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I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
Blind taste test performed under scientific conditions.

Don't see what's not evidence-based about that. Just like when you blind-test homeopathy they find out it's bunkum...
Try linking to studies. Instead of quoting some mysterious test you keep referring to :)


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
Try linking to studies. Instead of quoting some mysterious test you keep referring to :)

If we had to link to studies for every common-knowledge thing on FH then we'd never get any discussing done. Here's a tip - go find your own.

But because it's xmas and because you're too much of a lazy cunt to bother then try clicking on any of the many studies linked within this article. (Didn't take long - *first* article on google). And maybe have a new years resolution to challenge your own ideas rather than everyone else's...


Edit: Funny, they use the same words I did above:
that article said:
"There's a lot of nonsense and emperor's new clothes in the wine world,"


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
If we had to link to studies for every common-knowledge thing on FH then we'd never get any discussing done. Here's a tip - go find your own.

But because it's xmas and because you're too much of a lazy cunt to bother then try clicking on any of the many studies linked within this article. (Didn't take long - *first* article on google). And maybe have a new years resolution to challenge your own ideas rather than everyone else's...


Edit: Funny, they use the same words I did above:
I'm not worried about the argument. I was just giving you a hint on how to progress your point of view. No one is ever gonna accept a studies say. Without links to those studies.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
I'm not worried about the argument. I was just giving you a hint on how to progress your point of view. No one is ever gonna accept a studies say. Without links to those studies.
Ok read the rest of what you typed,,

CUNT !!! @Scouse


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003

I'm sick of being asked to justify everything I write tbh. Apologies if you thought I over egged it - but it was slightly tongue in cheek m8.

Maybe I misjudge or even overestimate people, but surely the vast majority of us can clearly see that the bullshit around wine is just that?

Either way. I'm right, and the evidence has been amply provided. ;)


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
I know wine is protentious like anything that professes to be elitist. Usually it's a few who 'trueLy appreciate' that exclude those who don't.

But I dislike arguments without proof.

I hate people who say 'everyone love' or 'everyone hates' or 'we all know'. Because nothing applies to everyone.

And I am with raven anything over a tenner for a bottle of wine is excessive. After all it's just alcoholic grape juice. With a fantasy attached to it by those who want to sell exclusivity.

The differences between wines of similar make up and their prices are generally not worth the mark up. But there are better manufacturers than others. Yes manufacturers as its a process of mixing grapes with yeast and capturing the alcohol. Bottling it and selling it. For the inebriation of the consumers


FH is my second home
Jan 9, 2004
I know wine is protentious like anything that professes to be elitist. Usually it's a few who 'trueLy appreciate' that exclude those who don't.

Now this is interresting, what do you base this on? personal experience or are you making a generalisation?`Becuase tbh, I cannot relate to that statement, at least not in DK anyway,
might be different in the UK of course. But I do think that this is very much at the heart of what going on in this discussion ;)
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FH is my second home
Jan 9, 2004
When I talk about the science of wines, this is what I'm on about, and why I mentioned that "the right" wine paired with food can improve/compliment
a dish - when looking at the matter from an scientific perspective, without factoring in personal preference. Oh Fyi when it comes to my own aproach to wines, I find that something new and different, something with a specific terroir etc...are the wines that I find most exciting, price is of no conciquence..infact, if I find that a good wine is cheap? Even better as it means i can sell more of it :D

For a drink made by fermenting fruit juice, wine is a remarkably sophisticated chemical cocktail. Dr Bryce Rankine, an Australian wine scientist, identified 27 distinct organic acids in wine, 23 varieties of alcohol in addition to the common ethanol, more than 80 esters and aldehydes, 16 sugars, plus a long list of assorted vitamins and minerals that wouldn't look out of place on the ingredients list of a cereal pack. There are even harmless traces of lead and arsenic that come from the soil.

Three of wine's most basic qualities – sweetness, sourness and bitterness – are picked up by the tongue's taste buds. A good wine has the perfect balance of sweet from the sugar in grapes, sourness from the acids, particularly tartaric and malic acid, and bitterness from alcohol and polyphenols, including tannins.

Many wines are more acidic than lemon juice and are only palatable because that acidity is balanced by sweetness and bitterness. "It's the holy trinity of the palate – sugar, acid and alcohol," says Dr James Hutchinson, a wine expert at the Royal Society of Chemistry.

Professionals distinguish between the balance of these three basic elements and a wine's flavour. And here the chemistry gets more complicated.

The flavour of wine – its aroma or bouquet – is detected not by the taste buds, but by millions of receptors in the olfactory bulb, a blob of nervous tissue where the brain meets the nasal passage.

Chemists have identified at least 400 aroma compounds that work on their own and with others to create complex flavours – some appearing immediately on first sniffing, others emerging only as an aftertaste. Most of these are volatiles – aromatic compounds that tend to have a low boiling point and waft away from glasses and tongues towards the olfactory bulb.

Some of these, the primary volatiles, are present in the grape. Others, the secondaries, are generated by yeast activity during fermentation. The rest, the tertiary volatiles, are formed as wine matures in barrels or bottles.
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FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
I read the article and it said that most of the wine shennanigans were a load of rubbish as judges would rate the same wine differently on different days

Im totally confused by which side people are arguing for here :p

<has cheese with whine>


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
...and you could spend your entire life being miserable eating boring food then get cancer and die anyway.

Life is too short.

*Not that I would eat any of the muck in the article


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
Why not eat? Any starving african kid would tell you "Eat that sh*t while you can".

If i leave you with one santamas message, it would be this; Do what you want if possible, don't screw others over and like the christmas tree "Lighten the f*ck up" ;)


I am a FH squatter
Oct 29, 2007
I'm sick of being asked to justify everything I write tbh. Apologies if you thought I over egged it - but it was slightly tongue in cheek m8.

Maybe I misjudge or even overestimate people, but surely the vast majority of us can clearly see that the bullshit around wine is just that?

Either way. I'm right, and the evidence has been amply provided. ;)
I don't believe you're sick of being asked to justify everything you write. Citation needed!


Has a sexy sister. I am also a Bodhi wannabee.
Dec 22, 2003
I'm on holiday just now, decided to catch up with this thread.

I fapped to @Scouse 's amazing honesty of wine bullshitters. I fucking hate wine bullshitters and their conceited attitude towards people (such as myself) happy with an £8 Malbec.


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
Your phone is black and white. Must be an old phone.


Is now wearing thermals.....Brrrrr
Apr 21, 2008
Well I finally opened door 24 on my Lego Star Wars advent calendar this morning. Early Christmas pressie from @russell

I left the pic a bit bigger so you can see all the characters


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