This strafing discussion.


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 23, 2003
such fools , strafing is working as intended, see it from a PoV, if it was a real battle, you would want to get out of the way and with /face and strafing around your opponent, theyre going to miss - this is a good feature instead of being staticly faced toward your opponent it gives your more versatility and the ability to dodge more and survive longer thus winning the fight.

Strafing is not bug abuse, it was written into the game for a reason. if you cant deal with it, perhaps you should go back to scr1pt0r h4x0ring Counterstrike.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 20, 2004
Crash said:
such fools , strafing is working as intended, see it from a PoV, if it was a real battle, you would want to get out of the way and with /face and strafing around your opponent, theyre going to miss - this is a good feature instead of being staticly faced toward your opponent it gives your more versatility and the ability to dodge more and survive longer thus winning the fight.

Strafing is not bug abuse, it was written into the game for a reason. if you cant deal with it, perhaps you should go back to scr1pt0r h4x0ring Counterstrike.

god, word crash :p


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 14, 2004
Puppet said:
Ok. I run it down to you:

a) When I strafe I still get killed. Which means Im still taking damage. Yet it takes them longer to kill me. Eg. with strafing I lower the damage dealt to me; but not entirely cancel it out. I die anyhow; so Im only reducing damage done to me; not nullifying.

b) You strafe to do more damage (by getting in position to do a better style; eg a side-positional).

So when I analyze this correctly: It is ok for a tank to strafe to do more damage but its not ok to strafe to reduce damage done to you.

Well Im pretty sure that suits offensive tanks just fine; no wonder that you dont like strafing. Casters dont like you using buffbot-resists, does this stop you doing that? Nope.

From my point-of-view your reasoning why strafing is lame is nothing more then being a hypocrit who dislikes all which gives him personally a harder time; but doing something similar which is beneficial to you is fine (eg. buffbot-resists; or strafing to land a positional on an enemy).

I move so i get into a better position to take the initial hit. When target is mezzed/stunned. Whats wrong with that? This doesnt including strafe to get there. I actually run to the side of my target and press /stick and after that side style.

How can you even compare this to the opposite? You strafe because you know /stick and /face dont work.

And if you die even though you use this its because the other healers in group isnt playing good enough. Or hero who dont guard. I have met many enemies who it just isnt possible to kill.

I use buffbots for my group. Who doesnt these days? Why whine about that?


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 4, 2004
Freppe said:
Theres no chance in heaven any good NS can go toe to toe without using AP against Infils. And no I didnt win cus i run through ppl, since I get the same in fights = equal.

I play sb on a server where alb hold all 3 str relics, so I know everything about
overpowered infils. As a shade you have 1 huge advantage over the infil, and
that's your attack spd, due to druid haste. If you in addition to this, start using the alch 20% attack speed penalty poison,im sure you'll have no trouble standing toe to toe with them. And with ap on 15 min timer, you must have it up most of the time? atleast that's how it feels when fighting shades, as they always pop it.

Imo sb's are far worse of towards infils then shades, yet i havent seen anyone take the "run through & stick" tactics to such lenghts as I saw in
your movie, I play on prydwen tho, maybe excal is different....


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 14, 2004
You all can use what you want. Noone can stop you. But at least dont whine on them who doesnt use it.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 20, 2004
If u didnt notice in the movie, I DONT use AP. AP for me is lame, and should be removed. Dont say SB's suck etc, cus every sb did 300 dmg on me each hit or so when they got relics that is. Without they suck yes but with, they > ns without AP. :)

Anyways i dont wanna make this into a class balance thread, but PPL play how they want, and nothing can be changed to that until MYTHIC fix the issue. Sure keep on whining how much you want, try get ur opponent a bad reputation cus he/she use it. Thats just more lame, play your way, and your enemy plays his. Whining and being offensive to ppl wont make it better.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 4, 2004
Freppe said:
If u didnt notice in the movie, I DONT use AP. AP for me is lame, and should be removed. Dont say SB's suck etc, cus every sb did 300 dmg on me each hit or so when they got relics that is. Without they suck yes but with, they > ns without AP. :)

Anyways i dont wanna make this into a class balance thread, but PPL play how they want, and nothing can be changed to that until MYTHIC fix the issue. Sure keep on whining how much you want, try get ur opponent a bad reputation cus he/she use it. Thats just more lame, play your way, and your enemy plays his. Whining and being offensive to ppl wont make it better.

So you find it lame to use AP, but not to do your little lag trick? ok..
But by all means, it's not illegal, so just continue using it, and i'll continue to
think it's lame.. Im sure mythic will do something about this in the future tho, we'll see :)

and btw, if a sb hit you for 300 pr swing, in your slash resistant armor,
you must have forgotten to enervate him, + he must have gotten som badass crit of.. Enervated, I hit shades for 90-130 (gotta love the dmg variance in this game).


Part of the furniture
Dec 24, 2003
Fadeh said:
I move so i get into a better position to take the initial hit. When target is mezzed/stunned. Whats wrong with that? This doesnt including strafe to get there. I actually run to the side of my target and press /stick and after that side style.

You move into better position to do more damage. I move into better position to do less damage. Whats the difference and whats wrong with that ?

How can you even compare this to the opposite? You strafe because you know /stick and /face dont work.

Its irrelevant that I know /stick and /face do not work. I know when I strafe I take lower damage (I still get hurt; trust me). What is wrong with that? Oh wait; you a tank; it makes you do your job harder.

You seem to be very hypocrit: It is ok to strafe to land positionals.

Fadeh said:
Yes i have used strafe to hit a positional.

Now correct me if Im wrong; these are your own words in this thread. So you strafe to do more damage. Im strafing to lower the damage. IS there any difference? Well; to me its nothing more then the one strafing gains a (small) advantage.

So it is ok to gain an advantage for you (look at your quote!) but it is not ok when I gain an advantage.

And if you die even though you use this its because the other healers in group isnt playing good enough. Or hero who dont guard. I have met many enemies who it just isnt possible to kill.

Total bollocks. Strafing does not make you 100% immune to melee. Actually it can be countered quite easy for slow-swingers just by backing off abit.

I use buffbots for my group. Who doesnt these days? Why whine about that?

You use buffbots to reduce damage done to you by getting the resists from it too. Notice how I am not the one saying this is a cheat; but that way you lower damage dealt to you.

And isnt it abit hypocrit if you think it is ok to lower damage done to you (by using magic resists-buffs from a BB) but it is not ok for me to lower damage done to me by using strafe? If you think strafing is lame but using buffbot-resists aint lame you got a very scewed point of view. Both are either lame or allowed; do not try to make a difference in it because both result in exactly the same. It is a tactic.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Crash said:
such fools , strafing is working as intended, see it from a PoV, if it was a real battle, you would want to get out of the way and with /face and strafing around your opponent, theyre going to miss - this is a good feature instead of being staticly faced toward your opponent it gives your more versatility and the ability to dodge more and survive longer thus winning the fight.

Strafing is not bug abuse, it was written into the game for a reason. if you cant deal with it, perhaps you should go back to scr1pt0r h4x0ring Counterstrike.

its not really a bug its just a not very well programmed feature, let someone sprint around in very small circles and watch him warping around (especially if he has a below average connection, is using that netlimitter program or bittorrent)

its not really illegal but it was probably not really intended to be used like this either, i dont really care about people moving around but the warping is kinda silly (i do it too and it works great but its still kinda bullshit to have to rely on 'uninteded features')...


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 29, 2003
Puppet said:
Buffbot-resists is 'lame' too. You exploiting something in the current game giving you for a limited time a passive way of avoiding damage.

You can discuss what you want but in a way buffbot-resists is exactly the same. Also Im pretty sure Mythic didnt put buffbots in the game for this use.

I dont think myhic thought of buffbots from the start, buffbot's is the same exploit as using bb resists, or all chars would have had buffs/self buffs.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 23, 2004
Maby strafing is lame but so are letting people blabb on irc about events such as RR´s keep takes etc. And that u have no problem whit fadeh.?
just wanna know if u think it´s OK to use private channels whit no pass on to blabb and destry the game for others?
This is no whine just a question to fadeh about he´s opinion how he stands moraly.:)

And im asking fadeh becuse i know he´s a calm/nice guy and usaly dont spit Bs on Fh like erm many other l33t albs:)

Either u :wub: me ore :flame: me and im pretty shure what sycho and Derric gona do o_O


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 14, 2004
Platina said:
Maby strafing is lame but so are letting people blabb on irc about events such as RR´s keep takes etc. And that u have no problem whit fadeh.?
just wanna know if u think it´s OK to use private channels whit no pass on to blabb and destry the game for others?
This is no whine just a question to fadeh about he´s opinion how he stands moraly.:)

And im asking fadeh becuse i know he´s a calm/nice guy and usaly dont spit Bs on Fh like erm many other l33t albs:)

Either u :wub: me ore :flame: me and im pretty shure what sycho and Derric gona do o_O

My first thaught was that as long as i talk to my guildmates its ok. Maybe that shouldnt be done in large public rooms as guild channels. Should perhaps only do this in private rooms.

Im aware i have said about this in pe channel once. Which i backed up with "Its my channel, i say what i want. If you dont like it then dont be in channel". I kinda regret that abit. That actual time it didnt matter as it was already 200albs at excal by then.

You cant stop information to spread in other mediums then ingame. After all,if im telling my brother that we are getting relic raided. Whos gonna sue me for that?

For relic raids to succeed you have to get quite long onto the doors when it gets discovered by the defenders. If the raid gets discovered before that its kinda impossible to succeed with the raid. Even without "people telling their brothers".

I doubt any raid actually got screwed because it got on irc. By then all whos online in the guilds already knew about it. Which most often is enough to defend.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 23, 2004
Fadeh said:
My first thaught was that as long as i talk to my guildmates its ok. Maybe that shouldnt be done in large public rooms as guild channels. Should perhaps only do this in private rooms.

Im aware i have said about this in pe channel once. Which i backed up with "Its my channel, i say what i want. If you dont like it then dont be in channel". I kinda regret that abit. That actual time it didnt matter as it was already 200albs at excal by then.

You cant stop information to spread in other mediums then ingame. After all,if im telling my brother that we are getting relic raided. Whos gonna sue me for that?

For relic raids to succeed you have to get quite long onto the doors when it gets discovered by the defenders. If the raid gets discovered before that its kinda impossible to succeed with the raid. Even without "people telling their brothers".

I doubt any raid actually got screwed because it got on irc. By then all whos online in the guilds already knew about it. Which most often is enough to defend.

Thanks for a honest answer fadeh. Was all i wanted to know.:)


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 10, 2004
How did you manage to fit so much shit into such a small post? :/


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 14, 2004
European Dark Age of Camelot Customer Support said:

There is no problem at all using ingame "strafing" ability in such conditions.

Yours sincerely,
European Dark Age of Camelot Customer Support

enuff said? :m00:


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
remi said:
enuff said? :m00:

ofcourse there is nothing wrong with the "strafing" ability...

but ask them if its ok to move in such a manner you warp around the whole screen?

(if they say yes then at least i know im not doing anything wrong :flame: :flame: )


Part of the furniture
Dec 23, 2003
remi said:
Originally Posted by European Dark Age of Camelot Customer Support


There is no problem at all using ingame "strafing" ability in such conditions.

Yours sincerely,
European Dark Age of Camelot Customer Support

Hmm, didnt help you last night when we prebooked a slam on you before we switched targets, went down in 3seconds after that :p

However it a joke when you cant hit a single time due to it, especially as using the game mechanics you able to create a warping effect as well as strafing to make it even harder to hit you. You still using the "strafing" ability in such conditions as they ment but you create a secondary effect to warp about. Is that still fine mate? i expect you say so as i know how you like to play thou :twak:


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
I don't use it. I get plenty of people that do it against my infiltrator, BUT I don't criticise people that do. To me it is exactly the same as using a buffbot, one-shot stay stealth, asd or rocket jumping in quakeworld. Yes, it can be frustrating when you're up against it but so were all the other things I mentioned.

Remi's official answer from GOA clearly states it is not against the CoC to use it, and saying mythic/GOA don't have a clue about bugs is totally baseless as they proved with the abuse of the necro los issue and various other bugs.

If you don't like the rules of the game; stop playing.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 14, 2004
opium said:
I dont get why some peoples calls strafeing lame or as a cheat.

Like, you are a gimpy-thane, and attack a Hero?
You do 100 damage in total per style, Hero does 600 damage, then it's OBVIOUS that you should strafe around, so he misses alot, = less damage, more chance to win, this tactic is the best in the game, like, would be very stupid just to stand still faceing eachother and just take "ouchie" hits?

Learn how to strafe and you will manage easier.

My english sucks since im swedish, but hope you get my point, so tired of this LAME STRAFE FUCKING NOOB QQ THREADS, and so.
Take it this way, if you dont strafe around, you're a noob, if you do, your smart and elit.

some1 finally got the point took only 2 years /clap xD


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 14, 2004
Fadeh said:
Strafe better then others? Let me guess that you dont come from the FPS world.

Its the /stick and /face commands that dont work opium. If you now didnt know that. Strafe works as it should. Its /stick and /face who dont work when someone strafe and run through the other person and causes out of view messages.

maybe dont use /stick /face then if some1 starts strafing zzz....


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 14, 2004
nick said:
I don't use it. I get plenty of people that do it against my infiltrator, BUT I don't criticise people that do. To me it is exactly the same as using a buffbot, one-shot stay stealth, asd or rocket jumping in quakeworld. Yes, it can be frustrating when you're up against it but so were all the other things I mentioned.

Remi's official answer from GOA clearly states it is not against the CoC to use it, and saying mythic/GOA don't have a clue about bugs is totally baseless as they proved with the abuse of the necro los issue and various other bugs.

If you don't like the rules of the game; stop playing.

well said! :worthy:

and Corran, ... slam > strafe :p


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 14, 2004
daoc_xianghua said:
maybe dont use /stick /face then if some1 starts strafing zzz....

Ok then what should i use then? mouse look and spin around when he keeps going through me?


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 23, 2004
Fadeh said:
Ok then what should i use then? mouse look and spin around when he keeps going through me?

when you gonna reply to Puppets last post/arguments against you?
seems like the usual i cant bullshit anymore so i just ignore reasoning from you :puke:


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 14, 2004
Fadeh said:
Ok then what should i use then? mouse look and spin around when he keeps going through me?

hard to explain in english since its not my motherlanguage but i´ll try

have you ever tried to copy the movement of your enemy i.e. strafe yourself in the same direction as your target ?

if you do it correctly you and your target spin all the time around each other and you end up facing each other

you´ll still miss more than normal (you miss the blow cuz you were strafing blah) but you dont get out of view so often anymore


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 14, 2004
Soulbringer said:
when you gonna reply to Puppets last post/arguments against you?
seems like the usual i cant bullshit anymore so i just ignore reasoning from you :puke:

Me and Puppet had a long discussion on irc. Because i realised it would take to long to get him to understand my point from writing posts. Im sure he can confirm this.

And when are you gonna start make real posts instead of doing your things with smileys etc.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 14, 2004
daoc_xianghua said:
hard to explain in english since its not my motherlanguage but i´ll try

have you ever tried to copy the movement of your enemy i.e. strafe yourself in the same direction as your oppenent ?

if you do it correctly you and your openent spin all the <a href="">time</a> and you end up facing each other

you´ll still miss more than normal (you miss the blow cuz you were strafing blah) but you dont get out of view so often anymore

You dont know how it is to play against it then. Its not like people just strafe in one direction. Look at the Valgair movie when he gets 5 enemies on him. How am anyone gonna be able to do reverse movement to that?


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
Yep when they strafe as bad as that it can be real awkward to hit due to the game being fucked up at the moment, what i do is i walk back and style.(seems to work but then i have to move to side of them again and do it, you have to keep moving around them following their movement)

GOA says there's nothing wrong with it probably because they have never tested it properly just like other things, afterall they are useless french ***** anyway, besides if you think it's working as it should, so if you played quake 3 and a guy strafed but warped ahead of you instead of being next to you would you say that's working fine?of course not.

Also with the server being kind of shit, strafing can be like warping sometimes.I know it's part of the game just saying that it's not working fully as it should be.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 14, 2004
Fadeh said:
You dont know how it is to play against it then. Its not like <a href="">people</a> just strafe in one direction. Look at the Valgair <a href="">movie</a> when he gets 5 enemies on him. How am anyone gonna be able to do reverse movement to that?

i played against alot of strafers i used to do it and it worked well and as i said you can´t avoid strafe 100% with that but its possible to get alot more hits in than if you just stand still. And tbh to cry about strafing is like to tell some1 to stop moving in a FPS..... ppl always done it and ppl will always do it and ofc there will always be ppl who will whine about it =)
you think the whine will change anything ?


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 31, 2004
fadeh..stop using bb for resist u drop my grps dmg because of it...
erm will u stop NO..then dont come and tell us to stop, saying its lame etc...
u sound like a 14yearo kid...


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 24, 2004
It's part of the game now.. and I feel it goes some way towards nerfing overpowered tank groups which dominate rvr.

Fadeh , I understand you get angry when people use it ; but think how annoyed it makes other people when you use buffbot resists and completely nerf pbaoe to the extent strafe bug does to melee.

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