephew earned £14/hr doing a summer job over there, a fantastic wage that I am sure Comrade Scouse would approve of. Except over there a beer is £9.50, and basic Pepperoni Pizza is £20 and a fairly standard VW Golf is £50k. So effectively those on low-skilled wages can afford as much as they do here.


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
I still live near Stoke on Trent

Explains a lot. ;)

The fact is Bodhs, if the loss of life due to spending 40 hours a week in a job you hated was financially worth it then the brits would do it. But it isn't. So a lot of them don't.

Save your anger for rich non-taxpayers first, for example the [url=]FIVE[/URL][URL=''] families that control more wealth than TWENTY PERCENT [/url]of the UK population.

Once you've fixed that problem then you can start being jealous of the unemployed - for jealous is what you are - "mwahhhh they've decided to sit on their arse, live in poverty and not work - mwahhhhh I hate poverty so that not-working option isn't really open to me! mwahhhhh! What? No. Leave those five disgustingly rich people alone. Them and their inherited weath that they or their children don't have to work for because the markets and people like me do their earning for them, are untouchable in my broken and distorted view of the world... Hate the feckless poor. Bow to the feckless rich."



FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
It's not financially worth it because of the dole.

I would do a maximum 12 months dole money, then fuck off.

Shit, I'd bring back workhouses ...


Once agreed with Scouse and a LibDem at same time
Dec 22, 2003
Yes Scouse, that's entirely what it is - jealousy. I am completely jealous of them never having any money, always calling me up for lifts as they are too lazy to get on a bus, the constant paranoia they suffer as they've all decided to grow pot instead of looking for work, the complete lack of social contact save for people on PlayStation Network, etc etc. I'd gladly trade a very comfortable life and lots of international travel for that!

Or maybe I'm just sick of the useless bastards sitting on their arses doing nothing and expecting me to subsidize their lack of motivation?


Uneducated Northern Cretin
Jul 15, 2006
Yes Scouse, that's entirely what it is - jealousy. I am completely jealous of them never having any money, always calling me up for lifts as they are too lazy to get on a bus, the constant paranoia they suffer as they've all decided to grow pot instead of looking for work, the complete lack of social contact save for people on PlayStation Network, etc etc. I'd gladly trade a very comfortable life and lots of international travel for that!

Or maybe I'm just sick of the useless bastards sitting on their arses doing nothing and expecting me to subsidize their lack of motivation?
I think the point Scouse is making is that there's people out there sitting on billions, doing fuck all and trying to avoid as much tax as possible, whilst you complain about people that take £60 every two weeks from the state.


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
Yes Scouse, that's entirely what it is - jealousy. I am completely jealous of them never having any money, always calling me up for lifts as they are too lazy to get on a bus, the constant paranoia they suffer as they've all decided to grow pot instead of looking for work, the complete lack of social contact save for people on PlayStation Network, etc etc. I'd gladly trade a very comfortable life and lots of international travel for that!

Or maybe I'm just sick of the useless bastards sitting on their arses doing nothing and expecting me to subsidize their lack of motivation?

Sounds to me like you hate your mates and that you should move out of stoke, which is probably my least favourite place in the entire UK - including Merthyr Tydfil.

But definitely get some mates you don't detest...


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
I think the point Scouse is making is that there's people out there sitting on billions, doing fuck all and trying to avoid as much tax as possible, whilst you complain about people that take £60 every two weeks from the state.

Yep. Sort the tiny percentage of rich (the 0.1%) out and we can have a decent education system that doesn't leave kids from dolescum families behind and gives them at least a chance.

We could also make minimum wage worth getting off the dole for.


Once agreed with Scouse and a LibDem at same time
Dec 22, 2003
Sounds to me like you hate your mates and that you should move out of stoke, which is probably my least favourite place in the entire UK - including Merthyr Tydfil.

But definitely get some mates you don't detest...

As a large percentage of them are form the OH's family I don't think I'll be cutting them off any time soon. Even if I didn't associate with them, their lazy feckless attitude is all over her Facebook for all and sundry to see. But of course it isn't their fault they can't be arsed to contribute or pay any money into the system (that even the lazy rich you refer to pay a shitload into) - that's clearly capitalism's fault!


FH is my second home
Jan 31, 2004
I don't see how you'd blame the rich for schools being shit.


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
I think the point Scouse is making is that there's people out there sitting on billions, doing fuck all and trying to avoid as much tax as possible, whilst you complain about people that take £60 every two weeks from the state.

That's a completely different issue though. It has absolutely nothing to do with the workshy not wanting to do work that is readily available because their GSCE in PE means they should be on 50k and drive a golden rocket car.


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
But of course it isn't their fault they can't be arsed to contribute or pay any money into the system (that even the lazy rich you refer to pay a shitload into) - that's clearly capitalism's fault!

12 million people on low wages, working their arses off in jobs they probably hate to contribute less wealth than five families and scrape by on less than a living wage.

Fix the system first, then moan about the people...


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
I don't see how you'd blame the rich for schools being shit.

Schools are shit because everyone is educated towards passing an exam, rather than being educated. Thick kids trained to choose the correct answer on a multiple choice test.

Non academic kids should be pointed in the direction of more manual work.

They are even too afraid to separate the non academic from the academic kids these days. Everyone is equal and all that bollocks.


Once agreed with Scouse and a LibDem at same time
Dec 22, 2003
I don't see how you'd blame the rich for schools being shit.

Because to certain members of the right-on, morally superior sneering Guardianista, everything is their fault.


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
12 million people on low wages, working their arses off in jobs they probably hate to contribute less wealth than five families and scrape by on less than a living wage.

Fix the system first, then moan about the people...

So you suggest paying them more? How would a small company struggling to get by afford these magical wages? How about paying bin men 50k? How would the councils find the money for that? Higher tax? Can't say I would be very happy with that tbh.

Sure you could whack out a 1 off tax on the rich but then what? Where do you go when you have already raided that pot?

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