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The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003


Down With That Sorta Thing
Dec 22, 2003
@Raven I've got to agree with @Scouse here.

The Greek people have, for decades, operated under the assumption that not paying taxes is a given right. That fact has only been exacerbated by the complete failure of successive Greek Governments to enforce tax laws properly. No one wants to pay taxes and if your Government isn't going to punish you for not doing so, there is no onus to pay them.

You can blame the Greek people for not taking personal responsibility but if you had the chance to get away with not giving 20% of your wages to the fuckers in Parliment, would you still do so?

But that's a two-way street; no Greek government would have been elected on a mandate of "right you thieving cunts, we're going to make sure you all pay your taxes from now on", and any government that tried without making it explicit would be voted out in a heartbeat, which is what's just happened. This idea that people are just passively behaving a certain way because their government lets them is bollocks; 49% of Greeks avoid their taxes, but 51% don't. So what's going on here? If everyone was avoiding tax, I might buy the lack of sanction argument, but clearly a narrow majority of Greeks don't think that way. Also, governments in general love taxes and love raising them, they don't deliberately do it badly unless there's a really good reason to do so, which in the case of the Greeks is because it lets them stay in power. So who's to blame? The government or the people? Answer, both.


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
But that's a two-way street; no Greek government would have been elected on a mandate of "right you thieving cunts, we're going to make sure you all pay your taxes from now on", and any government that tried without making it explicit would be voted out in a heartbeat, which is what's just happened. This idea that people are just passively behaving a certain way because their government lets them is bollocks; 49% of Greeks avoid their taxes, but 51% don't. So what's going on here? If everyone was avoiding tax, I might buy the lack of sanction argument, but clearly a narrow majority of Greeks don't think that way. Also, governments in general love taxes and love raising them, they don't deliberately do it badly unless there's a really good reason to do so, which in the case of the Greeks is because it lets them stay in power. So who's to blame? The government or the people? Answer, both.

Then they should do like all the other politicians do, get elected with one promise then once in power do something completely different, its the european democratic way


J Peasemould Gruntfuttock
Dec 22, 2003
if the greeks dont pay their taxes, they should get someone in to run their government for them, someone efficient, like say the Germans :x


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
Was bored, so calculated that on average it takes 1 324 489 720 400 ants to lift the empire state building while it takes 5 840 000 humans to do so. While the ant is impressive, it still takes 227 000(ish) ants to do the work of one man :p


Gold Star Holder!!
Jan 16, 2005
FH looks all squashed up on my phone now. I want the old version back. What has happened?

People who drive at night with no lights should be stripped of their drivers licence until they grow a new brain.

Where can I find a nice sausage? My local butchers has ruined his. I just want a herby sausage with plenty of flavour.


Once agreed with Scouse and a LibDem at same time
Dec 22, 2003
But that's a two-way street; no Greek government would have been elected on a mandate of "right you thieving cunts, we're going to make sure you all pay your taxes from now on", and any government that tried without making it explicit would be voted out in a heartbeat, which is what's just happened. This idea that people are just passively behaving a certain way because their government lets them is bollocks; 49% of Greeks avoid their taxes, but 51% don't. So what's going on here? If everyone was avoiding tax, I might buy the lack of sanction argument, but clearly a narrow majority of Greeks don't think that way. Also, governments in general love taxes and love raising them, they don't deliberately do it badly unless there's a really good reason to do so, which in the case of the Greeks is because it lets them stay in power. So who's to blame? The government or the people? Answer, both.

There was apparently quite a large drop in tax receipts in the run up to the election, as soon as it became obvious Syrzia were going to get in. Oh and about €200 billion left the country as well as people got their cash the hell out of Greece.

I don't see this ending well.


Official Licensed Lump of Coal™ Distributor
Staff member
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
So basically Greeks are ok ducking taxes and everyone is surprised when they elect a party promising to duck paying national debt? Really?


Identifies as a horologist.
Dec 11, 2003
It was more likely simply the fact they wanted to try someone else as it couldn't be worse than where they are right now.


Once agreed with Scouse and a LibDem at same time
Dec 22, 2003
I'm intrigued to find out how they are going to afford all the free stuff that's been promised (including electricity!) when they have no money.


FH is my second home
Jul 5, 2004
At least Greece will go back to being a bloody cheap holiday after they are kicked out the EU monitary system :)


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
@Gwadien hey. Lots of world leaders giving it to the Muslims at Aushwitz today. Can't imagine why they are all there just for that. :p


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
So won't seem like much for people who don't play hearthstone, but just got 500 win goldie portrait on my mage :p


Uneducated Northern Cretin
Jul 15, 2006
@Gwadien hey. Lots of world leaders giving it to the Muslims at Aushwitz today. Can't imagine why they are all there just for that. :p
I'm not responding to you because it's a wasted cause, and it's boring, you just lap up everything given to you.

As I said before, it's the 100th anniversary of the Armenian genocide this year too, people don't give a fuck about that, because there isn't any shocking films around about it.

The fact that we bring it up every year around this time is more or less evidence that we're using it for some kind of benefit to us, and it's not to stop fascism, I can tell you that much.

I watched the Channel 4 documentary, I liked it towards the end where they were like 'This is why we have Israel! (And why we kill innocents!)'

When you're at school, you learn NOTHING about the Armenian genocide when you're learning about World War One, it's all about the trenches, then you get to World War Two and the Holocaust is forced into your face like that's the principle of WHY we went to war etc, I'm sorry, I'm not buying the 'Feel sorry for the jews' It's bad what happened to them, but it doesn't mean they should get away with war crimes, and being used as a 'us and them' culture, I'm sorry, but it's so true, it's used way too much.

I could dig out videos of a lot of Jewish dudes talking about EXACTLY the same thing, and they're more pissed off because its THEIR religion that's being hijacked by governments to say 'Muslims are attacking the descendants of the holocausts, we must attack them!'


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
I'm not responding to you because it's a wasted cause, and it's boring, you just lap up everything given to you.

As I said before, it's the 100th anniversary of the Armenian genocide this year too, people don't give a fuck about that, because there isn't any shocking films around about it.

The fact that we bring it up every year around this time is more or less evidence that we're using it for some kind of benefit to us, and it's not to stop fascism, I can tell you that much.

I watched the Channel 4 documentary, I liked it towards the end where they were like 'This is why we have Israel! (And why we kill innocents!)'
Except you did respond. Yes surprising that the Jews kinda forced Israel to be created by travelling to Palestine on mass.


Uneducated Northern Cretin
Jul 15, 2006
Except you did respond. Yes surprising that the Jews kinda forced Israel to be created by travelling to Palestine on mass.

I don't mind the creation of Israel of a state for displaced people, nor do I feel that the Governments did wrong by helping them settle in when some hostile Muslims were not happy with them being there.

What I'm not happy about is the fact that Israel is now effectively in control in that area in a pseudo-theocracy because 'Jews must rule it.'

They can't still use it as an excuse to massacre people, but if you keep throwing some holocaust documentaries out on a yearly basis it'll all be good, and they can carry on with what they're doing.


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
Hmm, weird thoughts; i wonder if holocaust memorial day would be a lot different if the nazis had won.


Once agreed with Scouse and a LibDem at same time
Dec 22, 2003
Bit like @Scouse accusing people of xenophobia when criticising the Greeks. An unnatural amount of dumb.

Standard debating tactic these days sadly - you can quite happily ignore people's points if you have a selection of nasty sounding names to call them. Denier! Anti-semite! etc etc.

Godwin's Law appears to have left the internet and made into the MSM. Oh dear joy.


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
Actually - I was commenting on the fact of Raven's belief that greeks are a special type of human that, given identical environmental conditions, would act differently from us.

As I said. The mind boggles. :p


Once agreed with Scouse and a LibDem at same time
Dec 22, 2003
I'm still trying to figure out how you came to that conclusion after what Raven wrote, but never mind, as I have a feeling we're about to go in circles again.

Ooh look a squirrel!

(P.S If you ever fancy a laugh, try to get a German to pronounce squirrel, it really doesn't work).

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