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FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
In terms of lifestyle, there are very few legitimate sources of official advice. Your government should spell out the best scientific advice on diet and lifestyle.

If you're getting it off the web / newspapers / blogs / any other source then you're opening yourself to shysters.

Of course, as Mr Sagan said - one way to help protect yourself is to learn more about science...

After those two replies, i agree. Well put and it's a balanced view. Just had to dig it out a bit :D


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
I think Japan is ten and we are five. Not the same ball park really. That's double.
I think the scientists recommended ten but the UK government watered it down because so much vegetable matter in the UK diet people were likely to discard it out of hand.

But if you look at the average of the diets they recommend you follow - they're all very similar in makeup. If you look at the recommended levels of exercise, again it's all very similar in makeup.

The science is there, the advice is there. It's trivially easy to follow and doesn't require much in the way of effort.

I totally refute your suggestion that it's in any way confusing or difficult.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
I think the scientists recommended ten but the UK government watered it down because so much vegetable matter in the UK diet people were likely to discard it out of hand.

But if you look at the average of the diets they recommend you follow - they're all very similar in makeup. If you look at the recommended levels of exercise, again it's all very similar in makeup.

The science is there, the advice is there. It's trivially easy to follow and doesn't require much in the way of effort.

I totally refute your suggestion that it's in any way confusing or difficult.
Trivially easy. Except you don't take into consideration the human body's make up. It is set to eat and take in calories in times of plenty. To prepare for times of famine. We are pre disposed to look for fatty and high calorific food. And to be lazy. Ie to work as little as possible for it.

That has been scientifically proven.

You have 25% at least obesity in the UK and more in the usa. And it's because the capitalist system is prevalent in the food industry. They want to sell as much stuff for the most profit. Only governments make them out those silly warnings that no one listens to.

You are in the minority with you health kick and such. Most bubble under the surface barely keeping their heads above water. Diet, relapse, etc etc. and the there's the extreme that are like the fatties in judge dredd.

Yes maybe if everyone in society did as you do then we could all be thin. But thin doesn't even mean healthy. The dude who was credited with reinventing jogging in the usa died of a heart attack quite young while jogging.

Everyone is different. And not everyone finds exercise pleasureable. So not everyone does 30 mins five times a week. As government recommends. For you it's easy. But in your mind you don't take into account those who it isn't. It's their fault fuck them.

Before you say it I was happy how I was. Still am. And I'm not jealous of those who like to sweat. :)


Once agreed with Scouse and a LibDem at same time
Dec 22, 2003
Which is why the peer review process is in place and a body of evidence gets to be built up.

Choosing a lifestyle based on the results of a single study would be stupid - but abandoning science and all it has to offer because some people are doing their best to subvert it would be monumentally idiotic.

The science itself is fine, it's us humans that try to fuck it up - and that includes those of us who take pot shots at the *only* system we have that can possibly find truth.



The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
We need to do something drastic about obesity, not only is it grim getting that fat but the only way not to get fat is to resist the endless shelves of cheap delicious food there is everywhere.
I recommend gut bypass surgery for all affected, you pull a lever and the food bypasses your stomach so you can chomp to your delight and then you push back the lever and eat some 'healthy' food.
Obviously needs some technology invention, but the principle is superb.


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
Last night at the supermarket I suddenly felt the need for a massive poo. While I was in the stall a couple came into the gents and started kissing. Then they stopped and the girl said "Oh my god it reeks in here" and the guy said "Oh my god there's someone in there" and then they left. Ah, romance.


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
Supermarkets often cause my bowels to get ready for some movement, not entirely sure why (probably a timing thing)

The toilet facilities are usually poor but(t) luckily the library usually has excellent (and free) toilet facilities


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
@Moriath - this was a discussion about deciphering the correct scientific advice and it's sources.

I wasn't commenting on whether you should follow it or do exercise (I get it, you're fat but it's not your fault - you're genetically lazy and are helpless to eat a healthy diet in the face of a corporate fast food onslaught, and exercise *is* unpleasant for some humans and not others, so none of it is your fault) - I was talking about something else entirely.

So, please, stop harping on about your hopeless, fault-free, blame-free situation and let us keep on topic eh?



FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
(I get it, you're fat but it's not your fault - you're genetically lazy and are helpless to eat a healthy diet in the face of a corporate fast food onslaught, and exercise *is* unpleasant for some humans and not others, so none of it is your fault)

Thsi is why people get upset with your posts ;)

Not starting an argument, just saying.


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
I agree - but all I did was reflect back to him what he said in his own post.

People don't like a mirror. Not my fault.

I ain't going to lie just to make people feel fluffy.


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
Daily mash on 10 things you need to be working class...No2 is superb.

2. Android smart phone with Greggs Rewards app on homepage


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
@Moriath - this was a discussion about deciphering the correct scientific advice and it's sources.

I wasn't commenting on whether you should follow it or do exercise (I get it, you're fat but it's not your fault - you're genetically lazy and are helpless to eat a healthy diet in the face of a corporate fast food onslaught, and exercise *is* unpleasant for some humans and not others, so none of it is your fault) - I was talking about something else entirely.

So, please, stop harping on about your hopeless, fault-free, blame-free situation and let us keep on topic eh?

No you stated that following the rules was trivially easy. I stated with examples why that wasn't the case. It was a tangent from the conversation but one that you raised.


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
Just finished my full fallout playthrough. 4 games and quite the extensive adventure. Still would have a few dlc:s to play, but i think that story is done after nearly 200 hours.

Time for something else :p


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
Aaaand 5 hours later, mass effect trilogy done. Had a bit more left of it then i thought. Ending was fine(had the original). Whiny babies the lot of them :p

Guess it's time for dragon age next.


Resident Freddy
Dec 23, 2003
Aaaand 5 hours later, mass effect trilogy done. Had a bit more left of it then i thought. Ending was fine(had the original). Whiny babies the lot of them :p

Guess it's time for dragon age next.
Imagine if you would use your time for something productive instead of playing video games - like curing cancer or something....


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
Imagine if you would use your time for something productive instead of playing video games - like curing cancer or something....

I do, playing games and using that knowledge to make games better is my contribution :p


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
Smashed my last normal assignment of the year for my degree. Was quite worried about it and wasnt happy with what I handed in.

Just the end of term assignment to do and I can finally choose the modules that I want to study.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
Smashed my last normal assignment of the year for my degree. Was quite worried about it and wasnt happy with what I handed in.

Just the end of term assignment to do and I can finally choose the modules that I want to study.
Your first year? If it's the same as mine was then they don't count first year scores towards the degree. You just have to pass it.


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
Yeah, first year of a history degree. I am really not enjoying it so far as the assignment subjects have been pretty dull. Cleopatra and Anthony (was OK), Cezanne (Terrible French painter), Reflection on assignment on Cezanne, Irish Nationalism and the invention of Irish tradition (zzzz) Comparing a poem about frogs by Seamus Heaney and some other dude who's name escapes me (zzzz, who the fuck cares about terrible poetry?) The Benin people and their art (was OK) and the latest one regarding discrimination blind law.

Not exactly the history I want to study but as a first year I suppose they have to cover various things to get you into it, another 5 years to do where I can choose various different subjects, I think next term I will study the 100 year war. I could earn some easy points towards the final result too by picking up a couple basic languages (introduction to German is piss easy for me (I was born there!) and worth 30 points, towards the final 360)


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
Yeah, first year of a history degree. I am really not enjoying it so far as the assignment subjects have been pretty dull. Cleopatra and Anthony (was OK), Cezanne (Terrible French painter), Reflection on assignment on Cezanne, Irish Nationalism and the invention of Irish tradition (zzzz) Comparing a poem about frogs by Seamus Heaney and some other dude who's name escapes me (zzzz, who the fuck cares about terrible poetry?) The Benin people and their art (was OK) and the latest one regarding discrimination blind law.

Not exactly the history I want to study but as a first year I suppose they have to cover various things to get you into it, another 5 years to do where I can choose various different subjects, I think next term I will study the 100 year war. I could earn some easy points towards the final result too by picking up a couple basic languages (introduction to German is piss easy for me (I was born there!) and worth 30 points, towards the final 360)
Open university ? Or something ? Otherwise a really long course hehe

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