To Sar

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I am not a prude.

I am not a fan of Brannor McThife (far from it in fact).

I am not a GoA lover.

I am a parent.

My son plays DAoC (it is advised as suitable for 11+).

I now can not let my son read the 'advised' DAoC boards, to learn about the game and enjoy the community.

I am unhappy that a 'moderator', joking or otherwise, uses language such as you do:

Thanks alot.



Read the Guardian do we?

Or the Observer?

Or how about the Daily Mail?

Watch a lot of Watchdog?

Anne Robinson your "Crusading Heroine" is she?


Guess what, these are boards used primarily by adults because the gaming community on BW is a largely adult (18+) one.

And I bet your son (Little Timmy?) knows twice the amount of "bad" words that you do.


By clicking the Agree button, you warrant that you will not post any messages that are obscene, vulgar, sexually-orientated, hateful, threatening, or otherwise violative of any laws.

Just happened to be the third paragraph when i registered here.

Though your post didn't offend me, I can understand that it may do some people. A little 'moderation' could have been applied IMO, especially considering there is/will be a new influx of users here coming from the old GOA forums.


/envisages whipping out Nibblers newbie picture a lot over the next few months.

Which is good cos it's a funny pic.



Yeah but what age is your son :confused:
If he is like.... 11+ he'll know these words most likely and they will occasionally pop-up somewhere around here and in many other places in the world.

Brannor McThife

SFXMan, you are rapidly losing respect in my eyes. You are defending someone that blatantly has violated the agreement in posting here. He is a moderator and thus a representative of BarrysWorld.

The fact that he won't apologise, that he instead continues to "go on the offensive", does not impress me. I don't appreciate it, and basically, as is my right, if he continues to do so, I'll just stop posting here and visit a few of the guild sites instead, occasionally visitting to read anything Kemor/Zargar posts.

Must we, as DAoC players, fit THEIR mold? He "excuses" himself by saying that
Guess what, these are boards used primarily by adults because the gaming community on BW is a largely adult (18+) one.
which is a feeble "but I'm not the only one" whine. DAoC is a 13+ (younger if by parental consent) and as such, shouldn't have to be exposed to offensive language. And saying that
I bet your son...knows twice the amount of "bad" words that you do.
is NOT an excuse.

Sar, it is you that needs to mature a little. I know "your" type of people talk like this to each other all the time, it's your gaming culture. DAoC is a medieval game, where people, when insulting others, tend to use more eloquant language to achieve the same effect.

Remind me of your name ingame (since your profile suggests you play) so I can /ignore you.



Well, I agree with Brannor and Jupitus here - even though I don't mind or care, I know people who do.
So, maybe DAoC boards here needs a bit of a different handling than the other BW boards. Trebz? Your call, I believe ;)

Lafala Arifel

Sar, if you want be constructive in the re-building of the DAoC community at these forums then I suggest you realise that the majority of DAoC players are not adolescents who are impressed by strong language and weak arguments. If, on the other hand, you couldn't care less about the development of the community then carry on posting in the way you are now.

I am over 18, but I still found one word in particular offensive - and you can go ahead and call me a prude or an "Ann Robinson fan" if it makes you feel better.

That's all,



Agree with Jupitus and Brannor here.

Respect is the keyword when talking to others. Lose it and you lose the argument.


I'm not offended by the language, it's the fact a moderator is ignoring the rules we have to obey...

if I posted something like that it'd be censored
(fair enough, thats what I agreed to joining)

why is a mod posting something like that?

Seems hypocritical to me.


i also agree with Jupitus and Brannor here...

i think u will found out that if ya keep using that kinda language, u will not get too many users on these DAoC forums...dunno if ya care about anyway.


I happen to agree with Brannor here and as you can see from the date of me joining BW forums I've been involved with BW for a long time (former Tribes 2 community liasion for starters and forum mod on the T2 boards).

Sar, bite the bullet, I do think m8 that you didnt mean to cause offence far from it. But I dont tell people I've just met to f**k off, I wait a few months before that ;).

/wave at Trebz - how you doing btw? doing a grand job here but you're still a llama ;) post more on our guild board u tart.

Brannor McThife

Xtro got it perfectly right. I've taken more than my fair share of abuse at the old forums. And dished out some too. But I've known a lot of those guys IRL, and hence it is known as standard banter.

I don't know you. And hence take offence. In a few months maybe, then we can start making jokes about yo momma and sister.



I agree with Jupitus (no surprise there) and Brannor (nooooo!)

We all know bad language, and most of use it on occasion, but we don't need it presented as an acceptable mode of communication on a public forum board.

Like it or not, RPG'ers ARE different to FPS players in the main.
Not better or superior, just different,and we DO tend to want to communicate in a more civilised way to each other.

Half the fun sometimes is thinking up different ways to insult your enemies without actually resorting to swear words.

Please Sar, reconsider what you wrote and ask yourself if it was really necessary, eh? (Even though we know it was a joke)


<enters the room, panics, goes for lots of coffee, back in a short while!>

Originally posted by Xtro
/wave at Trebz - how you doing btw? doing a grand job here but you're still a llama ;) post more on our guild board u tart.

Pah, may your house be cursed by a thousand diseased frogs!


I'm going to side with Jupitus here. But I'm going to have to put forward a different arguement (since im not a parent, small Dozis running round is a far too scary prospect).

The general swearing and language such as in Jupitus' example *will* put people off using these boards; However I can see no reason that a lack of swearing will put anyone off. For the sake of this fledgeling community couldnt people restrain themselves?!?

I'd like to see an official response on the subject, anyone?


Chill ppl. The odd naughty word is hardly the most uncommon thing in the world, especially on the internet. Sar is not a moderator of the DAoC bards he's a moderator of the Q3 boards and he would NOT censor ppl for a few swear words. Especially when he clearly stated it was a joke afterwards.


I personally think you lot have gone about it all completely the wrong way by jumping on your battle horse and screaming into the distance. Fine, Sar misjudged the Brand Spanking New influx of people here. What he said maybe isn't the kind of banter you get on Childrens television, but when two forums get condensed into one it's going to take some time for the tones to adjust and level out. You took offence. Fair enough. That was duly noted in the thread where it was said. Repeatedly. And so you start another thread to point out the same thing. It isn't as if Sar has continued whacked out his Quentin Tarantino skills since that post to blatantly annoy you. What he said was in humour, albeit that you took it the wrong way.

Lesson learnt, you guys do not want or accept swearing here. Now, please stop demanding your ounce of flesh too?


SFXMan, you are rapidly losing respect in my eyes. You are defending someone that blatantly has violated the agreement in posting here. He is a moderator and thus a representative of BarrysWorld.
Well sorry about that Brannor but it just belongs to my usual nature of speech irl. Me and my friends tend to use a lot of swear in a humorous sense very regularily. So for me of course this one comment made by Sar was just an example of usual conversation.
Ok, fine, I believe that in such a forum as this which discusses matters of a game that is played by quite young people this type of tex should not be tolerated. But still I most certainly stand on my view that nothing should by done about this just for this one particular case.
In groups with close friends in DAoC this type of language does appear quite regularily aswell.... but of course everyone there accepts it and since it is done in a group no outsiders who might take some offence will ever see it.
I suppose I will start noting what I am typing more carefully from now on since there seem to be some quite sensitive people when it comes to explicit language.
Just my few opinions there on this case...


As i see it. Jupitus posted to explain _why_ he was offended (could've been done in a priv message though), and Sar goes on and insults him directly (as i see it).
Lesson learned? Well, i see no such tendencies.

[EDIT: Also, in another thread (i believe it was the Prydwen RvR) he tells someone to go learn proper english before posting, due to a few spelling errors, or because he criticized his opinion? /EDIT]


Originally posted by Damini
I personally think you lot have gone about it all completely the wrong way by jumping on your battle horse and screaming into the distance. Fine, Sar misjudged the Brand Spanking New influx of people here. What he said maybe isn't the kind of banter you get on Childrens television, but when two forums get condensed into one it's going to take some time for the tones to adjust and level out. You took offence. Fair enough. That was duly noted in the thread where it was said. Repeatedly. And so you start another thread to point out the same thing. It isn't as if Sar has continued whacked out his Quentin Tarantino skills since that post to blatantly annoy you. What he said was in humour, albeit that you took it the wrong way.

Lesson learnt, you guys do not want or accept swearing here. Now, please stop demanding your ounce of flesh too?
You da man......erm sorry woman damini:D i'm missing the regulars, it don't feel home no more :(


In the past BarrysWorld has always been open minded about what people post on these boards, as I've said previously, as long as the conversations stay within the realms of common decency then we had no issues with it. Times change however, different people join, different communities emerge and we haveto adapt to make people more at home.

I know the regulars are used to a much more open reign on what they can say on the forums, but can I ask that if people are to post on the DAoC forums that they try to use a little self control. I'm not asking much here, everyone can write a coherent sentence without the need for offensive words. The rest of the boards however will remain as they are, to apply this guideline to all of them would push other people away and I wouldn't want that either. Let's try to be a little more diplomatic in future guys, try to respect other peoples "home turf".


Yes, it could have been done in private message, or it could have been continued in the same thread, but it wasn't.

And I think Sar responded quite amicably considering that instead of a "We don't really want that language here" it degenerated into screams of HIDE THE CHILDREN! and Burn the moderater! (paraphrased, but you catch my geist). And was there anything in the reply that an eleven year old couldn't read? Any random insertion of pornographic language? No. If I was Sar, I'd have my back up too. I try to be friendly, misjudge the tone, and get screaming roleplayers baying for blood.

And before the quibbling begins, I played uo for four years, both with roleplayers and non-roleplayers, so I do see both sides of the argument.


Originally posted by Trebz
In the past BarrysWorld has always been open minded about what people post on these boards, as I've said previously, as long as the conversations stay within the realms of common decency then we had no issues with it. Times change however, different people join, different communities emerge and we haveto adapt to make people more at home.

I know the regulars are used to a much more open reign on what they can say on the forums, but can I ask that if people are to post on the DAoC forums that they try to use a little self control. I'm not asking much here, everyone can write a coherent sentence without the need for offensive words. The rest of the boards however will remain as they are, to apply this guideline to all of them would push other people away and I wouldn't want that either. Let's try to be a little more diplomatic in future guys, try to respect other peoples "home turf".
Hmm, yes.... I suppose I do agree on the fact that on the DAoC boards language used should be thought about more carefully. ALTHOUGH I still don't grasp how DAoC players are any different from FPS players :D
Maybe FPS gamers are more offensive since in their games they kill each other and become these hyper-active slaughtering machines and thus this foul language is a bit more common. Then again the DAoC community probably has much older players who, being so mature and all :rolleyes: understand that swearing is not acceptable in just about any circumstance. Still a bit odd I think.
Oh well:
DAoC boards, be polite and do not venture in the world of explicit language.
Other boards here, well as long as it doesn't go to a huge swearing calling names fiasco anything goes (almost). :D


Originally posted by SFXman

Hmm, yes.... I suppose I do agree on the fact that on the DAoC boards language used should be thought about more carefully. ALTHOUGH I still don't grasp how DAoC players are any different from FPS players :D
Maybe FPS gamers are more offensive since in their games they kill each other and become these hyper-active slaughtering machines and thus this foul language is a bit more common. Then again the DAoC community probably has much older players who, being so mature and all :rolleyes: understand that swearing is not acceptable in just about any circumstance. Still a bit odd I think.
Oh well:
DAoC boards, be polite and do not venture in the world of explicit language.
Other boards here, well as long as it doesn't go to a huge swearing calling names fiasco anything goes (almost). :D
Granted it takes extra key strokes to add a swear word where perhaps it wasn't needed, but its how people speak, thats all, its a natural way of us speaking,and seeing as we feel at home in these forums we speak(type)in a relaxed manner.Sorry thats the way it is.


Originally posted by Tremor
Granted it takes extra key strokes to add a swear word where perhaps it wasn't needed, but its how people speak, thats all, its a natural way of us speaking,and seeing as we feel at home in these forums we speak(type)in a relaxed manner.Sorry thats the way it is.
Yeah I know Tremor, in my post before the one you just quoted I explained that this is the way I talk irl... believe me I speak very freely and tend to use a lot of swearing, although 99% of the time it is in a very humoristic sense... a "j/k" type of thing among friends.


Brannor bashing mods, whatever next.

I think everyone criticising Sar has gone slightly off the deepend because all he essentially did was give a jovial welcome post. Like it or not people swear in real life, just as people die in real life and all sorts of other unpleasant things. These aren't the GOA forums and everyone arriving here is posting on well established boards with plenty of regulars from a wide spectrum of different communities. It is a little arrogant to expect everyone who has been here for years to immediately conform to your own standards.

Perhaps lurking for a while and getting used to them would be a better route?

Additionally this :

By clicking the Agree button, you warrant that you will not post any messages that are obscene, vulgar, sexually-orientated, hateful, threatening, or otherwise violative of any laws.

Is the default VBulletin disclaimer and will be on all normal installations of these type of forums. It isn't something specific to Barrysworld because our guild forums (along with nearly every VBulletin forum in the world) has one. It doesn't define what an obscenity is, that is down to the forum admins and is what empowers them to moderate as they see fit.


Can i just say i dont know why i quoted you before, it was kinda a reply in its own right and nowt to do with what you said or was it or............oh i dont know, i've gotta go work now and i aint thinking straight:(


Still, if this forum is supposed to be the new gathering-place for all european DAOC'ers - it would help that we kept the tone a bit more "common", eh?
Many get annoyed or take offence at too much swearing and as such it would be easier if language was a bit more "proper" here.
Otherwise, this board will drive a lot of people off - and loose some of it's meaning/intention...
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