This WL shit has got to end :(


Can't get enough of FH
Jun 18, 2004
Gamah said:


hahhahahahah !!

You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to Gamah again.


omg that was teh funneh.

AND OMG CUDDLE GOT BANNED >.< and Pip got out of jail ? :/ wtf ?!


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 5, 2005
MaCaBr3 said:
But they overdid and gave them WAY too much dmg. QUOTE]

A mentalism specced ment will bloody outdamage a wl over little time :p

Well maybe not mentalism specced ment, but just about anything else would.

My rm at 48 when dark spec did more damage in 1 dd than my wl would in 1 dd + lifetap when hex spec.

Prior to the upcoming nerfs i've been playing about with Curse specs, with the current 50 curse spec I can out dmg most things now, though I have to cast *everything* with a 4 sec cast time ¬_¬ with no lifetaps or dot or pbaoe or spreadheal or nearsight so :eek: hardly worth it.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 22, 2004
Righthandof said:
im a paladin.. 26% base matter resist + 15% from chants = 41%. (also i use empty mind1, so the outcome should be around 50% total)

yes and every1 is a paladin so they got acces to those resist chants.


Part of the furniture
Dec 23, 2003
Zegas said:
My rm at 48 when dark spec did more damage in 1 dd than my wl would in 1 dd + lifetap when hex spec.

You do realise you dont have to use lvl 1 spells? :(


Part of the furniture
Dec 23, 2003
Zegas said:
You do realise you don't have to post without thinking? :(

This coming from the person trying to tell people that you do more damage on your level 48 runemaster than you do on your level 50 warlock with a lifetap and followup spell? XD
Please, try again. And judging from your previous posts... REALLY try again xDDD

The warlock is getting nerfed again and again and for a damn good reason. For all i care they could nerf the class to oblivion so all the 'fotm i cant compete with any other class' morons would piss off. :)


It's my birthday today!
Jan 25, 2004
Alme said:
bolting mobs != nuking ppl in rvr

R U SURE?? I thought mob was like real people and such. Tbh I rolled Cabby cause they can focuspull and wtfpwn many yellows at once. Can I pwn many yellow players at once with that aswell??


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 5, 2005
Well a 48 rm nuke mobs for 650 ish, 3 chamber wl for 200 ish dd and 350ish lt :<

Reason they nerf them is because the amount the morons whine :p mythic are scared people will leave if they don't and so loose custom.

T'is the democracy thing, being right is nothing, it's about who shouts louder :p


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 6, 2005
well and how do you think is this mentalism specced ment going to survive that long ?

You simply don't get it do you ? We all know that warlocks lose over time, we were that far before the first nerf, WL is burst damage and thats the fucking problem we all have with this class. A runemaster doing a 219 cold nuke might come up for more damage depening on the stats of the attacker and defender but a runemaster won't be doing 3 dds in the first second and won't be doing 3 extra in the next...

You don't see warlocks in grps coz they are not as reliable as other casters, but we see warlocks camping bridges or going out in smaller grps coz thats where they are unbeatable, where their burst damage is most effective and where there is virtually no way of defeating them

On top of this they have a ridiculously long list of spells, manabased moc and banelord

If you can't see that all this is too much then ur really playing with ur eyes closed... Mythics way of "fixing" warlocks reducing the after 1-shot efficiency sucks, so much is granted, but the class demands nerfing and i prefer to have it nerfed into oblivion then left alone


Part of the furniture
Dec 23, 2003
Zegas said:
Well a 48 rm nuke mobs for 650 ish, 3 chamber wl for 200 ish dd and 350ish lt :<

Reason they nerf them is because the amount the morons whine :p mythic are scared people will leave if they don't and so loose custom.

T'is the democracy thing, being right is nothing, it's about who shouts louder :p

....................... some ............ and a little more ...........................

And the only reason they are nerfing the warlock according to you is cause of people whining?

You dont find ANYTHING overpowered with a class that can kill ANY caster he comes up vs in 2 seconds and most other classes with insta and uninterruptable spells? :X
If you seriously dont believe that the warlock class is overpowered and in need of a nerf im not even gonna waste my time with you.
If you'd be on the recieving end of a warlock you'd be screaming nerf just as much as anyone else. ^^

Can repost the screenshot for you again btw.
41% Matter resist
Thats a warlock nuking my blademaster with 41% matter resist and 2500 hp down in a few seconds. :)
Oh and was rvring around a bit yesterday and met a warlock camping a bridge, sent my level 50 templar pet on him in ml9 and he instanuked it down hitting it for 1054 damage on first hit. :)


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 5, 2005
I don't disagree with our frontloading Celestino, but I feel if they nerf the only thing wl's can do they should compensate by making wl's more viable as a normal caster, maybe reduce curse dd's to 2 seconds and leave bolts on 4 seconds, not to mention the curse line is lacking, hardly get any spells in that. Hex has alot but with the UI nerf hex will be pretty crap :eek:


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 5, 2005
Septina said:
....................... some ............ and a little more ...........................

And the only reason they are nerfing the warlock according to you is cause of people whining?

You dont find ANYTHING overpowered with a class that can kill ANY caster he comes up vs in 2 seconds and most other classes with insta and uninterruptable spells? :X
If you seriously dont believe that the warlock class is overpowered and in need of a nerf im not even gonna waste my time with you.
If you'd be on the recieving end of a warlock you'd be screaming nerf just as much as anyone else. ^^

Can repost the screenshot for you again btw.
41% Matter resist
Thats a warlock nuking my blademaster with 41% matter resist and 2500 hp down in a few seconds. :)
Oh and was rvring around a bit yesterday and met a warlock camping a bridge, sent my level 50 templar pet on him in ml9 and he instanuked it down hitting if for 1054 damage on first hit. :)

As I have said loads, some things need nerfing but if they are to do it, other area's need improvement and bainshee's kill casters in 2 secs flat also :p they two shot me plenty, though not interuptable they cast fast enough to die before you can /face.

I remember in some other thread you said something along the lines of that you can never kill wl's but then that same night I saw you kill quite a few, me included o_O

Also playing on camlann I have to face a fair amount of warlocks, so I know how it is to fight against them.

Edit: The picture doesn't work for me by the way.


Part of the furniture
Dec 23, 2003
Zegas said:
As I have said loads, some things need nerfing but if they are to do it, other area's need improvement and bainshee's kill casters in 2 secs flat also :p they two shot me plenty, though not interuptable they cast fast enough to die before you can /face.

I remember in some other thread you said something along the lines of that you can never kill wl's but then that same night I saw you kill quite a few, me included o_O

Also playing on camlann I have to face a fair amount of warlocks, so I know how it is to fight against them.

Edit: The picture doesn't work for me by the way.

Thats the biggest pile of crap ever :p
Havent played my sorc actively in rvr for months now except the last 2 days and i've been in a group of 3 people each time.

I've not killed a single warlock 1 vs 1 and frankly i dont even try.
First fight i ever had with a warlock was a rr2 warlock, i mezzed him, sent pet, s/c debuff and started nuking. The very same second i broke his mezz i got hit in the face with an insta spell and a second later i was eating grass.
So these days i dont even bother. :)
Moc wont even save you cause you eat 600+ dmg from insta 300 - 400 more from uninteruptable cast and 2 seconds later 600+ dmg more.

1 vs 1 theres not many classes that can take down a warlock.
You could ml9 your pet and send it but the warlock would just uninter pbae it for 1000+ damage. :)

Anyone with a stun has a chance to kill a warlock except if the warlock has purge up. :x

Edit: Picture works, just not in your quote since i realised i put wrong address and edited it.


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 5, 2005
The post I was talking about from you was quite some time ago, months atleast since was when i used to rvr before. And have trouble pbaoe'ing ml9'd pets since they kill me in couple of hits. Manisch has sent a ml9 pet at me many a time and i've been squished in 2-3 hits. I agree WL can kill most things 1v1 but thats mostly all they can do. I've said many times before I wouldn't argue if they nerfed that but only if they let us be better at larger scale rvr.

If we can't 1v1 and any other caster is better in group-scale fights then there isn't going to be a place for wl's, killing off a class isn't a very good idea really :eek:

Also WL's have the same problem you face with moc, if we UI on a light tank or if caster is free to hit us we die also, need 30 witchcraft to get off decent amount of UI's then you do only 300~ lifetap dmg so you can't keep yourself alive.


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 6, 2005
This is so boring, its the same shit over and over again...

How many UIs on a lightank who already ate 2 chambers and 1 powerless while he was on the way to you do u think u need ?

Your coming up with more and more weak arguments, downscaled numbers and whine about stuff like summoning mastery as if that'd justify a warlock

Face it, u see a warlock in a non fg grp situation ur dead most of the time, not because ur a bad player, not because ur equip sucks simply because the other CLASS has an reliable i win button that can't be countered...

And now matter how much you understate it this happens every single day coz of mythics poor class design and jerks like you playing such classes and even defending them.

As i said, granted, mythic should redesign the class but no matter what they do, nerfing this class is necessary even if the end result is unplayable
That might not appeal to you coz ur playing one, but there are certainly more non warlock players than there are warlock players...


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 5, 2005
Celestino said:
As i said, granted, mythic should redesign the class but no matter what they do, nerfing this class is necessary even if the end result is unplayable
That might not appeal to you coz ur playing one, but there are certainly more non warlock players than there are warlock players...

Nerfing until it unplayable is just silly though. I'm all for this nerf aslong as they make it so we are still playable with other specs and such.

Also though I do play one, I am not biased because of the fact the uncoming nerf will hardly effect me, I got bored of hex spec and being easy so I am curse spec. I don't have lifetaps/dots/nearsight/snare/pbaoe/spread so no need to UI hardly so makes warlock alot harder to play and so more fun. Though it's a shame that alot of people will not play warlocks anymore because of this nerf without improvements to other areas.


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 21, 2004
I wont take my WL to 50 at all :p
Im so happy im lazy cause 2 friends just toaed up and got rr5 on their locks and now they are supposed to be unplayable solo and only work as util caster in a fg.

ima try a sb!11


Fledgling Freddie
May 27, 2004
Interresting ?

Celestino said:
Hell I went out unbuffed not wearing armor with a friends WL and still managed to kill everyone that dared to attack me solo


Care to explain how you killed either of these examples ?

Firewiz rr 6+ that hits you with 3 bolts för 2000+ damage (the first instakilling you with 1500 hit ?)

Hib caster baselinestunning you from behind and nuke for 600 + per nuke ?

Infil/ns PA:ing you for 1100+ damage then hitting you for 600 before the grafics engine work out face after runthrough ?

etc etc etc

Now these damages are based on a equipped char with maxed out add a couple of hundred damage for your the hell did you survive that with only about 900 hitpoints which is what you get without hpcap/+hp from your equipments and buffs?


ps. You will take out most enemies as warlock when you get to hide inside a serg or run up to fights already in progress, where they wount pick you as a target. That goes for basically all casters in the game (except for banshees ofc that will do the exact same only it will do it to a serg off 100+). But its the same with firewizzes instakilling 20-30 people in siege fights with 1500+ bolts, baselinestunners, Stealth PA:ers, Lifedrain casters with high WP, MoM (nuking for 600-850 per 0.8 seconds). I do agree that if warlocks instakill they should be nerfed...but so should all other instakill classes especially those that instakill with 1 button pressed, like PA or firewizz. I dont care that there are many variables that it depends on weather they get that instakill. When it goes up to instakilling (killing with max 2 button pressing or the enemy never getting to move after first button press before its dead (and no purge isnt the answere...its a freaking RA that can be used once every year and so is worth absolutly nothing in those instances) every 3-4:th victim, you know your char should be nerfed, no questions asked. ds


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
I exited Beno some days ago, and I saw a warlock standing at the bridge.

I went a bit closer and fired off tripple bolts, and guess what?

He died xD sweet rps ^^


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 21, 2005
Platina said:
sush lies no pally can be oneshotted by anything cept for a Gm thats lvl 100 maby...

I was on my paladin and I have 25% matter resist, was before first nerf of warlocks when chambers was bugged still so they could release all at the same time, this patch never hit EU tho so I dubt it ever happend on EU server :) think he was lucky criting on all spells aswell tho, but I just went BOOM and QQ'd


Part of the furniture
Dec 30, 2003
One-shot means you get killed in one single nuke, though.


One of Freddy's beloved
Feb 11, 2004
Righthandof said:
and "if u had abit of brain ud understand" that ive written that theres no way they can instakill you(even with 3-4 buttons, dunno how much they use).. their spell hits approximately 300.. im always able to get to them, and if i can stun and their purge is down, theyre doomed.. unless a healer comes and stuns me of coz ><
Pfft get a clue :eek:

300 dmg på arse. i got 15% matter and they sometimes hit me for 700dmg on instas. No way that can get to 300.


Fledgling Freddie
May 23, 2005
Righthandof said:
get matter resists ?

no way a warlock can oneshot anyone with capped resists.. at least it never happened to me .. sure, uninterruptible lifedrain is op, but thats far from oneshot..
not true,i proofed myself:(


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
Belomar said:
One-shot means you get killed in one single nuke, though.

To be honest, I don't see a difference from dying to one nuke, or to die from 3 nukes coming at the exact same time :p


Loyal Freddie
Jan 7, 2004
Vodkafairy said:
he plays overpowered wizard now with the potential to cast a 1s spell and hit for 1.5k dmg +

nerf that instead!

Im playin theurg tbh... no more wizz class needs help

Oh and belomar once u were a ok person where did that person go


Part of the furniture
Jan 23, 2004
charmangle said:
Infil/ns PA:ing you for 1100+ damage then hitting you for 600 before the grafics engine work out face after runthrough ?

Yes and PA is an anytime style that infs/Ns's/SB's can chain.....

Dont even bring Assasin PA DMG into this discussion, your comparing something that in the laggy environments requires an imence(sp) amount of practice and timing to get right and comparing it so something that requires /face 1+2 3+4 5+6.

And tbh its not just PA dmg, its the PA + CD combo thats the killer. Which is ofc by design and one of the reasons those classes are called ASSASINS. If it was only PA and not the Stun then the wl's would be pretty much untouchable, i know that now every class has access to speed (My little pony) my use of snare poisen will have to increase to conteract the "not in range" bollocks.

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