Infanity ran with rogs when i took him to thid, without any toa shit.
MKJ said:You know wot I don't believe you. No thrust inf has hit me as hard as that inf of yours or evaded so much. You don't get to be that good without some sort of boosting. Even so you ended up deaded so I ain't that bothered.
Elite - think I got you mixed up with someone else. Weren't you the guy with the Valewalker? Can't be come to think of it unless you re-rolled as an Alb. My apologies then m8. Your scout unbuffed was amazingly tough - block block and block. Had to use a potion to keep going which I have never really had to do against someone unbuffed - bar for mercs or some reavers.
MKJ said:Yu know there comes a time when you have to stop taking yourself so seriously (bout the same time really that others stop doing so too). Happened to me and lets face it is now happening to you. You losing your fangs m8. Probably time to move on to something different and new. I don't miss playing this game at all since I stopped. Got tons of other things to do instead and not enough hours in the day to do em all too. Wot you got?
At least I kicked butt in this game. You? Oh yeah at least you got your butt kicked by Thugs. Well at least that is something eh
. Nearly time forra lager. No whisky though.
More delusions... you have never killed any of my toons thugs.
And if you have stopped playing the go away.
Nothing for you here.
And as for what I got? I have a wife and two daughters, I work full time in a job I enjoy. I also play a lot of sport. My world is pretty good. I dont have too fill my life with alchohol or get a feel good factor from a computer game where I exploit just to get a kill.
Can you say the same?
MKJ said:Lost me now. I stuck a toe into level 50 combat and quickly withdrew it. Not for me thanks. Not gonna spend months equiping and wotever along with buffing. The game is baddddddddd at level 50. I ain't saying this as an excuse either - it really is. Mythic love it though and are making tons of money from you all but if you think about it this must be the only game where you require at least 2 accounts to play the 'end game'. Orrible exploit that should have been investigated by some body or other long before now. Means the 'end game' is somewhere I ain't going and never will again unless you can function alone and with one single account. As for battling your scout whilst buffed and you unbuffed eh? Sounds interesting but ain't never gonna happen. The game is playable in Thid as a lot of yu level 50 guys know. There I meet you all when you are much stronger than myself (on purpose). And there you have died. You ain't got an excuse. Tis fact.
so it's heavily unbalanced in favour of some classes, with others lacking many abilities.
MKJ said:You gotta hell offa nerve I say that for you.
Wot the f*** do you visit this forum for then? You got such a lot going for you yet you can't wait to jump on anyone posting on this forum. Now lets consider this shall we? You know by now my brain is pretty intense and can sure analyze peeps. Mmmm - lets think. Bloody obvious really. You sux in something for sure - probably a great many things - and you come here to get some misguided revenge for your own misgivings. You pick on my type cos I am the direct opposite of you. You try to bring the likes of me down cos the likes of me somehow really bother you don't they. Want me to take this deeper? Mentioning your family and job. Now why is that? I can delve deeper you know cos I got enough material on you from previous posts. Creepy eh. Not really and I only brushing the surface.
By the way you are also a liar cos I know for sure I killed your alts a number of times. Want me to look in the archives to find a mention? Mmmm - insecure and a liar too boot. Not looking good m8. Your character is very dubious. With me everything is way out in the open. You? A creep pure and simple.
Rookiescot said:Hmmm... I must have nailed a raw one for you to respond with such vitriol.
I honestly think your "psycho analasis" would probably be a better fit for yourself than for me though.
After all, I'm not the one who comes on these boards and constantly claims to be better than everyone else.
What void in your life are you trying to fill Thugs?
I also find it humerous that someone who exclusivly plays a stealth toon in a BG calls other people "creeps".
And go ahead..... troll through your little archives. Find one where you killed one of my alts and post it.
Aoln said:I've played every class in Albion (bar heretic) in thidranki actually, just only ever played my first infil (revolutionary) more than a little bit :l
And from your playstyle you're hardly playing hardmode...
fettoken said:Infil/sb/ns is really easymode running around with úber poison, gets really boring.
Scouts, are hardmode in thidranki. Especially now with clustering as you get popped by 3 - 4 adding shadowblades / nightshades. Thou its the funniest class to play in thid.