To Kemor


Brannor McThife

Originally posted by old.Revz
Brannor, I've heard that you are cross teaming on Midgard. I've heard that you work for GOA.
Don't cross team. But have characters in both Pryd-Midgard, and Pryd-Albion. Well known fact.
Work for GOA? Well, unless they have a London office, then no.

And all this is sidestepping your statement. Explain it if you're man enough, or acknowledge that you spoke wrongly.



I'm not sure which statement you are referring to but :

1. About sickofit not having any real EQ experience.

Until he actually comes out and says what he means by "EQ experience" then no one is the wiser. Going by his response I assume it is somewhere in betweeen having installed it on his PC and put in years since beta in a top end guild who is just under AoW-capable. He was the one whose typically angry reply implied some expertise in that area (and since you've read plenty into my words I will take the liberty of reading that into his).

It is much the same in DAoC as it is in EQ, you only realise how much/little the game has to offer once you've gotten levelling out of the way and are trying out new things with your guild. I'm sure people at all levels are getting a lot out of the game but certainly in EQ they are physically incapable of seeing many zones unless they are a certain level (for instance the planes have a level 46 minimum requirement to zone in).

What mob kills you have been on is just a quick and dirty measure of how much you've seen.

2. About us blockading LB.

Err of course it is false. How do we blockade a zone exactly? There is no collision detection to let us physically stop people and you can't PK people in your own realm.


Originally posted by Brannor McThife
I heard you guys once set up a blockade on Llyn Barfog...that people had to get permission to kill the epic mobs there...Fact? or Fiction?


id so be amused if that were true, but alas i know its not :)

sotl are by far and away, a very well organised guild with a good structure and some great players, one of the very best guildmates i had with kalina went there when we split and im sure the guild is full of people just like him, they are helpful, friendly and i have yet to find one who wont help me with /advice, which a lot of them are on (everyone should use /advice, its great). they are a strong guild, and are looked at by some as a bit l33t, but tbh i dunno where this comes from, just because they are good doesn't mean they have all their heads stuck up their own arses, perhaps if you managed to talk to a couple brannor you might change your opinion :)

flame me for defending some nice players, i dont care

- Pathfinder -

Originally posted by Brannor McThife

I heard you guys once set up a blockade on Llyn Barfog...that people had to get permission to kill the epic mobs there...Fact? or Fiction?


Yes. We also charge admission to DM, arrange tour guides to the Cailleach, sacrifice virgins and defenestrate greycons.


Originally posted by - Pathfinder -

Yes. We also charge admission to DM, arrange tour guides to the Cailleach, sacrifice virgins and defenestrate greycons.

Grats to - Pathfinder - for being the first person ever to use the word 'defenestrate' on a daoc forums :clap:

I hereby award you 10 credibility points :)


If I start an alt, can I be defenestrated please? I'd just like to know what it means.... ;)

Brannor McThife

Originally posted by old.Revz
What mob kills you have been on is just a quick and dirty measure of how much you've seen.

Ahh, slight change in the statement now. This is what you should have said first. That it measures how much you've seen (which I don't necessarily agree with, but somewhat true), and NOT how experienced you are, and thus, how much you know what you're talking about.

Let's take Brannor for example. Moi.
I've played all three realms. I've seen one dragon (will see the others in due time), I've been into every single dungeon except 1 (Hibbie one). I don't claim to know any one realm more than anyone else. I have been to far more corners of all the realms than a greater proportion of people. I know where the hollow tree in the Avalon Marsh is (Love that tree. ;) ), I've been to Yar, the H-stones, killed poohka and been killed by Grand Poohka's ( :rolleyes: ), I've killed so many variations of creatures that I now compare them by sound and skin. I've been on Relic Raids, Relic Defenses, countless keep raids and defenses.

But, in the end. Do I claim to know more than someone else? No. Do I claim to be of a such status that I am experienced and others are not? No. Do I tell people that because they haven't seen a dragon, or killed one, they don't know what they're talking about? No.

Get the picture? Killing a Dragon, or Epic Monsters neither classifies you as experienced nor as a voice of authority. Sure, you may have played a lot more than me, but have you really experienced the WHOLE game. This doesn't just apply to you, but to a lot of people I've met in Midgard, Albion and Hibernia. Before you start going off that you know "everything" and others know "nothing", just maybe, you don't know anything yourself.



Uncle Sick(tm)

sickofit keep shouting for all you are worth.

You are breaking my heart... so young, so much anger...
Forget the Prozac, go straight for Valium. It might even cure your compulsive megalomania.

And sorry for not indulging in: "What have you actually achieved during those two years?"
That's rather childish... especially considering that everything I have "achieved" (that's so darn laughable) would be ridiculed by you, right?

Should I dare stating that I even ran a guild?
"What guild? What has your guild achieved?"
That I run a guild on Country Club/Prydwen?
"What guild? How many level 50'ies?"

Dunno, you leave the impression of the stereotypical powergamer... killing an epic mob, left hand around your willie, busy "achieving"... /shrug

Go play and "relieve" some of the stress and anger, uber-boy.

/keeps shouting

- Pathfinder -

Originally posted by old.chesnor

Grats to - Pathfinder - for being the first person ever to use the word 'defenestrate' on a daoc forums :clap:

I hereby award you 10 credibility points :)

I'm a scholar. I just don't show it very often :p

Originally posted by Jupitus

If I start an alt, can I be defenestrated please? I'd just like to know what it means....

And you're supposed to be British? :)

Brannor McThife

PS. Another rumour is that I can be found riding a high horse. If you've seen where last I left it, please say. Think it might have got jealous after that Sleip... picture went public and run off with Sickofit's cow. ;)



I would like to remind everyone that masturbation is completely normal and you should be good to yourself regularly. I am :D

Uncle Sick(tm)

Originally posted by old.Lanceloc
I would like to remind everyone that masturbation is completely normal and you should be good to yourself regularly. I am :D

Now go change your nick before Tohotori reads your post. ;)



*grins a bit more*

So, yes, change your nick to...umm..well...Wanksalot?

Cheap blow i know! :p


Originally posted by sickofit...
A lot of things that no one has ever heard before.


*scratches head over Brannor*

What mob kills you have been on is just a quick and dirty measure of how much you've seen and experienced.

Is that better? I don't even see how this got onto DAoC as I've not even made a claim about this here have I? I'll be the first to admit I've experienced not one single second of play in Midgard or Hibernia. I bow to your superiority. The only thing I know about either of those other two realms is what I've garnered from RvR.

Brannor McThife

Originally posted by old.Revz

I don't even see how this got onto DAoC as I've not even made a claim about this here have I?
No, you didn't. But you were implying that knowledge and experience is measured by what you've killed. And this could be perceived as a general statement for any game.

I bow to your superiority.
:puke: Get real. Your sarcasm won't win you any brownie (not the rover/nomad/grassrunner kind) points.

Sickofit loves attention, we all know that, and often talks absolute crap, but strangely, somewhere in there there's actually some knowledge. Don't belittle others all the time, because that pearl of wisdom you think you have, may just turn out to be clam crap. ;)

That said, I still don't like SotL. :m00: Experienced or not.



Dunno, you leave the impression of the stereotypical powergamer... killing an epic mob, left hand around your willie, busy "achieving"... /shrug

Gives a whole new meaning to the command /release.........


Originally posted by - Pathfinder -

I'm a scholar. I just don't show it very often :p

And you're supposed to be British? :)

Ok... engaging brain for a while....


hmmm... definitely of latin origin, and must share the same roots as the word Fenestre in French, I'd say.

Oh! I know!!!

'DE' - removed or negated
'FENESTR - window or glassy see through object
'ATE' - as in the end of masturbate

So.... Defenestrated must mean when your glasses fall off as you reach the end of your w**k....

I am enlightened at last!

Just goes to show how far you can understand things if you really apply your mind.

Hmm... hey Pathfinder... how do you guys do this to grey cons?

Is it by sneaking up on them like their parents might do, and suddenley opening the door?



Originally posted by old.Tohtori
Cheap blow i know! :p

This is getting worse by the second ..... I am going to change my name to Finbarr Saunders before posting again, I reckon :p


Originally posted by LunarDarkShadow
Gives a whole new meaning to the command /release.........

... it's always nice when we do that together, isn't it m'Lady?


... it's always nice when we do that together, isn't it m'Lady?

Althuogh... fifteen minutes to auto-release never seems to be long enough for me....

Uncle Sick(tm)

Sickofit loves attention, we all know that, and often talks absolute crap, but strangely, somewhere in there there's actually some knowledge.

Hmm... this is a difficult situation for me now... shall I give Brannor a swift kick in the nuts for being a mean meanie... or should I say: Wee! Brannor likes me!!
/kicks Tohotori in the nuts
There... I feel better now.

At least I'm not abusing horses, Mr. McBrannor...

And :clap: Lunar :)

Edit: Eeek! Jupitus and Lunar are cybering again!! Briiiiiinx!!!

Brannor McThife

Originally posted by LunarDarkShadow
Althuogh... fifteen minutes to auto-release never seems to be long enough for me....
Glauthrong could manage holding out for a good 45 minutes... You two release too soon...




Originally posted by Brannor McThife
That said, I still don't like SotL.

I don't like you much either. Can you tell me who your Alb character is so I can blockade you from zones please?


Hey....HEY! Who crushed my was an assorted mix of tropical fruits and nuts and now someone kicked it all over the carpet! That's just rude! :mad:


Originally posted by LunarDarkShadow
Althuogh... fifteen minutes to auto-release never seems to be long enough for me....

Originally posted in the User Manual Version 1.10
There is a time limit after death. If this time limit is exceeded, your character will automatically release to its bind location.The formula for calculating how much time you have is simply 1 minute per level. So, if you are level 10, you will have 10 minutes before you auto release.

So in theory, according to this, I ought to release exactly 1 minute after you, me being 44 and you 43. They say things get better with age....

Perhaps the timing is a bit messed up because you always seem to go down first... ? ;)

- Pathfinder -

I was about to bow down before your superior analytical skills, right up till your "thrusticator" instincts took over, Jup :p

Jupitus, you disgust me! :p

Lunar, you excite me! :D

And of course we do it to greys :cool:


Originally posted by sickofit...
Edit: Eeek! Jupitus and Lunar are cybering again!! Briiiiiinx!!!

Haven't done that since I set fire to her carpet while trying to find my glasses....



I think Kemor won't understand this thread and why it's towards him anymore...or maybe he will...or maybe he is a she...or maybe all she are he and i'm not having any fun with it. Either way the carrots are still orange. :cool:

Brannor McThife

Originally posted by old.Revz
Can you tell me who your Alb character is...
No matter what the reason. They stay private and confidential. Sorry Schmuck. :flame:


Uncle Sick(tm)

My mentalist alt can go for ten minutes at the moment (no Revz, I was not Pookha hunting with him yet)...


Sorry for crushing your nuts, T.

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