to bananwhatever



ahh.... another BD whine thread, another thread where albs think they are smart by insulting every1 who plays a class because they can't be fucked to learn how to beat boneys and just whine cause they have the intelligance of a earwig.

for some albs, i'm sure the earwig would be very insulted.

just play the game, and don't call people retards just because they play a class that requires a more skill to kill then ur average caster.

and ffs, stop sprending B/S about BDs soloing 3 infils and a friar, unless they all lvl 6 it is highly unlikely.

ok....i think i have finished


Originally posted by Xeanor
LMAO are you just pretending to be a complete idiot or something?

last good midgard class left? ROFLOLOLOLOLMAO

I say take a look at the MM movie and see how good midgard actually is (oh wait, you're not a good player, so you don't know that :rolleyes: )

It's actually not even worth replying to someone as stupid as you :puke:
I played midgard for over a year and I never heard of a class called Midget Mafia... they are dedicated team players, who play as a team to the fullest....fuck me, you didn't see 1 BD in their group... at all
You're using the best of the realm as a comparison for stating how midgard is... MM just make the best use of what's available.

And I'm not stupid, I just like to say Cry More, because you albs/hibs sound like 2 year olds who are complaining that BD's weren't added to their own realm... but since that won't happen, they cry for nerfs, because they aren't inspired enough to come up with decent tactics to beat a BD... with SC'ed armor and capped resists... thats 52% body resist, excluding AoM, and you're halving the BD's damage.... there has to be loads of ways, if people use their brains instead of barrysworld to tell the world their unsatisfaction

Now, grab a big cup of STFU and go play the game

or if you wan't to continue whining....

kindly cry more :m00:


Originally posted by SilverHood
I played midgard for over a year and I never heard of a class called Midget Mafia... they are dedicated team players, who play as a team to the fullest....fuck me, you didn't see 1 BD in their group... at all
You're using the best of the realm as a comparison for stating how midgard is... MM just make the best use of what's available.

And I'm not stupid, I just like to say Cry More, because you albs/hibs sound like 2 year olds who are complaining that BD's weren't added to their own realm... but since that won't happen, they cry for nerfs, because they aren't inspired enough to come up with decent tactics to beat a BD... with SC'ed armor and capped resists... thats 52% body resist, excluding AoM, and you're halving the BD's damage.... there has to be loads of ways, if people use their brains instead of barrysworld to tell the world their unsatisfaction

Now, grab a big cup of STFU and go play the game

or if you wan't to continue whining....

kindly cry more :m00:

1. Should there really be "better tactics" needed for a 1vs1 duel? There's just NOT A SINGLE WAY to beat a BD in a 1vs1, it has nothing to do with tactics, but with the overpoweredness of the BD.

2. MM don't even use a BD in their group, so that shows how good mid is already, without a BD. So kindly STFU with your "the bd is the last good midgard class left".

3. 52% body resist? Sure, find me a cleric with 43+ enhancements....

4. There is a way to beat a bonedancer, and that's just to outnumber them. There is no other way, because you will lose every 1vs1. So it doesn't matter if you use tactics or not, just bring 8 people and you'll kill the BD.

5. If you played midgard for over a year, you should really know better.

6. I'm glad the BD wasn't added to my realm, as all the kids went to Midgard now.


lol u really do sound like a lil 2 year old whineing cos someone else taken your toy or soemthing. Get over it and play yer own class....not often middie get a good patch so as most people have said

Cry more n00b


Originally posted by Xeanor
1. Should there really be "better tactics" needed for a 1vs1 duel? There's just NOT A SINGLE WAY to beat a BD in a 1vs1, it has nothing to do with tactics, but with the overpoweredness of the BD.

2. MM don't even use a BD in their group, so that shows how good mid is already, without a BD. So kindly STFU with your "the bd is the last good midgard class left".

3. 52% body resist? Sure, find me a cleric with 43+ enhancements....

4. There is a way to beat a bonedancer, and that's just to outnumber them. There is no other way, because you will lose every 1vs1. So it doesn't matter if you use tactics or not, just bring 8 people and you'll kill the BD.

5. If you played midgard for over a year, you should really know better.

6. I'm glad the BD wasn't added to my realm, as all the kids went to Midgard now.

1) Well, apparently you've never played a BD. I have, and I've been soloed on several occassions, so kindly stop talking out of your arse until you can back it up. :)

2) Well, MM don't run with warriors, shadowblades, hunters and thanes. So what's your point?

3) There's more than just albs in this game. There's hibs. With BAoD. And loads of body resists.

4) See 1).

5) Or maybe, after one year of DAoC, you've got fed up with being an easy RP cow all the time, and want to try having some survivability for a change? Or maybe you want to try out the new classes that you PAYED for when you bought SI? Or whatever. You have no idea what intentions people have, and neither should you judge what they should know and not know.

6) I'm glad they were. I love seeing all these 'omfg nerf' whine threads. They are fun! :)

Lighten up, man! It's a game! We got screwed up the bum with 1.62, at least have our glory in the sun through the BD :)


they can't be fucked to learn how to beat boneys

impossible to beat a buffed bd without zerging it or a sorc (and where are random sorcs these days)

and this wasnt a bd whine thread
just a cry to ask banan to leave odins


Originally posted by stroopwafel
impossible to beat a buffed bd without zerging it or a sorc (and where are random sorcs these days)

and this wasnt a bd whine thread
just a cry to ask banan to leave odins

Ok, I told him. I don't think he will do it, though. :)


Improvise, overcome and adapt.

And YES...I have a bonedancer too... :cool:


Seeing the other posts here, I might as well post something useless too.

There, all done.


Are you guys too thick to see that there might be a point behind these 09823470239867230463247 threads about BD whine? do you think its all a coincidence and that every fucking player than meets a BD is a noob cause he, they (upto 3) got owned by one? NO, the Suppression BD indeed needs a nerf, just like the Mana Enchanter.

An instant lifetap with 80% orso heal from the damage, done each 4 second, 3 healer pets healing like mad.. you people fail to see the point?

Scenario: 1 Mage, 1 Healer, 1 Tank (the "Should be able to beat anything within same numbers trio") Vs 1 skilled BD(Read bottom of post):

bonedancer see's the enemy coming at him, he Root's the tank, he pet's/dd's (baseline) the healer, and he faces the mage(folow's him around if he gets out of range etc) he will have the mage down in about 4 taps., if the mage actually does any damage to him, he simply Lifetaps/gets healed back to 100%.. so with mage down, he switches to healer (considering the root on the tank has broken, something it only can have if he has determination 5 in the 4 taps it took to kill the mage.) gets whatever hp he has left down in max 4-5 taps+dd's+pet... and just finishes off the tank.

should a single class be able to do this? ... sure, not any BD can do this, only a good one.. i will quote my friend usp on this one:

Its dammned Easy to play enchanter, but it takes some good skill to play it well.

same goes for BD's..

both of these classes need a nerf i agree, but i think the Bonedancer has a big advantage on the solo side, but are much less useful in groups.

And please, no retarded "Cry more n00b" quote on this, if you diseagree come up with a good argument, unlike most people i have admitted to mana line of enchanters being overpowered, and i think its time some bonedancer stood up and did the same.


never said they weren't overpowered... but pissing off cry babies is so much fun

Just nerfing supp-spec is not the way to go, suppression spec is the only way a BD can spec and still be viable in RvR.... not midgards fault, or the players fault, that mythic fucked over the BD spec lines. Fix the BD before nerfing supp spec... but Mythic being mythic, they love to take away things from classes, without giving any return.

So until they "balance" midgard, and the other uber classes out there, I don't see why midgard can't have a class that isn't utterly shite

simply taking away and taking away from midgard because people get owned is gonna kill the game. The fact that people are playing BD's in RvR over their other chars is a testament to how fucked up midgards classes really are.

And I really feel sorry for those albs, and hibs, who expect to kill any class 1 on 1... or even have a chance at killing any class 1 on 1

It's not your gods given right you know

and glacier, the 3 vs bd isn't really a valid argument, since daoc is, and always has been, geared towards full groups of 8, or soloers.


Originally posted by SilverHood
and glacier, the 3 vs bd isn't really a valid argument, since daoc is, and always has been, geared towards full groups of 8, or soloers.

yes.. fullgroup OR solo.. a good bd WILL take down close to any soloer he meets, up to 3 at a time.. solo.. anyways, aye, nice post from u there:)

IMO: nerf supp spec and give midgard some REAL ra's! some useful ones, the ones they got atm is just shit.. something that can be compared with GP or SoS or Bof or something like that.. to make mid grps more effective, and to stop stlong whine :p


see, I can post decent arguments when I want to... :D

just that pissing of Xeanor and his superiority complex brightens up an otherwise dull day



this isnt a bd whine
this is a banan whine

stupid spammers :\


and as for the balance thing.. most mid classes are kinda shit atm :/ sad but true.. if you compare them with other realm's twin classes (the classes with the same abilities as the class)

As far as i see it, Pre 1.62 these are the especially(sp?) Good mid classes:

Healer: Pac/Mend.

sure, you cant judge each class, as this is a group game, but these are the ones that really stands out.. the others realms have more..

So Fix random mid classes/give them some useful RA's etc, instead of nerfing overpowered classes/giving overpowered classes :p


sb's is a good class too atm, and zerkers are slightly over the top

but they're going to hell in 1.62 anyway

Qte Eth

nerf bd and spread some love between other mid classes


Since this is a banana whine let me add this:
I see banana + pets get mezzed. He purges and kills of the bard. I PA and misses CD. He is now poisoned and debuffed (didnt have time to change to disease) and has 500ish less hp then usual then he LD's me and gets back about 300, and he with a tiny bit of help manages to kill me. Without them fricken pets...

PS. I think it was Toi that made Glacier break his cumputer table. He was so angry, and he was really scary. I think he would have killed Toi in RL if he could at that moment. :)

And my keyboard has gotten alot of beating because of them BD's.

To conclue:
Givf mid more useful RA's
Nerf supp BD's (as it is now, BD's got a somewhat bugged GOD mode)
LA nerf is somewhat to strong I think, although better nerfed then overpowered


Originally posted by Glacier

Scenario: 1 Mage, 1 Healer, 1 Tank (the "Should be able to beat anything within same numbers trio") Vs 1 skilled BD(Read bottom of post):

bonedancer see's the enemy coming at him, he Root's the tank, he pet's/dd's (baseline) the healer, and he faces the mage(folow's him around if he gets out of range etc) he will have the mage down in about 4 taps., if the mage actually does any damage to him, he simply Lifetaps/gets healed back to 100%.. so with mage down, he switches to healer (considering the root on the tank has broken, something it only can have if he has determination 5 in the 4 taps it took to kill the mage.) gets whatever hp he has left down in max 4-5 taps+dd's+pet... and just finishes off the tank.

scenario 2: 1 mage 1 healer 1 tank and noone of those are morons.

BD roots tank, tank purges, woah can tank purge root you say. Tank slams bd while caster mezzes pets and BD dead.


Originally posted by SilverHood
see, I can post decent arguments when I want to... :D

just that pissing of Xeanor and his superiority complex brightens up an otherwise dull day


I'm not pissed off, i just feel really sorry for you.

Don't understand why you still play this game.


Originally posted by Glacier
Are you guys too thick to see that there might be a point behind these 09823470239867230463247 threads about BD whine? do you think its all a coincidence and that every fucking player than meets a BD is a noob cause he, they (upto 3) got owned by one? NO, the Suppression BD indeed needs a nerf, just like the Mana Enchanter.

An instant lifetap with 80% orso heal from the damage, done each 4 second, 3 healer pets healing like mad.. you people fail to see the point?

Scenario: 1 Mage, 1 Healer, 1 Tank (the "Should be able to beat anything within same numbers trio") Vs 1 skilled BD(Read bottom of post):

bonedancer see's the enemy coming at him, he Root's the tank, he pet's/dd's (baseline) the healer, and he faces the mage(folow's him around if he gets out of range etc) he will have the mage down in about 4 taps., if the mage actually does any damage to him, he simply Lifetaps/gets healed back to 100%.. so with mage down, he switches to healer (considering the root on the tank has broken, something it only can have if he has determination 5 in the 4 taps it took to kill the mage.) gets whatever hp he has left down in max 4-5 taps+dd's+pet... and just finishes off the tank.

should a single class be able to do this? ... sure, not any BD can do this, only a good one.. i will quote my friend usp on this one:

same goes for BD's..

both of these classes need a nerf i agree, but i think the Bonedancer has a big advantage on the solo side, but are much less useful in groups.

And please, no retarded "Cry more n00b" quote on this, if you diseagree come up with a good argument, unlike most people i have admitted to mana line of enchanters being overpowered, and i think its time some bonedancer stood up and did the same.

i agree with this post.

imo, the BDs changes should be like increasing the dark dmg and inproving the BA line, and making the pets in both lines actually useful in rvr.

imo, the insta does need a slight nerf, but some suggestions are utter crap.

i think that by decresing the range to 600, increasing the timer to 5 secs and decresing the dmg by 15% is the way to balence BDs, as it will still mean that the insta is a viable spell to use in rvr and pve, but it is no longer the battle winning spell that it is now


I think they need some loving. Remove the 4 sec timer, that way i can release faster and get back to battle :)


Wow, I just cant understand how peeps manage to keep on posting about stuff like this. I´m an old player with at least some experience of this game (i hope). I´m not an "Uber" player, I can´t "own" anything solo... Friars, Palas, Heros, Infils, NS, Casters, you name it...will all eat me for breakfast if I get out there alone. During the last 1,5 year I´ve manage to come up with at least 2 good reasons why I shouldn´t even try to go out alone.

First of all since I now the majority classes will force me to type /release before I´ve even reached the first MG. Second and most important... my feeling about this game is that´s designed for teamplaying so I always seek to group with a few nice people and getting the most out of all the others abilities within the group.

Well, my point is...sometime you win and sometime you loose. If you go out solo there will always be someone that beat you, no matter if it´s any certain class or a group running you over. Make a group and you´ll not be complaining about running into any soloing BD again. Ofcourse then we´ll probably just see more crying about zergs instead :sleeping:

I´m a noob, gimp or whatever.....and I just don´t care about it. I´m having fun anyways.


I agree..someone says in alliance BD at amg, get organised into nice little group, run to amg only to find all the other albs have done the same thing..then of course we get accused of zerging..when all we were doing was heading for the same target.

Was in a group the other day with my friar anyway and met up with a group of mids (1 of whom was Bananplockaren) and tbh each time we met i think the kills were pretty much equal.(We did have a sorc tho). I guess it comes down to the balanced group argument again maybe?

P.S Still thinks they are a overpowered however, as this is the 1st time i've fought 1 where its been balanced. And nerf you Bananplockeran for stealing the rest of your groups deathspam..counted 5 deathspams in a row from our little head to head with your name on em.


Originally posted by Xeanor
I'm not pissed off, i just feel really sorry for you.

Don't understand why you still play this game.

heh, what on earth gave you that impression?

not played for a month or 2 ;)


why not? someone has to has to pop the baloons of bigheaded albs ;)


I feel even more sorry for you now, you quit the game and you're still worried about albs.

This game follows you everywhere, doesn't it? :p

And if you really like to "pop balloons".... then don't play a game to do that but go do a talkshow or something... :rolleyes:

I'm not really amused by people from different realms always slagging each other off...

Can't people just fight each other in-game and have fun doing so?

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