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Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
You are right. When I lived in Denmark the cycle lanes were populated by people generally going at a leisurely pace because cycling is used as a mode of transport not as an excuse to dress up in lycra like a gimp and get in everyone's way.

Meh, I just want to get where I am going. After 15 years of a 5-minute commute, 15m somehow ruins my day.


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
Just to be clear @Tom - all I've said is that that e-van should be on the road, not next to johnny in his segregated cycle lane.


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
You are right. When I lived in Denmark the cycle lanes were populated by people generally going at a leisurely pace because cycling is used as a mode of transport not as an excuse to dress up in lycra like a gimp and get in everyone's way.
I think you'll find that in Denmark, they use it both as a mode of transport and as aforementioned gimp-fun.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 22, 2003
Cycles don't exist. Cycle is a verb - the repetitive motion of cycling. But "cycles" don't exist - they're not a thing. Bicycles are*.

*(the recumbent / disabled argument is made below (for the second time))

Cycles do exist Scouse. We don't use the word bicycle in active travel, we say "cycle" because bicycle is discriminatory language.

This argument again. We've all ridden ebikes - you move the pedals with the lightest of touches and the motor mechanically propels you.

There ain't no way that four-wheeled motorised vehicle, carrying half a tonne of amazon products, is getting propelled by human power. That is a flat-out lie.

Mate you're talking bollocks. You literally don't know what you're on about. You don't even know the payload capacity of these vehicles. Hint - it's orders of magnitude less than half a tonne.

No I'm not and you're ignoring my very clear points to make your argument:

Personal transportation. Not corporate transporation of heavy loads in commuter lanes.

That four wheeled motorised vehicle carrying heavy loads can get where it fucking needs to be - on the road, and away from cyclists (disabled or not).

Better that, than forcing real cyclists off their traffic-segregated cycle lanes to avoid amazon delivery drivers.

That's your opinion. Thankfully it isn't shared by people in active travel. By the way, the lanes on Trafford Road (where this is filmed) aren't wide enough to allow for overtaking, and the junctions aren't designed for high speeds.

You might wonder how I know all this. It's because I live not far from this, have been aware of the plans for a few years, have been actively campaigning for this kind of thing for a few years more. And I'm not going to waste my time arguing with you about a subject you clearly don't understand.


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
Cycles do exist Scouse. We don't use the word bicycle in active travel, we say "cycle" because bicycle is discriminatory language.
Sorry to go all @Bodhi on you - but do you want a side of beard with your vegan faux-quinoa?

Calling that discriminatory is cotton-wool asshattery of the first order IMO. Borne in council-funded thinktanks - we all know about recumbents and disabled cycles and of course they're bloody included and I'd like to see a disabled cyclist who's really fucked off/upset by the word "bicycle" - just so we could euthanise the fucker.

(Please @Tom, because it's you, the above is tongue in cheek).

You don't even know the payload capacity of these vehicles. Hint - it's orders of magnitude less than half a tonne.
You know what - I did the work - I can't find the payload. I've been looking for the carrying specs and capacity for these amazon trucks - and I can't find them anywhere.

But I'm glad you've got them. - can you provide a link? Because this is the really important part of the argument (if we ignore the fact that sharing space with those is definitely going to be intimidating to a lot of real cyclists)

BTW - the amazon van "riders" aren't disabled and have a cage around them - so why shouldn't they be on the road? - the amazon site shows them on the road around london - and cycle-lane space is really at a premium. This isn't "active travel" - that's for people - to me this is a "slightly greener corporate delivery mechanism" that could still use the roads.

I'm not going to waste my time arguing with you about a subject you clearly don't understand.
Educate me? I'm absolutely 100% behind active travel - but you can't just say "I can't be arsed" and "you don't understand" the minute one of your natural allies turns around and goes "hang on, I think you've made a fundamental error here".

First by telling me how light those things are - prove they're not more dangerous than bikes. Second - by telling how they're not actually intimidating - which is the thing cycle lanes are designed to do, right? Make the choice really easy for scared people: Grab your bike and use bike lanes as you don't have to share space with scary and dangerous motorized vehicles.


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
They will mostly be carrying boxes of air and Chinese tat, not fridges and the like. You could probably pick up their entire payload with one arm.


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
They will mostly be carrying boxes of air and Chinese tat, not fridges and the like. You could probably pick up their entire payload with one arm.
It's not deliveroo. And if you get piled into by a kid on a bike with a padded box full of chinese takeaway it's going to hurt.

This is a step up. Tom says he knows the details - so lets see what the carrying capacity is.

Fragile old ladies, kids, scared mums. (And me - you won't catch me around manchester on a bike and I'm happy to do the megavalanche). That's the point of "active travel", no?

Most of the time it may well be air, but a some of the time it may well not be. I'd like to know what sort of weights we're talking about that we now have to share space with (when there's perfectly good road-space for cargo-carriers with roll-cages and wing-mirrors).


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003

I studied these as part of my degree. Good move.

*although it could be argued that they weren't stolen, not in simple terms. They would either be smelted or 6 foot deep and resigned to history if they weren't "looted"

The people that made them had binned all that, in favour of slaving.


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
Despite the good intentions, they're not the fucking brightest are they? lol
It's a misrepresentation of the actual story tbh. It was a short disruption, they got their message across, then the thing was un-screwed from the podium.

The photo is undoubtedly funny tho.



Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
They did it at VW or something, so they turned the lights off and went home.


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
Looks like shes singing lol
I understand she told the attendees of the concert that the auditorium was at risk from risong sea levels.

If she did this through song then all power to her.


Once agreed with Scouse and a LibDem at same time
Dec 22, 2003
I understand she told the attendees of the concert that the auditorium was at risk from risong sea levels.

If she did this through song then all power to her.

Yes, all power to people who can interrupt events and be catasrophically wrong.


Once agreed with Scouse and a LibDem at same time
Dec 22, 2003

So we got what is allegedly a new cat. I say allegedly as it seems to be mostly a Void with Eyes. Official name is Lulu, however I'm calling her Darkness (My Old Friend).

Seems to be settling in ok until the other cat turns up. Then two lovely affectionate cats get a bit hissy and there is tail puffing.


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
Dear BBC

A lot of your would-be viewers are thick as fuck - so you have to dumb your content down to justify charging them a licence fee.

They don't like really clever content. Like Doctor Who. It goes way over their tiny little minds.

Yours sincerely

The Regulator


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
Dr Who is inane bullshit tho.

Actually, pretty much any BBC output is the same, celebrity dancing, celebrity cooking, pick the next celebrity and shit. Careful comedy. The BBC lost it's way decades ago.

Enforced subscription (£15 or whatever a month) for utter drivel. Just get rid.

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