Deadmanwalking said:The weapons are prob low caliber to allow each member a shot at the animal. And yes gumbo is right, the guide should have downed him instantly he started charging at them. As for this whole killing for food is ok etc etc argument.
Talk about covering your arse from the old "But you eat the animals don't you?"
That argument only has relevence when eating meat is the only viable option. The fact you are sitting at your computer writing this shit shows it isn't.
Eating meat is fine, go for it i don't care, but don't start harping about killing for fun etc etc is morally wrong yada yada.
Tom said:I'll end by saying that I don't think those hunters are stupid or immoral, hunting isn't for me, and plainly not for others here either, but its their choice, and killing a Lion is really no different than shooting pheasants. If its a nature reserve, then the population is managed, and killing the odd Lion here and there isn't really going to make any difference. As a society, we have a jaundiced view of which animals should live, and which should die.
SilverHood said:If they're gonna kill the lion, they should have done it quickly, efficiently, with as little pain to the lion as possible. Do you think cows are killed in the same way when they're slaughtered for food? With 4 yanks taking pot shots at it before it falls over dying? It's inhumane and barbaric the way they did it, no doubt about it.
Trem said:Jesus DMW, sitting at my computer typing shit?
Tom said:Animals aren't here for any reason at all. They just are. They're not sentient, and as such they are absolutely no different to any other living thing on this planet, and that includes trees and plankton. I see no reason why people should draw a distinction between shooting a Lion for fun, and chopping down a tree to make a decorative mirror.
throdgrain said:Sorry to resort to internet type, but that is the most fucking stupid thing Ive read here in many a day.
How the fuck do you know?Tom said:Animals aren't here for any reason at all. They just are. They're not sentient, and as such they are absolutely no different to any other living thing on this planet, and that includes trees and plankton. I see no reason why people should draw a distinction between shooting a Lion for fun, and chopping down a tree to make a decorative mirror.
Amen.Trem said:Give me a room full of dogs rather than people any day.
Tom said:Animals aren't here for any reason at all. They just are. They're not sentient, and as such they are absolutely no different to any other living thing on this planet, and that includes trees and plankton. I see no reason why people should draw a distinction between shooting a Lion for fun, and chopping down a tree to make a decorative mirror.
Tom said:Animals aren't here for any reason at all. They just are. They're not sentient, and as such they are absolutely no different to any other living thing on this planet, and that includes trees and plankton. I see no reason why people should draw a distinction between shooting a Lion for fun, and chopping down a tree to make a decorative mirror.
mank said:Oh my god. There is a huge difference between shooting a living, breathing, sentient(!) animal and chopping down a fucking tree!
Cdr said:Aye, a tree doesnt try to bite your face off........unless its a venus fly trap.......but then thats a plant and not a tree.
*Almost* afraid to say, that you should look at internet life a bit more closely. It's just like real-life(tm), except you are much less constrained by what you can say - purely because you aren't under imminent danger of stomping on someone's face, or having your own face stomped on; it isn't all inter-dependent social sort of contrsruct-a-safe-living-environment type of thing. The board won't corrupt and segfault every time someone let's out their most heartfelt beliefs and feelings. Yet, it can de dangerous to walk down a purely hypothetical kind of argument.ive had my doubts about FreddysHouse for some time, ie its not very much of a gaming forum, but you're just about the icing on the cake Tom.
Go talk to some people in real life matey, before its too late.
Where's the quote about trees not being able to scream when you need it?Oh my god. There is a huge difference between shooting a living, breathing, sentient(!) animal and chopping down a fucking tree!
mank said:Oh my god. There is a huge difference between shooting a living, breathing, sentient(!) animal and chopping down a fucking tree!
Driwen said:just out of curiousity, if the animal is killed without any hurting (meaning it just drops dead, no stress or anything involved). Why does the animal has more right to life than the tree?
mank said:Do trees feel pain, do trees have thoughts, do trees communicate?
Driwen said:The question is does the lion actually enjoy living, I think the more sentient the more you enjoy life.
Tom said:This Lion wasn't killed illegaly, it was in a managed environment and therefore its death will make no significant contribution to the environment in which it lives. Therefore, I don't have a problem with it.
leggy said:Out of curiosity. If I was guarenteed a pardon for murder. Would it make it ok for me to shoot you in the face with a high powered rifle?
I see no significant contribution to your environment so by your logic, it is acceptable for me to kill you. This, we all know, is bollocks however.
Just because a lifeform doesn't exhibit characterisitics which we associate with our own existance, doesn't mean you can deny its right to exist.
mank said:I think any sentient being deserves the right to life, whether they enjoy it or not. I don't enjoy life but I have a right to live, just as I have a right to die. That lion had that right taken away from it the second it got shot at. That animal was shot in cold blood, not for food, just for pleasure. I can understand killing animals for meat, and I am a meat eater, but that's life and shooting animals in coldblood is not part of life.
Big G said:Agreed.
Leggy, sorry but I think your last statement was pedantic bollocks.
Driwen said:you eat meat, but you wouldnt have to. You are eating it for your own pleasure as you could avoid eating fish/meat and still live fine, so you are responsible for killing animals for your pleasure (and those animals have way less of a life than that lion had and are also killed in coldblood not by you off course, but their meat is on your plate).
Driwen said:Also anything that lives is sentient in some way and at some level and you have to draw a line somewhere to see which creatures you can kill just for the pleasure of killing it (and dont say you dont kill creatures for your pleasure as you will killed bugs just to get rid of them or plucked some grass as you were both).