This WL shit has got to end :(


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 21, 2005
Belomar said:
One-shot means you get killed in one single nuke, though.

yes, but beeing killed by 1 person within a frame of 1-2 sec even DI not beeing able to kick in before I died is oneshot in my book.

if you are to be like that you can also say that everyone using a Bot is duoing as they get help from a second account.


Part of the furniture
Dec 30, 2003
AFAIK, due to the atomic nature of spells and the fact that DI is (or seems to be) server-side, DI will only be ineffective against "real" one-shots, i.e. when the damage is greater than the full hitpoints of the character. In all other cases, the DI pool will kick in as soon as the threshold damage value of the character is reached. You can never "fool" or be faster than the DI ability since it is server-side.

Of course I understand your general point, I'm just nitpicking. ;)


Can't get enough of FH
Nov 29, 2004
Belomar said:
AFAIK, due to the atomic nature of spells and the fact that DI is (or seems to be) server-side, DI will only be ineffective against "real" one-shots, i.e. when the damage is greater than the full hitpoints of the character. In all other cases, the DI pool will kick in as soon as the threshold damage value of the character is reached. You can never "fool" or be faster than the DI ability since it is server-side.

Of course I understand your general point, I'm just nitpicking. ;)

This is untrue, ive seen DI not kick in many times on group members when they have been assisted on by multiple casters. I presume its if all the damage occurs in a 'tick' of the game.

Also WL are ofcourse over powered, its the uninteruptable casting that removes all skill required to play the class. Base line stun can be interupted if your quicker than the stunner, and ofcourse many non hib classes have access to insta's that can interupt, whereas hib casters have had interupting insta's completely nerfed.

Did solo kill ravenloc lastnight though with my ml3 eldie. Nearsight, bolt, bolt, stun, nuke. Guess he didnt have purge up, both my bolts hit and lucky I had the utility to do it.

Maybe they could make those chambers act like bolts with a chance of missing?


Part of the furniture
Dec 30, 2003
Cromcruaich said:
This is untrue, ive seen DI not kick in many times on group members when they have been assisted on by multiple casters. I presume its if all the damage occurs in a 'tick' of the game.
Ahh, I stand corrected. I will make some more observations henceforth. :)


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 6, 2005
charmangle said:

Care to explain how you killed either of these examples ?

Firewiz rr 6+ that hits you with 3 bolts för 2000+ damage (the first instakilling you with 1500 hit ?)

Hib caster baselinestunning you from behind and nuke for 600 + per nuke ?

Infil/ns PA:ing you for 1100+ damage then hitting you for 600 before the grafics engine work out face after runthrough ?

etc etc etc

Now these damages are based on a equipped char with maxed out add a couple of hundred damage for your the hell did you survive that with only about 900 hitpoints which is what you get without hpcap/+hp from your equipments and buffs?


Pretty simple, u fight in situations favorable for you, ie near bridges where you jump ppl, no hib caster will manage to stun you if u pop around a corner and chamber right into his face, no wizz will bolt, no sorc will mezz u in those situations...
same works with water, just dive up and down using the instacast and if he tries to do the same, wait surfaced with a powerless and insta him with it as soon as he gets up
and don't forget your first RA will be purge2
As for stealthers, there was 1 ! who dared to attack me alone, and even tho he failed his pa coz I was moving this was the toughest fight from all coz of low damage missing int, it ended with me having about 5% hp left and i would have died from his poison without the nice little spreadheal warlocks get...


Can't get enough of FH
Nov 29, 2004
charmangle said:
Hib caster baseline stunning you from behind and nuke for 600 + per nuke ?

Erm, camera pan? Though I guess wl's dont normally bother with this sort of complex stuff.


Part of the furniture
Dec 24, 2003
charmangle said:
Infil/ns PA:ing you for 1100+ damage then hitting you for 600 before the grafics engine work out face after runthrough ?

It happens *IN VERY RARE CASES* that someone perfs you for that, yeah.

More common is:


This is with 101 DEX / 101 STR - RR7 Elf Nightshade PA'ing a RR9 Warlock. I had the Champion-weapon equipped - which gives me 10% style 10% melee. I have 50+17 Critical Strike.

This is not Physical Defense ("PD5") or anything. Just the insane variance on Perf assassins deal with. I got lifetapped for 511 after I got 'Out of View' on Creeping Death (the stun). I strafed in an Ice-storm, got him to 20% then he got out of the stun and I 'instantly died' with him about on 75% hp (I think). Notice I got 'quite wank' matter-resists (12% or so, with AoM3 which adds 10% secondary resists).

Funny thing is, I released, came back, perfed another caster (was RR6 RM iirc) and hit him for 913 on perf. Same weapon, same buffs, same spec...


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 22, 2004
liloe said:
R U SURE?? I thought mob was like real people and such. Tbh I rolled Cabby cause they can focuspull and wtfpwn many yellows at once. Can I pwn many yellow players at once with that aswell??

yes i plomise :<


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 22, 2004
the thing is, yes warlocks may not rox in fgs, but theyre retarded in 1 on 1s. Nerf them so theyre not OP deluxe in 1 on 1 will prolly make them totaly useless in fgs, its the way theyre built. The only sollution would be to totaly change the class.. The whole class is just a fuckup from mythics side imo ;o


Nov 28, 2004
warlocks need more love imo:D nerve banshee/ns/vamp/mincer/sorc/wizards/ surely anything that can kill albs/hibs is a good thing

but leave mid class alone:twak:

+fix hunters pets so they can dive under warter


Can't get enough of FH
Mar 11, 2005
pip said:
warlocks need more love imo:D nerve banshee/ns/vamp/mincer/sorc/wizards/ surely anything that can kill albs/hibs is a good thing

but leave mid class alone:twak:

+fix hunters pets so they can dive under warter

go away.

Dec 31, 2003
Pip, ur one of a kind really. Guess ur not that serious tho but still..

Would be nice if daoc could be abit less frustrating then it is. Doubt it's very fun for either WLs or others to instant kill everything.

- One exampel from today :)

start mezz on arumi he starts to turn around dd+dd mezz resists, /face 616 616 616 812, dead \o>

Don't understand why ppl even make WLs, is winning everything? Got to have those precious RPs?

Be nice to hear a serious comment on this matter from u Pip.


One of Freddy's beloved
Apr 22, 2005
Matriarch|Sneakers said:
Don't understand why ppl even make WLs, is winning everything? Got to have those precious RPs?

Same can be said for fotm GG's, Stickbots, Trios of infs/NS's etc etc, some people gotta win at all costs if that means paying for 2acc's and putting a DI3 cleric on stick then thats just as bad as if probably more. Despite the contrary remarks warlocks are fun to play, even in pve too!


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 5, 2005
Mas said:
warlocks are fun to play, even in pve too!

That's why I made my wl, moved from hib to mid so was new on mid/prydwen with nothing so had to have char that could solo to 50 quite well without a buffbot :p


Can't get enough of FH
Nov 29, 2004
Mas said:
Same can be said for fotm GG's

GG's do this to compete in 8v8 warfare, its not a matter of winning or losing, just a matter of competing, to do the best you can do, and have a lot of fun measuring yourself against like minded guilds and people. Thats how i view it anyway.


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 4, 2005
Septina said:
locks have a spell to increase their range tho? :x

Yes they do but is only usefull in defence of towers and stuff, to slow (pre cast spell, cant put it in chambers) by the time u try to use it u get nuked, to slow to slow....


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 4, 2005
Maybe they could make those chambers act like bolts with a chance of missing?[/QUOTE]

They do have a chance to miss......


Loyal Freddie
Nov 2, 2004
Just remove the chambers from WL, and even the ui.

Give it baseline stun and a 2.5 sec damagespell., and all you whiners will whine even more. :puke:


Loyal Freddie
Nov 2, 2004
Right on... havent played hib a lot.. i have a Mentalist tho and i just love its stun and the double ticking dots.
I do, however, have some experience playing against hibs. Both on healer, solo thane and solo wl. And that stun is a killah.

If they gave med the option to transform my wl, i'd exchange it for a runie anyday. Warlox are dead with all these nerfs, why not just remove it all together.

And by the way. The inventers of this class ... i wonder if they got fired. becoz it seems a lot of hib/albs think they suck at their job.


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 6, 2005
warlocks will still instakill most soloers with chambers.. they will be less popular coz now u actually need to hit a few more buttons and can't win every fight in Rogs but thats it...
Hib baseline stun has nothing to do with warlocks, but i guess its a typical reaction, if u can't argue against it, find something else to argue about ...
If you want hib baseline stun go play ur menta, try to stun the assassins u chambered before and see him using purge3 or runthru, try stunning the charge tank u took out with UIs before and try stunning other warlocks that chamber you while u're trying to cast...


It's my birthday today!
Jan 25, 2004
Medigophler said:
Right on... havent played hib a lot.. i have a Mentalist tho and i just love its stun and the double ticking dots.

Just that stun and double ticking DoT's don't really cut it in RvR if there is no dmg spell in the same line. Warlocks can do the big DoT and then ADD other high dmg spells on top of it with the same specline.

Medigophler said:
I do, however, have some experience playing against hibs. Both on healer, solo thane and solo wl. And that stun is a killah.

Well you're right, I don't count Warlock as class aswell. No idea why stun bothers you so much on Thane. They get determination and an insta DD at 1500 range, so if you have decent resists you should be ok.

With the healer you have other groupmembers who might even be able to keep you alive by healing you or interrupting the caster while you're stunned.

( On the Warlock you have a nearsight you can chamber-dumb at even higher range than any stun, so I don't see the problem either. Once the target is nearsighted you can roll on with the dmg. )

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