My mother finally died at 5.30 a.m. Poor woman. That has taken exactly 8 months.
Thanks everyone.
I have spent the last few weeks arranging a funeral.
I told this ghastly man that I was doing it and that I'd tell him when it was finalized. First I get an e mail saying my mother would want me to work with him to do her wishes but by the way He's found a note saying she's not leaving us anything because we are SO awful.
I try and ignore him but it's so difficult. The funeral is organised, tastefully, everything is booked including hotels and days off work for me and my three children. And I get another e mail saying he's found her funeral wishes!!! Different music, different city etc!! In October he had no idea what she wanted. Says I must change it all.
Fortunately the undertaker has more or less told him to mind his own business. But I dread him going to court even tho I don't think he has a leg to stand on. I'm dreading the funeral if we even get that far.....
No that's the trouble. He's 200 miles away, and he has the will and now says there is an old one and the new one is totally different. Trying to work out how to get them from him.He's trying to be an arse up until the last it seems. Chin up and when its over you'll hopefully never have to deal with him again.
Have you seen these notes he's talking about, or is he just making it up?
Glad you can start putting it behind youFuneral is done and dusted. It all went amazingly well, simple and tasteful I thought. Just had this awful feeling throughout that he was going to start something.
We still await the will but for now I'm going to try and get back to real life.