To Kemor




Originally posted by Solid
OMG Cadiva, dont go "On Topic" like that again on a clearly Hijacked and now "Off Topic Post", which is now "On Topic" and so you therefore took it "Off Topic" again, oh dear.

Lord and Lady and Troll, pelase continue, I emplore you, I was enjoying this! :D

Sorted ;)

Brannor McThife

Originally posted by old.Revz
Well I was meaning Brannor since he has done me the honour of quoting my words...
Yes...quite true...your words...but hmm, you're publicly admitting you're gay? Any other SotL's in that closet with you?
[Changing Sig Now...done...hope you like it...]



Originally posted by - Pathfinder -
Far worse than I feared, it appears. I shall defenestrate your main for this (though with your gimpy Safe Fall it probably won't do much)!

<Lands softly, brushes the bits of glass from his hair, turns and scampers back up the wall and through the window>

Lunar gets a hug for having a sensible sig :)

<Watches quietly stealthed, blades already laced with poison, just in case Pathfinder allows his hands to wander>


Brannor McThife

Oh, and Lunar, you're sad...sucking up to another guild for loot.....hmm, no, I can't bring myself to say it to a lady...but you now what I mean. ;)


- Pathfinder -

Originally posted by LunarDarkShadow

I thought so :) So.... where's my ichor stuff then? Hmm?

Coming right up, dear; just as soon as I've dealt with this YMCA guy :cool:

Brannor McThife

Originally posted by Brannor McThife

Dragon Hit List:
#1 Blood
#2 Azal
#3 Weirdeus



#4 Random Servant of the Lake
#5 Random Servant of the Lake
#6 Random Servant of the Lake
#50 Last remaining Servant of the Lake



Uncle Sick(tm)

Don't tick off Brannor... he is known to do evul things to horsies...

Halo | NS


hehe......God, I love this.


More hate, less love, more fun.

Brannor McThife

Originally posted by sickofit...
Don't tick off Brannor... he is known to do evul things to horsies...

But I r nice to cows.

Down Bessie.


PS. "Down Bessie" is an original saying of Moeshoe (sp?) the dragon...


Ooo Brannor, that's not nice now, is it?

I'm hurt now, I really am, and I thought we were friends :(

Just because a humble sorceress might want an ickle tiny look at the VAST loot mountain that is the Servants of the Lake guild vault....and especially as I haven't made my appointment for a hunt in Barfog yet. They said next Thursday week, at about 3.30 am might be free, but only if I paid a couple of hundred gold to the guild guards in the mountain pass, and only if I handed over everything that dropped that wasn't specifically sorceror orientated....... :flame:


Yeah that couple of hundred gold will sort Gideon's level 1 twink's black dye out. :D

Uncle Sick(tm)

Naw... euphemism is the art of describing something bad in a positive way.

Now I get teh prize!!!1


Originally posted by sickofit...
Naw... euphemism is the art of describing something bad in a positive way.

Now I get teh prize!!!1

Not quite.... so no :p

Edit - besides - where is the witty example????

Uncle Sick(tm)

Originally posted by Jupitus
Edit - besides - where is the witty example????

Not quite so? Ha!

The act or an example of substituting a mild, indirect, or vague term for one considered harsh, blunt, or offensive: “Euphemisms such as ‘slumber room’... abound in the funeral business” (Jessica Mitford).

in other words: just what I said... just about at least;)

I still win teh prize!!

And for the example part: I was waiting for some innocent fool to write "GOA's news/customer policy etc."...mwahaha

[Edit: And I am not a GOA Fanboi (like Jupitus;))... I'm just waiting for the opportunity to flame the wits out of Kemor...harrrr]

[Edit2: Jupitus! I want teh prize!!! *starts to sniffle* What is teh prize!!? Oh - a very elegant flame, Lady Lunar *bows, of course*]


Originally posted by sickofit...

Not quite so? Ha!

in other words: just what I said... just about at least;)

I still win teh prize!!

And for the example part: I was waiting for some innocent fool to write "GOA's news/customer policy etc."...mwahaha

[Edit: And I am not a GOA Fanboi (like Jupitus;))... I'm just waiting for the opportunity to flame the wits out of Kemor...harrrr]

Well it was a pretty feeble effort, but there also seems to be a lack of other entrants - it's in the balance, so for 1 bonus point to tip the scale... name an 80's record that contained the word 'onomatopoeia' repeatedly (or at least sounded very like it - never did see the words written down)....


Uncle Sick(tm)

Originally posted by Jupitus
never did see the words written down)....

In other words... you just don't want to give me TEH PRIZE!!

You just made a wevy, wevy shpeshial Luwikeen weeevy upset.
The next time you wonder why that angry Underhill is coming your way... IT'S BECAUS YOU DIDN'T GIVE ME MY PWICE!!

And while the Underhill rips your right arm off, I shall dance the tango mortale with your Lady Lunar... HARRrr!!

That happens if you make a wevy shpeshial (and studly) Luwikeen upset!


Originally posted by sickofit...

In other words... you just don't want to give me TEH PRIZE!!

You just made a wevy, wevy shpeshial Luwikeen weeevy upset.
The next time you wonder why that angry Underhill is coming your way... IT'S BECAUS YOU DIDN'T GIVE ME MY PWICE!!

And while the Underhill rips your right arm off, I shall dance the tango mortale with your Lady Lunar... HARRrr!!

That happens if you make a wevy shpeshial (and studly) Luwikeen upset!

I shall slice you into lots of little thin strips and make plaits out of you on your underhills ugly looking head.

Now - who had the song - answer the question... you don't know, do you? :p

Uncle Sick(tm)

I shall slice you into lots of little thin strips and make plaits out of you on your underhills ugly looking head.

Hmm... he will look like a sick, cannibal version of the Predator... ick!

Well, one day you will actually stop conning purple to me and we can give it a shot :)
You promise not to stealth and use CS. I will promise not to use my powerful, weally weally neat looking staff...*coughs*

And no... I have no idea. But hey, I know what a euphemism is.
Want me to tell?

Oooh!! The witty example:
It's a euphemism, when Lady Lunar says, shortly before you "/release":
"Now Jupitus... that was quite.. uhm... interesting."
There you go. :)

/feels downright evul once again


Clue: There were some nice looking girls in the band.....

Don't you dare try to get me back on-off-topic with your humourous examples now... answer the new off-off-topic question!



Originally posted by sickofit...

In other words... you just don't want to give me TEH PRIZE!!

You just made a wevy, wevy shpeshial Luwikeen weeevy upset.
The next time you wonder why that angry Underhill is coming your way... IT'S BECAUS YOU DIDN'T GIVE ME MY PWICE!!

And while the Underhill rips your right arm off, I shall dance the tango mortale with your Lady Lunar... HARRrr!!

That happens if you make a wevy shpeshial (and studly) Luwikeen upset!

In order to do that i'm afraid you also have to make it past me as well little Lurikeen as I act as protector to the Lord Jupitus. <Glares menacingly and readies a few bolts of lightning>


Originally posted by old.Vae
I act as protector to the Lord Jupitus.

Wicked! Does that mean you'll come to the Stone with me tonight while I chat up... err I mean make a kind cash donation to that new barmaid? You know.... just in case I need a rezz after....;)


Now when I said protector that means from yourself too - And you know what Lady Lunar would do to you if your discussion with Troryn got too friendly!

Besides which I've already taken pre-emptive action on this matter and warned her to stay away from you ;p


Originally posted by old.Vae
Besides which I've already taken pre-emptive action on this matter and warned her to stay away from you ;p

Bah - you wotten wotten spoilsport!


Uncle Sick(tm)

I wouldn't call that a flame, Jupitus... I would call it stating facts.

For example: Censi -> arsehead... I would leave it like that. You might want to add "complete and utter tosser". That's what he is.
Ass clown seems to be appropriate, too.

Censi, oh all knowing fountain of semi-intelligence, you are waste of good sperm and oxygen number four I honor with the allmighty CLUEPON! Use it wisely.

Oh, by the way... do you mean ABBA by any chance?
Always thought Agneta looked kinda hot:)

And there is that danish band, singing a danish song called "Vi er for fede...". A danish friend of mine who happens to live in Denmark referred it to me.
It think danish sounds guttural enough to pass as onomatopoeia.
Do I get TEH PRIZE!!11 now?;)


The truth about Jup comes out! I knew that whiter-than-white "I'm so faithful to Lunar" thing was tosh, next well find he's been sleeping with Artemis and Blaen or something!


Nope - another clue though, because you mentioned Abba and I fancied the girl with dark hair quite alot....

Clue: The band had quite a nutty name.


One things for sure, if this post had started off saying how wonderful GOA were, you lot would be flaming saying the complete opposite.

I realise now you have nothing relevent to say, you are just looking for an excuse to ramble.

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