This WL shit has got to end :(


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 23, 2004
Ckiller said:
GIVF 1.82 now dammit

Sick and tired of beein oneshotted without ANY chance to retaliate
sush lies no pally can be oneshotted by anything cept for a Gm thats lvl 100 maby...


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Platina said:
sush lies no pally can be oneshotted by anything cept for a Gm thats lvl 100 maby...
unless the paladin is level 5 :(


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
he plays overpowered wizard now with the potential to cast a 1s spell and hit for 1.5k dmg +

nerf that instead!



FH is my second home
Dec 28, 2003
Vodkafairy said:
he plays overpowered wizard now with the potential to cast a 1s spell and hit for 1.5k dmg +

nerf that instead!


Nerf Vodkafairy for being too helpful, i mean look at that sig ffs :d


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 5, 2005
Hmm more WLbashing, is silly when dumb people die fast to a wl but forget to realise that after that 1 kill the wl is mostly buggered :p Also cry nerf at the caster who nukes slower, softer and uses more mana than nearly every other caster that is often played :eek:

Nice picture gamah xD


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 6, 2005
after that 1 kill ?

sry but a well equipped WL will be able do 10-15 UI casts (using power charges) in addition to his chambers in one fight ... thats hardy just one kill
Its true, he might not be able to keep up nuking for a long time but in every non FG situation a warlock is devestating and easily able to solo trios or even more ...

The reason u don't see that happening all the time is coz of the vast uberness of the class few good players enjoy the easymode and even fewer ppl are using a full toa equip, simply because its not necessary for them

Hell I went out unbuffed not wearing armor with a friends WL and still managed to kill everyone that dared to attack me solo


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 5, 2005
You can use all chambers and a full bar of mana just trying to a blow a DI3 so and even well equipped you will only get so many UI casts with 3 chamber spec and also waiting two mins for js/tarts and raging power :p to do 15 will take 3 bars of power or so unless lucky with arcane siphon. Being a 'good' player or not isn't to do with how many arti's he gets so :eek: Though a merc with IP will kill the wl even if he could UI forever, or a high rr moccing sorc, a pet class or stun class if the wl's purge is down, most classes have atleast one way to have 50/50 chance against a wl :eek: which is tippled because most enemies (mainly albs) drag DI bots with them :p


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 6, 2005
part of beeing a good player is beeing able to build a good template suited for ones playstyle
even a merc with 3 ips won't suvive a well equipped warlock who got at least some clue about his class and doesn't hold back his abilities

high rr moccing sorc will just be fucked by an UI nearsight, a pet class will die before the pet even reaches the warlock wls tend to get purge3 very soon so ur other examples are nothing but ridiculous, we can talk about as many "if" situations u want but thats pure bullshit, what if his purge is down but he has a stunshield ? what if he resists, what if he sees u at the same time and chambers u to hell the same time ur stun goes out ? what if u nearsight him on 2400 range and he runs out of range

You can get him down if ur really lucky and he makes the mistake of opening a weak spot but unless he does that ur dead no matter how you look at it

@ DI
Ur free to drag a DI bot with u as well, its not an argument that counts into class balance ... Apart from that, beeing a good player also means having that much of a brain to kill a DI bot first instead of wasting all ur little chambers into a 3000hp buffer,
UI/range nearsight caster, gank DI bot, gank caster, 2x RPs for 1 seconds of extra thinking

The difference between a mediocre player and a good player is one step of thinking ahead. Assuming ur opponent will just watch you kill him makes you a mediocre player at best.


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 18, 2005
The difference between a mediocre player and a good player is one step of thinking ahead. Assuming ur opponent will just watch you kill him makes you a mediocre player at best.

Correct-last time I looked both a Merc and Paladin have access to AOM(avoidance of magic) and empty mind-it really is funny the amount of high rr players i nuke that i dont see a minus attached to the nuke.

AOM3/EM2 costs 25 points-hardly breaks the bank for 30% resists does it?

the Pala could also get VR2/3.

high rr moccing sorc will just be fucked by an UI nearsight? Sorcs cant buy purge? and a WL cant be nearsighted/slammed/stunned?

a pet class will die before the pet even reaches the warlock-maybe maybe not-depends on if the healer in group is a bot or not-sorc pets still attack noneless even if the sorc is dead-templar pet double hits for 1500 damage against capped mellee-pd5 would reduce this to 1100-not to metion a) you could just get a nuking pet-cabalist pet is cc immune(caba rr5 ability)-caba can just run while his ml9 cc immune pet does the work.

Ur free to drag a DI bot with u as well, its not an argument that counts into class balance -get a clue-that would require 3 accounts Shamen doesnt get DI.

A WL can easily be beaten using the right tools/tactics-active healers rather than DI bots would be a great start(heretic rr5 ra anyone?)-suggest you learn them.


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 18, 2005
Also played a rr6 cabalist chanter eldritch(all retired).

Currently -playing warlock/bainshee/heretic(classic)-i chose all the cata classes to try something different.

just so your information is complete...(eod)-or you could acutally try to answer the points? I have played WL and against WL...


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 5, 2005
Celestino said:
.... a pet class will die before the pet even reaches the warlock wls ....... we can talk about as many "if" situations u want but thats pure bullshit......

Near all pet class people in rvr now have jugger or ml9, so to be honest that is not an 'if' situation, everyone of them just ml9's/juggers it and pegs it to the nearest tower -_- Manisch loves that tatic I find :p

And merc/wl isn't wl-one-sided, you try being a wl when a merc jumps you with charge and kills you in a couple of hits >_< and don't say 'if' because that happens always.

It doesn't matter much anyways the whine or the counter-whine.

Notice not many mid groups will let a WL in, if so insanely overpowered they'd be loved by groups you'd think :x


Part of the furniture
Dec 23, 2003
Zegas said:
Near all pet class people in rvr now have jugger or ml9, so to be honest that is not an 'if' situation, everyone of them just ml9's/juggers it and pegs it to the nearest tower -_- Manisch loves that tatic I find :p

And merc/wl isn't wl-one-sided, you try being a wl when a merc jumps you with charge and kills you in a couple of hits >_< and don't say 'if' because that happens always.

It doesn't matter much anyways the whine or the counter-whine.

Notice not many mid groups will let a WL in, if so insanely overpowered they'd be loved by groups you'd think :x

Maybe because ml9 on pet and legging it towards a warlock is the only thing you can do? XD
You cant moc and hope you'll survive the barricade of damage that will follow the second you break the wl mezz. :p

And no, there arent many warlocks in guildgroups that doesnt change the fact that the warlock class is THE most retarded class that has ever been created in this game.

Classic scenario vs a warlock, mezz him, if you're unlucky he purges, throws away his first chambed for xxx damage and the followup uninterruptable spell, 2 seconds later, next chamber and voila dead sorc and an easy 1k rp's.
Rince, repeat vs any other target. :)

And if you die vs a merc in a couple of hits try using your insta lifetaps/uninterruptable lifetaps or whatever or maybe even go get a decent template which we all know a warlock doesnt even need to kill most things. XD


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
only very very stupid people play warlocks for a challenge, they have to be gifted stupid to think they are not OP, bordering on plankton to be unable to win every 1v1.


Part of the furniture
Dec 30, 2003
Wow, Ckiller has a new pet peeve, what's it going to be next after first baseline stun (harped on about for ages) and now Warlocks. Something original this time, please?
Kriv0 said:
And there is another thing.... Baseline stunn FFS! It has been said a billion times and will be said a billion more. It's fekking OP!!! If I see a hib caster I'm doomed with or without resists
Ever heard of Purge? :rolleyes:


Fledgling Freddie
May 30, 2005
By the time the nerf comes id says most warlocks will be rr11 anyhow. so gl:p


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 24, 2003
the usual WL whine , interesting things is eld sorcerer bainshee mincer dont get nerfed while WL's do , if you argue WL is OP youd have to go crusade for nerf to others also:)


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 3, 2004
Alme said:
uve met some incredible gimped warlocks if they only hit u for 300 unless u have resistbuffs.

im a paladin.. 26% base matter resist + 15% from chants = 41%. (also i use empty mind1, so the outcome should be around 50% total)


Part of the furniture
Dec 23, 2003
Righthandof said:
im a paladin.. 26% base matter resist + 15% from chants = 41%. (also i use empty mind1, so the outcome should be around 50% total)

41% Matter resist keke

My firb bm on avalon, capped matter in template and yellow matter resist buff. :)

Tafaya Anathas

Fledgling Freddie
Dec 24, 2003
Please just accept the facts, not WLs are overpowered, we are all gimps and not know how to play our class.


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 21, 2004
Some errors here
WL nearsight is 1500 range not 2400 =]

Purge after you get stunned by the hib caster?
Ok you are getting nuked for 500-800 dmg at 1.5 speed and you are interupted. you need to quickcast which we all know is slow cast. you can moc but you will only manage to tap purge moc and die to be quite honest. or have a LOT of hitpoints on your caster :D

I have a screen from lancelot where shalok a high rr lock hits me for 1008 dmg with lifetap on capped resists. Dunno how he did it and might of been pre nerf ;)


Part of the furniture
Dec 23, 2003
Chimaira said:
Some errors here
WL nearsight is 1500 range not 2400 =]

locks have a spell to increase their range tho? :x


Oct 26, 2004
dub said:
the usual WL whine , interesting things is eld sorcerer bainshee mincer dont get nerfed while WL's do , if you argue WL is OP youd have to go crusade for nerf to others also:)

The thing is that u face certaing death if you see a WL (or the guy playing him sux). That's what annoy the shit out of me. No matter what resists you have, u gonna die in less then 2 seconds.

On some level I agree that WL have their spell to balance them from others (insta and uninteruptale vs CC). But they overdid and gave them WAY too much dmg.

Gosh, I really really hate WL.


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 18, 2004
this class was always gonna annoy the hell out of the community, and yes it was always going to be rolled by peeps that generally struggle on the other classes that require more investment to get the return.

the thing that they need to change about WL is insta damage. Because basically no one wants to attack a class that you cant stop from insta hitting you for an insane amount...

mind u if they nerf them so much that the insta damage dont matter because they generally end up biting dust then thats fine with me...


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 4, 2004
aru, play ur rm again and ditch the lock !!!

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