TV Licence


Cheeky Fucknugget
Sep 30, 2005
I love this topic when it comes up, so many people are ill informed when it comes to the TV licence it saddens me.

Never let them in, they wont have a warrant and its hard for them to get one without proof. Detector vans dont stand as proof in court because they dont allow evidence on how the vans work. Both sides need to know how they work, just look at speed cameras for example. There are lots of documentation online proving how they work, but nothing on the vans thus not valid evidence.

You dont have to respond to the letters at all, the letters are great at making you think they are all scary and legit, they arent. Every letter you get says pretty much the same thing only worded differently just bin them. I went 2 years getting the letters and nothing ever happened.

You dont need a licence for iplayer if you are watching catchup, as far as im aware even a 5 min delay means the show isnt classed as live viewing

The TV licence people are actually a private company and not government ran as they like to believe they are.

REMEMBER if they come to your door and go we have reason to suspect you are watching TV without a licence never admit to anything either way just say thats nice and when they say we are coming in just say no you arent and close the door. NEVER let them in unless they have a warrant, which they wont


Part of the furniture
Dec 20, 2008
This also applies to pretty much any debt collection agency. They have no right to enter your house unless they have a warrant from the court. The only ones likely to actually get a warrant are service utilities (electric, gas, water), councils for council tax, and the HMRC for tax arrears. Also known as Crown debts.

- English -

Resident Freddy
Apr 7, 2004
we never had 1 at uni and just as we were leaving we started getting letters through .. poor chaps who move in next will need to get 1 ;p


Resident Freddy
Dec 22, 2003
In Sweden you need the licence if you own a TV, you dont even have to own a antenna, aslong as you own the TV with a reciver. The Socialist party even wants to have you pay for a TV licence if you buy a mobilephone that can show TV or own a computer with internet access.


Resident Freddy
Jan 19, 2004
way ahead of ya in DK

pay media license if you have phone or computer with internet access and radio license if your phone can pick up radio

ford prefect

Can't get enough of FH
Aug 27, 2006
Pah, sems the whole thing is a lot more complicated than it used to be and more expensive. With all that money you would thing the Beeb could afford an eastenders channel that requires a seperate set-top-box, so it isn't inflicted on regular healthy people several times a week wouldn't you?

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