Tiddles - deadly


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
If its a legal hunt - I dont see the problem with it.

And whats with all the anger directed at the hunters?


FH is my second home
Dec 23, 2003
Hunting for sport is my main problem....
But I guess that's just me.


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
Because the humans get to call it legal, and the lions have no say.

It's barbaric, it's archaic, and it's a pathetic way of establishing that you're alpha male simply because you can command military style weapons while a lion can only use teeth and claws. In old times, where hunters relied on the food to feed people, or to protect live stock or families, and when hunting was a life skill, then I have no issue with it. These days it's just for disgusting people to get the taste of blood and adrenalin by pumping bullets into an animal that, by its futile death, bestows on them some deluded sense of achievement and status. Many of these animals are actually bred and taught to approach the vehicles, which helps fat rich business with no actual hunting talent shoot them.

It's deplorable.


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
Damini said:
Because the humans get to call it legal, and the lions have no say.

It's barbaric, it's archaic, and it's a pathetic way of establishing that you're alpha male simply because you can command military style weapons while a lion can only use teeth and claws. In old times, where hunters relied on the food to feed people, or to protect live stock or families, and when hunting was a life skill, then I have no issue with it. These days it's just for disgusting people to get the taste of blood and adrenalin by pumping bullets into an animal that, by its futile death, bestows on them some deluded sense of achievement and status. Many of these animals are actually bred and taught to approach the vehicles, which helps fat rich business with no actual hunting talent shoot them.

It's deplorable.

I agree completely. It's sickening and I consider animal cruelty like this to be on a par with cruelty to other humans, perhaps that's just me.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
why cant they use sleeping darts instead of real bullets? The idea is to manage to hit(/kill) the lion and not get killed in the process, but with sleeping darts (the things animal vets use to put wild animals to sleep for transport) atleast the animal is alive, after the "hunters" had their fun.

I dont think we should harm animals just for our pleasure, but atleast with sleeping darts (or something else than bullets) the animal survives it.


Balls of steel
Dec 22, 2003
Driwen said:
why cant they use sleeping darts instead of real bullets? The idea is to manage to hit(/kill) the lion and not get killed in the process, but with sleeping darts (the things animal vets use to put wild animals to sleep for transport) atleast the animal is alive, after the "hunters" had their fun.

I dont think we should harm animals just for our pleasure, but atleast with sleeping darts (or something else than bullets) the animal survives it.
imagine when the poor bastard wakes up having been half eaten alive by jackals?

Even using sleeping darts is stupid, i think its probably more the principle of the thing than the actually killing, humand kill animals by the million every day to make food, and in most cases its prett barbaric (throat slit is standard for chickens and pigs iirc). The fact that those bastards are allowed to go out and shoot some lion for whatever reason. If it WAS a real cull then ffs get a decent marksman to kill it with a shot to the head not some tosser yank who couldnt hit a wall with a car (altho i wish they could)


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
I'm pretty sure it's the thrill of killing the animal that the hunters enjoy. It can't be the skill, since there's fuck all in 4 people firing at a lion until one or two bullets hit.


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
If they want to go hunt, send them out on their own into the heartlands with nothing but a rifle and one bullet. Then they can get the thrill of the fucking hunt.


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
mank said:
If they want to go hunt, send them out on their own into the heartlands with nothing but a rifle and one bullet. Then they can get the thrill of the fucking hunt.



There's nothing impressive at all about four grown men with high powered weapons killing a lone creature. It's insecure petty men trying to salvage some fragment of masculinity from the corpse of an animal with a bigger dick than them.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
1 v 1 in nothing but a birthday suit and they might have something worth recording, although it would still be a pointless exercise.


Old and short, no wonder I'm grumpy!
Staff member
FH Subscriber
Dec 14, 2003
Trem said:
It has nowt to do with this Tom but I came home this morning after watching my dad shit his insides out, I got a cup of coffee and sat down to browse threw these forums to take my mind off stuff slightly, I see this post and expect it to be a film of your kittens fooling around. I really am not falling out with you Tom, you are a mate, it just needs to be removed or at the least some warning putting up.

Sorry Trem, it's a bit late but I'll throw a warning up there.


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 11, 2004
Disgust is almost as basic an instinct as "kill something just to look cool".
Inflicting suffering I have a problem with, and hunting a species to extinction or without due regard for ecosystem I have a problem with. "cool" is subjective, so killing something to look cool - if my conditions aren't met - is fine. Animals are only capable of chewing and clawing *each other* thus death is most usually to ensue once a victim is lying in a puddle of it's own blood - what makes humans so much better when animals probably have no concept of "barbarity" ?
This is just like the american gunship vid that was posted some weeks back - perhaps judgements made in a lack of context are er, useless ? Though surely a population control (for the sake of nearby humans OR in the case of an overpopulation of lions threatening their entire existence in an area) in which some animals do suffer would be the lesser evil ...

I know it's an anal po-faced kind of post, but lots of people here seemed so sure that hunting was "bad".


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
Animals attack each other to ensure their own preservation, to hunt for food, to guard their territory, to protect their lineage, to protect their off spring. Humans hunting for none of these reasons but for the sheer gratification of taking a life (especially in a situation heavily weighted against the animal) have none of these mitigating factors. If someone is hunting a lion who has developed a hunger for humans, then fine. If they are hunting for food, fine. If they are just hunting for the sheer glee of murdering an animal, then I can't see anything redeemable in that.

I find it a bit worrying that you think killing something to look cool is instinctive! I hate to think what your school was like. Smokers alley must have been riddled with the carcusses of broken kittens and puppies ;)


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
Damini said:
Animals attack each other to ensure their own preservation, to hunt for food, to guard their territory, to protect their lineage, to protect their off spring. Humans hunting for none of these reasons but for the sheer gratification of taking a life (especially in a situation heavily weighted against the animal) have none of these mitigating factors. If someone is hunting a lion who has developed a hunger for humans, then fine. If they are hunting for food, fine. If they are just hunting for the sheer glee of murdering an animal, then I can't see anything redeemable in that.

I find it a bit worrying that you think killing something to look cool is instinctive! I hate to think what your school was like. Smokers alley must have been riddled with the carcusses of broken kittens and puppies ;)

We'd kill the non-smokers, and mount their heads on our walls. Are we bad?

Instead of hunting, people should play http://www.richsalter.btinternet.co.uk/cks2/index2.html instead.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Fuckin yankys , it shows how fucked they really are. Big headed gung ho twats.

I was on the lions side. Poor thing


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
Maybe the Amreicans each paid a great deal of money to go on that shoot. Money that could then be used to pay for widespread conservation efforts of a whole bunch of other animals and habitat. Money that would otherwise be impossible to raise.

The high fives and hugs were the sort of reaction that you might expect from anyone who has just had an awfully close call with death. I defy anyone here to come that close to getting killed and not feel a certain relief and joy at being alive, whatever the circumstances.

The guide needs to be questioned about why he didn't drop the Lion as soon as it charged, and why they were using a pissy calibre weapon on an animal of that size.

Or they might just be bloodthirsty, no good at shooting, murderous, stereotypical, redneck, hick, kneejerk reaction prompting Yanks, out for an afternoon walk on the serengeti shooting at anything that moves.


Trem's hunky sex love muffin
Dec 20, 2003
poor lion. I hope the people in that movie die in screaming agony :(

pity it wasn't a leopard. those cats know exactly how to take out a primate. all those people would be dead.


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
TBH I can see the attraction of big game hunting. I've always wondered what it would be like to shoot a lion or an elephant....

It's probably a by-product of men being so emasculated in todays society and all the genetic programming that's been honed by thousands of years of evolution, along with a good dose of testosterone. I sort of feel some sort of innate drive to do these things. (Probably why I enjoy sea fishing so much - but I always stop when I've got enough to eat - and I always eat what I catch).

However, there's one thing that sets me apart from the "hunters" in that video:

I know it's wrong :eek:

If you need that explaining to you then it's something you don't and probably never will get.


Probably Scottish
Dec 23, 2003
I reckon if that lion had been on the ball (I.e. not filled with bullets) he would have taken out both his targets. Shame really.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 22, 2003
I agree generally with most of what's written here, but most of all with Gumbo.

For the record, I really don't care about hunting. If a bunch of farmers want to wander around the countryside with a pack of hounds hunting an orange dog, thats fine. If some fishermen want to catch fish from a river, great. A neighbour of mine goes out some nights with a shotgun, and blows rabbits away (legally). If thats what he wants to do, then good for him.

Everything in moderation. Lions aren't considered an endangered species and so long as thats the case, if some countries allow people to hunt them for sport and they can benefit from that activity then I don't have a problem with it.

This video has very little context from which to judge it. Drawing conclusions about the actions of the people in it is therefore futile.

Watch 'The Deer Hunter' for an insight into the mind of a hunter, albeit a somewhat distant mind.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
Tom said:
Watch 'The Deer Hunter' for an insight into the mind of a hunter, albeit a somewhat distant mind.

Or Bambi - those bastard hunters killed his mom!!!!111!!!


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
I didn't watch the video. As soon as I realised it wasn't going to be funny, I stopped playing. I can't handle that kind of thing.

My opinion relates to all blood sports really, from lion shoots to the bull fights in Spain. If there's a valid reason for the hunt that isn't purely gratification or social entertainment, then I have no real qualms with it. The rabbit hunter probably takes home a brace of rabbits to cook, or for friends to cook. I just find something abhorant about people that kill for pleasure. And if it is true that the money raised will be beneficial, well it's a damning statement about humanity if the only way we can gather funding to preserve wildlife is by allowing a select few to be murdered for fun by tourists.


Not as old as he claims to be!
Dec 22, 2003
I have to disagree Tom, I totally agree with Lou. I want these creatures that are hunted to at least be given a fighting chance, which they never are. Obviously humans are smarter than that, obviously one on one with a lion then we would lose.

I just don't get it, I don't get the people that don't care, I don't get that we think we are so superior, so much better than everything else than we can go around blasting things into extinction.

Give me a room full of dogs rather than people any day.

For the record Tom, had would you feel if some local lads 'hunted' your cats(god forbid) with an air rifle, like what happened to SG?


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
Trem said:
I just don't get it, I don't get the people that don't care, I don't get that we think we are so superior, so much better than everything else than we can go around blasting things into extinction.

Read it and weep.

One day.

Hopefully :/


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 29, 2003
Right, well for a start lions are endangered... or at least were until they started getting the protection they deserved.

Secondly that lion was bred for the hunt. For rich tourists to have pop shots at. I have even been on a similar exercise in South Africa (No we didn't shoot them but we saw the bred lions).

The weapons are prob low caliber to allow each member a shot at the animal. And yes gumbo is right, the guide should have downed him instantly he started charging at them. As for this whole killing for food is ok etc etc argument.

Talk about covering your arse from the old "But you eat the animals don't you?"
That argument only has relevence when eating meat is the only viable option. The fact you are sitting at your computer writing this shit shows it isn't.
Eating meat is fine, go for it i don't care, but don't start harping about killing for fun etc etc is morally wrong yada yada.

Edit: How do we know they were firing bullets?


Not as old as he claims to be!
Dec 22, 2003
Deadmanwalking said:
Edit: How do we know they were firing bullets?

The dust flying up when they hit the ground?


Not as old as he claims to be!
Dec 22, 2003
Actually, for fucks sake. Of course they were firing real bullets, of course they were cocks. Jesus DMW, sitting at my computer typing shit? I'm sitting at my computer typing stuff that means something to me, I don't have to do it here I can go and argue with someone at the pub, or I can buy a dog thats being mistreated just to give it another home, I am quite sure I am not doing this threw the safety of the internet, I am quite active in my feelings on this sort of thing.

I can't prove I would be different in real life unless you met me, then maybe you would see what I'm like concerning animals.

I don't get why people are even trying to reason with why those twats are doing what they are doing.

My feelings, take them or leave them just don't try and give me shit about "sitting at my computer"

Its wank, its wrong, fuck wasting another keystroke on justifying my feelings.


FH is my second home
Dec 23, 2003
Deadmanwalking said:
Right, well for a start lions are endangered... or at least were until they started getting the protection they deserved.

Secondly that lion was bred for the hunt. For rich tourists to have pop shots at. I have even been on a similar exercise in South Africa (No we didn't shoot them but we saw the bred lions).

The weapons are prob low caliber to allow each member a shot at the animal. And yes gumbo is right, the guide should have downed him instantly he started charging at them. As for this whole killing for food is ok etc etc argument.

Talk about covering your arse from the old "But you eat the animals don't you?"
That argument only has relevence when eating meat is the only viable option. The fact you are sitting at your computer writing this shit shows it isn't.
Eating meat is fine, go for it i don't care, but don't start harping about killing for fun etc etc is morally wrong yada yada.

Edit: How do we know they were firing bullets?

If they're gonna kill the lion, they should have done it quickly, efficiently, with as little pain to the lion as possible. Do you think cows are killed in the same way when they're slaughtered for food? With 4 yanks taking pot shots at it before it falls over dying? It's inhumane and barbaric the way they did it, no doubt about it.


Has a sexy sister. I am also a Bodhi wannabee.
Dec 22, 2003
Tom, see the fuss you've caused?

Shame on you....


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