trading bug??!!?

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Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Anyway :p

Im not blaming anyone are anything, Just the story sounds very likely and prodictable :eek: bye ;)


aphios said:
i did offer to provide screen shots at that very moment of my full invent with clock on so they could see how fast it took to take each screen shot,

I would to see these's SS's
I know your a 1 char guy or you have another acount closed
Would like to see How you Got 30p when you use to beg me for plats


Fledgling Freddie
Aug 22, 2004
30p... ?
i got 30p from my irl mate who's ingame name was cainun. well no wait he gave me 27p to be exact.
oh and i also bought the vest from the owners house sapling if you dont belive me :)
and elcain i can remember u giving me 1p to get som 3 / 3 i think thats the only time i asked u for cash


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 6, 2004
Elcain and Aphios, is this really all together relevant to keep discussing here? You'll never agree, you'll never be friends .. so just let it go :)


Can't get enough of FH
Apr 20, 2004
Just for the record, I also had items missing from my inventory in some cases, and what's been said before solves the problem (i.e. moving the items around)


Loyal Freddie
Jan 26, 2004
Did get response from GoA today and here is what they wrote:

Response (CM) 09/16/2004 03:30 PM
Hi There
Got the logs in and the following is what it's showing:

[09/15/04 15:43:07] [Aphios] drops [Guard of Valor][27360]
[09/15/04 15:43:12] [Aphios] gets [Guard of Valor][27360]

That is just about the time frame I think you are looking at in regard to him getting the item at 2:30 ish

I am also seeing in the logs that he still has an unactivated GoV in his inventory.

Yours sincerely,
European Dark Age of Camelot Community Manager

Then I asked if they could find out if that unactivated GoV in Aphios' inventory was bought from Saplings house, or if it's the one that Danos dropped when we killed him.

This is the answer I got then :

Response (CM) 09/16/2004 07:53 PM
I can't tell you where he got any individual item only that he does have one. As far as him dropping it and picking it up it shows that it didn't drop to the ground and degrade as most things with a LD will.
Next bit no we won't replace a lost artifact.

I can only tell you waht the logs tell me... that he dropped it and he picked it up and he still has one.

Yours sincerely,
European Dark Age of Camelot Community Manager

I guess that it must be in your inventory somewhere then Aphios, and that maybe this is just the trade bug where it reappears when moving items around? Only thing that makes sense to me atleast...



Fledgling Freddie
Aug 17, 2004

I support u on the shit Aphios. and tbh all others that call aphios a thief, why should he steal it when he has enough friends to help him farm it for him? i honestly dont think he stole it. tho i think his backpack is fuked up.. u should try to empty it totally and put items back again in all slots..maybe its invisible.. anyway good luck .. and hope ur rep stays cleared and unspoiled..


Fledgling Freddie
Aug 22, 2004
well whats happening then, i do got many other bugs, i can see enamiles by their name and guild, and i can also see what people are typing inside of tk's
when ever im close to apk i see albs chatting away and when im near mtk i see them chatting ect!!


Fledgling Freddie
Aug 22, 2004
[09/15/04 15:43:07] [Aphios] drops [Guard of Valor][27360]
[09/15/04 15:43:12] [Aphios] gets [Guard of Valor][27360]

yes we did do the raid at around 2:30
this is over an hour later, when i told you i was going to buy gov...
i went to buy gov and dropped it on the floor and i know this sounds stupid and noobish but thats me ^^ i wanted to see if it showed the vest as it was when you were wearing it lol! but disapointed as i was it was just a bag saying guard of valor ;p


Fledgling Freddie
May 9, 2004
aphios said:
[09/15/04 15:43:07] [Aphios] drops [Guard of Valor][27360]
[09/15/04 15:43:12] [Aphios] gets [Guard of Valor][27360]

yes we did do the raid at around 2:30
this is over an hour later, when i told you i was going to buy gov...
i went to buy gov and dropped it on the floor and i know this sounds stupid and noobish but thats me ^^ i wanted to see if it showed the vest as it was when you were wearing it lol! but disapointed as i was it was just a bag saying guard of valor ;p

Ok, I was the one with good faith and told you about the inventory bug because thats mostly it, but this is just ridiculous imo.

Thing which puzzles me is that you got a gov, you wanted to trade it but it disappeared, next thing you do is run up to housing, buy a gov for yourself. Then GOA shows logs, says you have an unactivated gov in your inventory around roughly the same time as your "accident" and you come up with this..

Doesnt increase your credibility imo. I hope you sort it out, because these things have a tendency to get nasty.


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 19, 2004
Isn't GOA situated in France? that way around 2:30 for you will be pretty much the exact time that shows in the log from GOA.
Seems you're running out of excuses and need to make up stuff now to me...


Fledgling Freddie
May 9, 2004
By the way, there is an easy way to clear your rep, just give the poor guy the GoV you just bought and hope Justice is served and your original vanished one pops back in your inventory :touch:


Fledgling Freddie
May 9, 2004
In addition to my previous post.... 30p is some work to get back...however you cant farm back your rep.....


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
lets throw an interesting spanner in the works, maybe the guy Aphios gave the vest to got it and is keeping quite in the hope of getting a 2nd one... doubtfull but you can see where random name calling and pointing of the finger gets you.

Goa should have logs that show the trade was completed even if Aphios LD'd. I very much anyone would be stupid enough to pull the theft off using an LD with a trade window open, as it wouldnt work anyway.

Aphios: did you get the trade complete message?
Guy who was to recieve the vest: did you get a trade window and a message Aphios has accepted the trade?

If aphios clicked accept and so did the other guy the fact Aphios LD'd wouldnt matter as the transaction would still go through.


Fledgling Freddie
May 9, 2004
Raven said:
lets throw an interesting spanner in the works, maybe the guy Aphios gave the vest to got it and is keeping quite in the hope of getting a 2nd one... doubtfull but you can see where random name calling and pointing of the finger gets you.

Goa should have logs that show the trade was completed even if Aphios LD'd. I very much anyone would be stupid enough to pull the theft off using an LD with a trade window open, as it wouldnt work anyway.

Hmm, I thought the other person who was involved in this also contacted GOA and even contacted his/hers replies on this same thread.

Could be mistaken though.


Fledgling Freddie
Aug 22, 2004
right tbh, ill explain it again shall it...
i gave the guy the gov... it said trade accept, then nothing was happenin on the screen so i took screen shots of it saying trade accept, because i knew i have ld, and i have heard from 2 ppl that chosen have also accused them of stealing gov so i didnt want to get in trouble ect.
when i logged back on the guy said they never got the item, i said well hmm i have screen shots, they did not accept them screen shots, they said they were easily faked..
about 10 mins of argueing went past, and the other group members who were also in chosen left the grp and there was just me and this 1 guy argueing, in the end he left the grp, and i went and sat down at gov camp, about 20 mins went past, then he pm's me forgot what we he was talking about, wasnt important, i told him i was sick of camping gov as i had just camped it for 2 days straight, i went to the market searched for guard of valor there was 1 there, from saplings house for 30p, i then bought it, i went back to toa and tryed to get a farming group going to farm scrolls, at this point i dropped the gov onto the floor, just out of curiosity and boredom if it looks like the vest, and no it was just a bag saying guard of valor ;p
noone wanted to farm the scrolls so i went and bought them.

goa obv didnt understand what that guy from chosen meant in the email, cos me dropping gov has absolutly nothing to do with people thinking i stole it.. that was just me wanting to find out the graphic.

also i cant be arsed with this anymore, they also said in the email that they have noway of finding out were i got my individual item from.. ok they cant prove wether i stole it? so i think that means i never stole it or did steal it, up to your honest oppinion about me.

tbh in the end NONE of us have real proof to what happened, allthough i did have screen shots they wouldnt accept, i didnt think i would need that as i didnt think this would go any further, so at the end of the day its word v word...

now im thankfull of everyone who posted to this thread cos it gives me some idea to what happened with the gov, as other people have said it has also happened to you with other items.

id also say sorry to chosen as i have nothing against them, and in sorry for this thing happening and i dont want to be enamies.



Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
aphios said:
right tbh, ill explain it again shall it...
i gave the guy the gov... it said trade accept, then nothing was happenin on the screen so i took screen shots of it saying trade accept, because i knew i have ld, and i have heard from 2 ppl that chosen have also accused them of stealing gov so i didnt want to get in trouble ect.
when i logged back on the guy said they never got the item, i said well hmm i have screen shots, they did not accept them screen shots, they said they were easily faked..
about 10 mins of argueing went past, and the other group members who were also in chosen left the grp and there was just me and this 1 guy argueing, in the end he left the grp, and i went and sat down at gov camp, about 20 mins went past, then he pm's me forgot what we he was talking about, wasnt important, i told him i was sick of camping gov as i had just camped it for 2 days straight, i went to the market searched for guard of valor there was 1 there, from saplings house for 30p, i then bought it, i went back to toa and tryed to get a farming group going to farm scrolls, at this point i dropped the gov onto the floor, just out of curiosity and boredom if it looks like the vest, and no it was just a bag saying guard of valor ;p
noone wanted to farm the scrolls so i went and bought them.

goa obv didnt understand what that guy from chosen meant in the email, cos me dropping gov has absolutly nothing to do with people thinking i stole it.. that was just me wanting to find out the graphic.

also i cant be arsed with this anymore, they also said in the email that they have noway of finding out were i got my individual item from.. ok they cant prove wether i stole it? so i think that means i never stole it or did steal it, up to your honest oppinion about me.

tbh in the end NONE of us have real proof to what happened, allthough i did have screen shots they wouldnt accept, i didnt think i would need that as i didnt think this would go any further, so at the end of the day its word v word...

now im thankfull of everyone who posted to this thread cos it gives me some idea to what happened with the gov, as other people have said it has also happened to you with other items.

id also say sorry to chosen as i have nothing against them, and in sorry for this thing happening and i dont want to be enamies.


Bla Bla BLa

You keep wajn on about these SS you got host em and prove it then!


Loyal Freddie
Jan 26, 2004
If anyone tells me how, I can host a screenshot I sent to GoA. You can see on the screenshot that I accept the trade, but the spilt second afterwards it say: "Aphios has left the group". The trade never was completed.

I'm also waiting for answer from GoA if they can confirm that you bought the artifact from Saplings house Aphios.

Nephilia /Hertog


Fledgling Freddie
May 10, 2004
Only one thing i can't understand .. u loose a GoV by a trading bug after going LD ... u buy a new one only few hours later and "just out of curiosity and boredom" u drop it on floor risking to loose that one too for a LD or a floor bug or something else ? U have to love to live in danger ;)


Fledgling Freddie
Aug 22, 2004
yep, now you understand thanx, and tbh if i did go ld, i would care 2 much as its only a game, not the end of the world now is it :)
and "lol" you can do that, im pretty sure of the outcome :)
and why would i keep screen shots when they said no we dont want PROOF we wanna whine and try get a free gov from you.


Loyal Freddie
Jan 26, 2004
Already told you that as far as I'm concerned that GoV is long gone for me.
Even if the one you got now turns out that is the one that you say dissapeared, there is no chance that I can get my hands on it.
I'm just doing this to find out if you stole it or not.

And I would like to see the screenshot where it says that the trade was sucessfull.
Trying to host my screenshot sometime tonight.


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 19, 2004
Ok so now you went into the directory where you kept your screenshots, then deleted them and after that emptied your recycle bin? :eek:


Fledgling Freddie
Aug 22, 2004
i actually saved them to desktop, and i have no other icons there, looked pretty ugly + noone wanted them, so why keep them :>


Loyal Freddie
Jan 26, 2004
" i actually saved them to desktop, and i have no other icons there, looked pretty ugly + noone wanted them, so why keep them :>"

Maybe because it was your only chance to clear your name?? You know this was coming, and tbh I havent seen you put much effort in trying to prove that it's actually some kind of bug or whatever.


Fledgling Freddie
May 9, 2004
aphios said:
i actually saved them to desktop, and i have no other icons there, looked pretty ugly + noone wanted them, so why keep them :>

U have GOT to be kidding....... :eek7:
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