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Trem's hunky sex love muffin
Dec 20, 2003
you know, thinking about the code behind this for a bit I remembered it took me weeks to be able to have a machine tell the difference between two coins using cameras and logic 20 years ago in a technical school. these guys hacked together some code, use a webcam and did it in a day. isn't this great? I love this stuff!


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
I have never pokemond in my life..though I do own a pocket monster...but he's dead.


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
Ok i'm out for a long weekend, cabin trip, brothers, booze, food, sauna, back tuesday. Have fun all (y)


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
Israel pounding Gaza is the same as the UK pounding Northern Ireland with tank shells and rockets because of the IRA bombs, it would be outrageous beyond all comprehension for us to have done that, the images of mutilated bodies and screaming survivors would have the world calling for our invasion, but somehow because it's just brown people there are many people saying it is their right to defend themselves, in fact he Americans are supplying them with ammunition on the ground.
There is something very, very wrong when a man calls for an Israeli boycott and people condemn him for offence.
Whatever the fuck is going on with the intertwining of power and influence of Israel and the jews it is an affront to morality and is giving us all an insight into where the might of the world is actually directed.


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
The Israelis are hiding behind Judaism though. Its working too, pretty much any politician who has dared to criticise Israel (not jews!) is being branded an anti-semite. Even though everyone can see that Israel is a poisonous, vicious country run and supported by scumbags of the highest order, nobody dares do anything.


Uneducated Northern Cretin
Jul 15, 2006
I've seen loads of Jews saying they're technically breaking the 'law' of their religion, by having their own nation in the first place.

I'm off to the Loire Valley in frenchland, bye


Down With That Sorta Thing
Dec 22, 2003
Israel pounding Gaza is the same as the UK pounding Northern Ireland with tank shells and rockets because of the IRA bombs, it would be outrageous beyond all comprehension for us to have done that, the images of mutilated bodies and screaming survivors would have the world calling for our invasion, but somehow because it's just brown people there are many people saying it is their right to defend themselves, in fact he Americans are supplying them with ammunition on the ground.
There is something very, very wrong when a man calls for an Israeli boycott and people condemn him for offence.
Whatever the fuck is going on with the intertwining of power and influence of Israel and the jews it is an affront to morality and is giving us all an insight into where the might of the world is actually directed.

A toxic combination of Russian Ashkenazi Jews who basically took over Israel in the 90s, and right-wing fundamentalist nutjobs in the US who think the state of Israel is a prelude to the Apocalypse and the Rapture (which they want!). America is the root of the problem.

However, you can't take Hamas out of the equation; they're cut from the same cloth as ISIL and have similar goals (this isn't a happy coexistence agenda they have going on here), and they really don't give a fuck about dead kids in Gaza because they're just more martyrs for Allah, and a photo-op to peddle to Channel 4.


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
Yeah but Israel cannot hope to peddle the "just defending ourselves" bollocks because they have virtually nothing to defend themselves against. Firstly, they are the aggressors and always have been and secondly the rockets fired from Gaza are pretty much useless against the iron shield and even if they do get through they barely do any damage. Systematic destruction of hospitals and civilian homes is not going to stop the so called terrorists.

All Israel want is for the people of Gaza to leave or die, then they can expand their coastline a bit more.


Down With That Sorta Thing
Dec 22, 2003
Yeah but Israel cannot hope to peddle the "just defending ourselves" bollocks because they have virtually nothing to defend themselves against. Firstly, they are the aggressors and always have been and secondly the rockets fired from Gaza are pretty much useless against the iron shield and even if they do get through they barely do any damage. Systematic destruction of hospitals and civilian homes is not going to stop the so called terrorists.

Its always a bit of a specious argument to say "yeah well we can defend ourselves so we don't need to retaliate". That was the kind of argument people were making about Lebanon 7-8 years ago and it was bollocks then, and unfortunately its more bollocks now. Iron Dome blocks about 75% of the rockets according to various analysts, would we tolerate that if it was the Russians throwing missiles at us? Plus, Hamas now have rockets that can reach most of Israel, which is a clear jump in capability even in a few months.

But that's kind of by-the-by; its the tunnels that are really freaking the Israelis out.

All Israel want is for the people of Gaza to leave or die, then they can expand their coastline a bit more.

This is the most disturbing thing about the current campaign; I've always been of the opinion that people who sit in refugee camps for 70 years down to the nth generation (as 2/3 of Gazans do) are kind of idiots; I'd have been over the border into Egypt decades ago, but the the problem now is that the Israelis have closed all the borders, (with two narrow exceptions that they control entirely), so Gazans can't leave even if they wanted to. They can't even get in boats because the Israeli navy is running a blockade. Effectively they've been put in a box where the only solutions are fight or die. Most generals would usually describe this as a very bad idea. So it doesn't seem to be "leave or die", just "die".


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
I knew there was no way Obama could leave Christians regardless of their 'foreigness' to die at the hands of radical muslims..air strikes and will be foot soldiers within a week..the whole frickin middle east is about to blow again and this has every chance of being a big one.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
Cake or death?



Down With That Sorta Thing
Dec 22, 2003
I knew there was no way Obama could leave Christians regardless of their 'foreigness' to die at the hands of radical muslims..air strikes and will be foot soldiers within a week..the whole frickin middle east is about to blow again and this has every chance of being a big one.

To be fair, trying to prevent 40,000 people from starving or dying of thirst up a mountain seems like a reasonable use of the American military, for once. And its not just Christians the Yanks are backing, ISIL are going after the Kurds now and the Americans can probably do some good by stopping them. But you're right, not pretty (I'd be really surprised if the Yanks put boots on the ground though).


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
So all my standards have gone out the window today and I have eaten junk. Had a fuckton to do this afternoon and ended up in McDonalds, meal wasn't as terrible as I expected actually but I can't say I was "full up" afterwards. The wife went to her mums for the weekend for her haircut and whatever daughters do with their mums for the weekend, mates are busy doing married stuff so opened a couple of bottles of wine.

I have shut the cat in the kitchen because I want to keep him in tonight because he is off to the vets for a check up on his chemotherapy tomorrow morning so no access to food really.

So I ordered a dominos. Franks hot chicken wings...not so hot, I would say Korma hot, and a pizza.

Ate it all and now an hour later I am hungry again. What the fuck is wrong with fast food? It really does not fill you up.


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
Ravens standards...
'I'll have the double cheeseburger with large fries but I must inform you I will not enjoy it one bit and I will be making a donation to Jamie Oliver's school meals campaign at the earliest opportunity.'


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
As an epileptic myself this is depressing..but it really concerns me that no specific offence has been committed...the world is changing beyond belief and the law is in denial..meanwhile people are trying to trace them online while the Police wash their hands of it..prosecution would be nigh impossible even for non assistance or discriminating against a disability..but its time the law is changed to reflect the consequences of instant sharing and humiliation by social media.

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