TLW Sidi raids



Well, I did ask Blaen to inform people on BW, but he's a lazy arse. Ingame messages were sent, perhaps hijacked is a tad too strong ;o


Originally posted by Yussef
Well, I did ask Blaen to inform people on BW, but he's a lazy arse. Ingame messages were sent, perhaps hijacked is a tad too strong ;o
People were informed here on BW, 4hours before the raid :p Not once had anyone knew is there TLW raid when I have asked it in /gu so ingame messages dont work well :/

(edit: Now we know TLW is back to organising Sidi raids and tbh, I dont see any reason why GoP or anyone else should make their own raids at the same days as TLW)


I do not message people ingame, people message me about it and I reply. Usual regulars ask.


Originally posted by Yussef
I do not message people ingame, people message me about it and I reply. Usual regulars ask.
So basicly it was just bad luck, not hijacking? :p


Perhaps, there was a TLW raid a week ago or so, not sure if mentions were made then. But people were aware the raids were back on.


Originally posted by Yussef
Perhaps, there was a TLW raid a week ago or so, not sure if mentions were made then. But people were aware the raids were back on.
Maybe some peeps were aware that TLW raids are back on, not all like this thread proves.


I stated before this conversation not going anywhere on this forum. At the moment it going in circles.

I stated that i willing to comprimise, and limit our friday raids to a MAXIMUM 1 a month. This will mean that you may go 2-3 months at times.

Onto the loot. We have got about 6 weapons and various armour vaulted. These are NOT for sale at anytime. The raids are lead ny me as i know how to run smooth ones, which tbh i must thanks yussef and blaen for as i learnt watching them. However they are organised by a few of us. I deal with how we distribute loot, someone from EL vaults the loot. We display what we got in vault after each raid on our private forum. These items are then made available to lotto for after every raid. For example we got scout bow shield and armour in the vault. Someone can go to the raid saying they wish to roll for scout equipment. As long as they got 48+ scout they can do so. Then at end of raid then can lotto for a new item that dropped or a item in the vault thus they guarented to have something to lotto for. Rewards them for coming, and it means that we wont have a large vault load of items as they regularly distributed to our alliance.

Yussef, if it is true what you say about items i apologise, tbh i hope that it isnt true as i rather people lotto for items they want and not on the chance they can trade it with you. But then we always have the problem that people always looking to better what they got, and i know in the past i was inclined to see if i got an item and wish to trade it then so be it. But i agree. People with most money shouldnt have all items.

Anyways, i got records of whom got what items, i got records of what is in our vault, and i got records of all that attend our alliance raids. So as you can see i am organised on this front too.


Originally posted by corranhorn1
I stated that i willing to comprimise, and limit our friday raids to a MAXIMUM 1 a month. This will mean that you may go 2-3 months at times.
May aswell join TLW raid no?


Well good to know that corranhorn1 organised his lootsysteem well enough to keep track of loot.

I think a lot of people would not like to see items that people have won on your alliance-only raid to be traded for TLW vaulted loot that can be obtained by trading or sufficient mod by people that join TLW raids. This would basically mean a fuckup of the system that is setup so well (i play on Exca aswell and believe me i have seen so many fights over loot that i am really happy with this system).

So i hope people of your alliance will not use their loot to mess with vaulted TLW stuff and just keep it for their char or sell it normally. Worst case scenario would be that people of your alliance are not allowed to use the shop or join TLW raids.

Oh and a question out of curiousity.. i did a /who Sidi on friday and i saw people from TLW and other guilds (not in your alliance) aswell. If this is a pure alliance raid... how come they were with you aswell?


Sagba I would join forces on these days IF a comprimise can be made. This is due to the fact that our rules differ slightly to theirs. For that comprimise it will take discussion between members of TLW and our alliance. Then these decisions then need to be accepted by everyone else that attends. Will take work and i sure as hell can bet that people will complain about any changes. But if it can be done, and those that attend the alliance ones wish it to be done (i will need to pass through them and we prefer earlier start time so not late finish) then i will work with the other people (even if i dont have the best relationship with some of them i sure we all can treat each other civil enough to get by :) )

I am easy going but is stated i providing what people want when they prefer it. I made arrangements to avoid these clashes as much as possible even thou it will have large negative effect on our alliance raids. I open to suggestions etc so yussef and co know where to find me if you so wish to discuss it but it shant be requirely thing as i have been trying to state in other posts.

Anyways. My replies here will be less and less as i know better ways to spend my time and work to be done. So if ideas and things go up here i not being ignorant in not replying i just not seen them.

(edit to respond to above post. If /who sidi showed non EL/GoP/AoD then 1) Character got sidi in name (as i believe their vault character has), 2) they had logged in sidi and logged in hoping to be ready to join people there. However i did not see any of them myself tbh but i not saying they werent there as they may been in area we had cleared.)


Originally posted by Ziva
Worst case scenario would be that people of your alliance are not allowed to use the shop or join TLW raids.
Nah, doubt TLW will make a rule : TLW Sidi raids are the only Sidi raids that you are allowed to join. People who join non-TLW raid will be banned from future raids.


"Am" is a word that largely can be found after the word "I".
In some cases however, it sometimes dissapears. :(


Originally posted by corranhorn1
Sagba I would join forces on these days IF a comprimise can be made. This is due to the fact that our rules differ slightly to theirs.
That raid would still be TLW raid, not TLW/GoP Alliance raid (that allliance doesn't have name yet :p) so TLW rules would be used. Ofc, Alliance members would get +10 mod for both TLW raids and Alliance raids if they dont get a drop. Sounds good enough for me.


ok i lied i floating past still atm. Got bored ripping the kitchen out so wait till later and see if continue :)

Sagba, if they wont comparimise we cant combine raids as i stated that people on our raids wont be allowed to lotto on theres. majority are 50 but we accept 48+ rolling for items.
Also the fact that they dont normally attend a tlw raid means only once in blue moon do they get + modifier for them raids and as such they will still have little chance to get most wanted items, bp's, bane, falchion etc.
And also as stated, if they get no item, we got left over items that nobody wants and someone as an alt other then that they designated as whom they rolling for then they get a chance to lotto for this items if the other rules are met thus increase the chance of reward for attending and helping.

It only little things to alot of people, but to some it means alot. I like to make people happy. Believe me alot of people are happy (every other word a certain minny says is Bane) and i will continue to try please people that i can.


Aye i fully support GoP in this, why do every raid have to be TLW, there is a reason you have an alliance that is so you can have fun with people in your alliance whatever you wish to raid.
I have nothing again TLW and we shouldnt try and decided whatever their drop rules are good or not.
I have stopped contacting them to hear if it was allright to have a raid, because as i did it i realised, why should i ask this guild for permission to have a raid....

Our alliance also have small raid and these are more fun then big raid and everyone have much fun.

And friday is the night when people can play and have time for it, so i see nothing wrong in having raids on fridays for only your alliance, and why should we contact TLW for permission.

Will stop my ramble just wanted to show some support for GoP in this matter :)


Originally posted by corranhorn1
Sagba, if they wont comparimise we cant combine raids as i stated that people on our raids wont be allowed to lotto on theres. majority are 50 but we accept 48+ rolling for items.
TLW raid with TLW rules once a month isn't that bad. Alliance members(lvl48+) would still get +mod for Alliance raids.

Also the fact that they dont normally attend a tlw raid means only once in blue moon do they get + modifier for them raids and as such they will still have little chance to get most wanted items, bp's, bane, falchion etc.
It's still just once a month, wont affect much :p To help TLW to zerg that place fast is good enough reward for everyone no?

And also as stated, if they get no item, we got left over items that nobody wants and someone as an alt other then that they designated as whom they rolling for then they get a chance to lotto for this items if the other rules are met thus increase the chance of reward for attending and helping.
Yes, that can be done after TLW raid too.


sagba, what you saying penalises some of the alliance thou.
also zergin is a bore, least this way we have to work for the prizes :p

And finally why we having this discussion as it TLW people that would need to discuss with :p

Anyways. No more BW for me till bedtime. Always good for some light reading :)


Erm , the way I see it TLW have kindly organised regular (weekly) sidi raids and Yussef did say you can have any other time of the week apart from Monday/Friday nights, why moan.

You wont see many guilds waste their time organising weekly raids for the realm :p
I think it is polite to let them have the friday/monday nights and any other guild/alliance can use any other.

Without their kindess half the Sidi drops the rlm has so far, would be wivout.


Originally posted by vivacelilp
Erm , the way I see it TLW have kindly organised regular (weekly) sidi raids and Yussef did say you can have any other time of the week apart from Monday/Friday nights, why moan.
Oh how benelovent of him, he is allowing people to raid his dungeon 5 days a week.
Lub you saracen :x

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