to bananwhatever



Bah I was RI and unbuffed that time in that SS :(

STT for all you BD's out there :clap:


theres 1 very simple answer to killing BDs.

don't melee em

so the BD is forced to use baseline nuke + insta, get some cold resist and body resist and u will be laughing.

and for heaven sake infils, has no1 heard of disease? The bane of BDs.

and for the last time, don't insult people who plays BDs, starting to get annoying


oh, and maybe play a BD before u start make comments, cause most of em are utter B/S, to be frank


Originally posted by venerable
Name some more infils Eats other than Rambo - I just don't believe it.

Qerion, Talen, Thecrow (I think), Constanze got lucky once too, I believe.

And Steveirwin, mincer, soloed me once too.

And there's others aswell. I don't really count them, I rather count my victories :)

And to stroopwafel:

I can only purge the CD stun and the disease, and against two PA's the chances are still on the infil's side, provided he doesn't miss.

I've said it before, and I say it again: I played a BD, you didn't. I KNOW I've been soloed by clever players. :)

Now shut the whining. You're all making yourselves look like poor, ridiculous gimps who should have been playing a game with Single Player missions instead of a MMORPG, where soloing is mostly a PvE factor :)

Qte Eth

tbh really all those alb whines look pretty sucky ,coz ive seen enuff of albs who had necros for 2 months abusing it everywhere possible ,using goa slow service ,where next patch arrived instead of 2weeks on us after 2+ months so dont tell that mids are some special evul and albs are angels ,after keep defence againt necros, bd soloing fg is just a walk in the park

now there is one class that overpowered infils cant brainless solo of all classes of both enemy realms , just cry more


I killed a blue con bd in DF today by accident (pet ran to bd after i killed his pets) but before that he killed a 50 pala and some blue con necro. The dont melee stuff you are saying is bs nonnier i sometimes wonder if you actually play a bd. wtf are you supposed to do? run around while the bd has free run nuking and life tapping away till your dead ? sound tactic :/ and before anyone says cry more newb ive never lost 1v1 to a bd.


Originally posted by toughguy
I killed a blue con bd in DF today by accident (pet ran to bd after i killed his pets) but before that he killed a 50 pala and some blue con necro. The dont melee stuff you are saying is bs nonnier i sometimes wonder if you actually play a bd. wtf are you supposed to do? run around while the bd has free run nuking and life tapping away till your dead ? sound tactic :/ and before anyone says cry more newb ive never lost 1v1 to a bd.

Class? (you....). and how many fights u actually had 1 on 1 with one?


Originally posted by Groborthir

I've said it before, and I say it again: I played a BD, you didn't. I KNOW I've been soloed by clever players. :)

actually I did

and steve, well he is a minstrel: mezz, stun and a funky horse makes it a lot easier for him

and for the one who says "don't melee": i'll just run and spam emotes next time then (nothing else i can do o/)


Then you clearly haven't fought my BD, toughguy.

Hehe, no, seriously ...

Whoever says a tank can beat a BD if he just kills the commander is wrong. You'd have to kill the commander so friggin' fast that the BD hasn't double-nuked you to death even before you got the commander to 50%. Tanks just can't beat a BD 1 on 1. That I solemnly admit. With IP the tank MAY stand a chance to kill the commander, but as a BD you couldn't really care less, because you'll have him on very low HP again during that time. Your only worry is power.

The only time I've lost to a tank was against a fully SC'ed zerker who used frenzy and chopped me down in two shots. And since this isn't a PvP server, that's not really a RvR threat :)

(I've learned my lesson, so in duels vs. zerkers I just sprint until they pop out of frenzy, root them and start raining nukes until they die, huhu.)


Originally posted by Falcon
we managed to get a mezz off on all their pets (we were 1fg) so 2 of the BDs just sat down and took it, like, wtf? We mezzed their pets so they just gave up? Think that says it all imo, half the people playing them only play it because it's an easy win nearly all the time but when it's not an easy win they can't even be arsed to try?

would u bother fighting against a fg of buffed ppl?
GL then! ppl cant have it that alb dindt get another char that is able to kill ppl and therefor u must resort to whining and flaming till it gets nerfed or so

silly albs


Bd's are way overpowered.

But tanks can kill them 1on1. At least I can if im buffboted and the bd are unbuffed.


Qerion, Talen, Thecrow (I think), Constanze got lucky once too, I believe

AFAIK all of these infils use BB's... or Qerion... he might not.



if you are an infil...

if you are infiltrator and want to kill a BD solo, then...

a) if you are not crit spec... dont try it.

b) if you are crit spec either thrust/slash, you can do it.

c) Attack bd and not his pets. why ?

I) << Bad idea a >>
Pets heal each other, so you will lose much time to kill both healer pets, and if you try it in the mid time BD will lifetap you.

II) << Bad idea b >>
If you kill commander, all other pets die, still you cant win.
Commander's HP are huge, with a good pa+crit u can get him down to half life, then pets start healing him, u finally kill him after about 5 shots... your HP are down to 10%... BD lifetaps you again. /release

III) << The way to win >>
BD must die fast...
you MUST pa the BD, if you fail it and you dont have vanish... /sit /release.
if you fail it and have vanish... combat mode off - vanish - retry pa, if you fail it again... /sit /release.
if u pa him for 500+ then he will die 3 shot max 5 shot, pets will start healing but pa-change sword-cd-ss-garrote-achilles will do the job while the damage will be higher than healing.
ofc you must have the proper poisons shorted out.

Sword Setup :

PA SWORD : INFECTIUS SERUM ( very important even i dont use it often cause most of them die 1shot, but you know why, anyway this poison debuff will not allow pets to do good healing so use it ).

2ND SWORD : ENERVATING ( another debuff wich will lower the BD's HP also important )

LEFT HAND : LIFEBANE ( not so important while bd might die before even your left hand hit him , but if it does one or two ticks of bane might help )

also try have a heavy sword when you pa like G-Rapier/Sabre

if BD is buffed and you are not... /release again, all above useless even if you pa him with a good critical, xept you are RR8+ and you pa him for 600+ +critical, or you have vanish ready and pa him twice.

Troll BD's die harder cause of higher HP's, try pick kobos.
BD's can die dont afraid of them. ( i soloed 2 BD's lvl 50 both in amg-apk emain, couple days ago (by using vanish ofc))

here is a nice RR5 spec for BD killing and not only ofc:
for Thrust, ( you better be a Saracen )
35 envenom, 35 stealth, 44 Critical Strike, 50 Thrust, rest DW
for Slash, ( you better be a Briton )
35 envenom, 35 stealth, 50 Critical Strike, 44 Slash, rest DW

Most important Ras
Dodger 2, MOP 3(imo get 4 later) , Dualist Reflexes 3, Vanish, Purge.

imo BD is a broken class while only a few classes can solo him.
Best BD imo = Mill ( dont try him alone ever )


Originally posted by succi
BD = 1/2 shot

healers get no chance

lol succi, you must be talking for green con or max bluecons...

have you ever half shoted Mill or Bananplockaren or Eatsinfils ?

if so then... /salute /mili /bow

xept '1/2' means 1 or 2 shots... then i agree :p


Damn good post by Rambo, that there How to kill BD's for dummies!

Just a few pointers, Rambo ... :)

1) Actually, troll HP isn't that much higher at lvl50 between a kobold and a troll. We're talking 80-100hp at most. Pick on the kobolds because they cast faster and are blue and ugly. :)

For illustration: Snozarus, kobold BD, has 1111hp unbuffed with aug con 2 and toughness 2. My troll BD has 1121hp unbuffed with aug con 1 and toughness 1. So the differences are marginal, and will hardly make any difference against those most nastiest of infils' PA's for 600+ without criticals.

I think I've read somewhere that trolls get 5% more natural slash resistance, so the slash infils will probably choose the kobolds.

2) Against a buffed BD I'd say you should always try to double PA. You're looking at a caster with endless sources of healing and a good 1400 hp (I have 1482, and I haven't even got aug con 2 and tough 2 yet as planned, then it'll be 1500+), so you really, really need to throw in some serious frontload damage right from start. :) Damage over time is not the way to go against a class with that potential of healing.

But again, kick arse post! Maybe people will start using their brains instead of whining all the time! :)

(P.S.: Mill isn't playing his BD anymore, he closed the account indefinitely.)


only 1 way to win for sure: roll a mentalist and get STT ~~

It's really funny, bd isn't so tough anymore then :)


hehe thanks for perfecting my post by your details about kobo/troll hit points difference :p
even 100hp more are enough to keep you alive and give a chance at pets to heal you ;)

Mill stoped playing ? :(


Never had problems with a BD as my Infi even killed them without PA but I dont attack high rr ones without PA, I just use three poisons disease, con/str debuff and snare(stops then kiting you). I also find if you strafe round them it seems to help some. But most the time im with another infi which makes it easy anyways :p.


Nice posts coming out.

I do wish these BDs would stop this "use your brains" and "dummies" shit. It seems like the BDs are sporting a shit-eating grin, getting loads of kills and belittling the intelligence of opponents who find it tough to kill them (unlike every other caster).

Let's face facts: spamming lifetap does not require the sharpest tools in the box.

In my recent roamings around DF midside I have seen many low level BDs. At this rate midgard will be bonegard. BDs better not cry when there are so many of them that there are no skald-taxis or healers in RvR. I hope I never see another thread complaining about the lack of pac healers in midgard.

Eatsinfils admits tanks are no trouble - well yes they should be for all casters at range, but casters should be dead meat when tanks (especially more than one) are on them. People who tell me BDs are working as intended in this respect are either morons or selfish RP-farming bastards. For the sake of game longevity a balance is needed. Who are these FOTM BDs gonna kill if ppl quit?


Originally posted by -foadon-
would u bother fighting against a fg of buffed ppl?
GL then! ppl cant have it that alb dindt get another char that is able to kill ppl and therefor u must resort to whining and flaming till it gets nerfed or so

silly albs

too bad falcon is a hib

cryyyyyyyyy more about teh albs


Originally posted by razorboy
only 1 way to win for sure: roll a mentalist and get STT ~~

It's really funny, bd isn't so tough anymore then :)

Well not really...

STT <<< Insta-lifetap

I used to be able to solo boneys when they first came out, but as soon as they started getting ra's, buffbots, 60% resists...forget it. Unless u can drop 'em b4 the stun wears off, ur shut down with lifetap and then dead... STT dont help shit there ;)

Buffbotted light ment with MoC + STT should rule all boneys 1v1! Not exactly a lot of 'em about tho' :)

Also, in grp sitations firing off STT too early will make all boneys in the radius effectively mez-immune, while their pets bang on them for shitty damage and they continue to get kills with lifetap spamming. I believe I made this error last night...

/bangs shield at Eatsinfis

STT can be v nice to soften up boneys -- particularly if no CC in grp -- but by no means insta-win...

The only exception is the silly Bone Army spec BD I've seen about a couple of times now -- his lifetap is crap and, rather than just the commander, his whole goddam army of tank pets aggro him :D

Mael, 50th ment.


Originally posted by toughguy
I killed a blue con bd in DF today by accident (pet ran to bd after i killed his pets) but before that he killed a 50 pala and some blue con necro. The dont melee stuff you are saying is bs nonnier i sometimes wonder if you actually play a bd. wtf are you supposed to do? run around while the bd has free run nuking and life tapping away till your dead ? sound tactic :/ and before anyone says cry more newb ive never lost 1v1 to a bd.

tanks stand zero chgance solo against a BD, its just that BDs are too damn good against tanks, as there commander with the AB buff takes one heck of a beating to take down without the healer pets.

only classes that stand a chance solo are:

PA infils if u follow rambos post

sorcerers if they get a good mez in

aug/mend healers with their 3 or so instas are good :)

bolt casters next patch.

any other classes really need to team up to kill a BD, cause the maximum i can take is 3 yellows at the same time (if they are all tanks).

the BD is scary, but remember that his commander is just as hard to kill, so either go for healer pets or mezz the whole lot and gank the commander quickly, very quickly before the BD finds his purge button, or deal as much dmg to the BD as possable.

BDs are the ultra solo classes atm, so avoid em or deal with em with fgs.

(oh, and pray u have a healer or IP, and that the BD has his pets on defense not passive)

and BDs are good in dungeons (when u get past the highly annoying ability of pets wondering off) because of the close confines, and close confines is where BDs excal at, because it requires little mana to kill some1 when ur up close to em

so ur situation i would just try and gank the BD, as u don't really stand a chance, its like a solo tank trying to take on a caster, a tank and 2 mend healers, not very easy to do unless u have some CC with ya


TBH STT Helps against a bonedancer but if the ment is solo you are still most likely to lose - a blue con pet beating on a bonedancer when he tapping your arse really doesn't bother him that much.

Does help if you got other ppl around tho coz it cuts of those healer pets :D


Sorcerers dont have much of a chance once bd is unmezzed he just suppresses them with lifetap unless they use MoC. I play the minstrel that ganked eatsinfils for those who wanted to know.


StT still allows you to get a higher chance solo against a BD than fellow casters do, because you eliminate the interrupting pet, which would only have made your life miserable and you stun pointless in different situations. Here you get the chance to stun and nuke, hopefully killing the BD before stun wears out. :)

By the way, Maeloch, I hate you and you StT! But thanks for the mezz-immunity the other night, I bet Avernal loved you for it:) (I felt really lucky!)

Reinnon, saying sorcerers stand a chance against a BD proves to show how little you've RvR'd against sorcerers. Heh, the average high Mind specced sorcerer (sp?) has nuking power about the potential of a BD, only he hasn't got a lifedrain to back it up. So what will he do when he mezzed you and your pets? Nuke you? What happens when he nukes you at 1500 range - for, say 400 dmg, just to be nice -, because his nukes aren't bolt range as his mezz? He breakes mezz on you, and thereby ensures himself a free ticket to /release.


Originally posted by Groborthir
Reinnon, saying sorcerers stand a chance against a BD proves to show how little you've RvR'd against sorcerers. Heh, the average high Mind specced sorcerer (sp?) has nuking power about the potential of a BD, only he hasn't got a lifedrain to back it up. So what will he do when he mezzed you and your pets? Nuke you? What happens when he nukes you at 1500 range - for, say 400 dmg, just to be nice -, because his nukes aren't bolt range as his mezz? He breakes mezz on you, and thereby ensures himself a free ticket to /release.

Sorc's "nukes" are lifetaps mate, at least if specced somewhat high mind.

Mez, send pet, matterdebuff, apply dot, apply str/con debuff meanwhile, MoC, lifetap until oom and I guess it can be close between the 2, otherwise /release.

Best thing to do is to aoemez and get the hell outta there imo with the speed we have ;)

need 44mind/31body or similar for it to work aswell and depends on which pet you can get ahold of, nuker would be nice, or a good healing one.


I wasn't including MoC in this scenario, Shike. If I did, I would also include Purge on the BD, potential MoC on the BD, and so on.

I've never been nuked for more than 300 by any sorcerer, I've never been soloed by one. (Granted, I haven't tried many battles against them, they seem to only run in groups!) I've been mezzed a billion times, though! :)

Most casters stand a good chance against a BD if they MoC, so ... :)

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