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Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
I was decidedly against this programme. The idea that we could potentially destroy artwork because of the person - one of Hitler's paintings for example - is ridiculous. It's like saying Wagner's Ring Cycle has no artistic merit because he was a rabid jew-hater - it's patently absurd.

But reading that article in the grauniad? Fuck yes. Go ahead with the show. All the moral outrage in there can get fucked :)


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
First night in with my new desk, 100% hand built by me, into an alcove in the living room. The acoustics are fucking amazing.


Uneducated Northern Cretin
Jul 15, 2006
Oof! On the day Xi celebrates fucking over Hong Kong's autonomy in a speech - Chinese consulate staff come out of consulate in Manchester, drag protester onto consulate grounds and beat him up!

Should expel them.

Nothing will happen though, we're a second rate country.


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
Oh, I think several whinnie the pooh posters will go up outside the consulate. Which will upset them more than anything else. Throwbacks that they are.


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
Oh, I think several whinnie the pooh posters will go up outside the consulate. Which will upset them more than anything else. Throwbacks that they are.

I would like to see one with his head stuck in the honey jar, face visible through the glass, and nukes stuck in his ass.


Old and short, no wonder I'm grumpy!
Staff member
FH Subscriber
Dec 14, 2003
So - I failed on the lad's laptop (never mind) but do have this old beauty to do some tidying up on... kit ordered to re-cap the PSE before trying to power it up, but it's been a bit pimped by my sister's (sadly deceased) hubby... anyone got any advice on how to hook this up to a modern day monitor?

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I am a FH squatter
Dec 22, 2003
Presumably you mean the mains filter capacitors, which tbh you can usually just cut off and throw away. As for connecting it up to a monitor, your best best is to simply buy an old monitor. Or go to your local tip to see if anyone's chucked an older CRT, like a bedroom portable. Otherwise look at something like a Retrotink.


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003

It's like putting @Bodhi in charge of health. Smokes, eats poop. Just look at the bitch.

She failed Chemistry at Oxford, and went to another Uni instead. Then she went to work for Mars, where she was finance director for Mars Drinks. She's a catholic who voted for forced "mental health assessments" for people who want an ambortion. As a smoker she's consistently voted against all the smoking changes - including the one against smoking in cars containing kids. She wants people to be able to get antibiotics from pharmacies without having to see doctors - despite the fact that medical professionals are screaming about the fact that we could lose our antibiotics as bugs adapt - and has admitted giving her antibiotics to others.

She's Health Secretary and Deputy Prime Minister.

Someone needs to shoot the lot of them.

Unfortunately, she's a Liverpool supporter too :(


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003

I'm an avowed fan of Sadowitz. But the guardianistas just don't get it.

the article's author said:
maybe I want him to mount a stronger defence of his comedy

I thought Sadowitz' defence is incredible - it comes out in every single thing he says in this article. But if we must boil it down into a soundbite:

There are no lines to be drawn in standup, if standup’s an art form. No lines

This should be it. And if you don't like it - don't fucking go and see his show for christ sake.

There are so few real comedians left. Sadowitz is one of them. And as much as I love Stuart Lee, I can't fall on his side of the "free speech" argument just because it's "nice". The world needs more intelligent, "offensive" (I never found him offensive, any offence I took at his shows was a reflection on me and my interpretation of his act - not his material) comedians who push boundaries.

I am much more offended by the bland musings of Britain's most succesful comedian - Michael Macintyre - and the cotton-wool intellect of people who are able to laugh at his material.

I wish humans like that would die.


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
People go out of their way to get upset about stuff, so they can feel included. The world is full of lonely people trawling social media all the time to find meaning. This is just another example.

But digging the ironing of you getting upset about people getting upset about something.

Edit, and this probably did his career the world of good, had never heard of him before. Seen some, trash, would not bother again, no care, if anyone else likes it.


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
People go out of their way to get upset about stuff, so they can feel included. The world is full of lonely people trawling social media all the time to find meaning. This is just another example.

But digging the ironing of you getting upset about people getting upset about something.

Edit, and this probably did his career the world of good, had never heard of him before. Seen some, trash, would not bother again, no care, if anyone else likes it.
I'm not upset about people getting upset - I get pissed off at artists getting their shows cancelled because: idiots.

He mentions your point about career in the article - people'll go see him, and walk out. He's not fussed.

Always liked him. Followed him since the 1980's. I've mentioned him before here - he called out Jimmy Saville as a paedo in the 80's.

We shouldn't be cancelling people like that. We should be celebrating them. But I guess it's an intellectual ask too far in today's environment.


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
The whole "cancelled" thing is a myth. He was unheard of before. Did a show, got told to not come back, to that specific venue, nobody made it illegal for him to perform. Now, I imagine, more people than ever are engaging with him.

To use your Michael ManItyre reference. If I owned a venue, I wouldn't let him past the doorman, act or customer, would he also be "cancelled" ?


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
The whole "cancelled" thing is a myth. He was unheard of before. Did a show, got told to not come back, to that specific venue, nobody made it illegal for him to perform.
He had two nights booked at a theatre. His second night was literally cancelled (even though his first night went 15 minutes over - because it was going quite well).

People had gone to Edinburgh to watch the show, paid for accomodation etc, then the venue cancelled his show because of it's content, before saying "we believe in free speech".

It's the very definition of a culture that cancels art that's currently a political hot potato - because of intellectual failure on the part of people to understand the art.

If people like him can't get booked in venues then you can whine about "nobody making it illegal for him to perform" all you like - but he's been effectively cancelled by our culture.

A censorious, whiny little bitch of a culture that "believes in free speech but..."


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
Oh, and so I don't get accused of "dodging questions" or somesuch shit:
If I owned a venue, I wouldn't let him past the doorman, act or customer, would he also be "cancelled" ?
In your venue, yes. If there was a wider culture of venues cancelling him based on his material - then we have a cancel culture.

I hate the cunt, so I don't pay to see him. But he can still get booked wherever he likes.


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
He had two nights booked at a theatre. His second night was literally cancelled (even though his first night went 15 minutes over - because it was going quite well).

That's not cancel culture... That is a venue saying, no, fuck off, well within their rights to do so, his material is quite "specialist" so plenty of venues wouldn't bother, like I said, he was unheard of, then wasn't, people got the gist and said, yeah no, probably not what our clientele want (mini edit) he wasn't booked anywhere else anyway, I doubt there were many slots coming up, elsewhere, last minute. He can still perform if he wishes, at venues that want to book him, he hasn't been prosecuted, he hasn't been censored, by anyone. Venues are private businesses, who can book whoever they like, or not book whoever they like.

I mean, apparently the Top Gear presenters got "cancelled" after the buffet incident.

Edit. Roy Chubby Brown is doing well still, but you probably wouldn't see down at your local theatre, and I doubt he is on many people's radar at the Edinburgh fringe.
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Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
Venues are private businesses, who can book whoever they like
Yeah, knew you were gonna roll that one out. That's why I addressed it in my post before you said it.

We'll have to agree to disagree.


Down With That Sorta Thing
Dec 22, 2003
That's not cancel culture... That is a venue saying, no, fuck off, well within their rights to do so, his material is quite "specialist" so plenty of venues wouldn't bother, like I said, he was unheard of, then wasn't, people got the gist and said, yeah no, probably not what our clientele want (mini edit) he wasn't booked anywhere else anyway, I doubt there were many slots coming up, elsewhere, last minute. He can still perform if he wishes, at venues that want to book him, he hasn't been prosecuted, he hasn't been censored, by anyone. Venues are private businesses, who can book whoever they like, or not book whoever they like.

I mean, apparently the Top Gear presenters got "cancelled" after the buffet incident.

Edit. Roy Chubby Brown is doing well still, but you probably wouldn't see down at your local theatre, and I doubt he is on many people's radar at the Edinburgh fringe.

If the venue is doing it because of fear, then saying "oh they're a private venue they can do what they like" doesn't really wash does it?


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
If the venue is doing it because of fear, then saying "oh they're a private venue they can do what they like" doesn't really wash does it?

Fear of what? Fear that he didn't chime with their clientele? Then yeah, valid business decision. He still wasn't "cancelled" though. He can still perform if he wishes, if a venue thinks he would suit their customers.

If there is an audience for it, then he will be booked. But "lol jews" regardless of how funny it is, isn't really a selling point, no matter how much it is "art"

And yes, I realise he isn't actually anti-Semitic and much of it is likely irony, or laughing at "the norm" but it's not exactly going to be dragging in paying customers, is it? Certainly not regulars.
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