What's the difference between stepping out in front of a cyclist and someone opening a car door, or hitting anyone in a public space by accident by any means, should they be fined for that?
I don't post on a phone and can type at about 100 words a minute - so my posts don't take long.How do you find the time, though?
Perfectly happy m8. Just about to ride into town to see if they've got any pineapples so I can make pina coladas. Headphones on so I can finish my audiobook (The Count of Monte Cristo - which is fucking excellent). Tree-lined forest paths for the vast majority of the way, no cars.And why are you so angry all the time? Just chill out.
Here's an example of a low-speed dooring incident:
View: https://twitter.com/TheBikingLawyer/status/1296124288815202305
But I'm not willing to go "fuck cyclists" - like you clearly have to have have done when you completely misread the room by posting a video of a guy stopping a cunt driving illegally and dangerously on the wrong side of the road and pointed at the guy taking the video rather than the cunt driver. (I'm answering you, so I'd very much like you to give me your reasoning behind this.)
I didn't doubt that there would be people out there being voluntary coppers - but doubted people would be going around filming how people opened their car doors. Which would be insane (though, now I think about it, might happen - but would never get actioned by the po-po even if people were barmy enough to try).My point was in response to you doubting people are out there being voluntary coppers, but seemingly just hating people that drive.
For a start I don't think the government is "pushing people to report on each other" at all. You leap too far, all the time. The camera thing is a natural reaction to inaction, coupled with the existence of portable cameras is enabling people to film bad behaviour - but the government isn't pushing anyone into doing anything.I don't need a wall of text to make point, it's pretty simple; you're very anti-authority and if there were another case where the Government were pushing people to report on each other for other minor crimes, you'd be appalled.
I've reported plenty of motorists online to Greater Manchester Police, they have a handy portal now. It makes it much easier. More than a few have been forced to pay hefty sums because of it. Fuck 'em, they deserve it.
I wouldn't do what Mikey does, but I have no problem with him doing it. Just as I have no problem with hunt sabs doing what they do. They're just filming the indefensible and giving the info to the police.
This, 100% especially with e bikes being a thing now.A few cyclists give all cyclists a bad name. Chances are the driver would be blamed because the cyclist wobbles in front of a car though. They should be made to do a test and carry insurance.
1 or 2 people a year die in collisions with cyclists. And there would be massive health bemefits (and cost savings to NHS) if we cycled like the netherlands.
We need to make it easier, not harder.
Most cyclist deaths are caused by being wiped out from behind IIRC. (@Tom)Also remember accident's happen, but if you pay attention you can see them coming and avoid them a lot of the time.
Most cyclist deaths are caused by being wiped out from behind IIRC. (@Tom)
Pity it's not possible to report bad cyclists for offences....because they too deserve a hefty fine.
Ive nearly been hit by them flying through a red light as a pedestrian many times
You should go to the nearest hospital and ask for directions to the Nearly Ward. It's where they treat people who were nearly hurt.
In Denmark the leading cause of cyclists death has always been trucks turning right, who just can't see the cyclists, because they're in the mirror blind spot. I assume the UK equivalent would be a lorry turning left. At school in Denmark, I remember we always had massive awareness during bike week, about the danger of turning trucks. The gist of it was, never ever ever go side by side with a truck, always wait until it has turned.
I don't give a monkeys about "cyclists vs motorists" - I care about "people unnecessarily killed by cars".Very similar in the UK, but cyclists Vs trucks is a harder division to foster than cyclists Vs motorists.
In Denmark the leading cause of cyclists death has always been trucks turning right, who just can't see the cyclists, because they're in the mirror blind spot. I assume the UK equivalent would be a lorry turning left. At school in Denmark, I remember we always had massive awareness during bike week, about the danger of turning trucks. The gist of it was, never ever ever go side by side with a truck, always wait until it has turned.
This is sound advice. Separating movements on the road works extremely well - it's why many new road junctions have separate phases for traffic heading in different directions. And FWIW I almost never filter past lorries.
But when it comes to large vehicles, what works best is legislation to ban the use of vehicles with huge blind spots. Manufacturers are beginning to recognise this. Look at the design of this lorry:
RoadStars: Safety first with the new direct vision Econic tractor concept.
A heightened focus on the protection of vulnerable road users in Britain’s towns and cities has spurred Mercedes-Benz to unveil a prototype urban tractor unit based on its market-leading, low-entry Econic chassis.roadstars.mercedes-benz-trucks.com
BTW if I was ranking road users on their safety, HGV drivers would be right up there. They're almost always excellent and give me lots of room. Tipper truck and skip lorry drivers are all on a schedule though, paid per load. They're very often complete cunts.