TLW Sidi raids



Originally posted by Xeanor
Maybe you find alliance/guild raids more fun, but not everyone can raid sidi with their guild. So please dont be loot-horny and take sidi so those people won't be able to raid anymore. :(

Here's a thought then -- maybe people shouldn't be forming "RvR only" guilds with selected classes. They should have guilds that function in both PvE and RvR and then they can raid Sidi as and when they want :)

It's just plain daft to say that TLW should have priority in their raids. And that pains me incredibly to agree with Corranhorn :p


TLW should have priority imo, because it's FFA 50

Can't see why GoP wanna raid on their own instead of joining up with TLW that has been raiding quite a while now


Because they "can".
I dislike GoP/Corranhron intensely for doing sidi alot now and taking it when I want to do a sidi hunt. :p
But maybe they're are not mindless zerging newbs and actually want to attempt a PvE hunt with less numbers for the fun of it not the loot whoring, and of course your opinion is that "TLW raids should take priority" because you're either a mindless zerging newb, or you can't be arsed to organise your own raids, either way you don't deserve loot. ~~


Love you too, Flesh! Honest!
/says irl, skulle gärna köra upp något förjävligt i analen på dig din gris.

GoP is alliance only?
Taking fridays as well.
Which create problems for TLW raids?

Nah, can't be arsed to make my own raids... Can organise a hunt in mithra if you like!



Originally posted by Flesh
I'd have no complaints about TLW raids if shields didn't go missing from the shop or large amounts of sidi items didn't "appear" on one of the gm's characters. :(



Originally posted by Turamber
Here's a thought then -- maybe people shouldn't be forming "RvR only" guilds with selected classes. They should have guilds that function in both PvE and RvR and then they can raid Sidi as and when they want :)

It's just plain daft to say that TLW should have priority in their raids. And that pains me incredibly to agree with Corranhorn :p
Here's a thought then -- I'm not talking just for my own guild. Not every guild has 50+ members, there's actually a lot of people who prefer small guilds, and still want to raid sidi. And it has nothing to do with "RvR only" guilds, we can perfectly raid Sidi if we wanted, but we rather not prefer to have 30+ members online in the evening.


Who says anything about TLW "claiming" the dungeon? U act like they think they own it or something. They just take the inititiative and their raids are for everyone so all get a fair shot.

If u want to interfere with an event that can be considered a realm event then i think that's very lame to do so. Especially since your raids apparently are not open for everyone. Pretty selfish i think.

But if u think it's worth it then by all means... go ahead and make new friends :m00:


""Once again. Sorry for the clash but i was doing what people of tha alliance asked for at a time they could make it. For any that feel that your time was wasted i can only say sorry. Our people enjoyed the raid. So thou i sorry for you, i am happy for them as many got an item they would have no chance of getting on your raids.""

Everyone has the same chance as everyone else if they attend. You're arguing that Friday is the only day of the week some of your alliance can raid? So they can easily boost their modifier up on Fridays.

The only way you can't get an item, is if you are below 50 or don't even have an alt who can use it. To be honest, a sub 50 can use chop sticks in PvE and still be ok.

Still don't see what working has to do with anything either, I work, still manage to organise raids and stuff, if you can't handle a late night now and again :p. The only exception is if you work until say 7 or 8 and cannot make it home in time.

You do realise you are messing up the surplus loot system too? People are earning less modifier and cannot buy as much stuff.

The only advantage of an alliance raid is better loot ratio, fine if you want to screw up everyone else's chances. How on earth can you have more fun with less numbers? You can still bring your alliance, ignore people who are making fun/insulting and still chat in /as or whatever.

The raids did not happen for a while due to:

Blaen going on holiday
Dantrag going on holiday
Me going on holiday

Plus some other general issues.

We publicise our raids, without any knowledge of your raids, you're screwing over 40-50 people.

We allow everyone to join unless they're banned. To be honest, this may be one of the reasons this is happening too.

Plus, we can get enough people for a raid every friday, can your alliance say the same?


Point is they might not want to raid *every* Friday, they want to raid when they want to raid. Goodness sake. You have 1337 people on the RvR forum saying their 'realmmates' are 'adds' and ruin their fg RvR ... then you have 1337 people claiming dungeons on this forum.

If people have the resources to run their own raid when they want to then more power to their elbow.

This is not a new problem - same thing used to happen with Legion raids if you remember. SOTL/LOE would go kill it whenever they wanted, never mind if others had raids planned.

It's just the way the game is, re-roll on a lesser populated realm if you don't like it. But flaming and complaining because people want to PvE with their own guilds and friends? *chuckle*


Yes yussef every friday that we wish to raid we could get enough tbh.
As i said, once a month maximum we will do friday raid. This is so that we can clear all of sidi on this raid. I will run other sidi raids of ours on other days, these days are so that we dont clash with your organised weekly raids but we know for a fact we cant get past bane on these days due to time issues (ie due to alliance makeup we got people 1-3hrs ahead of our time thus 2-3am finish for them and up at 7am for work is not on)

We can clear the place out as an alliance.
We have slightly different rules that are fair for the people on the raid that a) increase chances of them getting an item. And b) reward them for their time there.

If you think i doing this for items i am not. I got all but 1 item i want from there and i dont even need the other item i do want as i got a crafted version of it.

We do as an alliance for relaxed raid, for a laugh, and because we like to push ourselfs to the limit. We cant RvR as an alliance as the mids/hibs complain. We cant PvE as an alliance as you moan. Hmmm, limits team building and ability testing that does.

I am willing to comprimise and run our raids on other days even thou it means we cant get far in the time. However there be the odd time that we will wish to raid on a friday, now when we wish to do this do you want us to advertise it somewhere in advance as that seems to be your pressing issue.

p.s. Many people dont wish to attend tlw raids and want to go as alliance hence why alot of them dont go on your raids


Yes, I have people who *want* to raid, every *Monday* and *Friday*.

Heh, I'm fully aware you cannot claim a dungeon, that will be more beneficial to me anyway :p


Originally posted by Turamber
It's just the way the game is, re-roll on a lesser populated realm if you don't like it. But flaming and complaining because people want to PvE with their own guilds and friends? *chuckle*

The problem isn't that they wanted to PvE, the problem is they went with 20 people and didn't tell us anything, so there was 40+ people at Ft. Gwyntell just for nothing.


Anyway, PM me when you're planning these and I'll see what I can do I guess :<


Originally posted by Xeanor
The problem isn't that they wanted to PvE, the problem is they went with 20 people and didn't tell us anything, so there was 40+ people at Ft. Gwyntell just for nothing.
Iirc they had about 30-35, 40 people may have wasted their time by going to gwyntell but if the TLW raid had gone ahead, then the 30-35 people already in Sidi would have had their time wasted.. so either way someone lost.


Originally posted by Xeanor
The problem isn't that they wanted to PvE, the problem is they went with 20 people and didn't tell us anything, so there was 40+ people at Ft. Gwyntell just for nothing.

That's unfortunate, hope it can be sorted out amicably in future :) I remember, back in the day, turning up with GoP for TLW raid but we were the only people there ... one wasted trip.

Good job we have lots of love to spread around and cover the hurt ;)


Sorry, done a search and found this. After seeing that I must say what GoP/Alliance done was very lame. And as it now said in this thread, TLW is organising Sidi raids again every Monday and Friday and I really think GoP and everyone else should organise their own raids some other day.

Generic Poster

TLW raids are one of the best things to happen to Albion, you only need to play in other realms to see how much difference it makes. If someone posts they're raiding Sidi on FridayXX, with plenty of notice, it's just bad manners for another group to go in before and start a raid. TLW had permanent raids on Monday and Friday, which meant they didn't have to post dates every week. Now those raids haven't happend for a couple of months and it's only natural for other groups to take advantage of an empty Sidi.

It's simple to see how this came about if you cut out the sycophantic whines and read the rest of the thread. I've wasted much time here when I could have been reading Excalibur whine threads, which are made by genuine 12yr olds and not middle-aged men pretending to be 12.


There were 28 of us + 1 puller (some were anon).

We had a single wipe out due to unfortunately body pull of Lord Lich. But wiped him with ease when we got the proper pull.

the 3fg+ we had walked through easily all of it for a single reason. A very strong main group. This group could take down the normal mobs alone due to its make up.

Yussef, i will message you if i see you before we set out on a friday raid. But as we were in there well in advance a /who sidi by anyone prevously would of shown us there (which some people did do tbh as they spoke to some off us)

Hope that you are willing to comprimise and see where we stand on the raid front. I cant see this discussion going far on this board really so if want to discuss further you know where to find me.
We as an alliance are willing to comprimise hence why we wont raid on fridays often even thou it means those that can only make then miss out,
i hope people understand that we as an alliance like to hunt together in our own style and to try different things. Hell we even been to the dragon as an alliance. Wasnt successful but was a damn good attempt and we now have a modified plan to try next time.

As an officer of GoP believe me i dont want to damage relationships that we have with other guilds/alliances. And as one he leading persons of our alliance i can assure you that none of the guilds wish to annoy you all, but would be grateful for some understanding as to our situation.

on a side note too sagba, I dont generally look on the boards all the time. If i come here it often seeing the trading area, and the RvR area. I look at this generally in the morning and then when i resting unless i got posting on a thread or someone pointed me to a thread to look. This means it is easy for a thread such as that you pointed to not to be seen. cause believe me till i clicked your link i didnt know about that thread!


Well Im sorry, but -no- guild/alliance should get priority in any dungeon.

Nobody has paid for 'time-share' in Sidi, and the idea that Yussef should get priority there is absurd.

Yes I agree GoP could co-ordinate more, to avoid future clashes, but anyone who posts 'sidi is mine cos I go there all the time' is an idiot.

Im sorry, but if a guild/alliance/whoever feels they want to raid, then they can raid. Our guild at least gave a chance to our 'smaller' members to attend a raid, and have a real chance of getting a decent drop.

While I appreciate all the effort TLW has put into organising hunts, please dont try to claim something that isnt yours. Also its up to -both- parties to organise around each other, not this 'Sidi belongs to me' crap

Nuff said


Originally posted by corranhorn1
on a side note too sagba, I dont generally look on the boards all the time.
I look this board all the time and I still missed that thread :p

Best if TLW does Sidi raids Mondays and Fridays and let us know in advantage if they are not able to do it so someone else can organise own raid? ;)


Imo if ppl go and raid Sidi before/just before TLW is planned to, TLW should just ignore them, screw the lowbie items and continue from where the greifers are, will be fsater to get to Apoc then.


But then apoc might complain that albs aren't running 1fg and that they are adding mid fight!
He might respec to pbaoe instead of melee then :<


If Yussef planned it first, he sure as hell gets priority. If not, then please tell me why he shouldn't.

He doesn't claim Sidi at all, he just plans a raid there, and it's really lame to plan another raid at the same date.


Originally posted by old.Atrox
Imo if ppl go and raid Sidi before/just before TLW is planned to, TLW should just ignore them, screw the lowbie items and continue from where the greifers are, will be fsater to get to Apoc then.

And if TLW did that others would do the same to them.

Claiming rights to a dungeon is, like I said, as stupid as the claiming to RvR rights that the 1337 crew like to do as well.

Saying every Friday night is a TLW Sidi raid night is not good enough really, I would agree that there raids are good for unguilded people like myself and people from small guilds ... but that doesn't mean that they can claim rights to dungeon/drop access on a regular basis.


Originally posted by kaine_1
While I appreciate all the effort TLW has put into organising hunts, please dont try to claim something that isnt yours. Also its up to -both- parties to organise around each other, not this 'Sidi belongs to me' crap

Read the whole thread before you answer ok? Yussef said several times he does not claim Sidi, hell he even says nobody can claim it.

Fact is he PLANNED his raid on a PUBLIC board where everyone could see and your alliance didn't so how was TLW or anyone else suppose to know you were gonna raid?

Imho your raidleader could have asked Yussef if he was planning to raid Sidi since i'm sure he knew fridays are often used for Sidi raids. Sure he does not need "permission" it's just a matter of common sense and manners.

Oh.. and if every guild/alliance/group would raid anywhere they want without respecting others we might aswell ask Goa for split realms don't u think? Little bit selfish attitude if u ask me.

It's pretty clear your alliance does not like TLW Sidi raids/rules/whatever for whatever reason (clashing personalities?) but please keep in mind for many (random) people these raids are the only ones they can join (they can't join yours now can they?). A little respect, communicating and planning is not much to ask for i think.


Originally posted by Ziva
Fact is he PLANNED his raid on a PUBLIC board where everyone could see and your alliance didn't so how was TLW or anyone else suppose to know you were gonna raid?
Yes, and since you have read whole thread you can see that Corran (who organised the other raid) and some others missed Yussef's Sidi Raid thread (Maybe it was posted too late?). Why would anyone post about Sidi Alliance raid to BW? Unlike TLW they wasn't looking for people to join.
Imho your raidleader could have asked Yussef if he was planning to raid Sidi since i'm sure he knew fridays are often used for Sidi raids. Sure he does not need "permission" it's just a matter of common sense and manners.
If Corran would had knew about this I'm sure he would have canceled his raid.
It's pretty clear your alliance does not like TLW Sidi raids/rules/whatever for whatever reason (clashing personalities?) but please keep in mind for many (random) people these raids are the only ones they can join (they can't join yours now can they?). A little respect, communicating and planning is not much to ask for i think.
Yep, the communicating part fecked up this time. Who can you blame? TLW informed about raid at 15:29 =4 hours before the raid start. Corran's raid started at 6pm? Anyway, it was just a bad luck. Also I'm pretty sure most GoP/Alliance members think TLW raids are great and none have anything against them.


Originally posted by Ziva

It's pretty clear your alliance does not like TLW Sidi raids/rules/whatever for whatever reason

Let me answer in a polite manner:

This is BS and a lie.



Originally posted by Cathul
Let me answer in a polite manner:

This is BS and a lie.


OK then join the TLW raids. Problem solved.

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