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The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
Guess that puts paid to stuart little 3, you heartless bastard.


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003


Has a sexy sister. I am also a Bodhi wannabee.
Dec 22, 2003
Sad isn't it, I tried the same shit 2-3 weeks ago and ended up feeling wretched for 3 days. :D

Aye, I have a "you're 32 now...." game plan which involves me drinking like an 18 year old until about 11:30pm (when I usually arrive at a club) and then tactical pints of water (which I sneakily do behind everyone's back...) thrown in with maybe one can of lager. This gives me from about 12am until 3am when the club shuts to sober up a bit before I eat chicken pakora on the way home. Those extra hours of recovery are important; stops me wasting a day on the weekend.


I am a FH squatter
Jan 7, 2004
Aye, I have a "you're 32 now...." game plan which involves me drinking like an 18 year old until about 11:30pm (when I usually arrive at a club) and then tactical pints of water (which I sneakily do behind everyone's back...) thrown in with maybe one can of lager. This gives me from about 12am until 3am when the club shuts to sober up a bit before I eat chicken pakora on the way home. Those extra hours of recovery are important; stops me wasting a day on the weekend.

Much the same as myself, 37 now though and just met an amazing lass so I might have to calm down soon anyway which will be no bad thing. :)


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
Party Center, Superior Person, Dear Leader, Respected Leader, Wise Leader, Brilliant Leader, Unique Leader, Dear Leader, who is a perfect incarnation of the appearance that a leader should have, Commander-in-Chief, Great Leader, Father of the People, Sun of the Communist Future, Shining Star of Paektu Mountain, Guiding Sun Ray, Leader of the Revolutionary Armed Forces, Guarantee of the Fatherland's Unification, Symbol of the Fatherland's Unification, Fate of the Nation, Beloved Father, Leader of the Party, the country, and the Army, Leader, General, Great Leader of our Party and of our Nation, Great General, Beloved and Respected General, Great Leader, Beloved and Respected Leader, Ever-Victorious, Iron-Willed Commander, Sun of Socialism, Sun of the Nation, The Great Sun of Life, Great Sun of The Nation, Father of the Nation, World Leader of The 21st Century, Peerless Leader, Bright Sun of the 21st Century, Great Sun of the 21st Century, Leader of the 21st Century, Amazing politician, Great Man, Who Descended From Heaven, Glorious General, Who Descended From Heaven, Supreme Leader of the Nation, Bright Sun of Juche, Leader of the Party and the People, Great Marshal, Invincible and Ever-triumphant General, Beloved and Respected Father, Guiding Star of the 21st Century, Great Man, Who Is a Man of Deeds, Great Defender, Savior, Mastermind of the Revolution, Highest Incarnation of the Revolutionary Comradely Love, His Excellency, Eternal General Secretary of the Party!

10 points to who can name the person.


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
It's scary how loved Valve is as the monopoly giant of PC distribution, being that if they hiked their prices up 50% and told us we need an always on DRM to eat peanuts off their testies, we'd probably be f*cked.

Though they do throw a wrench in the whole "absolute power corrupts absolutely" theory.


Down With That Sorta Thing
Dec 22, 2003
Possibly the worst thing I have had to do just happened.

Cat brought in a mouse, half chewed but still alive so I had to off it. Used one of my camping knives to cut it's head off, was the quickest and pain free ways I could think of.

Surprisingly fucking messed up over it. A fucking mouse of all things.

I think stomping on it would have been faster.


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
People who get upset over small fuzzy dead animals might want to reconsider the whole "pet that was bred to kill small fuzzy animals" ;)


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
I am not upset by the fact that my cat caught something, I was upset by the fact that there was nothing I could do for the animal which was clearly suffering so had to kill it myself. Usually he kills stuff straight away - I have never seen him "play" with something he has caught, mice, pigeons, rabbits and even a magpie or two. My other cat catches loads too but totally unharmed, he just drops them off in the living room or back garden to the point that I have a rabbit box in the shed so I can release them where he got them from.

No cat loses its hunting instincts and no cat is ever fully domesticated, even those daft looking show cats will hunt if they have to and in a short time will learn to hunt effectively. They weren't bred to kill, they already did that perfectly effectively on their own. Humans tolerated them for there effective pest control, they could do quite happily without humans, in the wild they survive just fine. Which is part of the reason I have them and not dogs, they aren't needy and I can just let them get on with it, I don't have to be around all the time to look after them and they don't need constant attention.


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
Yeah, but humans feed the cats. That's why you get half-alive animals 'cause they don't eat them so they play with them to keep their tigerpaws trained.

Cats in the wild hunt to eat, but humans "bred" cats along the way as most of the cats today are from those domesticated cats. In the domesticated cat evolution, hunting for noms is a secondary trait as they get fed anyway. Humans have made cats into hunts for fun animals. Basically, modern humans :p

This is probably just the first time your cat has brought one home half-alive, while there are numerous wee little fuzzyeyes out there trying to limp home to their fuzzyeyed families.


Down With That Sorta Thing
Dec 22, 2003
I love cats, but there's no denying there are too many of them and they're decimating wildlife because of that.


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
Yeah, but humans feed the cats. That's why you get half-alive animals 'cause they don't eat them so they play with them to keep their tigerpaws trained.
No, they do it because of basic instinct, the same way they have a routine when playing with a toy. They don't need to sneak up on a toy but they do. Cat's don't generally play with prey because a. It's pointless and b. they risk injury

Cats in the wild hunt to eat, but humans "bred" cats along the way as most of the cats today are from those domesticated cats. In the domesticated cat evolution, hunting for noms is a secondary trait as they get fed anyway. Humans have made cats into hunts for fun animals. Basically, modern humans :p
Wrong again. Domestic cat's are very closely related to the African wild cat they weren't bred to hunt, they just did. They were tolerated because they were good at it. They haven't been pets for very long at all, a few hundred years tops, not counting the Egyptians, but even their cat's weren't pets. The only real breeding is the show cats and that is for how they look, they still don't lose their hunting instincts though.

This is probably just the first time your cat has brought one home half-alive, while there are numerous wee little fuzzyeyes out there trying to limp home to their fuzzyeyed families.
I have no idea but the times I have seen him catch something he always kills it swiftly.


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
I love cats, but there's no denying there are too many of them and they're decimating wildlife because of that.

Modern human life is decimating wildlife. Loss of habitat, pesticides to kill the insects that the birds eat. A cat catching a couple of birds a week will make no difference, if anything it is countering the fact that we broke the natural food chain by killing off the predictors. As for rabbits (strictly speaking a non-native animal) have you seen how fast those fuckers breed? I don't think the rabbit population has anything to worry about, except grotty housing estates and over excited farmers.


Down With That Sorta Thing
Dec 22, 2003
Modern human life is decimating wildlife. Loss of habitat, pesticides to kill the insects that the birds eat. A cat catching a couple of birds a week will make no difference, if anything it is countering the fact that we broke the natural food chain by killing off the predictors. As for rabbits (strictly speaking a non-native animal) have you seen how fast those fuckers breed? I don't think the rabbit population has anything to worry about, except grotty housing estates and over excited farmers.

Except, it is making a difference. The domestic cat is now the single largest predator in North America and Europe. Yes, human activity and loss of habit are undoubtedly the largest cause of wildlife decline, but cats (which are also "our fault") do a pretty good job. "Decimate" is almost exactly right as it turns out; cats seem to be responsible for 8-10% of rodent and bird deaths.


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
Every animal species needs a predator and 8-10% isn't a massive amount really and is actually pretty small when you consider how many deer we cull each year to keep the species healthy. Obviously cats do not single out the diseased or the old but still.

I am not arguing that they do or don't have an effect, but that their effect isn't as damaging as is sometimes made out, not when considering all the other causes of their decline.


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
No, they do it because of basic instinct, the same way they have a routine when playing with a toy. They don't need to sneak up on a toy but they do. Cat's don't generally play with prey because a. It's pointless and b. they risk injury

Wrong again. Domestic cat's are very closely related to the African wild cat they weren't bred to hunt, they just did. They were tolerated because they were good at it. They haven't been pets for very long at all, a few hundred years tops, not counting the Egyptians, but even their cat's weren't pets. The only real breeding is the show cats and that is for how they look, they still don't lose their hunting instincts though.

That wasn't the point though. Cats hunt because it's in their nature to hunt(ofcourse). That nature is to feed(derp). Humans started feeding cats, ergo satisfying the need to eat, but you can't satisfy the primal need for hunt. Result; non-eaten mice 'cause kittytummy is full. A fed kitty would still hunt, but they wouldn't stop to nom at the mouse and were better at killing a plethora of mice.

Accidental meddling in evolution, but meddling still ;)


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
Yes they would and they do kill to eat. Cats gorge because naturally they don't know when their next meal is coming. It's instinct.


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
Friend at work moving, sold magic the gathering stash fo 2000+ cards(and extra card related muguffins). Bought it for 40€.

Nice to hold on to, or just spin it.


Dec 26, 2003
Except, it is making a difference. The domestic cat is now the single largest predator in North America and Europe. Yes, human activity and loss of habit are undoubtedly the largest cause of wildlife decline, but cats (which are also "our fault") do a pretty good job. "Decimate" is almost exactly right as it turns out; cats seem to be responsible for 8-10% of rodent and bird deaths.

In the Uk we pretty much wiped out the Wildcat, we killed all our Lynx centuries ago so the domestic cat isn't a bad fix for that. But the UK is a terrible example of human meddling - theres very little that hasnt been changed by human introductions and these continue to the present day.

The RSPB have been re-introducing birds of prey with so much sucess that red kites are now the commonest bird of prey around here but without any real idea of what the impact of these predators will be on the rest of the ecosystem - it staggers me that an in theory environmental charity could be so stupid.

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