I'm a total fence-sitter, but Cameron did today promise the abolition of zero hours contracts...
It's because he thinks you're a tin-foil wearing crack pot theorist, who has no idea what they're talking about, and probably colludes with your friends to oppose the Government.Dunno what you find funny about that @Moriath. I'm deadly serious.
Such cynicism from one so young. Chill out a bit and don't believe all you read in the papers. Tories aren't all Devils looking to screw the poor. And labour aren't all white knights playing Robin Hood. Mostly they are all pale imitations of each other with not much difference once they actually get into power.I promise you'll be granted with youthfulness
Lots of stuff.
Such cynicism from one so young. Chill out a bit and don't believe all you read in the papers. Tories aren't all Devils looking to screw the poor. And labour aren't all white knights playing Robin Hood. Mostly they are all pale imitations of each other with not much difference once they actually get into power.
If you have that dim a view of the population of the UK why don't you emigrate?
Such cynicism from one so young. Chill out a bit and don't believe all you read in the papers. Tories aren't all Devils looking to screw the poor. And labour aren't all white knights playing Robin Hood. Mostly they are all pale imitations of each other with not much difference once they actually get into power.
That's @old.Tohtori's move.It's so easy to wind you two up on certain topics.
just getting lost in the Corsican mountains.