

One of Freddy's beloved
Aug 3, 2004
I would just like to say how I like the way that one moment,when convenient, a certain individual (guess who :p) is like: SBs are crap, they're soft yada yada and other classes are great... And on the other hand, again when convenient, SB's rule yada yada, infs and mercs can't stand up to them... And lol to the previous post ;)


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 5, 2004
They are crap - unless I play one :) . That is why I played one in the first place. To prove I could do it. You gotta have challenges in life you know. Trouble is this one is past it's sell by date now cos I proved it about a zillion times.

Course I lost fights - especially towards the end. Was bored and way off form and drunk more often than not. Excuses? Well yes in a way but I nearly always rose to the challenge when beaten. Not many could stay alive if I decided to take them out. And that just shouldn't be. I mean there is no way on earth if I was buffed - toa'd - sc'd I would ever lose against an unbuffed - non toa'd fighter - whoever he or she was. Big difference you see. My videos don't lie and there are soooo many.


You may as well watch them now as I might switch em off soon. Just look at the fights against the 'big boys' not the infs cos I really had to pull the stops out against the likes of: Simiac (reaver), Strega (Valewalker), Whoisyourdaddy (reaver), Syv (merc) - oh and ofcourse level 25 Stingah (Eden - had never lost to another sb - lost to me!) . Sooooo many fights.


I am a FH squatter
Jul 18, 2004
All you have to do to pwn MKJ is to buy a few heat legendaries, and fire away. W00t.


One of Freddy's beloved
Aug 3, 2004
Nothing personal but I'd rather stick my left arm down a screwy garbage disposal while plucking my eyeballs with my right, than to watch God knows how many videos of run-through/strafe etc. Call me old-fashioned but I like seeing videos worth the download. :)

P.S = Before you say it... No,they aren't :m00:


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 5, 2004
You wouldn't recognize skill anyways so it isn't worth your while viewing the videos for sure. But people in the know see it for sure. Mainly the ones I have beaten.


One of Freddy's beloved
Aug 3, 2004
MKJ said:
You wouldn't recognize skill anyways so it isn't worth your while viewing the videos for sure. But people in the know see it for sure. Mainly the ones I have beaten.

Yeah ok. You're absolutely right...

<brings out the violins>


Dumpster Fire of The South
Jan 23, 2004
MKJ said:
You wouldn't recognize skill anyways so it isn't worth your while viewing the videos for sure. But people in the know see it for sure. Mainly the ones I have beaten.

Solo, level 24 RR1 shadowblade who has to run through - and change weaps every time he hits with one = skill.
Solo, level 50 RR1 shadowblade, who doesn't run through, who doesn't change weapons who can kill RR10s = No skill?

Anyone can run through, hell - you should go play Camlann.


Loyal Freddie
Apr 2, 2004
Overdriven said:
Solo, level 24 RR1 shadowblade who has to run through - and change weaps every time he hits with one = skill.
Solo, level 50 RR1 shadowblade, who doesn't run through, who doesn't change weapons who can kill RR10s = No skill?

Standing still and spamming 1 or 2 buttons = skill ? ^^ I think it's skill if someone starts from a lot weaker position (unbuffed), uses all means necessary, and still comes out as a winner.

Anyways i won't run thro myself if i am in line with my opponent, but if i know i will lose otherwise, sure i will try to strafe and run thro.

and i wouldn't take MKJ's rumbling about being king of thid too seriously ;)


One of Freddy's beloved
Aug 3, 2004
Saraden said:
Standing still and spamming 1 or 2 buttons = skill ? ^^ I think it's skill if someone starts from a lot weaker position (unbuffed), uses all means necessary, and still comes out as a winner.

Anyways i won't run thro myself if i am in line with my opponent, but if i know i will lose otherwise, sure i will try to strafe and run thro.

and i wouldn't take MKJ's rumbling about being king of thid too seriously ;)

Don't worry mate. No sane person does. We just like having fun with him ;)


Dumpster Fire of The South
Jan 23, 2004
Tristessa said:
Don't worry mate. No sane person does. We just like having fun with him ;)

/Agree :p

Sara, I don't press 1-2 buttons :( I have to press 3! :( (Well, not really :p more like 5 qbs worth lol)


FH is my second home
Dec 23, 2003
MKJ said:
You may as well watch them now as I might switch em off soon.

please do. coz i doubt many will find your serious lack of fair play amusing enough to be worth the download.


FH is my second home
Dec 23, 2003
MKJ said:
You wouldn't recognize skill anyways so it isn't worth your while viewing the videos for sure. But people in the know see it for sure. Mainly the ones I have beaten.

acually we DO recognise skills. and u sure doesent have any.


FH is my second home
Dec 23, 2003
Overdriven said:
Anyone can run through, hell - you should go play Camlann.

he tried it but it was to hardcore for him. his "skills" didnt work there.


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 5, 2004
Nope never played in Camlann but you can be sure I would rule there. Lack of buffbots and less good gear? Hell be tailor made for me. If everyone was in rubbish gear I would be so remarkably good compared to all the rest it would just be so shocking. Don't forget I MAKE MYSELF WEAK ON PURPOSE so that I have hard fights. Easy kills are a no goer for me. Once an easy target is killed they won't see me again.

Camlann - you lot are lucky I never been there :twak: . Nothing can stand upto me like for like in the same gear - nothing!


One of Freddy's beloved
Aug 3, 2004
You do realize that with the amount of *friends* you have on these forums, if you ever played on camlann, the entire server, from lvl 1 to 50 would hunt you down 24/7 wherever you went just to rip you not one,not 2 but a zillion extra *ahem* holes? You might want to consider working on your people skills before *honing* your abusing skills.

And that little tip is on the house :cheers:

P.S = Can't wait for the reply in the fashion of: " I would kill 50s even with a /level char, Save it for the morning please while I drink my cofee. :)

Your's truly


Loyal Freddie
Apr 2, 2004
If i were thugs i would reroll on classic server when it gets out, no bb's and toa "crap" there.


Loyal Freddie
Apr 12, 2004
Hmmmm, i once jumped 3 WLs in thid with my vampiir. Killed 2 and got 3rd down to 50% hp. Does that mean i'm uberkingofthidgod???
Thid is for testing a new class and learn to play it in rvr........................ for a few days!!!!!
And for wasting time when u can't solo in big rvr cause of all FGs ganking soloers.


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 5, 2004
Nope you only 'King' if you can play unbuffed and no TOA and still kill all. Now that is the path to the top. Enlightenment. Try it and find out how hard it is. Only one 'King's Throne' and that seat is taken, or was taken. Such a hell offa seat to consider taking though cos it comes at a high price. Whoever tries to sit in it has to prove himself over and over. Only one has ever had the balls to do it and remain seated for months and months on end - yup - Thugs. No other will rule Thid again in such a fashion. Thugs as King will be remembered for all time. Infact the game designers are thinking about placing a Memorial Statue in a prominent position in Thid showing Thugs in all his glory so that others can be inspired. Am all forrit ;) . Cast in marble to last forever and ever. Now that is how good I am or was. These game designers recognize skill when they see it. Hell my videos are all over their office. They learn how to play their own game from watching them. Incredible eh.


Loyal Freddie
Apr 12, 2004
MKJ said:
Nope you only 'King' if you can play unbuffed and no TOA and still kill all. Now that is the path to the top. Enlightenment. Try it and find out how hard it is. Only one 'King's Throne' and that seat is taken, or was taken. Such a hell offa seat to consider taking though cos it comes at a high price. Whoever tries to sit in it has to prove himself over and over. Only one has ever had the balls to do it and remain seated for months and months on end - yup - Thugs. No other will rule Thid again in such a fashion. Thugs as King will be remembered for all time. Infact the game designers are thinking about placing a Memorial Statue in a prominent position in Thid showing Thugs in all his glory so that others can be inspired. Am all forrit ;) . Cast in marble to last forever and ever. Now that is how good I am or was. These game designers recognize skill when they see it. Hell my videos are all over their office. They learn how to play their own game from watching them. Incredible eh.
tbfh, ur pretty silly. It's easy to be "king" in thid as almost everyone u meet r playing that class for the first time, and when they ding out of thid they move on and lvl to 50 and become pretty ok there. And fyi my vamp was unbuffed every single time i was in there, think i dinged out in rps in 3 days. I have soloed 3 stealthers at once with him. i have soloed 2 tank and an infil. I have soloed a warrior and a zerker duo. Now who's da man???? Ur nothing but a gimp and i have prolly kicked ur arse several times without me knowing it.
Now grow up and move on to the grown up-rvr.


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 5, 2004
Haha. Ack at this guy comparing my sbs to a bloody vamp. Like all the rest before you think you are ard yet you are playing the 'ardest' class in the game. Buffed? A vamp is selfbuffed silly. As for saying Thid is only for new players take a look at my vids cos they are nearly all against very long time and term players who have decided to play in Thid whilst in the best gear going. Why don't you ask Eden of level 50 fame to fight you with his stealther eh, or Strega - or Aoln - or tons of others. All killed by me when they were as good as they would ever get, both in terms of gear m8 and preparation. I leave the 'newbies' alone. Now go roll an sb and see how you get on not a vamp you silly boy.


Loyal Freddie
Apr 12, 2004
MKJ said:
Haha. Ack at this guy comparing my sbs to a bloody vamp. Like all the rest before you think you are ard yet you are playing the 'ardest' class in the game. Buffed? A vamp is selfbuffed silly. As for saying Thid is only for new players take a look at my vids cos they are nearly all against very long time and term players who have decided to play in Thid whilst in the best gear going. Why don't you ask Eden of level 50 fame to fight you with his stealther eh, or Strega - or Aoln - or tons of others. All killed by me when they were as good as they would ever get, both in terms of gear m8 and preparation. I leave the 'newbies' alone. Now go roll an sb and see how you get on not a vamp you silly boy.
Ur so silly, have a sb on excal. Their easy to kill with in thid, PA someone with a 2hander and their half done, if u can't kill em then u suck. My sb used DF-armor and weapons and it was still easy............. Yeah right, very hard to kill peeps..............
My vamp still was unbuffed, u get the stats for free yes, but there r no selfbuffs noob. And i wasn't SCed or toa'd. Just the catacombs armor u can buy with araulites. Same goes for the toothpicker i used and all magic items. But 900+ hp always helps. :D


Loyal Freddie
Apr 12, 2004
But, vamps r very easy to kill stuff with. With a nice hot u can just keep fighting til the end of days.


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 5, 2004
Forget it - I would rip you apart - and if your vamp ain't in good gear then you would die to me too.


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 5, 2004
Yeah - at my computer - wossup? Not gottan active account at moment cos I taking nice break from the game. Wanted to prove summit eh? Like wot?:touch:


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 5, 2004
Yu any better than Strega then? Eh in the best gear and buffed.

Strega - VW (buffed)

Yu better ask Strega if you would stand any chance wotsover. Unbuffed you would die so fast it would shock you to the core. Take a damn good look at the above fight m8 cos you seeing the 'King' in action there for sure.

This is an unbuffed vw (I think).

Unbuffed VW?

Wasn't even trying and missed my first 2 handed attack or he would have dropped that much quicker.

No chance m8 - sorry!


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 5, 2004
Not gonna activate my account just to fight you now am I. Might play again at some point but I think I will leave it and see how the game pans out. Could be they are going to make a Classic Server. If they do I might play again - 'might' being the operative word. Go make sum films when you are unbuffed as wotever - bar for a bloody vamp or a merc - and lets see you in action. Don't bother making an sb cos no way you gonna get any decent victories.


Loyal Freddie
Apr 12, 2004
MKJ said:
Not gonna activate my account just to fight you now am I. Might play again at some point but I think I will leave it and see how the game pans out. Could be they are going to make a Classic Server. If they do I might play again - 'might' being the operative word. Go make sum films when you are unbuffed as wotever - bar for a bloody vamp or a merc - and lets see you in action. Don't bother making an sb cos no way you gonna get any decent victories.
Mostly pulling ur leg here cause i'm a bit bored, but i have a SB on excal. So i know their easy to play. I reached rp-cap very fast on him. Before i dinged him out i made a BB there and it was silly. And a buffed SB that PAs with a 2hander does hurt. But thats in thid, in main rvr u get good when u get high RR.

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