To Kemor



How many have been banned in total and is it always a temporary ban or can it be permanent?

Brannor McThife

Warning -> Suspension -> Ban...
To clarify, you can go to Ban without the other two, or Suspension without a varies depending on the incident. But once you get to one, then next step is always forward, once warned, next time it's Susp or Ban. Once Susp, you're banned. After that, you're gone forever.



Originally posted by kr0n

Actually Prydwens peak was around 2300. No idea about Exca tho, cant remember the URL. And the servers been up 98-99% of the time.

kr0n I am talking about present day, not the past.

sure as you said it WAS 2300 maybe, but it IS <1800 now.

In essence at this current time, ie over the last month at least the averages I posted hold tru give or take a hundred or so

Uncle Sick(tm)

Kemor, you evil, imperialistic GOA employee!!
You haven't answered a single IMPORTANT (!!!) question Censi asked you!!! U R TEH EVUL!!!
What about the webcam in your office I demanded yesterday?
Where is the link to the live stream? Huh???
Post it now or 80% of the DAoC players will leave for the US servers IMMEDIATELY!!!
And what about the free candy for every half hour of lag!!?

Kemor, U TEH EVUL!!!


sickofit, shut up u muppet.

Take a deep breath and read your posts. You have nothing intelligent to say.....

In answer to why I posted this and didnt privite message:
I wanted people to read the response.

I just wanted to get a feel for how GOA are perceiving themselves and there own performance.

Sure many people are happy with the European setup.
Equally many people arn't. (lets not go into numbers but to say the 9% who have already left, dont count, shows your ignorance (or whoever posted that comment)

I am one of the people who isnt 100% percent happy. No biggy. Grow up a bit FFS

l work in techincal support and am interested in the completely different attitude GOA seems to have to the company I work for. One things for sure we wouldnt still be in business if we treated out customers like this. But then again its a different kind of sector than online gaming. The sort of customer satisfaction we aim for is closer to 97%. And this target has always been met (According to our surveys)

In resonse to the "why dont you just go play the US servers?" question.

Answer is simply. My lvl 50 character which I have spent so much time creating, is on the european server. And why should I go and buy the software again? Or spend money on another account? I would far rather play on the European servers if the level of service was a bit higher.....(hence the reason for the original post)

If you are happy with the service fine..... there is no need for you to comment.......


those numbers are 250 out of id say around 4250 people. Thats roughly 5.8% of the community. That in no way represents how everybody feels.


Personally I'm annoyed we still dont have Chronicles and the patching speed could be a bit faster but damn the only time I really had to use Right Now (bugged lvl 40 epic) it was solved the next day =)






Hello everyone. I am a 27 year old man who lives in a shared house in Milton Keynes. I earn £24000 gross salary as an IT Consultant. I like to play computer games in my leisure time.

In addition to computer games and DAOC I like to go out with real life friends and have interesting conversations or watch movies, play football, the occasional skirmish and other group-oriented leisure activities. So far I haven't met my perfect woman but I'm sure that she'll be knocking on my door soon.

When I'm stressed I find it helps to simply stop whatever I am doing and look around me, marvelling at the fantastic complexity of life around me. Just looking at plants, insects and animals seems to calm me in a strange hypnotic manner. I revere our planet and wish we could truly be its guardians or keepers.

I get sad when I think about how much of our civilisation is based on selfishness and materialism. I've read about previous civilisations and other strange phenomenon such as life on other planets and this also fascinates me. I see people evolving, an increase in psychic ability, government, corporate and military personnel talking about evidence for intelligent ET life visiting Earth in high frequency today ever since 1947....

Evolve my brothers and sisters, look within yourself as everyone of us holds to keys to immortality, truth and reason for existence.

Remember, this is but a 3D virtual reality game on a 2D monitor screen within our 3D virtual reality. Life is but a game. Everything you do say and think will be etched into your immortal soul forever. When you die, you will regret many of the things you have done and will do. Your chance for evolution towards the great light that we came from is now.

/em comes out of a trance-like state and falls back to sleep

Uncle Sick(tm)

Censi, you are a bloody schmuck... honest.

The poll was up for quite awhile and, in my opinion, gave a good, even representative overview.
Until last night, when... hey wait... I wrote all that before. It seems you are not reading my posts, Bonzi Buddy.
About 20-30 people checked the "No, but I still play" last night.

I am certainly not a GOA fanboy... if they kept fucking up, I would be amongst the mob, screaming for their blood.
But measuring a company's performance by a factor they are not responsible for (ie the routing problems) is just bullshit.
Since day one their service has improved steadily.

Go and do your techsupport (I rather think you are the janitor...), schmuck boy, it seems you don't really have a clue what you are talking about.

Gee, 97% customer satisfaction? Who are you working for? The Red Cross?
I am doing marketing and CRM since years and the first thing you learn is: the customer is never satisfied.
It's true, isn't it?

Oh, and :clap: Lanceloc;)


Well you are getting closer to showing signs of intelligence (/claps), but you still need to evolve a bit more.

But measuring a company's performance by a factor they are not responsible for (ie the routing problems) is just bullshit.

Im not measuring there performance based on all the routing problems??? (mind you thats not to say they handled the problems well)

My negative thoughts on GOA are based on the total package... (as the poll and the original post clearly says???)

Dont get me wrong DAOC is a wicked game and the people on HIB are a gr8 bunch.....

Its just the only bad experineces I have with the game are always generated from things GOA do...

Can tell you one thing, wait untill Starwars Galaxies comes out and you will see how a seasoned MMRPG company handles itself.
Sure there will be fuck ups, but Ill be very surprised if EA would allow all there hard work to be undermined by connectivity problems that last for days and poor customer support. And you can be sure they will be a helpline you can call 24X7.

What evers going on over there, it should take hours not days to fix routing and comms problems. (yep thats probably down to Wanado )

Anyway lets end the flame war, we just see things differently. Im glad that you see the glass as 1/10 full, when I see it at 9/10 empty.

Uncle Sick(tm)

SW:G will be run by Sony/Verrant, not EA. Just to get your facts straight.

Have you played EQ?
If yes- it's quite gutsy to claim that S/V are the big pros in the business...
If not- then sorry, you have no idea what you are talking about.
EQ is a bugfest, and their EULA is a manifest of gaming industry nazism.

Sure DAoC is a great game, in my opinion even the best game I've ever played considering long term motivation etc.

So what about GOA?
I don't want to indulge in patch discussions- the subject has been talked to death.
Customer support? - the subject has been talked to death.
Third server? - the subject has been talked to death.
Conclusion: except for the routing, there are no critical issues at the moment.

And please spare me your comments à la "Oh, signs of intelligence." are far from being the crown of evolution yourself, Censi.
If you act like a tard, you get the response you deserve.

Oh... and I am glad I play on Hib/Prydwen otherwise I would consider defecting to Albion.


Lanceloc should try a druid with that outlook :)



Originally posted by sickofit...
SW:G will be run by Sony/Verrant, not EA. Just to get your facts straight.

Have you played EQ?
If yes- it's quite gutsy to claim that S/V are the big pros in the business...
If not- then sorry, you have no idea what you are talking about.
EQ is a bugfest, and their EULA is a manifest of gaming industry nazism.

You really are pretty crap for a troll sometimes.

For starters Sony/Verant are the big fish of the mmporpg market. They did it first and they did it most successfully to date. I have a lot of experience with EQ (as several of my guild members in DAoC do) and although it has problems it is still a better game than this. That isn't GOAs fault, it is something that Mythic need to address, but GOA certainly aren't showing it off in its best light currently.

In fact your statement there is pretty much bollocks. You obviously don't know what you're talking about so I'll leave it at that mr expert.

Originally posted by sickofit...
Oh... and I am glad I play on Hib/Prydwen otherwise I would consider defecting to Albion.

So you aren't a troll so much as an angst filled Lurikeen then.

Uncle Sick(tm)

Originally posted by old.Revz

You really are pretty crap for a troll sometimes.

For starters Sony/Verant are the big fish of the mmporpg market. They did it first and they did it most successfully to date. I have a lot of experience with EQ (as several of my guild members in DAoC do) and although it has problems it is still a better game than this. That isn't GOAs fault, it is something that Mythic need to address, but GOA certainly aren't showing it off in its best light currently.

In fact your statement there is pretty much bollocks. You obviously don't know what you're talking about so I'll leave it at that mr expert.

Well, I've played EQ for two years, does that count?
And yes, blabla, Sony/Verrant are the big fish. So what?
I don't think you can deny that EQ is buggy... can you?

EQ is the better game?
De gustibus non est disputandum.

Originally posted by old.Revz
So you aren't a troll so much as an angst filled Lurikeen then.

I am angst ridden actually. Mostly I fear you... :m00:

Edit: Oh, I forgot to call you an arrogant SotL biatch... I know you guys love hearing it..


Originally posted by sickofit...
Well, I've played EQ for two years, does that count?

You could have a level 52 druid with 250 days /played for all I know (don't forget that tailoring!). I'm sure the experience on Naggy pickups will help a lot but unless you've at least killed something on a par with the AoW then you don't have room to speak from experience really.

Originally posted by sickofit...
And yes, blabla, Sony/Verrant are the big fish. So what?

You did say "it's quite gutsy to claim that S/V are the big pros in the business" didn't you? I was merely pointing out that you were wrong. You seem to agree with me.

Originally posted by sickofit...
I don't think you can deny that EQ is buggy... can you?

Did I try to?

Originally posted by sickofit...
EQ is the better game?
De gustibus non est disputandum.

Damnant quod non intelligunt.

Uncle Sick(tm)

You did say "it's quite gutsy to claim that S/V are the big pros in the business" didn't you? I was merely pointing out that you were wrong. You seem to agree with me.

Pros like in "professional"... not like in "big".

Did I try to?
So what's the problem then? I would say you rather agree with me...

And I actually play games to have fun... in other words: I played EQ for two years to have fun... not to excel in uberness or to make up for a small cock.


Originally posted by sickofit...
And I actually play games to have fun... in other words: I played EQ for two years to have fun... not to excel in uberness or to make up for a small cock.

Ah yes, now you back down fast and resort to the "but I'm having fun" plea. Stop trying to come off as an expert if you don't have any credentials to back it up with and you won't get caught out like that in future.

Just because you shout the loudest doesn't mean you have anything worth listening to.




Its a kill, loot, rest, repeat ad nausea type game. I couldnt be arsed to get my paladin over level 16 a year ago and now the increased levelling speed and improved model gfx still doesnt overcome the same facts of it's monotony. The interface is still shite too and it hates my soundcard (Guillemot Maxisound Muse).

DAOC = Flawed genius

Two major hiccups with DAOC:-
1) Its a paper, scissors, stone game
2) Frame rates are unacceptable in large RvR situations

Minor flaws:-
1) XP Treadmill too long
2) Not enough content - world, spell variety
3) Memory leak

Brannor McThife

Originally posted by old.Revz

You could have a level 52 druid with 250 days /played for all I know (don't forget that tailoring!). I'm sure the experience on Naggy pickups will help a lot but unless you've at least killed something on a par with the AoW then you don't have room to speak from experience really.
So, according to this statement, experience comes from being Uber and killing big things? And not knowing the in's and out's of a game through all the levels? Is that a General SotL view?

"We killed all the Epic monsters, hence we know everything about DAoC and the rest of you know F*ck all."... ?


<is starting to get a dim view of SotL.>



Now you are putting words into my mouth.

<is starting to get a dim view of Brannor.>

Uncle Sick(tm)

Originally posted by old.Revz

Ah yes, now you back down fast and resort to the "but I'm having fun" plea. Stop trying to come off as an expert if you don't have any credentials to back it up with and you won't get caught out like that in future.

Just because you shout the loudest doesn't mean you have anything worth listening to.

Backing down from what?
I don't think I ever claimed that I was an expert, did I?
Credentials!! LOL!! Are we playing a game or are we applying for a fucking job here? I actually thought, as delusional as it might appear, that one plays games for TEH FUN.
Not everyone is such a dedicated powergamer like your highness and his guild of primadonnas.

I admire your attempt of coming off as intelligent and serious.
... keep trying.

And I shout as long as I want to - I, at least, don't pretend to shout for 4000 other players.

Gee, Revz, give Prozac a chance... it might help you.


Evolve my friends.....theres light as the end of the tunnel....walk towards it.....

Brannor McThife

Originally posted by old.Revz
Now you are putting words into my mouth.
So then, explain the statement, for that sure as hell looks like what you're meaning.

Oh, and...

<is starting to get a dim view of Brannor.>
Like I've ever cared. :rolleyes:

I heard you guys once set up a blockade on Llyn Barfog...that people had to get permission to kill the epic mobs there...Fact? or Fiction?



sickofit keep shouting for all you are worth.

Brannor, I've heard that you are cross teaming on Midgard. I've heard that you work for GOA. I've heard more dodgy stories about you than anyone else I can think of. Does that make them true? Does it mean I should ask you to respond to every single one?

That thing about blockading LB is one of the tamer ones about us I've heard to be honest :)


Originally posted by old.Revz
I've heard more dodgy stories about you than anyone else I can think of.

What? More than me????

My mother is a Llama!!!!!

hmmm.... can't think of any more...



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