I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
Not that surprising. Lib dems popularity last election was because they were leeching tory/labour voters who were sick of their own parties but didn't want to vote for the other side.
They pretty much all jumped ship when they went into coalition and now that anti-establishment vote has transferred to new anti-establishment party.


Uneducated Northern Cretin
Jul 15, 2006
I don't think the question is how many seats is UKIP gonna win, more like who's gonna get damaged more, Labour, or the Tories.


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
The Tories will take the biggest hit and we will end up with Labour, They will fuck things up just as much as UKIP.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
Labour don't have a chance unless they replace Milliband (which looks like it's on the cards tbh).


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
The powers that be will be gathering everything they have to discredit ukip and Farrage because he is about to pull the rug from under the cosy status quo.. wether by skill or just blind luck..I do believe though Farrage has courted a pseudo personality that will insulate them from most of it...'yeah I did get done for child porn..but who hasn't eh..nudge..nudge.


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
Very funny..but I do notice even the most highbrow of media outlets have descended into a mass disparaging of the intelligence and class of ukip voters which is exactly the same discrimination that they use to accuse.


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
Very funny..but I do notice even the most highbrow of media outlets have descended into a mass disparaging of the intelligence and class of ukip voters which is exactly the same discrimination that they use to accuse.

Because to vote ukip is a vote for a withdrawal from globalisation. And there's no way forward with that - globalisation is a fact, we can't hide from it.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
Disagree, we voted as a country to join an economic cooperation area, not be backdoored into a United States of Europe.
We can leave and negotiate continued access to the single market, it absolutely isn't a vote against globalisation.


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
We can leave and negotiate continued access to the single market, it absolutely isn't a vote against globalisation.

We haven't the population to sustain the growth needed. Immigration is a big sticking plaster over that.

In the absence of the reform of global capitalism this isn't going to change - so removing ourselves from the european labour market and the free movement of people (which, ethically, never mind economically, is a "good thing" overall) definitely means poorer economic performance and a faster lowering of living standards than we're currently experiencing.

Reform capitalism, that might change. But immigration is a force for good in this country, as long as you can accept that culturally we're going to be decimated. We're already pretty unrecognisable from what we were not that long ago.

And do you know what? I don't give a fuck about that at all - certainly not enough to fuck myself over economically because closet racists and the very low skilled can't cope with the cultural changes or the competition.

What's needed is economic reform, not the retreat from a large labour pool and the dawning reality that the world is a small small place and each human has the right to do the best they can for themselves - but not at the expense of others.


Down With That Sorta Thing
Dec 22, 2003
Disagree, we voted as a country to join an economic cooperation area, not be backdoored into a United States of Europe.
We can leave and negotiate continued access to the single market, it absolutely isn't a vote against globalisation.

Of course it is. It won't work, but that doesn't mean its not driven by idiots thinking they can wind the clock back.


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
I absolutely want to stay part of Europe but only if it is democratic, it is in no way shape or form democratic in its current form.

Not bothered about immigration, many do the jobs that natives are too lazy to do. I would quite happily ship out a lot of British people tbh. career slackers and the like, and before Scouse start bleating on about them not being willing to work for low wages etc, wages have nothing to do with it, they are just plain old workshy.

Immigrants make a living, they just do without the iphones and 40inch plasmas.

I welcome foreigners who want to come over here and make a go of it, it is what the country is built on.
Last edited:


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
I can't believe this isn't bigger news, no one is questioning the results and the suspicions of ordinary Joe's and Nigel Farage's scaremongering rhetoric are there laid down in fact.
No matter how liberal your views this is outrageous, it would be bad enough if these were the views of 10% of the white Christian population with an open liberal mind, but this is an insight into half a million peoples loyalty to this country.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 22, 2003
"Loyalty to this country"? Countries are bureaucratic entities, created for the gathering of taxes. I'd rather people just got along with oneanother.


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
Agreed Tom, 100% loyalty would be psychopathic.

Similarly, political capital being made out of the 6% who responded negatively to "Muslims in Britain should always obey British laws"
Always? I wouldn't agree with that myself!

Or the 32% who agreed with "I understand the motives of those who launch attacks in the name of Islam because the religion has been insulted"
Er, I understand the motives too, doesn't mean I agree with them!


Lovely person
Dec 22, 2003
I'm going to vote Conservative or UKIP, haven't decided yet. Depends on how convinced I am about Camerons promise for an EU referendum. If he convinces me then he'll get my vote, otherwise the less able party get my vote unfortunately.
I want someone to close the fucking doors please.
I love foreigners, I go on holiday and meet some. I would like to fuck off and live somewhere hot and leave this festering cesspit of a country myself, so I empathise with them.
However, we are building (shitty little fall apart in 20 years) houses everywhere, 250,000 net migrants last year (that we know about). About the same number of new houses we need every year, hmmm now let me think?
There's a load of countryside very close to me getting 700 crap affordable homes built on it. The horses have had to go, the farmland is going, and the people whose houses had a view across the local countryside won't have anymore. The local schools will struggle, the dentists, the doctors surgery etc, because they are not building anymore facilities. I'm not saying that the new houses will be solely occupied by migrants, I'm saying that if it wasn't for them we wouldn't need the new houses in the first place. Or at least so many.
There are about 2,500 houses scheduled to be built in the next couple of years, all on so called greenbelt land in my area. In addition to redevelopment of existing residential areas.

So yes, please will somebody shut the fucking doors.

PS. It's getting weary that the "popular" belief is that a UKIP vote is either a protest vote or a vote by a chav. It's a vote for change of policy. I don't think they will win, I don't want them to. I do want the main parties to really get a grip of what a lot of the population are thinking though.

PPS. If you disagree with me fine, we live in a democracy that's your choice.


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
We just dodged a bullet in my area. They wanted to build 3000 homes in a bit of land I am fairly sure can hold a couple of hundred at most and floods every year. The land grab is getting crazy.

They need to build new towns not fill every little bit of existing towns.

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