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Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
I'm a total fence-sitter, but Cameron did today promise the abolition of zero hours contracts...

Not in the Tory makeup IMO. Labour might do it.

But then I don't care - the only issue I think is worth voting on is the Human Rights act issue. Bought with the blood and lives of our grandparents to protect us from the hitlers of this world.

And make no mistake - half the UK population are Hitlers in the waiting, never mind our leaders. It's in our nature.


Uneducated Northern Cretin
Jul 15, 2006
Dunno what you find funny about that @Moriath. I'm deadly serious.
It's because he thinks you're a tin-foil wearing crack pot theorist, who has no idea what they're talking about, and probably colludes with your friends to oppose the Government.

You know, the sort of groups that Hitler put in concentration camps along with Gypsys, Jews and Homosexuals.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
I promise you'll be granted with youthfulness


Lots of stuff.
Such cynicism from one so young. Chill out a bit and don't believe all you read in the papers. Tories aren't all Devils looking to screw the poor. And labour aren't all white knights playing Robin Hood. Mostly they are all pale imitations of each other with not much difference once they actually get into power.


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
Such cynicism from one so young. Chill out a bit and don't believe all you read in the papers. Tories aren't all Devils looking to screw the poor. And labour aren't all white knights playing Robin Hood. Mostly they are all pale imitations of each other with not much difference once they actually get into power.

For a start I'm 40. Secondly I don't read the papers. Thirdly I think the Tories and Labour are about the same.

Fourth, hitler did what he did with complicit acceptance of the good German public. They accepted what was being done in their name. As did the Americans when 150,000 Japs were rounded up and put in concentration camps in the US during WW2. As does every member of every public in every warzone on the planet.

Humans are just lucky chimpanzees - and they commit war and murder themselves. The british public is no different.

If you have that dim a view of the population of the UK why don't you emigrate?

Quite clearly I said it was human nature. Wherever I go it'll be the same.


Uneducated Northern Cretin
Jul 15, 2006
Such cynicism from one so young. Chill out a bit and don't believe all you read in the papers. Tories aren't all Devils looking to screw the poor. And labour aren't all white knights playing Robin Hood. Mostly they are all pale imitations of each other with not much difference once they actually get into power.


I love it how you try and be patronising but you actually have no idea what you're talking about.

Firstly, I don't read the papers because they all have political agendas, and it's these papers that you talk about that will so happily tell you that our unemployment figures are up.

Secondly, I worked with an Agency, so it's completely first hand experience, it's experience that a factory that usually would employ 20 odd people now employs about 3 people to 'manage' (on probably a little bit more than minimum wage) the agency work staff that they can get for super cheap.

Thirdly, I don't follow any political party, they're all the same, so there's little point in trying to tell me that Tories aren't evil, and they don't screw the poor, because they do, as do the other political parties.

and @Scouse is a retard for thinking you were talking about him ;)


Uneducated Northern Cretin
Jul 15, 2006
It's funny how your opinion of people change, I had a lecturer last year, who seemed lazy and didn't really bother much, and didn't put much effort in, now this year I have him for a module (lecturer and seminar leader) he's made us booklets will all the seminar stuff in it including all the extracts we'll need for the seminars. (Obviously, for extra reading which will help with exams, he's not printed those off)

Whilst the other lecturers have given us the seminar stuff online for us to print off, and also get books which there are like 3-4 copies off, scan them and print off the pages, at our own expense. (and I mean, like 30 pages a seminar or so, not cheap.)

To top it all off, I just remembered I didn't do the seminar prep for the lecturer who prints everything off, and it turns out he's doing a introductory seminar so there's no work for it! Yay!


FH is my second home
Feb 14, 2009



Trem's hunky sex love muffin
Dec 20, 2003
Danny Mac is awesome as fuck. Guy's got a level of skill that just looks insane to the uninitiated (and to the initiated too) 0_0


Has a sexy sister. I am also a Bodhi wannabee.
Dec 22, 2003
As a camera nerd, I find the corners of that ultra wide angle unacceptably soft.


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
Ok here's what i'm looking for in a nutshell;

I have X amount of cash for Y amount of days.
I want to keep an up to date budget on what my daily usage can be to keep the money going. So for example 10 bucks for 10 days is 1 buck/day.
I want to be able to input daily money use/gain/neither and the system to calculate a new daily spenditure.

Ideas, programs, or just a manual job?

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