NSFW Today's shooting


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
How is this not Nazi sympathizing?

All I could think of is 'Don't worry little girl, it is just a nice shower,!
I think that the biggest surprise for Hitler is that we all didn't jump on board, seeing as he was trying to fix what we had been moaning about for years.
Crazy enough to do it, and it will happen again and again, purging the undesirables, it's part of us.

Because factually most of it is true. For a time the British government and royal family were besties with Hitler. Antisemitism was rife all over Europe pre-ww2. The fact that Hitler was absolutely nuts and was generally an evil bastard is neither here nor there to the facts.


Down With That Sorta Thing
Dec 22, 2003
Because factually most of it is true. For a time the British government and royal family were besties with Hitler. Antisemitism was rife all over Europe pre-ww2. The fact that Hitler was absolutely nuts and was generally an evil bastard is neither here nor there to the facts.

Except of course, its not true. Anti-Semitism was actually in long-term and steep decline all across Europe until the Nazis came to power and actually most noticeably in Germany and Austria-Hungary where Jews were very much part of mainstream life (Niall Ferguson's War of The World is a good source for info on this - the reason why the Germans found it so easy to round up Jews is because they were so well integrated into German society). Russia had been the main source of anti-Semitic behaviour up to 1917, but that's always been a racist hellhole. Job's attitude is "oh we were all like that anyway", but it's not actually backed up by any facts, and failure of Mosley's lot to get traction in the UK shows that up for the misrepresentation it is. The views of a bunch of Royal inbreds is neither here nor there.


Part of the furniture
Dec 29, 2003
Job... Posting rubbish on subjects he is clueless about?... I don't believe it for a second!

Wait... Yeah I do... Which is why he is on ignore.



Once agreed with Scouse and a LibDem at same time
Dec 22, 2003
Racism can apply to nations as well as ethnic groups. Its a cop out to suggest otherwise. Irish jokes are still racist even though the British are to all intents and purposes the same people. Let's call it "cultural insensitivity" shall we? As in "Job is a culturally insensitive cunt"?

No I'm sorry, but racism cannot apply to disliking a country, as, for instance, the French are not a race - they're a nationality. I'd hardly say it was a cop out to suggest this either, it's more a case of not wanting to completely devalue the word as if to render it meaningless, and take away from the genuine problem of racism. I truly believe in equality, whether you are black, white, brown, female, male, disabled, German, Martian, Canadian or French (ok, maybe not the French) I treat people in exactly the same way - I look on them as people, not a colour or a sex etc - and all this throwing the R word round with gay abandon, just drives the wedge further into society - the Guardian are fucking experts at this (just follow So.Much.Guardian on Twitter for proof).

I like to think that if we stop spending our lives pointing out how people are different, yet must be treated the same, people might actually forget about petty things like sex or skin colour and just get on with each other. Probably not going to happen in this era of the Social Justice Warrior, Twitter Rent a Mobs and the professionally offended, but hey, a guy can dream.


FH is my second home
Dec 23, 2003
Why doesn't Obama do something?

It's his last term. If he was really bothered he could make this is truly defining moment.
He's not doing anything because he doesn't have the political power to. His party doesn't have a majority anymore (even if he did it probably wouldn't go through because many democrats don't want to ban guns and would vote against it).

Almost the only thing Obama can do now is rage on TV and veto the more insane proposals. Besides, he can't make any changes to the constitution (even indirectly) just like that.

Changing the gun laws in the constitution is such a monumentally hard task no matter who the president is it's almost not even worth trying as it would mean that most republicans and democrats have to agree unconditionally...

And we all know that won't happen, they disagree with each other out of spite and principle on almost everything...


Down With That Sorta Thing
Dec 22, 2003
No I'm sorry, but racism cannot apply to disliking a country, as, for instance, the French are not a race - they're a nationality. I'd hardly say it was a cop out to suggest this either, it's more a case of not wanting to completely devalue the word as if to render it meaningless, and take away from the genuine problem of racism. I truly believe in equality, whether you are black, white, brown, female, male, disabled, German, Martian, Canadian or French (ok, maybe not the French) I treat people in exactly the same way - I look on them as people, not a colour or a sex etc - and all this throwing the R word round with gay abandon, just drives the wedge further into society - the Guardian are fucking experts at this (just follow So.Much.Guardian on Twitter for proof).

I like to think that if we stop spending our lives pointing out how people are different, yet must be treated the same, people might actually forget about petty things like sex or skin colour and just get on with each other. Probably not going to happen in this era of the Social Justice Warrior, Twitter Rent a Mobs and the professionally offended, but hey, a guy can dream.

Fine. Just use prejudice then, as in "Job is a prejudiced cunt".


Once agreed with Scouse and a LibDem at same time
Dec 22, 2003
No problems with that at all :)

I just get a little bit annoyed at how quickly people are to shout "Wacist!" and bang on about Diversity all the time, ramming home the point that people are different. Just find it a little counter-productive.


Not as old as he claims to be!
Dec 22, 2003
I stay out of this for the most part because those arguing that someone is racist will then go and say they hate Israel or hate another state or country and it just pisses me off because it's all a bit AIDS really and it sometimes feels like children using words they heard that keeps them cool.

That is not aimed at anyone of course.

True fact about guns, I once shot my mum with a Magnum, it went through her leg and ended up in the bedroom wall on holiday. My dad decided he needed to take the gun with us for protection and I decided to play cowboys and indians with it (omg racist game!). This was before the gun rules of course.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
Where on earth would someone from Stoke go on holiday where he needed to take a gun for protection? :|


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
I stay out of this for the most part because those arguing that someone is racist will then go and say they hate Israel or hate another state or country and it just pisses me off because it's all a bit AIDS really and it sometimes feels like children using words they heard that keeps them cool.

That is not aimed at anyone of course.

True fact about guns, I once shot my mum with a Magnum, it went through her leg and ended up in the bedroom wall on holiday. My dad decided he needed to take the gun with us for protection and I decided to play cowboys and indians with it (omg racist game!). This was before the gun rules of course.
I remember that story mate, miss ya!


I am a FH squatter
Dec 22, 2003
No I'm sorry, but racism cannot apply to disliking a country, as, for instance, the French are not a race - they're a nationality.

This is like people who criticise the incorrect use of the word "irony". It doesn't matter, everyone knows the intent.


Trem's hunky sex love muffin
Dec 20, 2003
Depends why you're anti-immigration.

tbh when I hear Job, I usually just hear the Southpark "they took our jobs!!" slur. No offence Job, but you are a bit like a stuck record mate.

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rUTnNKhF-EU

Throd on the other hand, imo, doesn't want to be bothered by things. He doesn't particularly care what colour, nationality, sexual persuasion or voter someone is, as long as they don't hassle him and aren't too much of a cunt.


Has a sexy sister. I am also a Bodhi wannabee.
Dec 22, 2003
Depends why you're anti-immigration.

Because we don't want PAKIS ok? <--- CAUTION, THIS IS DRY BIG G HUMOUR

But seriously here's the thing with racism for me: 'paki' is a racist term, but 'taffy', 'jock' and 'paddy' are a bit of banter mate, lighten up! There can't be this "some racism is ok, but other racism is not ok".


Not as old as he claims to be!
Dec 22, 2003
Because we don't want PAKIS ok? <--- CAUTION, THIS IS DRY BIG G HUMOUR

But seriously here's the thing with racism for me: 'paki' is a racist term, but 'taffy', 'jock' and 'paddy' are a bit of banter mate, lighten up! There can't be this "some racism is ok, but other racism is not ok".
I have to be careful with that because I don't see it as racist, I don't use it whatsoever mind, but its short for Pakistani surely?

I am old though and was brought up with the word, I cringe when my nan says it.

Edited to take out something that sounded bollocks (but wasn't)


I am a FH squatter
Dec 22, 2003
Your nan is probably a bit like my mum, who'll make a point of mentioning someone's ethnicity when describing them. The doctor, for instance "pakistani fella but he's very good". She's not "I hate pakis" racist, she's just from that generation who see non-white people as different to them. Not worse, just different.


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
Depends why you're anti-immigration.

I was going to write a big answer to this, but frankly, what's the point. The people who know who I am already know what I think, and the people who don't, well I don't give much of a fuck about to be honest. And as for arguing my point, when has ever a point made on a forum changed the opinion of anyone? Particularly when they were brought up to have certain viewpoints through school and with it shoved down their throats every day on the media. All people do, is read what the other person has written, and then write what they want to say as a "reply". Unless it's Job they're replying to of course, whereupon they criticise him regardless of what he's said, stupid or otherwise.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
I migration is good when its like aussie and you are filling educated skilled gaps in the populous that you have.

When you have shed loads on the dole and the jobs are being taken by un skilled from eastern europe legally. Then its not good. We should be decreasing our social payments not filling gaps with imigrants.

Then on top of that the illegals who work for less than minimum wage.

It just gets stupid

Of the 330k imigrants who came to the uk countable. 30 ish k were skilled and came from outside the eu.

How is it sustainable. If we increase the uk by that amount each year we are going to need to build cities not towns to house them.


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
They are human beings ffs. They just happen to be born in a country that is fucked.

What we need to be doing is to either unfuck their countries by any mean necessary or make allowances for them to join our society.

People need to ask what they would do if they were in the same situation as these people.

Despite what Scouse says, we are stupidly privileged in Europe, we are absolutely rolling in it, every last one of us. It's about time we actually helped those less unfortunate than us.

Poverty here is going to a food bank, poverty there is watching your family and friends getting blown to bits and your kids starving (not starving because they haven't had their weetabix but starving because they havn't eaten in days).
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I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
They are human beings ffs. They just happen to be born in a country that is fucked.

What we need to be doing is to either unfuck their countries by any mean necessary or make allowances for them to join our society.

People need to ask what they would do if they were in the same situation as these people.

Despite what Scouse says, we are stupidly privileged in Europe, we are absolutely rolling in it, every last one of us. It's about time we actually helped those less unfortunate than us.

Poverty here is going to a food bank, poverty there is watching your family and friends getting blown to bits and your kids starving (not starving because they haven't had their weetabix but starving because they havn't eaten in days).
But face reality. You cant have half the worlds population living in europe.

Its why the usa and aussie have immigration laws so harsh

Yes its not fair their countries are fucked. But lifes not fair.

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