You know when a mate has basically taken up residence at your house when you open the fridge and find it's full of his beers.
Boat Race protester Trenton Oldfield must leave UK
Oh sure, we can throw THIS guy out. Someone should've told him to get some hate-speech going and he could probably have stayed.
Actually we throw people out all the time; what usually stops it happening isn't what they've done here, its what could happen to them when they go back to their original country, which given this guy is Australian, will probably be a couple of tinnies and a slap on the back for annoying the Poms, although on the other hand, he interfered with sport, which may mean a firing squad. I'd go with that in his appeal if I was him.
He expressed his british right to protest, and he gets thrown out?
Boat Race protester Trenton Oldfield must leave UK
Oh sure, we can throw THIS guy out. Someone should've told him to get some hate-speech going and he could probably have stayed.
That blind person won The Voice. Everyone went "Really..?" after it was announced. I don't think I know anyone who wanted her to win.
Bit strange!
I would put it down to some sort of vibration but none of the others move.
Bit strange!
I would put it down to some sort of vibration but none of the others move.
As opposed to a regular bike accident, then.
In all fairness a normal bike accident wont cause the bike to cut you in halfif the bars infront of him and behind him compacted he would not survive.
meanwhile, in Iceland...