to bananwhatever



Originally posted by Groborthir
just another kid whining because he got owned

1 person vs 1 bd is not getting owned, just like 1 person vs 4fg is not getting owned, its getting zerged :D


I play mid and agree supp bonedancers are overpowered. But not by half as much as you think. They need a slight toning down of the suppression line. Perhaps 5/6s lifetap instead.

Would be good if there was anything in the other 2 lines for BDs to actually bother with other than getting dark nuke variance down. There are many problems the class has as well that could be addressed.

It would also be nice for other realms players to admit that they also have overpowered classes. Also admit that SBs competed very fairly against other assassins before the LA nerf. Zerks well I've no experience of them so I'll stay out of it. Oh and make end regen a decent range chant for the shammy and give it as a conc buff to another mid class maybe?

That should be plenty for the tunnel vision alb/hibs to chew on. Flame on...


BD roots tank, tank purges, woah can tank purge root you say. Tank slams bd while caster mezzes pets and BD dead.

That doesn't really hold much water because if the tank has purge then wouldn't the BD have it too?

Also I don't think the problem with the lifetap is the damage, its the fact that you can keep a caster completely suppressed with it, dmg them, and even heal yourself at the same time from the lifetap should anyone else be hitting you.

The only way for a caster should be able to get round it is to use MoC. I've done this in the past, used MoC - a 14 point RA on 30 minutes timer that last for 15 seconds, and has Aug Acuity 3 for the prequisite = 24 points in total. Nuke the BD, he just lifetaps the dmg back and should he need it the pet tops him up too. And before you say 'you must suck then,' thats with 272 dex and 276 int buffed (or is it the other way round?) and shedloads of damage RA's, from a RR5 wizard, using the most powerful nuke in Albion.


Apropos Banan. Hvis man skal onanere med en banan er det ikke å anbefale at man tar av skallet da bananen gjerne setter seg fast på diverse steder den helst ikke skulle sittet.

Err.. I mean.. nerf Bananplockaren.. and all other BDs.


Toi didnt even tapped me to death when i ran into him+some other mids

they must be getting bored with spamming lifetap :)


I had my first real solo kill with my bd at lvl 36!

yes they are overpowered and unbeatable solo, but mids atm got all power relics so healer pet heal for 20% more and lifetap does 20% more damage and taps 20% more hp back.

my bd had on lvl 40 59k rp and did it all solo because I was green and not wanted in groups :D
leveled with only rvr from 40 to 41.

in a 1 vs 1 fight it takes no skill for a bd to kill you, so dont attack them if you can.
and if you see one from far sprint back to your pk and laugh spamm him when he dies sometime by a zerg :)


they are not unbeatable 1v1. they are bloody hard to beat 1v1 don't get me wrong, but they aren't as uber as you would believe.

if you really want to nerf a class look at your own sig balth


As an alb I'd rather be fighting an enchanter than a BD anyday.

Especially solo since the enchanter will be lacking decent resists/bolts... 2 bolts and they're normally deaded. Vs a troll BD (especially a troll), the combination of the number of hp's and healing pets negates my ability to kill one.

P.S. I killed a RR2 BD about 5 weeks ago by hiding behind a tree and bolting/nuking. Nerf tAkTiKs!!1


Originally posted by Balthasar

in a 1 vs 1 fight it takes no skill for a bd to kill you, so dont attack them if you can.
and if you see one from far sprint back to your pk and laugh spamm him when he dies sometime by a zerg :)

wont work with his end5

but that will be nerfed, har har!


Originally posted by stroopwafel
Toi didnt even tapped me to death when i ran into him+some other mids

they must be getting bored with spamming lifetap :)

Yeah made me fight his fully buffed pets last time i met him solo :/

He lifetapped me abit but its impossible to kill the pets when they buffed by shaman buffbot :(


Originally posted by korax_
Since this is a banana whine let me add this:
I see banana + pets get mezzed. He purges and kills of the bard. I PA and misses CD. He is now poisoned and debuffed (didnt have time to change to disease) ...

you knowingly attack a BD without disease on your mainhand? :eek:

hmm whilst I'm all for nerfing BDs, using those kinds of tactics is sorta asking to get yourself deaded faster....


Originally posted by opoc
Yeah made me fight his fully buffed pets last time i met him solo :/

He lifetapped me abit but its impossible to kill the pets when they buffed by shaman buffbot :(

Hrmmmm...Bananaman always runs with some nice buffs solo. Over the weekend, was nuking him for like 197 (-280) or something.....getting on for 60% resists.

Mael, 50th ment.


he just took out a fg albs

and we were hitting him
hitting his commander
hitting his healers

both healers were killed and he just lifetapped lifetapped lifetapped sprinted away with end lifetapped again
and all albs died.....
"you are all n00bs", wtf else can you do than stick him and style him and die from a buffed bd?

this is even worse than getting pwned by necros back in the LOSabuse days

thx banan for another night in odins wasted


Originally posted by SilverHood

sheesh, midgard is being nerfed left right and center, and you want even more nerfs?

lmao...maybe you should take a few tips from MM then ;) they can take almost any FG out ..its called organised & skilled ;)

or..are you referring to the SB's :p

... cry more :D


Originally posted by Xeanor
6. I'm glad the BD wasn't added to my realm, as all the kids went to Midgard now.

*cougth* necro *cough*


Originally posted by stroopwafel
he just took out a fg albs

and we were hitting him
hitting his commander
hitting his healers

both healers were killed and he just lifetapped lifetapped lifetapped sprinted away with end lifetapped again
and all albs died.....
"you are all n00bs", wtf else can you do than stick him and style him and die from a buffed bd?

this is even worse than getting pwned by necros back in the LOSabuse days

thx banan for another night in odins wasted

I'm somewhat of a bullshitter myself, but please continue - occasionally I enjoy listening to an expert.


if your fg gets soloed by a bd, then something is wrong with your players


just got to post this pic

its Banan owning hibs in odins think it was 2fg hibs vs 6 mids

Bw aint allowing me to put out links but you guys should know what to put infront :p


Originally posted by SilverHood
if your fg gets soloed by a bd, then something is wrong with your players

yes its always the albs fault....


You're starting to get the hang of this now, stroopwafel! :p


There was 3 BDs + 3 other chars (didn't get to see what class, was too busy exacting revenge on the bonedancers) camping HMG Odin's yesterday and we managed to get a mezz off on all their pets (we were 1fg) so 2 of the BDs just sat down and took it, like, wtf? We mezzed their pets so they just gave up? Think that says it all imo, half the people playing them only play it because it's an easy win nearly all the time but when it's not an easy win they can't even be arsed to try? Would have more respect for BDs that stood and fought even after their pets were down, they still get it fairly easy with that lifetap.


i'm close to lvling a sorc just to hunt down BDs and mezz them so stealthers can kill them


Just PAed a yellow BDs commander pet and took it down with a 50 inf in DF. Proceeded to melee BD as he had no healers left and still lost :(

WTF I killed the healers and a blue con BD LTed a 50 inf to death.

So despite tactics (killing all BD pets) I still lost to a blue con caster.


Oh and fix vanish - I tried to use it to escape when I knew I was in trouble and still got nuked. Vanish is BROKEN.


Originally posted by venerable
Just PAed a yellow BDs commander pet and took it down with a 50 inf in DF. Proceeded to melee BD as he had no healers left and still lost :(

WTF I killed the healers and a blue con BD LTed a 50 inf to death.

So despite tactics (killing all BD pets) I still lost to a blue con caster.


Oh and fix vanish - I tried to use it to escape when I knew I was in trouble and still got nuked. Vanish is BROKEN.

You had Vanish up and lost to a blue con BD? Haha!

No, this is how you would have won:

PA+CD the BD - And use disease poison. Use Vanish and PA the BD again. If he's still alive, I assure you that he will be so low on hp and suffering from the disease, thus making it hard for him to heal himself back up, that you will be able to finish him off with a few whacks or two.

I have NEVER won over an infil who did this succesfully and quickly. Just a damn shame that too few infils have the brains to figure this tactic out? :)


Hmm tried your idea on lvl 50 BDs before and lost. Not sure that's such a smart idea. Remember most infs are not Rambo.

Also, I figured the BD was easy meat with grey commander pet. So I kill all pets and expect to melee BD down...but no. That ain't right.

Oh and one more thing - I did disease on main blade, PA/CD on Toi at alb entrance. His health shot back up and he had time to kill a pala before running out of DF.

I repeat again - most infs are not RR9 Rambo's with top buffbots.

Name some more infils Eats other than Rambo - I just don't believe it.


sorry to interfear.

i killed lvl 50 BD in Camlann. ok in the middle of faight ranger added and did shoot twice i think him but stop bullshiting in thread plz.
(after that ranger killed also me)

translation: Camlann - place where most ppl are unbuffed if they solo - so was i. Camlann char is lvl 50 infiltrator, low RR, crafted, but in incopleted wepons/armor.

now. lets talk about other mid classes as all ppl who play BD-s are just sad fuckers.. umm sure lets take my RR6+ hunter. Fully buffed and grouped with thane we where chasing today a ranger. Thane did 700dmg with spells - ranger speeded... since i got endu5 - i followed... easy kill? wrong. after short faight - i had 25% HP left - ranger IP-d.. thank good thane added and i got IP up. Guess what - selfbuffs droped from guy.
On the other day 2 hunters try'd to kill champion... oh well. whats the point?

ok. lets talk about my thane... ermm. uumm. lets not actually. dont really can think of any descent class to compite with. meibbe.. hunter? oh. wrong realm :p. ofc u see loads of thanes outthere - so its just -me...
and tons of hunters.

so now i got 4 lvl 50 chars and only one actually keeps me in game - makes me smile sometimes. my youngest one BD.

ppl complain - u cant kill BD in solo... well yeah. but who say's your class MUST kill BD in solo. Why i see solo paladins running around, solo friars, solo mincers, solo rangers, solo sorcs, solo enchanters, solo... etc. They are classes who can solo atm and do so. Pluss mentioned classes ARE really groupfriendly - look at RA-s - look at abilities. Lets compare to BD... ermm. 9% dmg absorb to realmmate. wee! all groups love me :p. Group RAs: --

ppl tell that lifetap is ubah... geting descent lifetap u tradeoff your 'fastkill' caster ability. means.. ah well everyone in this thread are experts about BD so they know what i talk about and how it affects groupplay and playstyle and what penaltyes the group must suffer.

i really loved my hunter. but remember - Mythic try'd to reduce dmg by 50% and it did not work in first go... well the goal remained - to make game more fun - make faights longer. Almost EVERYTHING since then is made on that direction. archer. he lives on fast - sudden attack. erm. wait. it does not fit this category at all. so. if programmers want longer faight - ok. my hunter has no future. right? so the only logical class to go with is most defencive in game... BD.

nerf BD. sure. do so. and get mid classes in line with others in a sence of group abilityes and groupRA-s. then we can talk. erm actually there is nothing to talk if other classes are also fun - who would bother with bugged as hell pets, who cant sprint, who leave 'trail' of group, who sometimes just get lost, who cant purge, who... erm. but u all know that - don't u?

conclusion: stfu. get your BD to RR5 and then come back and lets talk. Meanwhile - play your game - and please try to play it well - and if u cant do so - don't come here to show everyone how 'skilled' u are cos i would never want to group with persons who cant kill solo equalcon BD beeing in majority and having classes for it.

Thane RR3++
Hunter RR6+
Infil RR3+
Toi - BD RR5++

--- ps. to that infil who complaind me killing pally - if u read your meassage... well i was there - it was not exactly like u described - was it? or why did i flee if i killed pally and u PA-d-CD (so basically everything that infil got)... so meibbe there was more of something like some things are untold... but hey .. who actually cares.. i PA-d - he's alive -> NERF!

--- pss. and btw. we ALL are users. none of us reprogrammed the software. think of that b4 u post. and also try to see the WHOLE picture.


oh. and 1 more thing.
I would to face anytime BD solo again with infil having all 'must' RA-s up. Read the boards/info. Do the math. Get your jump. If bad luck is your company - try again later.

nuff say'd.


Originally posted by Groborthir

I have NEVER won over an infil who did this succesfully and quickly. Just a damn shame that too few infils have the brains to figure this tactic out? :)


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