NSFW Today's shooting


Trem's hunky sex love muffin
Dec 20, 2003
Mr Trem is not taking interviews today. Please step back, Sir.


Once agreed with Scouse and a LibDem at same time
Dec 22, 2003
This is weird. Scouse appears to be making the more compelling argument here.

I'm going for a lie down :)

Although I do disagree that the UK getting more right wing is a bad thing. Not really central to the argument though.


Not as old as he claims to be!
Dec 22, 2003
I don't agree. Most people the world over are very nice, it's just that nice people aren't newsworthy.
I disagree, how many people do you meet do you think are lovely compared to how many you think are utter cunts?


Resident Freddy
Dec 23, 2003
Getting guns banned in the US is probably as easy as getting tea banned in the UK. It's such a burnt in part of the society and in the mindset of the American people. If you haven't figured it out yet, the US is run by corporate's and lobby groups. NRA and the pro gun ownership lobbyist group is filthy rich and therefore extremely politically powerful. And even if you take the powerful lobbyists, sitting politicians, and the rest of the politics away - the 2nd amendment have lots of supporters in the general public. And not just rednecks, right wingers, and nutjobs, regular people too. It's been part of their culture for 250-ish year, you wont change it overnight.

With that said, what I think you can do, and should do is regulate it more. Implement a proper background check for buyers, doesn't matter if the buy takes place on a gun show, the back of an alley, or in a supermarket (all popular places to buy guns). Ban, or heavy restrict, assault rifles, sub machine guns, and any kind of heavy weapon, historically or not.

I don't remember who said it (Think it was John Oliver), "when the founding fathers wrote the 2nd amendment you had muzzle loaded black powder pistols and rifles. If you got so upset with someone that you wanted to shoot them, by the time you got your gun out, loaded it with black powder, popped in a bullet and packed it all together you'd have plenty of time to calm down and you'd realize that shooting someone is a terrible idea! And even if you didn't come to that conclusion then, it was nearly impossible to hit anything with a single bullet. If you'd missed, you have to start all over again" (paraphrasing).
Today you can accurately fire ten rounds with a 9mm pistol in a few seconds, unheard of two hundred years ago.

The shootings have to stop, but banning guns is a silly fairy tale.


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
Gby the time you got your gun out, loaded it with black powder, popped in a bullet and packed it all together you'd have plenty of time to calm down and you'd realize that shooting someone is a terrible idea! And even if you didn't come to that conclusion then, it was nearly impossible to hit anything with a single bullet. If you'd missed, you have to start all over again" (paraphrasing).
Today you can accurately fire ten rounds with a 9mm pistol in a few seconds, unheard of two hundred years ago.
I point the learned gentleman to my previous post.



I am a FH squatter
Dec 22, 2003
The cunts are the ones you remember. The nice person in the shop, the guy who holds the door open for you, the person who waves you on in your car, the lady who smiles at a child doing something silly - there's far more of those people than the idiots.


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
The cunts are the ones you remember. The nice person in the shop, the guy who holds the door open for you, the person who waves you on in your car, the lady who smiles at a child doing something silly - there's far more of those people than the idiots.

I agree with you Tom, though not in italics


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
The world is a giant pressure cooker of jealousy, envy, racism, hate, body disfunction and snobbery.
It will all end in tears and I couldn't give a fuk, fuk them all and their stupid shit.
As George Carlin.said...born on this planet?
You are a cunt...guilty as charged.


Resident Freddy
Dec 23, 2003
The world is a giant pressure cooker of jealousy, envy, racism, hate, body disfunction and snobbery.
It will all end in tears and I couldn't give a fuk, fuk them all and their stupid shit.
As George Carlin.said...born on this planet?
You are a cunt...guilty as charged.
90% of your posts here contribute to the problem... pot, kettle, yadayadayada


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
I have never written a single racist post since the day I signed up...go find one.

Anyway cunt features Jamie Oliver says all his businesses would close without migrant workers...so the useless twat can exploit them, while topping up his 150 million fortune.
Jesus fuk, you could rewrite that to the 1700's and replace migrant with slave.


Resident Freddy
Dec 23, 2003
Creepy alert. watching Merkel comforting a young girl migrant after telling her she had to go home,
All I could think of is 'Don't worry little girl, it is just a nice shower,!


I think that the biggest surprise for Hitler is that we all didn't jump on board, seeing as he was trying to fix what we had been moaning about for years.

Crazy enough to do it, and it will happen again and again, purging the undesirables, it's part of us.

Many parts of Birmingham are effectively under Sharia law simply because of the Islamic ghettos, the English law may be in place, but for the vast majority of disputes amongst Muslims, the more culturally common sense local law is used and the authorities turn a blind eye, much like the child abuse cases, it's another scandal waiting to blow up, everybody shocked, various factors blamed, brushed back under the carpet...anyone pointing it out..racist bigot with an agenda so everyone can take the high ground.
The Fox commentator exaggerated for effect, by taking an opinion literally, but it is not an outrageous lie, Birmingham is a multi cultural shithole, with some of the worst child treatment in the world.

Checking travel documents and it's states that 'obviously you need a passport to travel to mainland Europe'...so I had to check this because you can travel on an ID card...this is the fucking mess they call a unified Europe over travel documents...meanwhile, get off a boat in the med and they put you on a train for free.


I see the Poles are going on strike, mainly to bring attention to their input into the UK economy.
With the best will in the world, I can't see this going down well, all my friends in construction have seen their work decimated by Eastern Europeans, in fact most of them are now taxi drivers, earning half of what they did on much longer hours.
I only get work because very few migrants take the qualifications, but usually I just end up charging £100 quid to write out the cert for equipment installed by Poles/Hungarians, their work is second to none and they are underselling themselves to keep rich property developers richer while pushing out skilled British workers to low paid jobs and ultimately increasing the wealth gap.
My mates who are Landlords are simply putting the saved money in their pockets.
From a single thread the past two months... and I skipped minor jabs. I have no inclination to derail this thread any further, but I stick to my previous statement... pot, kettle, yadayadayada.


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
Not a single racist comment there...you need to go and read what racism is.
Probably one of the biggest problems surrounding the issue, people have.sucked in the entire discussion under it's meaning,


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
From a single thread the past two months... and I skipped minor jabs. I have no inclination to derail this thread any further, but I stick to my previous statement... pot, kettle, yadayadayada.

Where is the racist comment??


Down With That Sorta Thing
Dec 22, 2003
Not a single racist comment there...you need to go and read what racism is.
Probably one of the biggest problems surrounding the issue, people have.sucked in the entire discussion under it's meaning,

You've got to be fucking kidding. The Merkel one alone...


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
None of those comments were racist. (Job is a racist though)

People do tend to get confused between racism and xenophobia these days. Pulling the race card at every opportunity is damaging to race relations.

Germans aren't a race. He was having a pop at the people of Germany, who last time I checked were just like us - made up of all sorts.


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
Also, saying Poles are coming over and taking jobs in not racist, it is factually correct in some sectors. It is because they are cheaper and do a better job.


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
You've got to be fucking kidding. The Merkel one alone...
Jesus, that is the most ant racist of the lot...I was taking the piss out of a country that in the past displayed the most perfect description of racism against Jews by declaring them subhuman by virtue of their creed...and I'm the racist.


Not as old as he claims to be!
Dec 22, 2003
The cunts are the ones you remember. The nice person in the shop, the guy who holds the door open for you, the person who waves you on in your car, the lady who smiles at a child doing something silly - there's far more of those people than the idiots.
I remember the lovely people, the cunts are in my cellar.


Not as old as he claims to be!
Dec 22, 2003
The word racist makes me angry it has been so over used and devalued that when I hear someone say it I want to set fire to a cross.


Down With That Sorta Thing
Dec 22, 2003
Jesus, that is the most ant racist of the lot...I was taking the piss out of a country that in the past displayed the most perfect description of racism against Jews by declaring them subhuman by virtue of their creed...and I'm the racist.

You were taking the piss by being racist! You seriously can't see that? Jesus.


Down With That Sorta Thing
Dec 22, 2003
None of those comments were racist. (Job is a racist though)

People do tend to get confused between racism and xenophobia these days. Pulling the race card at every opportunity is damaging to race relations.

Germans aren't a race. He was having a pop at the people of Germany, who last time I checked were just like us - made up of all sorts.

Racism can apply to nations as well as ethnic groups. Its a cop out to suggest otherwise. Irish jokes are still racist even though the British are to all intents and purposes the same people. Let's call it "cultural insensitivity" shall we? As in "Job is a culturally insensitive cunt"?


Resident Freddy
Dec 23, 2003
Umm... how about the first fucking three quotes. Xenophobia is a synonym to racism. In my book you can't have nazi sympathizing without also being racist.

Also, the original bit that had rubbed me the wrong way was
The world is a giant pressure cooker of jealousy, envy, racism, hate, body disfunction and snobbery.
And while i haven't done the actual math, this is in a large part what @Job posts.


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
...but nobody is being a nazi sympathizer.


Down With That Sorta Thing
Dec 22, 2003
...but nobody is being a nazi sympathizer.

No, but he was implying Merkel was a Nazi, which is about the most...culturally insensitive...thing you can say to a German.


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
No he wasn't.

He was making a joke in bad taste.


Resident Freddy
Dec 23, 2003
How is this not Nazi sympathizing?

All I could think of is 'Don't worry little girl, it is just a nice shower,!
I think that the biggest surprise for Hitler is that we all didn't jump on board, seeing as he was trying to fix what we had been moaning about for years.
Crazy enough to do it, and it will happen again and again, purging the undesirables, it's part of us.


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
Don't say anything, or think anything, just do what Lakih and his PC generation want us to do.

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