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Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
Tactical moves by Labour, its too early for them to get in and ruin everything.


Down With That Sorta Thing
Dec 22, 2003
how short the memories are..this very it can't happen now because it's 2014 is the exact same denial they had in two world wars..the west is in decline all the historic grievances are being tested..the far right has 30% of the vote in the UK and continental Europe is following..the economy is in tatters..debt is astronomical..oh and the immigrants are to couldn't write a more dangerous scenario..just because it's being played out in full view doesn't mean it can't be sparked off into lunacy.

What "historic grievances"? The difference between now and 1914 is that the tensions were between nations, now they're pretty much inside nations. Its a dangerous fallacy to assume Europe's problems are about Europe's relationships with each other; they're really not, but, break down the institutions like the EU that have helped Europeans not only trade with each other but actually understand, and God forbid, actually quite like each other, and all the nationalist bollocks could come roaring back.

As for the far right having 30% of the UK vote; horseshit. A 27% vote for UKIP in the Euro elections does not mean they have 30% of the real electoral vote. That's nonsense and you know it. In reality most European countries (most countries full stop probably) have a typical 10-15% of far right discontent at any one time (that's just a statistics, one end of a normal distribution), but it doesn't mean everyone's going to jump off the same cliff. Will there be conflicts over the EU and immigration? Certainly, but comparing the likely outcome to the first half of the 20th century is ludicrous.


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
Actually I would put far right 'feelings' at more like 90%..thats how it happens..peoples true thoughts come out when the lid is released..the fact that UKIP has 27% of the vote means there are two times that amount afraid to express their views in a world where no going with the program is to be a bigot.
I would say that in the wild circle of friends and all types of people I meet that socialist views are less than 5%..the vast majority of people in this country over 30 years of age feel like their culture is dying in front of their eyes.
And those are the people who will lock up the liberals when the.mob forms.


Once agreed with Scouse and a LibDem at same time
Dec 22, 2003
...I was (clearly) responding to what you said, which was:

The rest of Europe are "basket cases" - rather than countries full of humans governed in slightly different ways (but who cares because they're poorer than us, and they better keep their dirty foreign hands off our shit jobs and money). And in your opinion the whole lot is going to come "crashing down". Which you'd be perfectly happy with because you're the type who wants to take his ball and fuck off home...

Europe's working incredibly well in terms of we're not at war with each other. That trumps any economic argument you care to insert into your actual position of "I want to retreat back to separate countries because I hate foreigners".

More democratic reform? Yep, I'm all for more democracy and transparency. But you don't need to tear it down to build on it's solid foundations.

That solid foundation is freedom of movement and european immigration. The thing UKIP, many Tories, tabloid papers and you would love to see end...

Grats dude, you've come up with a whole lot of bullshit there, countering an argument I wasn't even making in the first place.


Once agreed with Scouse and a LibDem at same time
Dec 22, 2003
Oh no, it's going to be another BodhiScousefest :(

Nah you're safe there, I've got far more entertaining things to do this afternoon, like go catch a plane to Paris. Which is of course, going to make my poor little Ukip brain melt, being surrounded by them foreign sort.


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
countering an argument I wasn't even making in the first place.
You *definitely* said this Bodhi.......... said:
give it a couple of years and a referendum in Catalonia, the entire lot will come crashing down after the Germans have decided they've had enough of paying for the rest of the basket cases in Europe


Once agreed with Scouse and a LibDem at same time
Dec 22, 2003


Yes, and that's exactly the same as the anti-immigration I hate all foreigners diatribe you're responding to.

See if you were half as intelligent as you think you are, you'd be able to see its entirely posaible to embrace Europe and immigration, and all the diversity it brings, whilst at the same time having no time for the EU. It's the EU and the Euro that is creating the basket cases, not giving countries such as Greece or Italy the flexibility and control over their economies to fix the problems they are facing. If anything from what I've seen, the attempted union of many disparate economies is causing more tension than if they could just get on with things.

But hey what would I know? I only spend half my life working in and with mainland Europe. One thing I have noticed however, is the non EU countries I work with (Switzerland, Norway, and a couple from Turkey) seem a lot happier about the situation than the others. And they have no issues travelling to, or doing business with countries in the EU. So please don't try to tell me all those EU based companies are going to let their governments get all petty and block access to their biggest market, just because we don't want to be in the EU anymore.


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
So please don't try to tell me all those EU based companies are going to let their governments get all petty and block access to their biggest market, just because we don't want to be in the EU anymore.

I'm not and I've never tried to. I'm not making a single argument over business or markets because I give zero shits about them. You do.

What I'm (clearly) saying is that you're either wilfully blind or completely oblivious for the main reason for the EU. Which is the prevention of war.

Sooner or later we'll be part of a greater governmental block - like the individual states that make up the United States. You won't ever see California go to war with Florida because even though they have their own governance and laws they're part of a bigger system.

Our version of that is the EU. It is utterly necessary to prevent the warring of fucking idiot "local" governments - like the UK and France, or the UK and Germany, or France and Spain. Without it we start killing each other.

But you want that system to die - and have never addressed or deliberately avoided what I've said (and have been repeatedly saying) above.

You carry on hating the EU m8. You may not "want to be in the EU anymore" - as you've stated. But I'm calling you, and people who think like that, idiots because they fail to see the bigger picture and haven't learned the lessons of even the very recent past.

We will become the United States of Europe. And it can't come quickly enough.


Cockb@dger / Klotehommel
Dec 11, 2003
Whoa I came here for random spam... Maybe I'll try again in a few days ;)


Once agreed with Scouse and a LibDem at same time
Dec 22, 2003
I'm not and I've never tried to. I'm not making a single argument over business or markets because I give zero shits about them. You do.

What I'm (clearly) saying is that you're either wilfully blind or completely oblivious for the main reason for the EU. Which is the prevention of war.

Sooner or later we'll be part of a greater governmental block - like the individual states that make up the United States. You won't ever see California go to war with Florida because even though they have their own governance and laws they're part of a bigger system.

Our version of that is the EU. It is utterly necessary to prevent the warring of fucking idiot "local" governments - like the UK and France, or the UK and Germany, or France and Spain. Without it we start killing each other.

But you want that system to die - and have never addressed or deliberately avoided what I've said (and have been repeatedly saying) above.

You carry on hating the EU m8. You may not "want to be in the EU anymore" - as you've stated. But I'm calling you, and people who think like that, idiots because they fail to see the bigger picture and haven't learned the lessons of even the very recent past.

We will become the United States of Europe. And it can't come quickly enough.

Even though most of Europe has no wish to become part of the United States of Europe? How awfully democratic....

Anyway I'm bowing out now, as a) we're upsetting the ladies b) you're too fucking retarded to tell the difference between the UN / NATO, which were set up to promote peace and not killing each other, and the EU, which was started off to facilitate trade between the European nations (slight hint, it didn't start off as the EU, and that wasn't what we voted to join).

I shall go back to talking to my french colleagues. We may get on to the EU, if I can stop them from complaining about how utterly fucked their economy is.


I am a FH squatter
Jul 18, 2004
I did the Pistorious gag bit to a few bunch of friends at a club, "Pistorius wanted a new bathroom door but she was dead against it !", people basically started coughing hysterically. Too harsh? :D

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