to bananwhatever



Originally posted by Groborthir
I wasn't including MoC in this scenario, Shike. If I did, I would also include Purge on the BD, potential MoC on the BD, and so on.

I've never been nuked for more than 300 by any sorcerer, I've never been soloed by one. (Granted, I haven't tried many battles against them, they seem to only run in groups!) I've been mezzed a billion times, though! :)

Most casters stand a good chance against a BD if they MoC, so ... :)

You didnt mention you didnt include it either ;)

I just wrote down one way for a sorc to solo a BD and why on earth run solo when we excel in groups? :)

PS, mezzing BDs is damn fun tbh :D Especially if its a troll with a silly hat ;)


Originally posted by Shike

PS, mezzing BDs is damn fun tbh :D Especially if its a troll with a silly hat ;)

You aren't a real BD if you don't use one of them pointy gypsy hats, in my opinion!


Originally posted by Groborthir
You aren't a real BD if you don't use one of them pointy gypsy hats, in my opinion!

Twolls in the wizard hats are teh funney, if only you could have robes in mid though :(


Originally posted by sharma
Twolls in the wizard hats are teh funney, if only you could have robes in mid though :(

The epic BD sleeves have proper "sleeves" its not perfect - but its closer.


Originally posted by Groborthir
StT still allows you to get a higher chance solo against a BD than fellow casters do, because you eliminate the interrupting pet, which would only have made your life miserable and you stun pointless in different situations. Here you get the chance to stun and nuke, hopefully killing the BD before stun wears out. :)

Aye, but if I'm hit first, the interrupt timer ticks right thru' the time it takes to QC, and several seconds into the stun. Gonna get 1 or 2 nukes off max b4 the stun is out. Course, there's always the option of opening with a mez... ;)

By the way, Maeloch, I hate you and you StT! But thanks for the mezz-immunity the other night, I bet Avernal loved you for it:) (I felt really lucky!)[/B]

Heh-heh. Well, we were chasing somebodies pet lag about for 30s or so b4 we ran into you. Looked like one BD only, so when Snoz popped on us thru the trees I hit StT. I was leading nuker anyhow, so what the hell...

Dont worry tho', u'll be the one getting /shield bang spam next time :D

Mael, 50th ment.


Originally posted by Groborthir
You aren't a real BD if you don't use one of them pointy gypsy hats, in my opinion!

i agree, need to get mine spell crafted! :)


well, sorcerer stand a chance solo against a BD if he has

a) a grp of leechers near by

b) if he so happens to be at bolt range

anyway, that was based on a situation where i was solo, no buffs and res ill and no mana outside mmg emain and a sorcerer turned up (hibs had used StT on me so i had to kill my own pets, with the AB buff up, ouch they are hard to take down with those 2 bloody healer pets that always heal it and that it hits for about 130 dmg with 2 hand, bah..nerf StT)

anyway, i don't know anything about sorcerers...guess i will have to roll on and try to kill a BD.

(on a side note, whats a good spec for a sorcerer?)

anyway, back to the point... the only real way to kill a BD is to:

a) somehow take out his pets (StT is a good way)

b) swarm him

c) bolt him


d) mez him and run and leave hibs to do it.


I LOVE your silly hat, Eatsinfils

Albs and Hibbs..... if u see a big fat troll with a stupid hat... RUN !! ;)

Eats, my favorite guild-RvR-member ...

Big kisses

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